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Meeting the Professor.
Date of Scene: 23 June 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: The New Mutants meet Professor X and Jean starts to figure out how much trouble Tyler got into.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Twitch, Professor X, Phoenix

Rage has posed:
Having put away the instruments, Andrea heads over to talk to the Professor and Tyler. It seems that she has quelled any emotions she was working through with the duet she just sang with Mason. "He wants to be a superhero." She grins to her fellow teammate.

Twitch has posed:
"I hope so, Professor," Tyler says regarding him getting along with Logan. Now that the music's finished for the time being he cracks a smile and listens to Xavier speak about his history and the mansion, nodding his head when the old man wraps things up. To Mason, Tyler lifts his hand and says, "Bye, man. Take it easy." Once his friend had departed Tyler looks towards Xavier and smiles, "I appreciate all the stuff you've done for us, Professor." He gestures at himself, "I'm hoping someday to help people, too. I try to when I get the opportunity but it's hard to find chances to do stuff."

Then Andrea comes over and outs him. Tyler's eyes go wide and his mouth falls open as she does it. His mouth shuts, then opens so that he can talk, but he can't seem to find words at first. Eventually he manages to spit something out, "Yeah."

Professor X has posed:
Professor Xavier simply smiled to Andrea, nodding very softly at her words. "There's nothing wrong with that. Dreaming of being a superhero is actually a very noble dream to have. Though of course, superheroes come in many shapes and forms." He chuckles lightly before his eyes fall upon Tyler, giving him a wink and listening to him with a warmth to his features.

"It's all been my pleasure, young Mr. Grant. You live a very noble life, and you should be proud of that. I beg of you, young man, never lose that desire to help others. It's a beautiful thing to see."

Rage has posed:
"He just needs to learn to be careful and to not take too many risk chances by himself." Andrea says as she bumps her shoulder against Tyler's, "We're apart of Miss Frost's hand picked team, the New Mutants. There is about six of us I believe. She wants us to work together and to learn how to protect ourselves and to gain better control over our powers. She has hinted there may be more to come depending on how well we do and if we can keep our grades at a four oh."

Twitch has posed:
Tyler leans into Andrea when she bumps their shoulders together in a little act of affection. "I hate that I'm waiting on the superhero thing for now. I feel like I'm letting people down by not being out there." The young man closes his eyes and sighs, his head falling forward so that if his eyes were open he'd be looking at the floor. "I hope there's more to the New Mutants. It's a pain in the ass trying to keep myself at an 'A'."

Professor X has posed:
Xavier nods lightly to Andrea. "I am aware of this new team. Emma told me all about it...though I'm happy to see she has high expectations for all of you. It means she wants to see you grow and be the best that you can be. If I were you, Mr. Grant, I would be happy that you're pushed so hard to keep that 'A'." he winks lightly to the fellow before his eyes fall upon the two of them. "I'm sure, with Emma's more...selective nature, you will have many more friends to relate with on this matter in due time." He seems to look between the two of them after Tyler's show of affection, perhaps smiling softly to himself in a possibly knowing kind of way, but also just to mainly be a tease.

Rage has posed:
"Even there is not something more, at least we gain valuable skills such as teamwork, coordination and a feeling of brotherhood and friendship." Andrea says as she smooths down her shirt a bit with her hands. "Either way, once I graduate, it's off to NYU I hope for a degree in theater, followed by more tours if my next album charts as well as my first. I have at least a ten year road map planned out for me. Superheroing isn't on that list."

Twitch has posed:
"Yeah, Professor, I know Ms Frost wants us to succeed, but it's hard for me to focus on studying long enough to keep my grades that high," Tyler explains with another sigh, then a shrug. He looks over at Andrea and nods a little bit, "I guess that's something. Still, it's not like the feeling of helping people. Taking down bad guys. Knowing you're making people safe." The young man leans back in his seat, looking around the room for the clock. He spots it and says, "Okay, still got time to hang out."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean steps into the class room, dressed in simple jeans and a tank top, her gait a bit hurried at the strange familiar sense she hadn't encountered in quite some time. "Professor...? You're back?" It's not so much a seeking of validation to the fact he's there, as much as wondering if he'll stay this time around, or is just briefly visiting.

Professor X has posed:
The professor just smiles. he likes what he hears! Xavier, Andrea, and Tyler were simply sitting in the recreation room. Nevertheless, Charles was in his wheelchair, as per the usual.

"Now, now, don't worry Tyler. you're time will come." he chuckles. "It will come for the both of you."

Then Jean arrives! turning his head to face her with a big smile on his face. "Hello Jean. it's good to see you again. yes, I am. and here to stay."

Rage has posed:
"I don't know, Tyler. I was killed already once being a superhero and if it wasn't for Josh, you'd have attended my funeral instead of getting to hang out with me and soak up all this free attention from my fans." Andrea teases her friend with a bump of her shoulder against his. "And being punched in the face and shot at isn't exactly things I want to put on my resume. You have fun with that." She gives a smile to Charles, then brightens up at the sight of Jean.

Twitch has posed:
When Ms Grey appears Tyler looks at her and nods politely in greeting, "Hello Ms Grey." Then he looks over towards the Professor and nods, "I'll get back to it someday. Just need to graduate first." Tyler doesn't sound particularly happy about having to wait, but it's not like he can do anything. He looks towards Andrea and frowns, "I'd lose it if anything ever happened to you." His lips get pressed tightly together for a second, "That's why I want to help people, so that innocent people don't have to worry about the predators out there. Guys like the Reavers and them."

Phoenix has posed:
"Good to have you back, Professor," Jean offers to Xavier with a warm smile, there's much more she'd like to say, but now wasn't the time. "As you have seen for yourself, we do have some new students..." she then levels her gaze with Tyler, "overzealous ones, at that. But we'll get through everything, I mean, I came out alright for the most part."

Professor X has posed:
Xavier smiles warmly to Jean as she speaks. "Good to be back. and yes, yes you did." he chuckles lightly. His eyes shift then to Andrea and Tyler's exchange and he chuckles. However, his phone rings and the Professor digs it out. he whispers. "I'm sorry, this is important! Jean will happily speak with you." and with that, he rolls away into the background of the room. it's clearly a parent of a mutant kid talking.

Rage has posed:
"It was nice to finally meet you, Professor!" Andrea calls out to him with a smile, lifting her hand upwards. She gives a glance to Tyler again, before nodding to Jean. "I should get going myself as well. Got some studying to do and a few calls to make to my management."

Phoenix has posed:
"Was there something to discuss beyond what I already know...?" Jean asks, turning her eyes to Andrea, eager to shift subject as she doesn't want any of the students to even accidentally catch a glimpse of a slight flush on her cheeks at the Professor's affirmation of her success.

Rage has posed:
Andrea gives a bit of a pause. "Something else to discuss?" She asks as she slides her hands into her pockets.

Twitch has posed:
When Jean calls him out Tyler grimaces and looks down at the floor. As the professor wheels off to handle his phone conversation the youth gives him a little wave. Then he looks over at Andrea, "Take care of yourself. I'll talk to you later." He turns and looks between Andrea and Ms Grey, wondering what exactly is going on at this point.

Phoenix has posed:
"The Professor said you had something to discuss...?" Jean asks again with uncertainty, before adding, "I want us to go see that man who has been giving you trouble. Preferably over the weekend. We need to reduce the risks to our student body."

Rage has posed:
"Um.. I don't know what he would be referring to. We've just been making small talk." Andrea says as she gives another look to Tyler, then lifts a hand to rub at her nose. "Of course. I am ready when you are, Miss Grey. Just let me know when and how you want to approach it."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean turns her head to look at Tyler, "nothing at all, is there...? Tyler, do you have anything to share with the class?" Jean tries to coax some bit of info out of him, without resorting to simply taking it.

Twitch has posed:
Gulping in his throat, Tyler takes a few seconds to gird himself before he says, "I took care of that guy already, Ms Grey. I told Ms Frost about it last night." He takes a deep breath and stands up straight, looking at Jean with a frown on his face. Taking a quick look around to make sure there are no eavesdroppers he goes on to say, "Oroku Saki won't bother Andrea any more."

Rage has posed:
There is a bit of a sigh from Andrea as she rubs the back of her neck, giving a stub of her foot on the ground with her sneaker.

Phoenix has posed:
"Is that so...?" Jean murmurs, her distinct tone suggests she is beyond livid, even though she still speaks calmly and quietly. "Pray tell, how did you manage that, Tyler? Surely you didn't break curfew yet again to accomplish the feat?"

Twitch has posed:
"I did break curfew to do it," Tyler admits with a sigh. "I didn't know that Andrea had told you or I wouldn't have done it." He looks down at the floor again. "I heard about Andrea being blackmailed by Oroku so I went out one night, put on a mask, tailed him from his office to a satellite lab. I went in, knocked out his guards, fought with Oroku and he agreed to turn over the originals to me and leave Andrea alone."

Phoenix has posed:
"Twice then," Jean keeps count, obviously. "I'm sure you wouldn't have...was it smart to do?" Jean asks, her green eyes feeling like they are digging deep into Tyler, there's this creepy sensation when someone you know is a mind reader is looking at you that intensely. "And this Oroku Saki...wasn't much of a fighter, was he? Nor very clever, clearly he made his entire Foot Clan by chance, right? Resource to make a ficticious company appear legit also stroke of luck, was it?" Jean is pointing at something, and while she may not know all there is to know about Oroku Saki, she's done her research. She doesn't buy that a student at Xavier's who hasn't even been there for two month can boast taking down a Japanese underworld boss with such ease.

Rage has posed:
Andrea opens her mouth to say something, then slowly closes it. She rocks on her feet for a moment nervously, then reaches out to slide her hand into Tyler's to give him a squeeze.