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Two Brothers and a Stark + 1
Date of Scene: 28 June 2018
Location: Asgardian Spacecraft, Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Brother are brothers, and Tony snarks while Nuala tries not to get on anyone's bad side.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki, Iron Man, Nuala Duvall

Thor has posed:
    The ship, Frigga's Mercy, is abustle with activity. The last twenty four hours have been busy with the people preparing for the emergencies that had tormented the remaining people of Asgard. At the least one, however, has been resolved when Thor Odinson flew off to defeat the fungal creature that menaced the ship in its low orbit. He had returned and when he returned the word had arrived from the people of Midgard. The United Nations had offered sentiments, some of ill news, though Norway's had been one that at the least offered sanctuary to he people so bereft in the ship above.
    Immediately Thor had gathered a council to speak on the next course of action. Some of the Earth people were there to offer their words, as well as some of the other more prominent Asgardians. When it was over new tasks were taken up. Soldiers were mustering, and the runecasters were taking what reads of the future that they could. There was an air of portent to the atmosphere of the ship, as if there was something due to beak at any moment.
    As for the Thunderer, he was in that observation lounge that served as a war room. From without it was just a half bubble window in the side of the vessel that allowed the void to drift past. Within it was a deck upon a raised dais that had at the summit a large table and high backed chairs. Ledgers were spread all around upon that table, and a single bottle of water was set on a tray that had a quintet of glasses along with it.
    Thor was in one of those chairs, expression grim as he read one of the scrolls that listed the supplies they still had access too. Too few supplies, for too few people. He frowned.

Loki has posed:
Loki appears behind Thor, although many times it's difficult to say whether it is him, or a projection, "You might need something stronger than water if you are going to survive this. Asgard in flames, our father's work undone, a race of proud warriors now reduce to begging nomads. On the bright side you won't have to sit on father's throne, but I doubt that it was the quality of your chair that you were afraid of all of these centuries, but rather it was the weight of the crown that now causes you to slouch. Miss your hammer yet?"

Thor has posed:
    Over his shoulder Thor quirks an eyebrow, his good eye catching sight of the Loki, simulacrum or no. A small exhalation akin to a snort slips from him as he gestures to the side with the scroll. "And good e'en to you as well, Loki." He then sets that scroll down and turns to face his brother. "I've decided to preserve what supplies we have, perhaps should we find a new home then I will break out the mead but not before."
    He lifts his chin, a small smile touching the corner of his mouth. "Where have you been? What has occupied the trickster now in the time of your people's need?" He leans over and takes up the bottle of water and tilts it on its side, letting it fill one of the glasses that he then takes up as he sets the bottle down.

Loki has posed:
Loki grins, "You had things quite in hand did you not? I am also a scholar you know. The mysteries of the universe do not preserve themselves. I've been.. around. Now I am here to cross your T's. You will have to write your decrees in English now you know, because the United Nations of Earth doesn't speak Asgardian. Those pesky I's too.. sometimes a dot.. sometimes not. Are you prepared?" He pauses for a moment, "They don't worship us anymore. All of northern Europe prayed to us once upon a time, twisted the will of our father, slaughtered in your name I might add. Will the Norsemen of old take us in now? I don't think their new god would like that too much.."

Thor has posed:
    Another snort, one might think Thor might have developed a cough if they didn't know better. "Norway was one of the few nations that actually spoke on our behalf, Loki." He extends the glass towards Loki and offers it to him. Should he accept it he'll pour another for himself, but if not then Thor will lay claim to that one with a sip.
    "But there is much left to be done before we can proceed. There are creatures threatening our new home and I intend we aid those of Midgard in its defense." Not that they have a large army anymore. But then again a force of Asgardians is nothing to sneer at no matter the size.
    A moment passes as he sits on the edge of the table, frowning for a moment with gaze distancing. "There are times now and again Loki when I did miss you, asked others to find you. I value your counsel e'en still." His smile is there, but then he looks to the side. "But the mortals will never forgive you for what passed in New York even though you helped save our people. That matters little to them."

Loki has posed:
Loki is still grinning as he accepts the glass, turning the water into wine, "I can do everything their god can do Thor. I am not worried about their opinion of me in the slightest. Their myths have me taking horses as lovers. I don't think I could have been given a less flattering biography. My role has never been that of the savior, and even when they forgot that we existed, they remembered it. At least there's something to fight, I don't think you would be able to stomach being cooped up in a dusty office seeing prime minister so and so.. or chancellor stuff it all day.."

Thor has posed:
    The blonde Asgardian makes do with what he has poured and takes another sip. He looks down at it for a moment then lifts his good eye back to his brother and murmurs, "What is it you want now, Loki?" He turns his head to the side, gesturing to the ship. "With all that has passed, with the struggle that will be the lives of those who call Asgard home... what is it you want amongst this?" He sets the glass down and aside for now, looking into Loki's eyes for a time.
    "After what you have done for these people you've earned your place with us. But is that your wish? Our parents are dead, Ragnarok has come and gone. We survive. There needs be no ill feelings between us. If this place strikes you loathsome then once we land and have a home... you can take this ship or some other and find what lies for you across this wide galaxy beyond the realms."
    He smiles a little, takes a breath, then adds with a small sigh. "You are my brother, I just would you be happy."

Loki has posed:
Loki has taken half the glass by now, twirling the liquid gently, "I want to rule brother, as I always have. But if I cannot do that I will stick around for the most part, if only to show you that you are not up for the challenge that father left you. Perhaps you will come to your senses, or perhaps I will remain the wandering prince, eternally adding to my collection of dusty tomes, magical artifacts, and the most fashionable clothing items. Now that our father is dead, his disdain for me is also dead. He got his wish, you are the king after all, and I remain in your shadow. But my name will not die in it."

Thor has posed:
    Exasperation slips into Thor's tone, for he ever did have the temper so close to the surface. "I do not want you in my shadow, Loki." He sits up and turns, rising to his feet and starting to move across that room. The void behind him with the stars tilting slowly as the ship continues through its orbit, they cast a faint glow behind the armored man with the half-cape over his shoulder. "For purely selfish reasons I would want you with me, yes. But now. It is going to be a strain to survive."
    He to the side and rests a hand on the tall back of one of the chairs. "If you wish to rule, then grant us the time that is needed for Asgard to find itself once again. The time for you to clear your name not only in my eyes but theirs as well."
    He uncurls a hand, "Grant me two hundred years, and if we are worse off then, or my head grows heavy with the crown... then that will prove that your way could be the better."

Loki has posed:
Loki laughs, "Father did not poison you against me? He did not warn you of my ambition? He did not impart last minute wisdom before he died to forbid me access to our most sacred halls? I do not believe it brother but that will not stop me from remaining here. I know that you are insufferably honest and that you lack the intrigue sense to decieve me on such a grand scale, but I refuse to believe that our father's influence is gone entirely. You will not approve of all that I do in the mean time, but know that Earth is not a priority for me right now. Midgaard is much more than this world. I will help you in clerical matters as I can, but know that my ambition is never sated. It is in my blood."

Thor has posed:
    A breath is taken as Thor's eye remains upon Loki and then he nods. "Though you will not believe it he said none such as you imagine." Thor reaches a hand out to rest it on Loki's shoulder. There is no anger in the movement, no admonishment. It is the bridge of creating a physical bond, to meet your brother's eyes and to see what is held within. "He warned me of Malekith and his coming. He told me that Asgard... was not a place. Asgard was its people."
    The blonde Asgardian looks furtively between Loki's eyes, as if seeking the child that he grew up with. "And he told me that he loved us. His last words were for us. Loki."

Loki has posed:
Loki's demeanor does not change, "He told you that he loved you brother.. how touching. His last words were for you as they always were intended to be. I know you believe that he saw some semblence of potential or worth in me, but I was nothing more than a bargaining chip to him. A prize from his ancient conquests. The fact that I desired the throne was an incovenience to him and he went into damage control mode. And now here we are, our father dead, no longer required to worry about the future of Asgard. You are on the throne.. give or take a chair.. and his purpose for his TRUE son is intact, fulfilled. His beliefs vindicated. Do you not see it brother?"

Thor has posed:
    That temper flares as Thor's features darken, perhaps far below there's a rumble as a tropical storm hints at something approximating manifestation. He holds up a hand and points a finger at Loki. "You e'er were uncharitable to him, who took you in, gave you the best life he could." But then he turns away knowing that this is not the path to Loki, nor is it likely to give him anything save a modicum of satisfaction.
    He takes two steps away and shakes his head, then rests a hand on the table. "Very well, Loki. This is what you want. I will call on you when matters require your unique touch but if you endanger our people then I will be left no recourse save justice."

Loki has posed:
Loki chuckles, "Deep down you know that I am right Thor. I harbor you no ill will, it's not your fault, you only know what our father told you, but I know what he told me. I was nothing but a bridge of flesh between the frost giants and Asgard. Oh if you had only been there to see that conversation.. but you were otherwise preoccupied. To keep my heritage secret for so long was arrogant and selfish of him."

Iron Man has posed:
    "How are you NOT done with this? I've saved the planet in a shorter time than you're taking on some simple hinges and compression fuses. Embarrassing," Tony's voice comes from the general doorway, as he reprimands the robot he'd previously set about the task of fixing the stupid door. There's a little noise (less the scraping!), and then movement through the door from one Tony Stark, casually walking in, an apple in hand half eaten, data-pad in the other. He looks tired and drained but relatively upbeat. Until he gets a look in the room, and stops, chewing his bit of apple.

    "Your Majesty, Anthony Stark of Midgard!" The Harald announces in Tony's wake, as Tony's expression grows clouded due to the contents of the room. A Loki.

    "Oh. You lived, huh. I didn't /want/ to win that bet," Tony observes.

Thor has posed:
    "Stark, you know my brother." Thor says as he gestures to the side, knowing full well the two have met. But Thor seems rather displeased as he stands there at one end of the table leaning over it with his hands resting upon its surface. He straightens and takes up the glass of water that was filled, while Loki has one of the others but this time what's in the bottle is merely water. Though, curiously, Loki seems to have some wine of some type.
    He straightens up, a moment passes.
    A glance is spared Loki then he goes on, "We were just discussing matters of state." Or more likely the state between them as Thor definitely has a grim look even moreso than normal. "How goes the research? What was learned by our victory over the creature this day of last."
    As he speaks he uncurls a hand to gesture towards the bottle of water and cocks an eyebrow at Stark, expecting him to turn down the offer of water since... well... it's water.

Loki has posed:
Loki glances at Stark, "Ah.. it's you. All we have is water." He looks down at his wine, draining the remainder of his glass, "Well.. for most of you anyway. But yes I live, so surprised? I mean after everything we've been through.."

Iron Man has posed:
    "We've exchanged pleasantries," Tony answers Thor about having met Loki. "/Not/ surprised. I /won/ the bet that you'd still be around. I made money." The expectation is met: Tony gives a brief 'nah' motion of his apple towards the water. He's not THAT thirsty really, to bother with water. "What do we have? Literally all the things. Banner's excited. In a good way. Well, good for /us/." Tony gives Loki a sort of flat little amused stare. He has some wonderful footage of Hulk and Loki, and the memory of it brings a little smile, though he remains relatively 'polite' otherwise. For now.

    "Not only good information from our wild experiments of destructiveness, but some biology, I'm told. So. Yay us. I'm headed home now, though. More planet to save. You should come by the press conference I've set up, Thor. Lend your smile around. Kiss some babies."

Thor has posed:
    As Loki and Tony begin to verbally joust a bit, Thor turns towards Tony and says simply, "I should tell you Stark, that without Loki's aid many more of my people would have died. He stood by us during Ragnarok, and fought at our side. I have judged he has answered for his crimes against the Asgardian people." Though perhaps not to the people of Earth, but Thor mentions that not.
    He takes another long drink of water and then sets the glass down with a clink. "I have had Vintridr ready our forces, you will have roughly two hundred and fifty Asgardians ready to fight where you need them when the time comes. A good share of runecasters as well to facilitate the arcane side of matters." A glance is given to Loki but then he's back to Stark.
    "As for the other, my time may well be spoken for but if you need me I shall try and be there."

Loki has posed:
Loki raises a brow, "And if the Earthlings want to use Asgardians for war with each other? I know you won't allow it but.. just tred carefully brother. Their nation states have history, history that we have nothing to do with. But ultimately it's up to you.." He glances at Stark, "I could give you the perfect temperature for the -perfect- hot tub soak.. but I won't. Consider us even."

Iron Man has posed:
    "It wasn't a requirement, Thor. I don't /need/ any kisses personally, I have other sources for those," Tony says, flashing a more real smile to his friend in the room. "To continue to promote good press with us humans. But fighting the fungus invaders works too. Since you're not going to just watch people die to them from up here, that's good enough as is. So. More just advice, to not only /do/ the deeds out here, but /also/ be present for the records of it and good press. Still, do with it whatever you like. I'm just usually right." Tony winks and finishes most of the apple, distractedly looking around for something to do with his apple core.

    "We are a very long way off from even," Tony says, tone chilly but firm. He doesn't suffer the New York incident and personal attacks lightly. "I'm glad you're keeping priorities to hot tub soak durations, though, and not on these other problems."

    "Now then. /I/," Tony continues, ending up going to the door to give the robot his apple core in his entitled, careless way, "am heading back. I'll leave the robots here to help continue repairs. I have more." Tony has many, many robots, yes.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala is clean. Her hair is still wet from a fresh shower, combed back into a ponytail. She's wearing her slim suit, as per usual, but she looks far more refreshed than she did when she was last seen. She comes in with a far more regular gait, only to be surprised by Harald when he announces:

    "Lady Duvall of Nova."

    She slowly turns her head to stare for a second, uncertain when that became a thing. She passes Tony's exit. "Mr. Stark," she says in her professional courtesy voice with a nod.

Loki has posed:
Loki shrugs off Tony's words, "Humans.. ungrateful. I won't hold your nature against you Stark. In a thousand generations your kind will not even begin to understand my perception of you, or the universe for that matter." With that he turns his attention to Nuala as she enters, not saying anything as of yet.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's temper is frayed, it's clear as he turns to the side and snaps at Loki sharply, "These fungal creatures are not the mortals lashing out at each other, turning on each other, Loki. Why are you always so quick to view matters at their worst?" Meanwhile, far below, Tropical Storm Bjorn begins to swirl a little bit faster even as the thunder god turns away from his brother and shifts his focus back to the Iron Avenger.
    But then Tony is making his departure and Thor lifts a hand to offer a wave in departure, looking a bit distracted and a touch grim. "I will keep the secondary communications at the ready, Stark. If we are needed send the signal. Asgard will answer."
    That said, Stark makes his departure... even as Nuala is announced and enters. She might well sense the tension in the room, catch the rumbling undertones between the men while Stark heads off. But then Thor will greet her with a nod as well. "Lady Duvall." He straightens up to his considerable height and gestures to the side, "May I present to you Loki of Asgard. My brother." He uncurls a hand in his brother's direction and then his eyebrows lift. "You seem refreshed. That is good."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala pauses as she sees Thor's curt snap at his brother. "Your majesties," she says cautiously. "I apologize, if this is a poor time, I will leave you be," she offers. "I only came to see what new developments may have come about. I am sure it is good that you have your brother at your side during such a time as this." Clearly, she knows nothing of the dynamic.

Loki has posed:
Loki laughs at Nuala's humility, "Don't scrape and bow here.. it's not really the time or place..." He helps himself to more water, which he promptly turns into wine with but a thought, "Trust me you'll know when it's time." He glances at Thor, "I prepare you for the worst brother. Your optimism is going to ruin what is left of our kingdom. That is the first bit of advice I will give you."

Thor has posed:
    "I am sure it will not be the last." Thor says towards Loki, but this time there's a hint of a smile there, though a small one. The blonde Asgardian seems to still be a touch riled all the same, but the mood fades as he looks back towards Nuala and takes his seat once again. "We have e'er been contentious, it is our way." And as easily as that he drops the tension of the moment and then gestures for Nuala to take a seat as well should she so wish.
    "Stark seems to be making ready to depart, are you returning him to the planet's surface?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I imagine I should," Nuala answers, glancing back in the direction of the door. "It might do him good to have to wait if you require anything," she comments casually with the flick of an eyebrow. She lets her blue gaze wander back to Loki, as if making an initial estimation of him by a side glance. "I would like to help you with the humans," she reiterates. I have petitioned Nova again, but I will need to wait for the response."

Loki has posed:
Loki smirks, "It shall not be the last I can assure you." He watches Nuala in silence still, unsure of what to make of her at this point, although he adds, "Stark is probably late for a party. Drunkard that he is.."

Thor has posed:
    "Should you return I would have words with thee." The Asgardian King says solemnly even as he turns to glance in the direction of Loki. For a moment Thor's one good eye seems to gauge the other and he gives a nod. Then back towards Nuala, "For now, I am afraid I need some time to order my thoughts." He undoes the clasp on his hip and then sets Mjolnir down heavily upon the tabletop even as he leans forwards and starts to pull a few of the scrolls on there to him.
    "Stark has departed, brother. Though I am sure if you rush to the hangar bay you can catch him and offer some wry witticism that shall assuredly put him on his rear." His good eye narrows then he says in that low rumbling tone, "But for now. Leave me." Then he looks to Nuala and adds, "Please."