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Latest revision as of 02:47, 4 June 2018

The Delinquent and the Klepto
Date of Scene: 12 May 2018
Location: Sunnydale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Dawn Summers

Faith Lehane has posed:
The Magic Box is, as always, devoid of customers. The only person who has been in today was a young lady with wild mousy brown hair and lots of freckles who was buying herbs and trying to look like she was busy or special. Faith chased her out of the store with a scowl, waving a book about magic and sexuality over her head. She sets the book asside and shakes her head, roaming the inside of the place and snatching items off the shelves, throwing them into a bag.
"Look, there's something crazy going on. I need this to ward off Sufra Demons, this is to ensure sleep to keep the Nightmares at bay- actually, one is a chestnut- and this is because I ran out of cloves earlier and I want to smoke something that won't get me high. And I'm going to go back and trash the training equipment. Sound cool?"

As she speaks Faith stuffs items into a duffel bag. Apparently, she's decided it's cool all on her own.

Dawn Summers has posed:
It's Saturday. The best thing about Saturday? You don't have to be at frigging high school on Saturday. Dawn's had all day to do what she wanted. Admittedly, part of that was "sleeping in". Then there was "hanging out with her friends". And now there's "Go show up to be with the Scoobies". Which means she comes into the store. There's a moment of surprise when she sees Faith.

After that moment of hesitation, she tries to puff up to hang out with the cool people, of whom Faith is one. She tries the whole "shoulders back, chest out, stand up tall", and tries to put as much swagger in her stride as she can. (Protip: Dawn is bad at swagger.)

"Hey, Faith. How's it going?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith is just shoving an entire bundle of witch hazel into her bag when Dawn comes swaggering into the shop. She arches abrow when she catches sight of the youngest Scooby, looking the girl over briefly from head to toe. For a second Faith is stifling a laugh but there's still a smile as she turns toward the door. "Hey, look at *you*. Looking for something special? Trying to get a date for the rave tonight?" Dawn wasn't told about any rave tonight. "Slip them a little something. There's a good recipe for, uh, 'love' potions over here..." She tilts her head toward the back. "Want to check it out?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn is, truth be told, kind of trying to emulate Faith. Why wouldn't she? Faith is the archetype "bad girl" around here. She hadn't heard about any rave, but she certainly perks up once she DOES hear about it. A rave? And on a Saturday so no one can complain about her being out later than normal. "Sure, totally!" Dawn says, trying to make it sound like she of course knew about this all along. "You're going, right?" Because as much as she wants to be cool, she might be a little nervous going it alone.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Because I don't have anything better to do on a saturday night than go to a highschool rave," Faith begins in a mutter, but she stops herself when she sees Dawn's expression. "...Of course I'm going. Come on, let's check out that book and then we can find you something to wear." Faith reaches out and place a hand on Dawn's arm. "This'll be fun. You know, we never get to hang out. We should fix that. It can be, like, girl's night or something."

Dawn Summers has posed:
Squee. No, wait. SQUEE!!!!!! It's not just in her head, there's actually enough that there's this little squeak she makes when Faith agrees. It's kind of adorable. "Oh, that sounds awesome! Are we going to go to a store, or do we wanna see if I've got anything that might work?"

No, Dawn has nothing that would work for a rave. But...hanging out? YES PLEASE. "That sounds awesome!" Even if her sister won't think so.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"...Your closet? Right. I'll probably find My Little Pony pajamas in there." Faith shakes her head. "No, don't worry. I got this. We'll just hit a couple of places I like and then, I don't know. Maybe get you a makeover? Stick with me and we'll make it work. How attached are you to your hair?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
"I don't have Pony pajamas! I haven't since I was like 9!" She doesn't, only because she outgrew them. "Oh, WOW. A makeover?? That sounds...kind of awesome!" A pause, at that last. "Ummm...I kinda like my hair? I mean, I don't want to cut it or anything." It's her favorite feature.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Okay, okay. Fine. No haircut. How do you feel about tattoos?" Faith pauses or a second. "How do you feel about tattoos?" With that, Faith is tugging on Dawn's left hand pulling her toward the back of the shop. There was a love spell she mentioned, remember? It's all moving terribly quickly.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Love spells could be cool. Maybe. As long as it doesn't end up cast on her, because that's how things always work. She follows Faith, moving along. "Ummm...I think my mom would kill me. And I think Buffy would kill you. Or try to." She says, awkwardly.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"I meant a fake one, kid. Jeeze, who do you think I am? I'm not totally irresponsible. Although..." She lifts her hands, framing Dawn with her fingers as if she were setting up for a photo. "Meet me halfway. Washable temp tattoos and hair dye. You've got to do *something* because..." Faith cuts herself off with a slightly derisive laugh, then shrugs "It's a party. You'll have fun. *Trust* me." She is snatching up the book now. "But we should get out of here before Giles makes me pay for this shit."

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn's eyes light up. "That sounds AWESOME." Because it does. It's like Halloween; a chance to be-what-you're-not. And she is all in favor of that. "Lead on! I'm good!" Even if she's got a little bit of Eager Puppy Syndrome going on here. "I won't tell Giles anything." she adds.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Of course not." The book goes into Faith's bag as well. She weaves through the shop, opening the door to the tune of a ringing bell. Giles pokes his head out from the back and Faith gives him a quick wave and a mock salute before tugging Dawn outside with her.

"So." Faith pauses for approximately a second. "You tell me. What are *you* picturing when you think Rave? Your night. Your vision. Come on... Dazzle me."

Dawn Summers has posed:
"Um. Eyeliner. Leather. Lots of black." Let's face it, Dawn's a little too good-girl to have much experience with an actual rave. So basically, she's ending up describing Faith. "Push-up bra."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Eyeliner. Lots of black. Push-up bra..." Faith pauses for a second, eyes narrowing. "I do *not* wear a push-up bra," she replies, shaking her head. "Look. You are going to look ridiculous cosplaying me, kid. Le'ts try something more... You. Let's try colouring your hair and then we'll find you a dress." Like Faith would be caught dead in a dress. "But first... Tattoos. If anyone asks you they're real. Okay?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn waves her hands. "No, no! I didn't say you did! I said I should! I mean..." she looks down. Blushes. "I could use the help." she mutters. "Tattoos! Right, totes real." She looks grateful for the topic change. "Lead on!"

Faith Lehane has posed:
"You'll get there." Faith glances down too and shrugs. "The rest of you is small too. You're still growing." With a laugh, Faith elbows Dawn lightly in the arm and then drags the other girl along behind her. "So..."

Shopping temporary tattoos is an exercise in imagination. The sheer number of designs available is absolutely staggering. Faith is perusing knives and skulls and other classic Americana. Though there is a section full of flowers, unicorns, fuzzy bunnies... "How do you feel about skeletons riding flaming motorcycles?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn moves to follow, looking around at options. She blinks at the proposal. "That sounds bad-ass!" Ooh, little Dawnie used a bad word. "I think that would be great. Where are we gonna put it?" she looks at her arms, assuming that.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"On your arm. We should put something a bit... less murdery on your thigh," Faith suggests in her most reasonable voice. "Red rose, maybe. And then a miniskirt and some heels and we'll be halfway there. Listen, though. Do you have any cash on you...?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
Almost another squeak. "Thigh? Um...yeah, I have my allowance..." she rummages around, and actually comes up with /some/ money, tugging out some twenties. Dawn isn't one to spend too much usually, which gives her a reserve. Plus, the little klepto occasionally supplements her income.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Lighting fast, Faith reaches out to snatch the cash out of Dawn's hand. "Perfect. Okay. Yes, your thigh. You have one, right?" Faith shrugs and turns away on a heel. "Okay, so we might be a little short for the dress. Let's get this done and we can figure out what to do next over lunch?" Which Dawn is paying for, clearly.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Another bit of puffing-up. "Yeah, of course I do. And...I can probably manage to wrangle up a little more. I think I have a cash card somewhere." Or, more like she can lift a credit card from someone on the way. "So, do these just go on like a sticker, or?..."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"You slap it on with the paper attached and press it with a wet sponge for a minute or two, then pull the paper off," Faith responds, shrugging as she does. "Anyway..."

There's a bit of hurrying involved. Faith orders three cheeseburgers on Dawn (AKA, some handsy prick)'s dime, then drags her all over to buy a sleeveless black minidress, earrings, a stud for her upper lip, three inch heels, and blue hairdye. Black mascara. A new leather jacket for Faith and one for Dawn as well. Once they've changed it's already late evening and they're just arriving at the shady looking warehouse where the Rave is happening. The flashing lights and music are a hint. So is the guy off to the left half in the shadows who is puking his guts out.

The bounce is a tall, muscular guy who is probably forty pounds overweight and then an extra eighty pounds of muscle. He eyes both Faith and Dawn somewhat warily as they approach the doors. "ID," the guy asks in a bored tone. Faith shoulders her bag, then offers over a fake. 21-years-old? Yeah, right. The guy shrugs.

"ANd your little friend?" Dawn is getting stared at. Even dressed up with makeup and hair dye. A couple of guys stroll past. The one on the left flashes Dawn a grin before they both stroll inside.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn isn't sure she's going to pass for old enough even in the BEST of situations. She looks over to Faith, her expression clearly saying it all: /what/ fake ID? She might aspire to bad-girl-dom. But she's not very GOOD at being bad.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Don't worry, I got this. WOn't you let us in? You know, for me?" Faith reaches up and runs her arm down the bouncer's arm. He glowers. "Look," the guy says. "My boyfriend is inside partying. I don't have /time/ for you, bitch. ID or you don't get in." Faith nods slowly.

A moment later Faith has twisted the arm of a man who is actually two and a half times her size around behind his back and shoved him back toward the door. "LEt us in or I'll break your fucking arm," Faith suggests helpfully. The guy gestres them both in with his free hand as his face turns red.

"Thanks," Faith chirps as she gestures for Dawn to head inside. The party is hot, a room with strobing lights full of people pressed close together, most of whom are in varying degrees of undress while the walls literally rattle from the volume of the on-stage music. A couple people are watching Dawn as she comes in.

"Welcome to the party, kiddo. You should go say hi to one of those guys who are checking you out."

Dawn Summers has posed:
    "That was awesome." Dawn admits, her eyes wide. The music and the beat are infectious. She beams once to Faith, who today is being the big sister she WANTS, instead of the overprotective, not-fun one she has. She gives a wave, and then does her best strut over towards some of the guys.

Faith Lehane has posed:
    Faith disappears to talk to some shady looking chick who is standing in the shadows off to the left. Meanwhile, the guys Dawn is approaching are grinning as she comes over. "Hey," says the first, a slender blonde with piercing blue eyes and a confidence that borders on sly. The second guy is black, a bit more muscular, with a serious expression. He nods at Dawn.

"Nice tattoos. I couldn't help but notice you come in. You look new here... Would you like a drink?" They're both smiling.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Grown-up times for the win! "Yeah." Dawn says, faking a confidence she doesn't really feel. "A drink sounds great." She's trying very hard to act and seem older than she really is. "Thanks. I'm Dawn." She'll flit an eye off to see where Faith went to, but she doesn't see her. Dang it.

Faith Lehane has posed:
A quick survey of the crowd shows that some of the people here are wearing little glowy bracelets. When the second guy peels off and shows his wrist instead of his ID in order to acquire a couple glasses the meaning becomes obvious. It's an 18+ club but the 'bar' table is 21+. It's almost like this place is a legitimate business. Who would have figured *that*? They soon return to offer Dawn a glass that contains amber liquid that is definitely not beer. If Dawn knows the difference.

"I'm Kyle," the first guy offers. "And this is my friend Jeremy. So, ah... You seem nervous. First rave?" Kyle flashes a smile. It's actually a really nice smile. It seems as though Jeremy is playing wingman for the moment, screening other people while the pair talk.

"I really like the jacket. Vintage, right?" It's not. Faith has a good eye, though.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn really doesn't. She's assuming it's beer. Of course, if she were better at this, she'd know you never take a drink you didn't get YOURSELF, or watch from start to finish. She smiles and takes the glass, taking a drink. "Nervous? No, I'm not nervous." After all, she's doing her best to try and be as confident as possible. "And picked it up for today. After all, gotta look good." She tosses some of her dyed hair, dramatically. She's trying her level-best to act like she thinks Faith would.

Faith Lehane has posed:
After a few minutes of chatting Kyle smoothly sets his drink aside and reaches to take Dawn's hand. She's already imbibed a fair amount of hard liquor by this point, though it's been mixed in a way that leaves it deceptively fruity in flavour and not at all bitter on the tongue. Really, it's more enjoyable than a first beer would probably be.

"We should dance!" Kyle calls over the noise as he attempts to drag the girl with him toward the floor. Faith is still nowhere in sight. About now Dawn might be feeling... Off. Is it the alcohol or was there something strange in it? It's hard to tell. What does getting drunk feel like anyway?

Dawn Summers has posed:
Fruity drinks are best drinks. The teenager, despite trying to be a badass, lets out a giggle as she gets tugged to the dance floor. "Yeah! Dancing sounds awesome!" She moves out to the floor with Kyle, and she'll start to dance with him, doing her best to sexy-dance. Not that she's good at it, but she's trying.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Kyle seems happy to dance wildly. It's almost oppressively hot on the dance floor. The smells are mingling. Fruit, some body ordor, perfumes. Sweat is pouring down the fae of a woman beside Dawn who is dressed in a two piece swimsuit, and others don't seem to fare better. They blink to fight the salt sinting their eyes and just dance faster and more wildly. SOmeone presses up to Dawn from behind as she's dragged further onto the floor.

The strobing lights make it hard to get a clear view of everything this far in, but there's Kyle. Right in front of Dawn. Sweat is spilling down his face as well. He dances close, apparently finding Dawn's flailing interesting enough to play into it.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn dances, blinkin in surprise. Someone in a swimsuit? But, dancing, and she's caught up in the mix. Despite her lack of natural sexy, the drink and the moment are catching up with her, and she ends up actually doing pretty well, pressing against the people who are pressing into her, and when she sees Kyle there, she'll lean in and try to kiss him, caught up in the moment.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Kyle seems surprised but he returns the kiss immediately. His arms go around Dawn and he drags her close, smelling of sweat and alcohol... And frui, of course. somehow, it's less pleasant taken in the context of close physical contact. It's so hot, however, Kyle is like a furnace. After a little while he pulls back, a bit breathlessly. There are sweat stains on his shirt.

"A friend told me about a secret party. Might be- less... Hot..." Kyle takes a couple panting breaths, then Dawn's hand. "Want to go back with me?"

Dawn Summers has posed:
So hot. In more ways than one. She steps back, but takes the offered hand. "That...sounds awesome." Wasn't there something she should be keeping track of? Someone? It can wait. Party. Secret party. That's way more important right now.

This is exactly how Dawn ends up getting herself in trouble. Bad decisions are made. And right now, she makes the decision to go off with Kyle. Hopefully there's some Slayer backup in the wings.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Kyle leads Dawn confidently towards a... Janitor closet. He looks over at Dawn and says gently, "Relax. It's just a cover." There's that smile again. Kyle leads Dawn through the door and then to the back of the dark closet where he knocks on the back wall. Hard. After it's been just long enough to think Dawn might have made a mistake a door pops open and swings open to reveal awell-lit, lushly appointed lounge. There's Jeremy.

"Glad you could make it, Kyle. And you brought your new girl?" Jeremy smiles a bit too widely. He's to sweating at all, probably due to having been back here. There's even air conditioning. A couple other men and women are scattered around, chatting. They all look up when Kyle enters. "Just in time for the real party. Perfect."

The door swings shut.

Dawn Summers has posed:
The closet gets Dawn to hesitate some. But there's a secret lounge? A secret club? This. Is. Awesome. She moves into the area, and then smiles, just a little sheepishly. All these people. "Hi there...I'm Dawn." she introduces herself.

Hopefully it's not the last thing she ever gets to say.

Faith Lehane has posed:
A tall, slender asian goth in black leather shorts, a tank top, match lipstick and mascara, and a spiked choker moves toward Dawn, eyes wide. She's watching the way the girl introduces herself and licking her lips. "Hello, Dawn." It's almost a purr. Kyle watches this as well, arching a brow.

"She's mine, Kei," the guy replies, arching a brow. "Go hang out with Karen." Then the guy flashes Dawn a smile. "It's okay. Really. They're super nice. Hey, let me get you some water?"

Kyle releases Dawn's hand and moves away from her toward the refrigerator. He turns back toward Dawn, a cup with lemon on it in hand, but Jeremy moves to block his way. There's no contest, really. Jeremy is much bigger. "Hey, dude. Not. Cool."

Meanwhile. Kei advances on Dawn. Slowly. She smiles sweetly as she comes closer. "Where did Kyle find you? You're a lovely little thing. And..." She sniffs the air. "Nervous. It's okay. I promise. You'll fit right in."

There's a loud thump in the background, muted by the wall.

Dawn Summers has posed:
"Some water sounds great. It's really hot in here. Is anyone else hot?" Maybe it's just the alcohol? Maybe it's the nervousness. She looks over towards Kyle, but then Kei's there. Which is...a little weird? She has no problems with lesbians...Tara and Willow being the defining examples. But she's not in that category.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"I'm fine. Come here," Kei suggests in a sweet voice. "You won't be hot much longer." Kei's face suddenly shifts, complete with fangs. The makeup makes her look like a ghast, pale and unnerving with hollowed eyes. Kyle shouts unintelligibly but then Jeremy's face changes as well. Suddenly Kyle is being pinned bodily against a wall. The other two appraoc from the far side of the room.

"Good job, Jeremy," one of them offers then. "Dinner's never been this easy before."

There's another thump. ANd a third. The world is shaking.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Oh...crap. Even drunk, even drugged, Dawn's aware enough to realize THAT is a horrible idea. She shrieks a little, and tries to backpedal, stumbling back. Remember the heels? Dawn doesn't. She ends up sitting down hard.

The first words out of her mouth are "Buffy!!!!!!" But it's followed an instant later by "Faith!!!!"

Faith Lehane has posed:
The world shakes a--- no. It's not the entire world. Dawn was right next to the door she'd come through. It disappears into the wall, but it's obvious now. It creaks and shakes as Kei moves to grab Dawn. She- and all of the vampires- turn to look at the rumbling, creaking wall. Kyle elbows Jeremy in the face and dashes away from him, sprinting toward Kei.

"Get away from her, monster!!!" Just as Kyle leaps at Kei the wall explodes outward in a shower of splinters. The reinforced door smashes into one of the vampires and pins him to the floor. The hinges tore out of the wooden walls, apparently. There's Faith standing over it.

"It's that bitch who was following me the other day," Jeremy calls. He snarls and lunges at her. Faith punches him between the eyes and then smashes the stake in her left hand into his chest. He turns to dust as the other two leap at Faith from both sides.

Meanwhile, beside Dawn Kyle is wrestling with Kei. She knocks him to the floor next to Dawn, bleeding from his nose. Kyle struggles to get up and gets kicked in the face. Kei is standing over Dawn now, ignoring her completely. "You little punk..."

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn doesn't have a whole lot of choices...and she's not really much of a fighter. But she's in a good position. And being ignored? She puts both feet together, and kicks, heels up, at the junction of Kei's legs, since she's standing over her. "Get away from us!"

Faith Lehane has posed:
Kei topples to the ground with a shout and then Kyle is on top of her. Faith, meanwhile, is wrestling with two vampires and doing a pretty godo job of boxing them both. She's getting bloodied, however. Matted hair, blood on her shirt. Nothing too unusual for Faith, really. In the end, however, she knocks one to the ground and stakes the other as he leaps at her. After that, it's just clean up.

Kyle roars, punching Kei over and over now that he is atop her. Then she simply tosses Kyle into a wall. "I will *kill* you," Kei observes then. She stands up and turns toward Kyle... And gets a stake through the back.

"Should probably work on your peripheral vision." Faith takes a deep breath. "You okay, kiddo?"

Kyle groans and shifts on the floor. He hit his head pretty hard when he was tossed.

Dawn Summers has posed:
"No, I'm not okay!!! I almost just became a party favor!" Dawn protests. She's rattled, her nervousness and anger the only thing that's stopping her from breaking out in teenage tears. "I wanna get out of here!"

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Yeah, I noticed. You're pretty wild. Maybe a little too suicidal, but..." Faith is shaking her head, half-smirking. "Get up. Come on. You're safe. It's okay."

Kyle gets up slowly and moves toward Dawn. "It's okay, Dawn. I'll make sure you're-"

"She's fifteen, guy. You want to spend the next ten years in jail bem my guest." Kyle disappears down the hallway through the now-missing door. Faith shakes her head. "Come on... Let's get going."

Dawn Summers has posed:
Normally, Dawn would protest and complain about being called out for being fifteen. The fact that she DOESN'T is a mark of exactly how shook she is. She hugs herself, not wanting to be touched right now. "Yeah. Let's go home." she says, voice quiet.