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Latest revision as of 00:33, 22 June 2018

Who You Are
Date of Scene: 21 June 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea is writing her new song, but has to pause to make sure her packmates are okay. She gives advice to Tyler.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Elixir, Twitch

Rage has posed:
With the students still being under house arrest, Andrea has been making most of her time hunkering down into her studies and going through multiple notebooks of song writings. It is here in the music room that she has tucked herself away at now, with a crowd of students in the hallway as they watch from the doorway as the popstar is settled in front of a piano, playing along the keys beautifully. There is a murmured hush amidst the students as they hold up phones to record and take a few pictures.

Elixir has posed:
Josh is walking down the hallway and sees the crowd of kids around the door. He peeks past them and sees Andrea playing the piano and rolls his eyes at the fanboys.

"Excuse me," he says sidles through the kids into the room.

"Hey," he says to Andrea with a smile. He pulls over a couple of chairs, one to sit on and one to put his feet up on then plunks himself down.

Twitch has posed:
Seeing a group of people hanging outside of the music room with their phones out, Tyler wanders over to figure out what exactly is going on. The piano music has him nodding his head along with the tune even as he rises up on his tip toes to see over the other people in the hallway. Spotting Andrea doing her thing he lets out a big sigh and sets his heels back on the floor. Sliding his hands into his pockets Tyler pauses for a moment, looking indecisive. Then Josh enters the room. Making up his mind Tyler follows him inside and waves to the other New Mutants.

Rage has posed:
The look on Andrea's face is emotional as she plays the piano, bobbing herself back and forth upon the bench as she chews on her bottom lip. The crowd of curious students do not seem to bother her much, so focused she is on the moment within her music as she continues to look at the lyrics in front of her, then back to the sheet music that she wrote. At the sight of Josh and Tyler entering the room, she stops playing, giving her left hand a quick shake. Reaching up with a hand, she brushes a tear away from her face. "Hey guys." She says as she shoves her trembling hand back down. "What's up?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh raises an eyebrow. "You okay?" he asks and waves at Tyler to shut the door behind him. "You look upset."

Twitch has posed:
Seeing how emotional Andrea is, Tyler's face takes on a look of concern. He shuts the door, telling the people outside, "Sorry guys." The his attention is focused on Andrea again.

Rage has posed:
"I'm fine." Andrea says as she brushes her palm against her face. "Just working on this song and putting a lot of myself into it. I just am getting pretty deep into it, trying to work out the courage to sing the lyrics." She says as she runs her fingers along the ivory keys of the piano in front of her. "What are you two up to?" She asks as she leans back a bit to let out a soft breath.

Elixir has posed:
"Is it always like that when you're writing stuff?" Josh asks. "What's the song about?"

He holds up a textbook. "I'm supposed to be studying biology," he shrugs.

Twitch has posed:
"I've been cleaning up after other people. Finally got cut loose," Tyler says to Andrea with a shrug. "Just gotta do this stupid stuff indefinitely." He grabs a chair and slides it towards the other two so that he can sit down in it.

Rage has posed:
There is a shrug of Andrea's shoulders. "Some songs it's like this. This song though I'm scaring myself with it. It's going to be.." She trails off. "I don't know.. I want to say this without an ego but I know this song would blow up. It'd be all over the radio, and it would inspire, it would fuck people up." She stares down at the lyrics again, brushing her fingers across it. "I wrote this a few months before I came out to the world. I've between tweaking it and tweaking it and tweaking it." She gives a glance back to the pair of them. "I'll talk to Jean and see about getting you out of it. You guys saved a kid's life and .. this is what Miss Frost wants us to do eventually, to work together as a team. Maybe not be superheros, but to be able to combine our skills to .. do this in the moment. Just with the Reavers out there, we gotta be careful." She taps a few more keys on the piano. "You guys want to hear it?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh puts his book back into backpack. "That sucks, man," he says carefully, being that he didn't get clean up duty.

"Yeah, let's hear it, Andrea."

Twitch has posed:
"Don't worry about it. I've got to talk to her about that thing, anyway. I might have to leave after that," Tyler shrugs, then quiets down so that he can listen. "I'd like to hear it, too."

Rage has posed:
"What do you mean you'd have to leave after that?" Andrea asks with a look on her face as she shifts up to peer over at Tyler from the piano. Her fingers brush across the keys again, though they do not strike just yet. "Last night wasn't a big deal. You don't gotta go because of that."

Elixir has posed:
Josh makes a bit of a face. "I guess you left the fire last night before we talked about that part," he says to Andrea, and looks to Tyler.

Twitch has posed:
"The other thing I told you about, when I took care of the problem my friend was having," say Tyler softly. "I've been trying to get her alone but she's always so busy." He sighs deeply and leans forward in his chair, taking his weight on his elbows. "It's probably for the best if I get kicked out. I can't deal with this curfew thing. I've got way more important stuff going on in my life than school and if those Reavers want a piece of me they're welcome to try." His lead lifts so he can look at Andrea with reddening eyes and he gulps deep in his throat. "Anyway, don't let me keep you from playing."

Rage has posed:
"You can say it's me, Tyler. There shouldn't be secrets amongst the New Mutants. Tommy was there, so was Mason, and me.. and Josh." Andrea says as she glances to the healer for a moment. "Look .. a CEO of a genetics company got ahold of the Starbucks tapes, of us fighting the Reavers, of you, of Mason, Bily and Tommy. He said that he would not release the tapes to the public if I gave him my blood. He was blackmailing me. I countered him to stall for time and then I told Miss Grey what happened." Andrea begins with a sigh. "Miss Grey and I came up with a plan to resolve it and before we had a chance to, Tyler went and beat the shit out of him and got the tapes back." She rubs at her nose. "At least it's what he thinks. I'm under the impression a guy like that isn't going to let it go that easy. He's not insanely rich and powerful because he gets pushsed over by kids who know karate." She rubs at her shoulder.

"Yes, it was stupid, Tyler. It was super stupid and you're probably gonna get super busted, and if you do? I got your back. You're my pack... my team member and my friend. You did the wrong thing with good intentions. Miss Grey will fix it, I have confidence in her, but you need to reel in this talk about leaving. Teammates do not bail on each other. Sempir Fi. Right? My mom said she'd never abandon her team in the Army. Right now, /this/ is the most important thing you have in your life." She says as she takes in a deep breath. "I have the feeling that there may be big plans for us down the line. Okay? We have your back. All of us do, right Josh? We'll talk to Jean together, as a team."

Elixir has posed:
Josh's eyebrows go up as Andrea tells her story. "That's messed up," he says. "Like, really messed up."

"Makes more sense why you did it, now," Josh says, pushing himself to his feet. "But was stupid as fuck, man," he adds with a bit of a smile. "Like Andrea says though, don't give up. We'll pull for you. You can't be the first mutant in this school who's done something like that, you know?" Josh walks over and gives Tyler's shoulder a squeeze. "We'll sort it out."

Josh looks between Andrea and Tyler, then shoulders his backpack. "I gotta get to chemistry, don't wanna be late. There's this girl that sits beside me..." he grins and waves to the two, then makes his way out and closes the door behind him.

Twitch has posed:
"I like the idea of being on a team, but it's not like we're doing anything other than playing 'getting to know you'," Tyler says to Andrea. "I know there are plans for us, but I'd like to have an idea of what the New Mutants mean before I get attached to the whole team idea." He looks between Josh and Andrea, "I want to stay here, I think, but if I were Ms Grey I'd kick me out of school for what I did. Or call the cops. I know you trust her, but I've got no reason to. My only interaction with her was me getting in trouble for not reading her mind about the curfew thing."

Tyler shrugs his shoulders and swallows in his throat, "I hear you, Josh. Good luck with that girl."

Rage has posed:
"Okay.. you're a twenty year old in high school. You shouldn't be checking any girls out!" Andrea calls out after Josh before she lets out a grunt, glancing over to Tyler. "You just need to relax, okay? Before I go out and defend you, is there anything else you need to tell me? So that I got all my ducks in a row?"

Twitch has posed:
"I don't think so," Tyler says softly, letting his head hang down. "I'm just upset and angry. I've got so much energy and I can't go to the gym and fight or ride my bike. I can't go for a proper run over rooftops and stuff where I get to challenge myself. I've been doing push-ups like crazy but I'm getting agitated faster than I can get rid of the feelings." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a prescription bottle, shaking it gently, "And I hate these things but I've been taking them as much as I'm allowed to. They're supposed to chill me out but they don't last long enough between doses." The pills get stuffed back into his pocket and he sag down, burying his face in his hands.

Rage has posed:
"Tyler, we have a top of the line gym here that kicks the shit out of any gym in the city. We live on a mansion with lik a thousand acres of whatever. I don't know why you're so bottled up for." Andrea says with a sigh as she slides the cover down over the keys of the piano, then heads over to him "You gotta relax and stop tripping about the short term stuff and focus on the long. Soon as the Reavers are dealt with, we'll be free to go do stuff. But it's dangerous. We're just kids, Tyler. It's okay to just be a kid, because outside these walls it's practically war for us. We're lucky to be in this position. Just trust the process, okay?" She says as she slides down next to him, curling an arm about his shoulders. She leans in and kisses him on the cheek.

Twitch has posed:
"It's not the same. I've been there and nobody knows jiu jitsu and I'm so behind on my training it's not funny. And just running doesn't do anything for me. I'd have to try jumping between the trees or something and they're pine trees so there's too many branches," Tyler says before sniffling. When Andrea hugs him he leans back, almost smiling when he feels the kiss on his cheek. "I miss my folks. I'd love to go visit them. Tell my brother I met Tony Stark and fought alongside Green Arrow a couple of times."

Rage has posed:
"Didn't Miss Braddock hint that she knows martial arts or something? Or what about that gym teacher we got ... Logan? I don't think he has a last name that I can see. " Andrea says as she nuzzles her cheek against his wolfishly. "You just need to take a breath and not let it get in your head too much. It's only been a week or so. Don't go stir crazy yet. Everything is going to be all good. Sides, use the the down time to crush your studies and get the GPA to where Miss Frost wants it at." She pauses. "Maybe you should tell Miss Frost first about what you did before telling Miss Grey. Don't let Frost get blindsided by anything. She's in charge of us."

Twitch has posed:
"I haven't seen Mr. Logan around to ask him yet and Ms Braddock wants me to go to him first," Tyler says with a shrug, being careful not to accidentally dislodge Adrea from her spot. "Only a week? It feels like a month," the young man sighs. "It's too late for me to get me grades any higher. Classes are ending." Then he nods, "I'll tell whoever I see first. I'm tired of waiting to find out what'll happen to me." Then he seems to perk up, if only slightly, "At least I got to meet all you guys."

Rage has posed:
"Between you and me .. maybe you should tell Frost first. Get her on board first, tell her what you did and why you did it.. then let her go to bat for you if she decides you are worth the effort." Andrea says with an amused grin. "And if she doesn't, then I will go to bat for you, okay? Me and the team. Then we can all talk to Miss Grey. But Frost is our advisor, she should know what happened." Letting go of him, she rises upwards again and gives a long stretch of her body. "Sides, I have a mission for us as soon as we get out of jail. It's a loose end for me and I will need help."

Twitch has posed:
"Okay. I'll try to find her first, then," Tyler says to Andrea with a nod. "I'll put in a message saying I want to see her as soon as I can at her office." Then his head nods, "I appreciate you helping. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but I appreciate it. I just need to get this over and done with so I can get on with my life." He looks at Andrea and blinks a bit, "What is it?"

Rage has posed:
"Do you remember that guy we ran into in New York City? His name is Drake Riley?" Andrea says as she heads back over to the piano to sink down in front of it to gather up her notebooks. "He was a student here, then one day he just upped and left. He and I had a dumb argument, which really wasn't anything big, but a few days later he was gone and it's been stressing me out. He was homeless when I met him. I want to find him. He needs friends."

Twitch has posed:
"The guy you said was your assistant or whatever?" Tyler asks, trying to remember who Andrea's talking about exactly. "He went here? And disappeared?" The young man thinks for a few seconds, "I'll help you find him. I'll have my brother see if he's been picked up by the cops."

Rage has posed:
"He wasn't my assistant. Just a friend. I gave him the title on the spot during that whole paparazzi thing with Mason. I didn't know he was a mutant until I joined the school and saw him here. Just a small world you know? He has electrical powers." Andrea says as she rubs her nose. "And I feel bad we got into a fight. I teased him a bit and he took super offense to it. My bad. But .. he belongs here with us, at the school. At least I feel like like he does."

Twitch has posed:
"Okay," Tyler nods at Andrea's explanation. "I'll help you track him down and see if he wants to come back. This place just might not be for him. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have even considered a private school. Or known this place was for mutants." He sighs, "As soon as I'm allowed out again I'll start looking for him. Do you have any picture of him or anything?"

Rage has posed:
"I think I got one on my phone or something, maybe a few. We're gonna go find him together though." Andrea says as she stuffs her books into her bag. "I'm gonna make a few calls for work, but I can catch you later tonight. Let's get the team together and do dinner."

Twitch has posed:
"Sounds good," Tyler says to Andrea as he rises to his feet. "I'm going to go to the gym to try to tire myself out again." Looking at the young woman for a few seconds, he smiles slightly, "Thanks for letting me talk. It means a lot to me."