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Revision as of 06:49, 12 June 2018

Showdown in Mu-town
Date of Scene: 11 June 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Some robbers try to hold up a store in Bushwick. It's as bad of an idea as it sounds like.
Cast of Characters: Volt, Starfire, Shoe

Volt has posed:
Mutant Town is a rough area. For mutants, for humans, for everyone. Pushed to the brink of society, the denizens tend to be desperate and/or opportunistic. The short? Don't roam around Bushwick with earbuds. Yet still, some good, would-be law-abiding mutants are trying to eke out an honest living. A burgeoning jewelry shop is a fine example. Unfortunately, the proprietor may have underestimated how much jewelry may attract an unseemly element.

This afternoon, two thieves have stormed the establishment. A couple shoppers are lying facedown on the floor, hands behind their heads, in typical hostage fashion. One of the robbers is busy smashing the glass counters, his hands having reshaped into oversized hammers. The other is managing on lookout and hostage duty, deep red spheres floating around him as if at the ready. Things seem to be going swimmingly for them.

Drake wasn't out looking for crime, but the smashed windows of the shop have certainly drawn his attention. He first peeks his head around the corner to get a look at what's going on, then rounds it full to point at the two clearly older mutants. "HEY! Enough! Mutants get a bad enough rep' without jerks like you doing this!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was doing some volunteer work in Mutant Town and heard the ruckus too. She decides to listen as she starts walking in that direction. She is often mistaken for a mutant and blends right in here as she stops outside the coffee shop. She's wearing a yellow sundress, normal Earth fashion, if a dress that's _rather_ low-cut with a high hem-lien. She watches, her green eyes glowing brighter.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky is wandering around, touring the cities. They got their nap in, now they are touring the walls and playing with some jumping around. They frown a bit at the sound of breaking glass, and jumps over to the upstairs wall of the building, walking across the wall toward the storefront.

Sigh. What is it with all the crime around here, anyways? And how are THEY the crazy one? Hmph. They see somebody burst in and pause over the doorway, looking down into the door questioningly, undecided what to do just yet.

Volt has posed:
Fortunately, displays of powers and inhuman abilities are perfectly at home here in Mutant Town. It may be one of the few places in the civilized world where one can let their proverbial freak fly. So neither Koriand'r nor Nicky draw much attention. Those in the vicinity are mostly gawking at the crime in progress.

The 'lookout' snarls at the interruption, and the hammer-handed fellow pauses to look back. "I got this," says the lookout dismissively. One of the floating spheres rapidly tapers into an arrow-esque shape. It suddenly lances forward at the interloper!

Drake fortunately expected something like that. He didn't expect the velocity, however. He dives to the side, hitting the sidewalk hard, but letting the 'dart' sail by. It smacks into the opposite building's wall with a small concussive burst.

"Alright.. have it your way..!"

Drake lifts to a knelt position and thrusts his right hand forward. Brilliant blue tendrils of ionic energy swarm along the appendage before blasting out in a lightning bolt. The bolt strikes the thief, launching him back off his feet and unfortunately into another display case, shattering the glass.

"Ah! Crap! Sorry!," Drake calls.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs as she steps into the jewelry store. "All these pretty stones - you are wrecking them. That was a mistake." She stretches, cracking her knuckles, as she raises her hand, and a bolt of green energy fires towards the lookout - a blast of heat and radiation.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky was about to step in, but then Starfire - shit, is that Starfire? It is! Holycrap cool. - steps in and starts blasting away. And they aren't a blasty sort. Hmmm. Do I just assume they have this? Probably not but.. ugh. But they don't want to end up knocking heads accidentally with Starfire either.. bah. They look around the scene to make sure there's not an outside helper.

Volt has posed:
There doesn't appear to be! It looks like an attack of opportunity by two lowlives. But things certainly aren't going their way. Not only was the lookout blasted into a display case by electricity, but he gets an additional bolt shot against him, blasting him through the brace of the ruined case and against the wall of the storefront itself. This might have been overkill.

The hammer-handed crook turns at the sound of the case shattering, then gapes when an additional bolt is sent into him. He turns to reassess the situation and sees some unnamed nobody, and then Starfire, far more recognizable. She probably did the damage, right? Right. "The mistake was crossin' me!," he shouts as he rushes the girl, priorizing her. The hammer-limb tucks in, then swings out, attempting to slam it into her torso.

Drake gathers himself to his feet after his attack landed, then nearly dives for cover again at someone else suddenly appears beside him. Thankfully, it doesn't get further than a half-step retreat in knee-jerk response. The girl, however, gets a curious look. "H-.. ah, look out!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r yawns as she stares at you. "This is a thing called the joke, right? You all seem to know who I am..." The hammer-fist slams into her stomach... and just goes thunk and she just makes the smallest 'oof'. "Ah - the Tamaranean custom of grish-grash!" she chirps, as she balls up her fist and returns the favor - carefully oriented so the thief flies out the door. "It is the turn of yours!" she cooos as she walks out the door, looking.

Shoe has posed:
Nicky hears the monologue and was about to do something, but.. then the guy goes flying out the door. They step forward and twist in midair to land on their feet, looking at the thief oddly. "You aren't really winning on the smarts attitudes either, are you." They wave at Starfire, "Hi! That was so neat! And that guy too!"

Volt has posed:
The hammer nails the girl in the stomach. There's a second of when the thief is pretty sure he's laid her crap to ruins. But then he realizes there's no give. His expression goes from sinister to something akin to frightened.

Cutaway to a view of the outside, and he's launching out like a cannonball. He smacks into the wall previously bolted by his accomplice, slumping after.

Drake, meanwhile, is just staring at Koriand'r. "That was amazing. You just- are you okay?" She looks perfectly fine, though. "Oh! Hang on." And with that, Drake is moving around to the hostages, crouching over them to assure them that everything is fine now.

Meanwhile, hammer-hand is done chilling, and Nicky's snark has earned his ire. The hammer suddenly shifts into a curved blade of sorts, and he springs forward, attempting to catch Nicky around the neck and obtain a new hostage/shield!

Shoe has posed:
Nicky frowns and just sort've falls down backwards, avoiding the grab by no longer being there. They look up at them from their position hovering a couple inches off the ground like Neo's dodge, disdainfully.

"So, what, you didn't see me standing on the wall? Idiot." They fire off a snap kick right at that blade, charged to go off with a repulsion blast and recoiling back onto the chamber position for a side kick to follow up if that doesn't do the trick.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs softly as she fires another starbolt at the guy with hammer hands. "Down," she commands. "I don't think you can take much more radiatoin." She stares at him, her eyes crackling with energy as she starts walking towards the thug.

Volt has posed:
The kick is enough to take the thug by surprise, derailing his hopes of making a comeback. And then he's pelted by radiation, like his buddy before him. Koriand'r might be the queen of overkill. Needless to say, he's done and not bothering anymore. He's ready for jail at this point. Jail is better than continuing pain and humiliation.

Drake had just finished helping an older lady up to her feet when the blast happens, and he looks back at the aftermath. "Eesh.."

Shoe has posed:
Nicky puts her hand down on the ground and pivots around it to move away from the glowing thug, then goes on one foot and spins up to his feet. "Yikes." They brush the dirt off of their gloves and look around. "So, uh, do we need to make a quick exit here, or do the police not show up here, or what? I mean, it's pretty weird not getting flashing lights every time I set foot on a wall."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "That's a neat trick. But the denizens here don't call the police," she muses. "I'm not technically a mutant..." She grins widely. "I'm... from out of town." She grins widely. "Way out of town. But I come by to help out."