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Latest revision as of 06:51, 4 June 2018

Mall Crawl
Date of Scene: 25 May 2018
Location: Salem Center
Synopsis: Xavier's students get to go on an outing to the local mall.
Cast of Characters: Psylocke, Volt, Erddrache

Psylocke has posed:
There were times that students from Xavier's were given a chance to experience life outside their protective walls. Today was one of those days. Two hours after the last classes had ended, the students that wanted to go into Salem Center loaded up on a bus and headed for the mall. There were several teachers in attendance as chaperones. Betsy, better known as Ms. Braddock to her students, was one of those chaperones. She had a small group of the students assigned to her and made sure they stayed within a couple of stores of each other. Telepathy was helpful at such moments. She was still dressed in the clothes she'd worn to work that day. Dress slacks, heels, a violet button up shirt that matched her eyes.

As the students scattered, she remained outside, sitting on a bench outside the music store that seemed to have attracted most of them. Each had a card assigned to them by Xavier's with around a hundred dollars on it, allowing them to shop for anything they wanted. Some it would be frivolities. Others, necessities.

Volt has posed:
Such a card wasn't necessary for Drake's outing. Per the Vice Principal's decree - and likely common to students coming in under similar circumstances - he'd been given a stipend to get new clothes. And given the bedraggled state of his wardrobe, even when freshly laundered, it's desperately needed. Unfortunately, it looks like he's got to bide his time waiting for the others to be satisfied before he can ditch Miss Teacher. His style of rebellion would've normally demanded he just bail and do his own thing, but this is what happens when an important opportunity is given - things have to change. Things have to take precedence. So he's doing his level best to play by the rules, or what he figures they are.

The short: he is also sitting on the bench.

"Sooo~...," he drawls, head rolling to look towards her. "...you know you've gotta talk to me about that night sometime soon, right? When we're less..." He waves his hand about them, indicative of the populated mall grounds.

Psylocke has posed:
That gains an arched brow as Betsy looks over to Drake. "You are welcome to go shop for clothes if you would like," she offers, motioning to the five clothing stores and one shoe place within the area of the music store. "Unless you prefer to have someone with you." She had the feeling it wasn't going to be that simple though. He obviously wanted to talk about that night, for whatever reason. She hadn't peeked to see what it might be either.

"Or we can talk about that night now, if you wish. No one around will hear anything unless I wish them too." She reaches out with her telepathy to anyone in earshot, making sure they are not paying attention to the teacher and student on the bench. "What did you want to discuss about it?"

Volt has posed:
"Really? You can do that?," asks Drake with a perked eyebrow. "Sound.. dampening, or whatever? Won't that seem weird to other people?"

No, he doesn't know what her powers are. No, he doesn't really understand telepathy anyway.

"I mean, if we're free and clear, let's talk. But I don't wanna risk screwing anything up." The matter of clothing is /so/ not his top priority here. If Betsy is willing to talk about her shenanigans, he's pouncing on the opportunity.

Psylocke has posed:
"I can make them choose to listen to something else. If they are even hearing us. Which no one in hearing range currently is," Betsy offers with a faint smile. "It isnt a manipulation of sound, more a manipulation of their mental choices. I have several abilities. You had seen one. The other is telepathy, which allows me to read minds or manipulate them to a certain extent. If I were to choose to do so. It is power that has deep morality issues so it is not used lightly or for nefarious reasons. I'm simply monitoring. If someone begins listening, we will move along."

She glances toward the music store a moment, then focuses fully back on Drake. "So, what would you like to ask me?"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley follows her gaze briefly to the music store, then back to her, expression a little scrunchy in thought - as if he isn't sure how to react to this information. The idea that she could know his every private thought whenever is chilling, especially since she wore what she wore, and she happens to.. well, look the way she does. Drake is male. Some thoughts happen too fast and get away from him.

His cheeks are rosying, he realizes. "Uh! Anyway!," he quickly distracts as his hands raise to brush through his hair in a nervous fidget. "Blunt question, then. You a superhero? I mean, you know Spider-Man.."

Psylocke has posed:
There is nothing to show she caught his fears or worries. Betsy is ever the professional. She isn't actually looking into his mind but she knows that with the revelation of that power, the fear is often there for people. It's daunting to know one has no secrets they can keep if a person doesn't do the right thing and not look for such things. She can't help smiling at the question. "I suppose going by the definition of the term you might say that. Some people call us vigilantes. Others say superhero. I don't really think of myself as a superhero. I just know I have gifts and I choose to use them to help people. Spider-Man and I met and realized our skills were complimentary to one another. I began helping him with his patrols. When I am in costume, I use the name Psylocke. When you and I met, I gave that name since I did not know you would be coming to the very school where I teach. Secrets must be kept. I hope you will keep mine."

Volt has posed:
"I will!," Drake says immediately with neither compunction nor second guessing. He can keep a secret. He's actually thrilled to have this secret to keep. But he has to weedle a little more. Despite the security she's assured them they have, he scoots a little closer and affects a more conspiratorial tone with her, chin tipping a bit and eyes narrowing.

"You say that, but you wear a costume and use a codename. You know what you're doing...," he says, a level of wry teasing laced in his voice. "Does the school in general know about it?"

Psylocke has posed:
As he slides closer, Betsy has to keep her expression neutral. The urge to giggle at his manner is there. She simply has to keep it under control so he doesn't feel she's laughing at him. "Of course they don't or it wouldn't be a secret," she replies in that same lowered tone of voice.

"That's why I used a codename. And I wear a costume that is very different from my work attire. Additionally, it is why I do such things far from the school. If I wanted it known, I'd just work here in Salem Center instead of far, far away." It's only a couple of hours but it would still be an annoying trek on a daily basis were it not for the ease of shadow traveling.

Volt has posed:
"That's so cool," Drake swoons under his breath. For all the potency of his powers, they don't allow for neat travel abilities. At least, not to his knowledge. But he quickly gets back on topic. "You think I might.. do that, too? Training my abilities and all that, that's regular curriculum. I'm talking about actually /doing/ something with it." In truth, he wouldn't care if she giggled at him. He likes making people laugh, even if sort of at his own expense sometimes. And really, there's some part of him that is very aware of how badly he's geeking out; those expressive emerald green eyes are enormous and fixated on her.

Psylocke has posed:
"You have a lot to learn first," Betsy says. Which isn't a no. Nor is it a yes. She takes a moment to choose her words carefully. "I had to learn fine control over my abilities before I took that step to put on a costume and go out there." She pauses, holding up a hand for him to wait. A couple walks by and only when they are well out of earshot does she continue. "Can you do that someday? Of course. But not immediately. Being new to your abilities, it would be more dangerous for you. Once you have them well controlled, which is something you will learn at Xavier's, that is a path you could take. Or you can use them in other ways to help people without being a vigilante. There are people like the Avengers, the Justice League, even SHIELD. They would all appreciate a well educated member who uses their powers to help others. So many option open to you but first, you have to concentrate on learning more about yourself."

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley starts to respond, only to pause when she presents her hand. He shoots a look sidelong, patiently waiting for the right moment, then refocuses on her. "What do you mean by fine control? Because I think what you're used to are people who're all.. reckless and crazy with what they can do when they first arrive." He turns on the bench to lean back, his hands folding over his lap. "That's not me. When I first found out what I could do, I.. uh.. seriously hurt someone."

Translation: may have killed the person attacking him.

"So the first thing I did, I mean the /very/ first thing, was learn how to control it. How to never do that, how to never go overboard. I'm not saying there isn't more I can learn to do, and it feels like it's only gotten stronger the more I work with it, but..." His head tilts a little to glance askance at her. "...My first priority was never going overboard."

Psylocke has posed:
The question hangs there in the air. She wants to ask. Betsy doesn't. If he wants to reveal his story, he will someday. She won't press. In her experience with students, she's learned it is better to be an ear when they choose instead of pressing. Some will shut down when pressed. "That is commendable that you chose the path without having to be told it was the right one. However, you would be surprised at what might cause a person to lose control of their powers. You will be taught finer manipulation, better control. Maybe even a few tricks you don't know already. Right now, you are a young man on the cusp of adulthood. You want adventure and I understand that. Once you are an adult, you will have that choice to make but for now, it is better if you focus on learning, educating yourself since you did not have that opportunity previously. That will take you much further in life than a costume and facing off against people who could easily kill you. Even with our powers, most of us are killed just as easily as any human out there. A bullet and we are done."

Volt has posed:
"Hey, I could be bulletproof," Drake posits with a weak smile. "One of those abilities you're better off never discovering, right?"

He opts out of biting onto the 'adventure' bit, though she likely would've detected a little annoyance at it. It hit him as patronizing - as though he were acting on whim. Granted, his eagerness could easily give that impression, but pride's pride. What he does say, however, is: "I can be patient." That's another trick he learned back on the west coast. Patience was crucial.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris was among the student who went on the bus. Mostly he was hoping to get get some rocks! Due to his...particular problem with controlling his abilities (he is a walking earthquake) he was placed in a group who had a 'Negator' type mutant chaperon. This group was now passing by Bety own area.

Boris, being the saelf conciouse person he is, wore a large coat that covered his back spikes and his forearm ones. Giving him the appearance of a very short, rotund man. His beard making him looking older than he should be. His whisker were tucked and hidden within his beard as best he could.

Though with his tail tucked into a pair of overzied jeans...he kind of look like an arkward waddling dwarf. He got plenty of odd looks, but not enough for people to make a stink about. With him he carried a box looking happy as a clam! He waves towards Psylocke and Drake "Hello!" he exclaims in a deep voice. he peers at Drake "Hmmm...nit seen yer before! Und hello Ms.Proffesor bety!"

Psylocke has posed:
"You'll get there. I have no doubt," Betsy replies to Drake, not realizing she had come across negatively. "Actually, we can test to find out if you are bullet proof. I'm certain that can be done without actually shooting you. Dr. McCoy has many tricks up his sleeve."

As Boris and his group get nearby, she turns their direction and drops the topic of conversation so that it isn't overheard. "Ms Braddock," she automatically corrects Boris, not really minding either way. Then she motions to the young man sitting next to her. "Drake, this is Boris. Boris, Drake is a new student at the school," she offers by way of introductions for the two.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley is quick to let matters go, either way, as evidenced by the small smile he offers the woman. But it quickly takes a hit at the mention of testing. "Either way, that sounds painful."

A new person appears, and Drake's not sure what to really focus on first. The beard, the height, the accent - so quirky! It gets a small grin and he leans forward. "'Sup. Boris, huh? Where're ya from?," he asks conversationally. The negator-sort is noticed, but their powers don't really register for him. Hopefully he won't have to shoot any lightning or absorb any electricity! "I've been with the school, like... a day officially?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris turns a bit red in the cheeks "Errm..Sorry Ms.Proffesor Braddock" he says apologeticly, his whispers twitch some, the hidden tendrils becomming less hidden for a brief moment. He suddenly wonder if he has any classes with her...or any due homework. Oh lord now his brain going a mile a minute

He looks at Drake and seem to offer a hand...before quickly taking it back as if remeber some bad memory 'errrm. Ah be from Germany! Pa moved us oot here to da statez...aboot a year ago now. Small town nit take kindly ta us. bit only been in Xaiver a few weeks me self!" he says indicating he was a fairly new student "Und hwere yer from?"

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy gives them both a smile. "If you will both excuse me for just a moment?" She rises to her feet and moves toward the music store, one of the students rushing out the door toward her. The meet in the middle and begin to talk in low tones, leaving the two new students alone for a few minutes to become better acquainted.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley gives Boris a curious look, the accent taking him a little longer to understand what he's saying. But he's attentive, and he picks up on it soon enough. "I'm-.." He pauses as Betsy takes off to another student, peering after her quizzically. Following the brief pause, he looks back to Boris. Oh yes, he can tell there are more quirks than just the three he'd observed initially. "I'm from the West Coast. Cali'."

He motions after her, "What do you think that's about? Did they try to lift something?"

Erddrache has posed:
"why be doink vee speculatin ven we kin jist be asking ven we hauf vee chance" sometimes the accent comes in REALLY heavy. He looks over still holding his box close "Bit if ah had ta be guessink....new music CD came oot from some new band. They be alright. Called Xlr8? some techno stuff" he grunts not seeming really know

"Cali...cali. Oi! Yer must be meanin California aye? Iz et true every ovar vere surfs?" he asks curiouse. His stomech gives a light rumble.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley is rather dissatisfied with Boris's suspicion. A new CD doesn't usually warrant the hastened and undivided response of a teacher. That usually happens when someone has done something wrong. Rowdy youngsters develop a sort of sixth sense for when someone is in trouble. But his senses could be off, due to the near-overwhelming amount of new experiences he's dealing with. In the end, it doesn't really matter, right? He's not doing anything wrong. He's determined to do things right.

The question brings his attention back to Boris. "Ah? Well, it's what we're known for! A lott'a people surf!" He flashes a proud smile. "Even me!" Though he'd been doing less of that since realizing how his powers interact with water. Not a good mix. For anyone.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris might be slightly more innocent than others. He was very cautiouse and up untill recently, very shy.....and even than he been known to quite litterly, bury his head in the sand when he wants to be alone. though he does like experimenting with...stuff. Mostly anything mechanical

"Sie must show meh yer tricks someday!" he exclaims "Nit much like goin inta watah...bit Boris kin still find et help due ta own powah" despite his baratone, he spoke quietly as to keep the conversation private. "Bit Boris iz being good at vee Longboard! Land surfin fer life! Jist git some replacement bearings fer board" he tells him.

Volt has posed:
"I'm fine with being in the water, just not when I'm using my.. y'know, talents," Drake posits discreetly. "It's a bad time for everyone. Me, other swimmers, fish, the ecosystem..."

Best not dwelt upon; moving on!

"Wait, do you mean skateboarding?," he asks. "Cali's got a huge culture built around /that/ too."

Erddrache has posed:
"Oh...ah....ermm...know vee feeling" in a slightly different context. He gestures to the champerone he was assigned too "Tis why ah wur assignned to Mr.Proffesor Hunter. he kin negate me abilities" he has long moved past shame...but he did stay discreet.

Boris bristiles, his beard seeming to get bigger, as if excited!

"Well, nay. Ah mean longboarding. A skateboard is typically shorter und designed better ta do tricks. Longboard were made to in a sense, surf the land. Vee be long ven yer skateboard, bit yer kin still do tricks. Ven yer got dirtboards fer...well dirt! Saddly nevar git a chance ta try vat oot, bit hope to someday!" he says smiling widely!

Psylocke has posed:
As she finishes up with the student, Betsy raises her head as she picks up something. She speaks to the young woman who runs inside to pass along the message. Then Betsy reaches out telepathically to the various teachers scattered through the mall. <Time to go. Everyone meet back at the bus in fifteen minutes.> That should give them time to gather their charges while letting the students make final purchases.

She walks to the pair sitting on the bench as Mr. Hunter starts gathering his group of students nearby. He knows not to allow his powers to affect her. She gives the two young men a smile. "Time to wrap up. We meet at the bus in fifteen."

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley snickers at Boris's enthusiasm and nods. "I'm sure that's a heck of a thing to see. I was never much of a boarder unless it was on the waves." Before he can go on with anything more, the group is rejoined by Betsy. Drake quickly raises to his feet. "Aaand there went my shopping time," he laughs. "Ahwell. I'll get this hot mess straightened out," his arms raise to either side, head canting to look down at his grungy, beaten-up hoodie, then back to the others. Despite it, he doesn't seem terribly fussed by it right now. It's clean, at least. That's worlds better than what he'd been dealing with for weeks.

So, with hands stuffed into that central hoodie pouch, he begins sauntering in the direction of the exit - slowly enough to not outright leave everyone behind, of course.

Erddrache has posed:
Mr. Hunter calls out "Come along Boris, keep close. Joan you as well." gathering up his own group and taking the needed head count. Boris sighs and nods "Aye, aye" and with he begins to break off "See yer back at vee school, yer as well Ms.Proffesor braddock" he chimes quite happily before joiing his group. And with that they head off for the buses as well. The day was wrapping up

Psylocke has posed:
"We'll get you some new things from the school store for the time being," Betsy offers to Drake as she gives Boris a wave while he rushes back to his own group. The rest of her group has arrived. Quick count and she is following Drake toward the exit doors. In the parking lot, the bus has already pulled up to the curb to allow everyone to enter right away.

As they all begin climbing aboard, Betsy looks out into the parking lot. Over near the highway, several dark SUVs are entering the parking lot but seem to be going the opposite direction. She touches base mentally with the other teachers but they are all almost there.

They will all make it to the bus, load up, and leave with nothing unusual happening.