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Latest revision as of 02:55, 4 June 2018

Night Flyer
Date of Scene: 13 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Catwoman

Gambit has posed:
A shriek through the night thats not exactly a sound you hear in the middle of the city. It is followed by a low whistle and then... a shout? A loud cry of something breaking through the sky above. The sounds in New York at night are easy to make out often, backfires, music, domestic shouts, partying, loud talking, trains, this, this is very different.

From a rooftop, even the high ones the noise comes again, low to loud again and then there is an abrupt CRASH as a green house is impacted, the top of it erupting with the sound of shattering, crashing and toppling.
Another screech, inhuman and bizarre then a glowing brilliant snap and pop that appears, lights up the neon glow around the dark structure then fades out again.

Most night creepers, crawlers, workers, insomniacs and stargazers at these hours duck back in to the safety of their homes. BUT there are those... ever curious or simple just wrong place wrong time.

Catwoman has posed:
With New York City not that far from Gotham, it isn't much of a surprise for the cat burglar to be seen on its streets. Harlem may not be the richest area, far from it, but it's easy to move through to wealthier areas without fear of too many do-gooder's eyes on her.

Sporting her inky black suit and a full face helmet, Selina navigates the streets on her motorcycle, making her way south to richer parts of the city. It would've been a simple night for her, but things are never always that easy.

The sharp noise from above is heard even through her helmet as she slows at a stoplight, looking up just in time for her visor to reflect the odd glow a block down. What the.. Curiosity getting the better of her, she wheels ahead and off into an alley once the light changes, setting helmet aside and donning the rest of her thieving attire before scaling the fire escape and making her way across the rooftops towards the strange sight.

Gambit has posed:
The ruckus atop the rooftop is a loud on and off beat of pops, explosions, shouts and what could be animal noises the more one hears them clearly.

The Catwoman's approach goes unnoticed, the motorcycle quiet enough shes given freedom to scale and become witness to the disturbance. A rooftop leap and another shes able to catch a visual now.

A thing, towering a good nine feet or so flails in a circle, sweeping large batlike wings out at a solo individual, a lean, supple built man in a trenchcoat that is bounding around with a graceful prowess of an acrobat, a bo-staff clutched in his hants, spinning and 'slapping' it in drum beats of punishment against that beastly oddity.

A new roar from it and she'll realize it has a humanoid body yet reptilian features, spines, those leathery wings and a tail. Hisses, roars, garbles and other bizarre unnatural sounds escape it's maw.

The male it is facing off against appears to be tiring, possibly wounded from the way he is favoring his left shoulder, the momentum of his fighting back at it beginning to slow down, weakening. Exhauston and pain no doubt setting in. A trained fighter like Catwoman knows exactly where this duel is going to end up...
Barney the flying evil dinosaur is going to make a meal out of a handsome Cajun.

Catwoman has posed:
When you live in an era of superheros, mutants, and monsters, is it really all that surprising to come upon a sight like this? Probably not, but it's still rather jarring to see the winged, reptilian creature facing off against what she would assume is one of those heroes. ..Now she /could/ just slip off and continue on her way like she never saw anything, but, well, she could possibly get a reward if she helps. ..And she's not /that/ bad of a person, but we won't mention that.

Reaching to one of her boots, Selina withdraws two metal spikes from a hidden sheath and sprints towards the fight, making a leap across the gap dividing the buildings while whipping the spikes at the beast to get its attention. "Seems like you've bitten off more than you can chew!" She remarks to the trenchcoat clad fighter without looking his way, unwraveling her bullwhip and snapping it out to wrap around one of the monster's limbs to halt it a moment.

Gambit has posed:
A hero? Not if you ask Remy, he likes to pretend, aspire but his guilt is a rather heavy weight. Much like the hefty tail he is now being swatted with. A flip-tumble and roll to his knees has him spotting Catwoman, just as she speaks, "Be surprised what I can fid in dis here mouth, chere." The man's acccent present yet with his ragged breathing it is huffed, not entirely clear.

The reptilian flyer glances over it's shoulder a moment too slow, it's forearm and wrist bound in tha bullwhip, the vicious swat it was about to deliver the mutant full stopped, Catwoman can tell the thing is incredibly strong. It will without her getting some leverage try to jerk her over to their rooftop.

An opportunity opens as it focuses on Selina, the man in the trench coat curls his fingers in to the chalky rooftop and broken bits of greenhouse to hurl a spray of debris at the creature, a lightshow of purple and violets popcorns in an explosion, sending it backwards, staggering towards the gap between the building they are both and the one that is across from them, the one Catwoman is perched at the lip of. It's balance right this moment, nil.

Catwoman has posed:
A sharp smirk graces dark painted lips and a chuff of a laugh escapes Selina at Remy's reply. But she can't get much of a witty comment out as teeth grit and boots plant against the lip of the building's edge, bracing against the pull on her whip to keep from being yanked over. Damn, this thing really is strong.

Unfortunately stopping it's attack puts the crosshairs on her, the woman bracing herself for what's to come. Luckily Remy takes the opening he's given, putting on some strange lightshow that disorients the monster and nearly Selina. She squints against the light, tinted goggles helping, but sees her chance as the lizard staggers to the edge. With a hard grunt she throws herself into the whip with all she can muster to throw off the creature's balance and send it over the edge. If she can she'll give a quick flick down the length of her whip as it topples over to unwrap its arm and save her from going with it.

Gambit has posed:
Once the kinetic discharge clears and tendrils of smoke are trickling off the lizards chest Remy is prepped to go in again, hard. Yet he doesn't have to as Selina tugs hard and the creature, backwards free falling is in no position to keep itself aloft, it starts to plummet flailing in grabs in a feeble attempt to fight gravity. No luck. It disappears in a crash and bang of whatever obstructions lie below and between those two buildings.

The man straightens up, a slight limp to his lanky form as he moves nearer the edge and looks down, a low long whistle escaping him, "Dat a doozy of a fall." A look up, a lopsided splay of his hair falling over red-black gleaming eyes and he gives Catwoman a crooked grin.
"Not every day I get to be de dude in distress an' rescued wit such style."

Catwoman has posed:
Already at the edge, Selina has the pleasure of watching as the odd creature plummets several stories and disappears. Is it dead? Did it link off into the shadows? Who knows, but she's happy to have it gone. "Good riddance." She huffs while wrapping her whip where it belongs around her hips and dusting her gloves in finality.

It's then Remy's turn to hold her attention, the woman regarding him across the gap with a hand on a cocked hip and a curious little cant of her head. "I do try, though I'd say you're the one with style with all that razzle dazzle." A few steps are taken back, giving herself some room before she makes a graceful leap to his side and steps down from the ledge.

"You mind explaining just what that thing was, stranger?" She hums in question while looking him over with intrigue, focusing primarily on those odd eyes of his, though the goggles make it hard to tell where she's looking. Hm.. Either he's some superhuman or he's got a strange taste in contact lenses.

Gambit has posed:
"Gambit." Remy insists with a continued smile, one he has obviously practiced.
"You can call me, Gambit if it so pleases you, petit."

"Razzle dazzle, oh you mean' dem lil sleight o' hand tricks? Dat nothin'. Smoke an' mirrors." He disregards it with a wave, gauging the distance about to leap to her side when she beats him to it, likely safer. He is injured after all.
"Impressive. I see you no stranger to de urban survival game."

"Dat thing a mutate, bit o' AIM mingled with some real crazy spliced up reptile genes, been tracking them down wit a friend of mine. This the first one that got wings tho'."

Catwoman has posed:
"Catwoman." Selina introduces back with a quirk to the corner of her lips. "And whatever you did, at least it got rid of that thing." A casual lean to look back over into the alley. "AIM..?" Her nose crinkles slightly at that before leaning back and regarding him again. "Well, then I doubt that fall killed it. But you don't exactly look like you're ready to take on another one." A motion to his entirety, what with the limping and all. And while he's alive and well and she should move on, it wouldn't exactly hurt to offer some extra help and gain another connection in this city. "Need a ride somewhere? I don't think you'll get too far with that limp."

Gambit has posed:
"Me, never been better." Remy look down at himself, fibbing of course, then gives a sly sidelong leer towards Catwoman, "Though standin' next to you making me look a bit like somethin' that crawl up on out of de gutter."
A low chuckle and he dusts himself off, she is not wrong. He is far too injured to try and tangle with that thing or any like it again tonight.

"Now, you up an gonna give me a ride too, I suppose it be rude of me to say and really, it beat an Uber at dis hour."

"You're on, you know where the Avenger's Mansion is, chere?"
"Be real appreciative."

Catwoman has posed:
"Well, aren't you sweet." Selina coos with the flash of a smile in playful flattery, reaching gloved hand out to flick a bit of his hair out of the way with a claw. "But don't sell yourself short, you're not so bad yourself. Love the eyes." Smile widens into a grin before she turns to make her way to the building's fire escape. "Avenger's Mansion? Fancy one, aren't you? I know the way, though. Meet you at the bottom, dear." A little waggle of digits over her shoulder waves his way before she drops and makes her way down the metal stairway.

However he gets down, Selina will be waiting on the street when he does, helmet replacing her cowl as she straddles her motorcycle. "Hop on and hold tight. Though try not to get too handsy." She teases, the grin clear in her voice behind the visor.

Gambit has posed:
Remy lets out a smooth laugh, the flick of his hair causes a squint of those indicated eyes, "Glad you approve, chere, style recognize style, no?"

"Yeh, de mansion. Fancy, not hardly no, I more squatting than anything there. Its a fun lil story."

Unable to say much more before she is off, deftly and artfully descending, his due to injury not so slick but nothing to shake a stick at. Joining her upon the cycle. No bashful hesitation in the quick wrap of his limbs about her waist. Though is respectful about it and will keep his head down behind hers, no one wants to pick bugs out of their teeth...