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Latest revision as of 06:32, 4 June 2018

Down at the Bar
Date of Scene: 19 May 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Three Defenders meet for drinks. They catch up.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Claire Temple, Luke Cage

Daredevil has posed:
Matt had been hanging back his whole 'second job' thing. For one thing, recent events had put that whole part of his life in question and had him re-evaluating his tactics and motives, second with the whole Maya Lopez business he knew someone was gunning for Daredevil, so, for once, Matt was using some discretion.

Of course, the whole thing left him restless and with plenty of time on his hands, so with Foggy and Karen busy with their own things tonight, Matt put out the call to the Defenders, sending a group text out that simply read:

Matt >> Drinks at Josies?

When it went out, Matt was already situated at his favourite booth in the little dive bar, a tumbler of whiskey set in front of him, his white cane, folded up on the table infront of hm.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire has had a nice, quiet day off from the hospital. The laundry's done. The couch is clean, dry, and nonmetallic. New library books are occupying her coffee table. She stretches and looks down at the text message on her phone and lets out a chuckle.

Claire >> Why, don't mind if I do...

When she arrives, she takes a few moments at the bar to name her poison for the evening, and she makes her way back to Matt's preferred booth. "You're quiet lately," she says bluntly as she sits down across from Matt. "Not that it's a bad thing. Running your practice out of Josie's now?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage Luke feels his phone vibrate in his pocket as he pulls his shirt on. He chuckles when he sees the text message and is soon out the door. He stalks through Hell's Kitchen to Josie's, a little disappointed he gets all the way there without seeing anything more out of place than usual.

Inside, he glances around. He sees nobody he doesn't recognize, and nobody who will give him any trouble. After a quick stop at the bar he walks over to Matt's booth and slides in beside him as Claire speaks.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's senses let him know Claire's coming so he clears his cane off the table and sets it down next to him on the worn bench, and when she arrives, he grins wryly at her remarks, "Claire," he greets, "And yeah, been mostly working days for the last couple of weeks," he says about him being quiet. The suggestion he's been working out of the bar, sees the grin broaden slightly, "Not quite, but don't let Foggy hear that idea, he might want to go for it." Though in a toss up between the dive bar and Matt and Foggy's beat up offices, it was uncertain which provided the classier image.

Luke's arrival is met, with a quiet, "Luke," as the big man slides into the booth beside him as Matt shoves over. "Been awhile. Glad you could make it."

Then to the both of them. "So, what have you guys have been up to?"

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire snorts. "You and Foggy could get all kinds of business out of this place, and you know it," she says, pointing at Matt as she sips her drink. "Might not be the kind you want, but..." she trails off as she nods to Luke. "Definitely has been a while," she says.

"It's been quiet for me," Claire says in a not-quite-flat voice, slipping Matt a dry look the likes of which she doesn't quite care if he can detect. "How have you been? Luke, how are you?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage Luke smiles at Claire. "I must be doing alright if I'm not coming to see you," Luke jokes. "Been fine, just keeping a low profile, the way I like it. Business has been slow though, too slow." Luke says.

"Seems like things have settled for now. Unless Matt's about to drop something on us," he says with a raised eyebrow.

Daredevil has posed:
"Oh, we see our share of people from here in the office," Matt says, by time spent with his clients he can tell there's about five in the room right now. Most folks he's helped on minor charges, workers comp, things like that. "Not sure if the refreshments are exactly conducive towards a competent defense of our client's interests though," he says grinning wryly again and taking a sip from his tumbler.

While Matt can't see the wry look or the raised eyebrow from his companions, he can sense it in their tone and the general sense of their body language. The grin becomes a 'what, me?' smile. "Honestly, I don't just call you guys because the city is in danger," he says, pitching his voice lower for that last part. "But Luke, I might have some work for you for a couple of my clients, folks who could use a little protection," a beat. "And they're paying in more than pie this time," he adds.

A look is thrown Claire's way next, "And I suppose we should let him know about the thing the last time we were here," he says. "With our friends in the pyjamas." Thankfully they haven't been back, but Matt had been keeping an eye out, figuratively speaking, for them just in case.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire smiles into her glass as Matt tries his best to float his innocence, her eyes flicking up to the two men as she huffs a small laugh and shakes her head. At Matt's suggestion of work for Luke, she nods absently while her focus is on a spot on the tabletop. It's certainly the kind of work Luke could use, and non-comestible payment is preferable. She nods again as her wheels turn a little more.

"Ugh, yes, our friends in the PJ's," Claire says, her expression now a frown. "Very special, seemingly familiar PJ's, depending on who you ask," she says, rolling her shoulder a little. She huffs and takes a sip from her drink. "You could tell him, or I could tell him, but you're not going to like it how I tell it." She peers at Matt.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke drinks from his tumbler and puts it down as he listens to Claire and Matt. "Thanks for lead, Matt. I could use some Better paying work. The pies were good though," he chuckles. "But sounds like I missed something. Pyjama men?" he asks, bemused. "Sounds terrifying."

Daredevil has posed:
"Sure thing, come by the office tomorrow I can make some introductions and figure out how to cover your fee under our new legal aide fund," Matt says. Speaking of the fund and the things attached to it however tenuously. Matt elaborates on the pyjama men, dropping his voice again, "They were ninja," he says, before he elaborates. "They were after a friend of mine, I think," he says. "Anyhow, I don't think it's going to be last time, with the Hand, but figured you should know, and if it does come to that, probably could use your help." After all it was going to take a lot of ninjas to slow down Luke Cage.

"Does that cover what you were going to say?" he asks Claire.

Claire Temple has posed:
"Mm," Claire says, clinking some ice around in her tumbler. "Yeah, just about. Snapping katanas would be a bonus," she notes under her breath. "Lord knows we could've used that."

"You don't think it's going to be the last time?" she asks. "Please don't tell me you've been hearing about them again. Your contacts know a lot," she says. "Cloudy with a chance of ninjas isn't a forecast I like hearing."

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke considers Claire for a moment, his brow furrowed faintly in concern. "I've never heard of the Hand," he says and takes another drink from his tumbler.

"You should have called me," he says to Matt and Claire. "I know I was out of touch while Foggy sorted things out for me, but still. I've got you, ninja or whatever."

Luke sits back. "Why were they after your friend, Matt?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Yeah, it wouldn't have hurt," Matt says of snapping swords. Certainly would have made the fight more one-sided. He looks to Luke, "Probably should have, but there was only the one attack and thankfully nothing more since then."

Claire's question has him shaking his head emphatically. "No, no, haven't heard anything like that. As far as I know things could be settled already, just letting Luke know in case it turns out the other way."

There was a self-effacing smile at that, and a little wrinkle of his nose under the bridge of his red tinted shades. "That didn't sound very re-assuring, did it?" he asks.

"Never got a chance to question the guys, so we're not totally sure, but, possibly her money, maybe ended up rubbing some people the wrong way, but, they were ninja, so, figured I ought to let people know," he says, even if he was a bit tardy with the news bulletin.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath. "Not the most reassuring, no, not quite," she says. She waves to the bar to ask for another round.

"They do like to get personal," she tells Luke. "Creepy personal, too. They talk a lot," she says with a shrug. "Not silent, those guys. So we've got occasional cases of ninjas that need tamping down."

Luke Cage has posed:
"Do *you* need someone around right now?" Luke asks Claire, reaching part way across the table. "If you're worried they're gonna get back at you, I want to know you're protected. Say the word, other jobs can wait."

"You have to think anyone who put for actual ninja to settle their score isn't going to back down easy. Your friend's not talking?" Luke asks Matt.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt reaches into his wallet when the round comes for the table, he forks over the cash for everyone's drink, pulling the specifically folded bills out of his wallet and putting them on the table for the waitress to collect.

"Sorry, Claire," he say about the lack of re-assurance. "And yeah, it's her way, she wants me to stay out of things let her handle it. I'm alright with doing that," he says his tone suggesting that it might not be entirely true. "But I just thought you should know what the possibilities are," that last is said to Luke.

As for Luke protecting Claire, Matt doesn't weigh in, content to keep his thoughts to himself for a change.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire sighs, reaching across the table to give Luke's hand a squeeze. "I'm fine," she says. "You're around, and I know you'd be there in a heartbeat if I had an outbreak of ninjas nearby, but..." She takes a deep breath. "For right now, they're eased off. Or at least I hope they are," she says, shooting Matt a look. "She is... handling it, I hope," she says.

She knocks back an ice cube from her first round before pulling the tumbler for her second a little closer. "Lately, there haven't been quite that many scores that need settling," she says, giving Matt another look. "Seriously. Night job's actually quiet?"

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke nods to Claire and leans back again, only slightly mollified. He has seen how far people go to settle grudges. "She better be handling it, or we'll need to have a discussion with her. Ninja," he shakes his head.

"That's not normal, even here," Luke adds dryly. "I appreciate the heads up, though, Matt. Want me to ask around, see if anyone knows what's going on?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt turns his tumbler idly, listening to the quiet slosh of liquid in the glass, when he's asked about if it was being handled. He nods, turning his attention and his face in first Claire's then Luke's direction. "She's handling it. We just have to do our part and keep each other safe so we cut off that avenue of attack."

Luke's offer is given some consideration, "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to have extra eyes and ears out there, see if any one is keeping an eye on us."

As for the ninjas, he snorts and takes a drink, "That's New York for you."

He lowers his glass then, and nods Claire's way, "Mostly, the Russians from Gotham have been moving in, been keeping an eye on them, but if you like I could let a couple of them stab me. Just to keep up the routine." He smiles at that.

"Anyhow, you should tell Luke your news, about the clinic."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Oh, a stab, a slash," Claire replies airily. "Bullet extractions are always fun. I think I've got a vigilante triage bingo card to fill up," she says with a snort. "Not that too many people play that kind of bingo..." She rolls her eyes and slips a sip from her drink.

"That... is some news you could use," she tells Luke after Matt's last. "Matt and I have found some funding to build a neighborhood clinic. Security might be useful," she says, raising her eyebrows and twirling her tumbler. "It's set up to treat anyone in the neighborhood who needs help, including those with powers and ridiculous body armor." Her voice is dry.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke smiles. "That's really good news, we need a clinic. I talk to too many people that don't get help because they can barely afford to eat," Luke says and looks from Claire to Matt and back. "I think we can work something out to make sure nobody messes with the clinic. Where's it gonna be? When will it open?"

Daredevil has posed:
"I'll see what I can do," Matt smiles into his own drink before taking a long pull from the glass. Josie's didn't stock the best stuff but it did the job. "Hate for you not fill out that card. Though really, Jessica and Danny should pitch in," he says of the two missing members of the group. "And not by punching me," Matt adds mainly meaning Jessica.

Matt shoots a look to Claire, "Paper work's done, just waiting on the construction, right?"

Claire Temple has posed:
"Yep," Claire says with a nod. "It'll be right here, in Hell's Kitchen," she says. "We could've set down anywhere, and we would've been able to help anywhere, but this will be nearby." She smiles behind her drink before adding another drop of information. "It'll be nice not to have to commute to the hospital every day."

"Danny's been behaving himself, as far as I know," Claire says with a shrug. "He hasn't had to call me recently, although he usually doesn't anyway. Jess did contribute a square one night," she says. "Although if you tell her she needs to pitch in more to keep me busy, she might want to... discuss it with you." Claire's grin is mildly evil with a dash of dare.

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke chuckles. "I try not to get into 'discussions' with Jess. There are things even a bulletproof man doesn't want to mess with."

Luke raises his tumbler. "That's news to drink to, especially if you'll be leaving the hospital to work here," he says, the last to Claire. "I guess I will be seeing more of you." Luke pauses a moment. "The clinic have a name? It needs a name if we're gonna toast to it."

Daredevil has posed:
"It's nice to work in the neighbourhood," Matt confirms, what with his house and his firm both around separate corners from here.

He grins at talking to Jess about pitching in, "I'll do it," he says. "She's still mad at me for the Xavier's thing as far as I know, so why not?"

He lifts his glass, "Definitely needs a toast," he says and asks, "What'd Natasha name it, again?"

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire raises her glass. "The Vasilyevna Free Clinic," she says slowly, trying to make sure she has the pronunciation right. "May it stay well funded, may it serve the people well, and may it never be overrun by ninjas."

She takes a long swig from her drink.

Luke Cage has posed:
"I'll drink to that," Luke chuckles. He drains the last of his beer and claps Matt on the shoulder. "Thanks for the drink, Matt. I'm gonna go ask around about those pyjama men and get some sleep. I get the feeling things won't stay quiet for long. I'll drop by the office tomorrow."

Luke put down his glass and eased out of the booth. "Good to see both of you," he says. And with that makes his way out of Josie's and into the Hell's Kitchen night.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt joins in the toast. "I'll drink to that, especially that last part," he says grinning.

Matt makes room for Luke to leave, "No problem," he says about the drink, "And drop by any time, you know when we're open."

There is a wry expression at the idea of things not staying quiet long, more than likely true knowing them.

Claire Temple has posed:
"24/7 on call," Claire notes with a shrug. "Good to enjoy the off days when they happen." She finishes off her drink.

"If you're not going out tonight, may as well go get some sleep. Not as though you always get the chance, y'know," she tells Matt after Luke leaves. She gets up to leave to head home herself.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's brow furrows as if thinking. "What's this sleep thing you mentioned, haven't heard of it," he jokes, a smile crossing his lips before he knocks back his drink, sets down the glass and reaches for his cane. "Actually, doesn't sound like a bad idea, walk you home?" he asks as he slides himself out of the booth and snaps the cane open. Not exactly a sacrifice what with them living in the same building.

Claire Temple has posed:
"Of course," Claire says, offering her elbow. "It's a truly amazing invention, I've heard. Helps with all kinds of things, including vigilantism, I guess."

She holds open the door as the pair leaves the pub, and she takes a deep breath of the late spring... well, Hell's Kitchen miasma that isn't the same as the ambiance inside Josie's. "Let's head home. I don't suppose you hear any ninjas nearby...?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt takes the offered elbow with a shake of his head. "Really? Guess I'm going to have to give it a try," Matt says.

Stepping out onto the street, he smiles, the maisma of Hell's Kitchen smelt like home to him, its sounds like a familiar tune. There is a brief exhale of a laugh, but he does pause to listen, cocking his head. "Nope. No ninjas," a pause. "Not unless they're the guys playing dubstep a few blocks down."

Yes, he's showing off.

"We're good," he promises, letting Claire lead the way to their building.