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Latest revision as of 06:23, 4 June 2018

Mutant Kidnappings: Rising Tensions
Date of Scene: 17 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A new villain arrives on the scene.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Harley Quinn
Tinyplot: Mutant Kidnappings

Iron Man has posed:
    Something feels off at the hospital. There's a tension in the air. The employees - from janitors to doctors - seem to be jumpy, uncertain. Should the police be called? Were they called? But if called, what would one say, 'It feels tense here'? That's no report. There's a tangible uncertainty or threat hovering over the place. A sweetness on the tongue to some villains, maybe: that there is a silky fear permeating the building's staff.

    There's something going on. Outside, there's more clear evidence of it: the ambulances are arranged in a strange row, entirely unmanned and abandoned looking.

Harley Quinn has posed:
One nurse is meandering amongst the ambulances lined up outside. Her crisp dress is too short, and too tight. Her old-fashioned cap is starched and perched atop impeccably updone hair, and her skin is pale. Too pale to be natural. All in all, she could be a photograph of a World War II nurse. Exceot, of course, for the thin domino mask and the sensuous curve of black lips as they curl into a smile.

"Sooomebody's up to somethiiiing..." she chirps in a singsong voice, as she trails one finger down the side of an ambulance.

Iron Man has posed:
    From the back of one of the 'abandoned' ambulances there's a response to the nurse's voice. It is a rough looking male with a tattooed neck: weird barbed wire puncturing a series of balloons on the image. He's dressed properly as an ambulance driver, hat pulled down firmly over his brow. He's possibly familiar to her: he's one of the general goons that can easily be paid to do any number of wrongdoings around Gotham if the price is right. He's definitely no ambulance driver, even if he has a great costume.
    "Wut you doin' out here?" he says, with a touch of proper goon guard arrogance, with an appraising look at her short-skirted backside.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Nurse Harley turns around to look at the goon, nibbling the tip of her index finger with a playful giggle. "Now now...I don't -really- think you're in a position to question li'l ol' me. In fact, I -do- believe the Hospital is MY turf, this mont," she bluffs, approaching him with an air of confidence that borders on--no, surpasses narcissism.

"I think the question -is- what are YOU doin' out here?"

Iron Man has posed:
    The goon didn't expect that response from her, really. He's surprised, but still doing his job. He's probably being paid reasonably well. "Savin' lives," the guy goes with, with a huge grin, that suggests that he probably doesn't give any shits at all about saving any lives. "Meetin' this hot nurse, even better," the guy adapts, seeming to remember his role as an ambulance driver. He then pauses, one hand darting to his ear, and a small device hooked there, listening to it, his eyes flicking over the building.
    "You don' wanna hang out around here tonight, honey," the man then adds, but the flirt dropped out of his voice. It's not a threat, he's being nice.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Awww, tryin' to get rid o'me?" Harley Nurse laments with a hurt timbre to her voice. "C'monnn, I wanna play tooo..." She bites her lip and shifts her weight impatiently from one stilettoed foot to the other. Then, through gritted teeth, her voice takes on a more forceful tone. "Lemme play TOO."

Iron Man has posed:
    "It isn't up to me, it's up to the Doctor-the boss," the man quickly answers, in a more lowered, private tone. She's super familiar but he can't place her. But enough to where he's not really fighting her at this moment. Maybe she's a do-gooder though, and just being tricksy! "His plan's gotta go /super smooth/," the goon says, "or it's our asses." It's a mild appeal to not hang his ass out over this. "I mean, I can ask. What're you, uh, good at?" the goon asks, still distracted by her little outfit, to some extent.

Harley Quinn has posed:
From the shadows beneath the ambulance comes a gravelly voice, as a pair of green eyes glows menacingly at the man. "When Bosslady wants to play, she gets to play. She's good at everything. Aren't ya Mistress?"

Nurse Harley smiles, a little over the top, and gives the glowing green eyes a nonchalant and dismissive wave as she approaches the goon more closely. "Killin', maimin', blowin' shit up..." She circles the man slowly, trailing a fingertip along his collar. If he gets a look at her nametag, it -should- fearlessly dispel any uncertainty: Harley Quinn. "Weapons of choice: Revolver. Baseball Bat. Mallet."

From beneath the ambulance comes one gravelly addition: "And Darkling."

Iron Man has posed:
    The goon clearly figures it out. "OH. I was part of the Joker's lakeside job a few months ago," he mumbles, as if that might make any difference. He digs the rest of the radio out of his pocket, staring at her, and clears his throat to say into it quietly, "Ah, I have a, Mistress? - Mistress Harley Quinn out here, she wants to contribute," the man says, gaining more backbone halfway through the sentence.
    Clearly being told something through the earpiece, he takes off the radio and offers it to her suddenly, obedient.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"No offense, but you don't really count as a weapon, Humperdink," Harley asides ti the green eyes, which narrow, and a soft whimper is heard from beneath the ambulance.

Harley smiles broadly at the Goon's offering and puts on the earpiece, concealing the rest somehow in her cleavage. "What's yer name, Kid? I think it's about time we had some -real- fun."

She touches the earpiece and speaks into the radio then. "Harley here....and HOW may I be of assistance?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Donny," the thug hereby now designated as Donny replies to her, but doesn't interrupt her with the radio as she moves her attention away from him. He does squat a little bit to try to see under the ambulance, because he's curious. It isn't so much fear: he seems to at least think for the moment that Harley's on their side now, and has relaxed some.
    From the earpiece, there's a somewhat distinctive voice. "Good afternoon, Miss Quinn. This is Dr. Crane. I didn't expect you," the somewhat reedy but polite male voice answers her. "It seems we're going to have some Avenger-style visitors in a little while, who don't realize what scary 'fun' they're in for. If you're interested in playing with them while they lose their minds, you're welcome: but this is MY show." The tone is amused, not defensive.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As Donny peers under the ambulance, there's a soft growl from the shadows, but still just those two green eyes visible.

"OooOOOoooh..." Harley nearly squeals, looking like a girl who just got a pony. "Lifetime fan, first time caller....You're messing with minds, and I get to play, toooo? Ooh you always do say the SWEETEST things..."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Have whoever gave you this radio give you an antidote. Unless you'd like to have a different kind of exciting trip," Dr. Crane says, amused and pleased by her thrilled tone. Flattery works wonders, by the sound of it. "This hospital is about to become a beautiful hell," he assures her, some energy entering his voice.
    Donny stops staring at the thing under the ambulance and fidgets. Another goon starts to walk over, frowning, but Donny flashes him an 'all clear' signal, and the new arrival continues his patrol instead.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You got it Honey," Harley cooes into the radio as she turns back to the fidgety Donny. "Boss says you have an antidote? I think it's time we played doctor..."

Iron Man has posed:
    Donny nods, and looks around quickly. He opens the back of the ambulance he's sitting in, climbing in. In the back is someone that is very obviously tied up and drugged. It is a green male, with a hood over his head, leaned on the floor to one side, possibly unconscious. Donny steps around him and hunts in a long metal case, returning to give her a shryinge.
    Over the radio, Dr. Crane says, "You've got about six minutes, I'd guess. Enjoy the show."