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Latest revision as of 12:41, 1 July 2018

Date of Scene: 30 June 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea talks sense to Tyler and Josh, and tells them she might not be New Mutant material.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Twitch, Rage

Elixir has posed:
It was midday when Josh was searching through the grounds at Xavier's to find Tyler. When he finally finds his friend, Josh is all smiles. "Dude, you're never going to believe what just happened. I just had breakfast with /Bruce Wayne/," he beams. "Can you believe that?"

Twitch has posed:
"Wait? Did you say Bruce Wayne?" Tyler asks, eyes going wide with surprise. "That's baller, dude!" Clearly, the young man is enthused and happy for his friend. "What was he like? How did you meet him?"

Elixir has posed:
"He was super chill, but like, focused. He's a guy with an agenda, you know? It was so weird, he sent me an invitation to meet him like out of the blue, I don't know even know how he knew who I was. And there he was, at the Four Seasons in the restaurant right on time. And he started asking me what I wanted to do, and told him I wanna be a doctor because like, I can heal people. And he was all, think bigger and sooner than med school, send me a proposal and wow me," Josh spills out, almost tripping over the words.

"I dunno if Andrea put him up to this or something, but he was serious. And I think he already knew what I can do somehow."

Twitch has posed:
"Bigger and sooner than med school? Damn," Tyler is impressed by what he hears and it shows on his face. "I can't believe that happened to you, dude. That's so cool." He takes a deep breath before speaking further, "So what's your proposal? You got any ideas yet?" Then he pauses to think, "Maybe Andrea did tell him, she didn't mention knowing him, though. Who the hell knows how rich people find stuff out, though. Andrea somehow got my phone number when I was just DMing her."

Elixir has posed:
"I know, right? It's like they live in an alternate dimension, it's weird," he agrees and sits down. "I dunno exactly what I'm going to write, but there is something I've been thinking about for a while. I mean, it's awesome here, but while I'm in class there are people dying out there I could totally help. Kind of like when you went out to help Andrea. So I've sort of wanted to, you know, /use/ my powers. Like for sick kids or something. But it's not like I can just walk into a hospital and throw down, you know? So I sort of thought about.... sneaking in?"

Twitch has posed:
"That's true! You could be out there helping people instead of sitting on your ass," Tyler exclaims, leaning forward and nodding his head rapidly a couple of times. "So you want to sneak into a hospital and help people?" the young man's face takes on a thoughtful expression, tilting his head to the side as he thinks. "So what's the plan? Dress like clowns and bring a bunch of balloons and candy and stuff?"

Elixir has posed:
"Exactly, but I dunno how to get in," Josh admits. "I've never done anything like this before, that's why I came to you. I mean, you snuck into that CEO's building and everything. I figured you'd know how to do it. You're the superhero guy. How'd you get in that place? Could we do something like that? Or clowns, I guess, but they creep me out. And they might not let us in if they weren't like, already expecting us, you know? They might think we're a couple of creeps."

Twitch has posed:
"I went in through the roof to get in there. Depending on the hospital we could go in through the roof, but I don't think that's what we want to do. We might need to break the lock on the door and it'll set off security alarms," Tyler might very well be thinking out loud at the moment. "You're right about the clown thing, though, we'd need an appointment or something." He presses his lips tightly together and breathes deeply, "Alright. We can try sneaking in through whatever entrance the doctors use when they go on a smoke break. There might be a keycard thing to get in there, unless it's also for patients and visitors."

Elixir has posed:
"That could totally work. I'll have to borrow like makeup or something from the drama kids," he muses. "I mean, I kind of stand out. But yeah, that might work," he says enthusiastically. "Then we just have to get to intensive care or whatever. I even found the place," he says pulls out his cellphone to show to Tyler. "Maria Fareri Children's Hospital," he grins.

Rage has posed:
The front doors open to reveal Andrea, who is wearing a pair of snug spandex workout shorts and a loose fitted Xavier's t-shirt with a red circled X on the front. Her hair is pulled back behind her into a pony tail and she has a pair of handweights in her palms. As she spies the two, she gives a smile. "Hey guys, what's up?"

Twitch has posed:
"We can get you makeup. That shouldn't be any problem." There's a grin on Tyler's face now. "Once we get inside we can just follow the signs to the ICU." He considers things further, "Hmm. Once we're actually inside I don't think anyone will bother us."

When the door opens up behind him Tyler turns to check out who is coming through. As he takes in Andrea his eyes widen and he says to Josh, "She can get us in! She's better than a clown, even!" Then he returns his attention to the young woman, "Hey Andrea. We're chilling, talking about stuff. How are you doing?"

Elixir has posed:
"Hey Andrea," Josh says with an excited smile, his awkwardness of late forgotten at least for the moment.

"That's a genius idea!" he says to Tyler and looks to Andrea. "Hey, how do you feel about visiting a kid's hospital?" he says with a grin. "I want to try something out."

Rage has posed:
"What do you want to try?" Andrea asks curiously as she furrows her brows in thought. "And I'm okay in visiting a kid's hospital. I usually do that a few times a year anyways."

Twitch has posed:
Tyler opens his mouth, about to answer for Josh, but seems to think better of it at the last second, preferring to let the man speak for himself in this situation.

Elixir has posed:
Josh explains to Andrea about how he had an invitation to breakfast with Bruce Wayne that morning, and how Mr. Wayne had offered an opportunity to propose something bigger and better than his goal of becoming a doctor, and how it got him thinking about something he had wanted to try for a while.

"I want to try using my powers," he says. "You know, do something real, instead of sitting in class. So I want to get into like, Children's hospital and you know, fix some kids."

Rage has posed:
Pondering for a few moments, Andrea says, "So .. what is the gameplan? You go in, you fix a couple of kids? How od you decide who should be helped and who shouldn't be? Know what sucks about being a celebrity? Having to tell someone no once in awhlie. No, I can't sign my one hundredth autograph because I have to take a piss the size of a swimming pool, or no I can't do another selfie because I'm late for a flight." She gives a glance to Tyler, then back to Josh. "Do you heal the kid with cancer and risk creating a God like miracle that will freak people out, or do you heal the kid with a broken wrist and then let the kid with cancer die?"

Twitch has posed:
"I think the goal is to heal all the kids in intensive care, right?" Tyler asks Josh after Andrea finishes speaking. "Get the life threatening cases and then get out of there." He does stop and think at this point, however. "It might not be a great idea to go and heal a bunch of people like that in terms of maintaining a not public profile. Everyone would know who you are and start lining up to get healed by you, bothering you all the time." His shoulders shrug, "I'll help you out either way, though. It's totally up to you."

Elixir has posed:
Josh shifts as Andrea speaks, but his expression darkens as he listens.

"It's not the same, Andrea. I mean, I get it, I can't save the world, but what am I supposed to do? Heal nobody because it's hard to figure who to heal? We're the only three people in the whole world, except Ritchie I guess, that I've ever healed. And I saved both our lives," he says, gesturing between Andrea and himself. "Seriously, this has been bugging me. If I don't do /anything/ how'm I supposed to sleep at night? How do I.... Eat ice cream after dinner, " he says waving toward the Dining Hall. "And be like, oh, I could have cured cancer for someone today, but was like, nah, had to go to class?" he finishes, glowering and looking pained. "It isn't /right/," he insists, fists clenched.

"See, you get what I want to do," he says to Tyler. "And that's why I wanted to sneak in, so people didn't know it was me."

Rage has posed:
"So, what if you touch someone and it speeds up their sickness instead? We don't even know if you're a true healer or if you can do other stuff yet. All of your healing has been by accident." Andrea says as she frowns. "You can't just walk in there like Jesus, touching everyone and healing them. Think of the chaos you will create. There is no sneaking into a hospital. You don't think it's wall to wall cameras? For a children's ward?" She says as she reaches behind her to tug her hair out of the elastic band. "Some golden guy walking around touching kids on camera and healing them is going to create a shit storm. Look, I'm on your side, but you gotta look at the bigger picture and the next steps that comes of it."

Twitch has posed:
"Damn. Cameras. You'd have to go in in a mask, which would mean breaking in, which means dealing with security," Tyler says with a deep frown on his face. "I don't really want to mess up a bunch of hospital guards just to help other people." He leans back against the stone stairs that lead to the front door of the school, "You could do the whole faith healing thing only not religious. Wear a full cloak or wrap yourself up like a mummy, heal people for donations you need to keep renting the space you use. You could screen them during the week, make sure it's life threatening or debilitating before agreeing to see them, then heal them up on Sunday. You might accidentally start a cult."

Elixir has posed:
Josh blinks. "A cult? I don't want to accidentally start a cult..." he says and sighs, frustrated as the two end up pointing up the difficulties with what he wants to do.

"I didn't think about that stuff, okay, but what do you want me to do, just sit here then? Because we don't know, or it's too risky, or whatever? That seems really weak."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah Josh, life sucks sometimes and it can be weak. You wanna touch a kid with cancer and have him die right in front of you because you made the tumor healthier or something? Maybe you should practice with skinned knees first before moving on to life diseases." Andrea says as she sighs, then ponders. "Okay, I have an idea. Sometimes on my hotline we find mutant kids who are really messed up. Beat up by their peers, parents, what have you. Let's start there before we move on to fixing the humans. Less chance of freaking out." She rubs at her temple. "That Erika girl I was telling you about said she had a friend she hurt. I think she's hurt as well from what the call said .. her head feels like it's exploding. We can start there."

Twitch has posed:
"There's got to be a way for you to heal people and not get called out for it," Tyler says with a sigh, sounding as though he's also frustrated. Sticking a thumb out in Andrea's direction he says, "That's a good place to start." He points out, "We're not even sure if your thing works on diseases, though next time I get a cold we're going to find out." There's a little smile at his own remark. "I really want you to heal everyone you possibly can, though, and if you ever decide to go public with your abilities or do the faith healing thing I'll totally back you up and play bodyguard until you can afford a professional team."

Elixir has posed:
Josh fist bumps Tyler. "Thanks man," he says. "You never know, I might need it. Or something. Or maybe we can come up with something like that to sell to Mr. Wayne," he says and shakes his head. His shoulders settle, his expression is more resigned. "Sure, Andrea," he agrees. "That's a good place to start. As long as I'm helping /someone/, and she did sound like she needs our help."

Rage has posed:
"Lots of people need our help, you just gotta be careful when dealing with kids. You heal a kid and the wrong parent freaks out? Maybe thinks the dirty mutie planted something in them? Who knows. People are fucking crazy." Andrea says as she pushes up to her feet, then leans down to tie her sneakers a bit tighter. "I'm going for a run to jog off the pizza. Also, I don't know about the team thing guys. It sounds like something you two are better suited for than I am. You know, uniforms and going into battle, stuff like that. Becoming an X-Man."

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah," Josh grumbles. "Have a good... Wait, what? What do you mean? You were the one who was all like excited about it and going on about your pack. Are you being serious right now?" he asks, incredulously.

Twitch has posed:
Returning the fist bump Tyler gives his friend a nod, "No problem, man. I'm glad you thought of coming to me for help, makes me feel pretty good about myself." He slows down to nod, "Yeah... Mr. Wayne might be able to get you access to patients in a private setting. Have an anesthetist knock them out, you walk in, lay on hands, BOOM! Miracle cure they can say is experimental Wayne Enterprises technology and if the patients ever leak information about it they get the crap sued out of them by super attorneys. The whole time they can deny you were ever involved and if you have to pull out of the project for some reason they can just say they ran out of the unobtainium they were using to heal people."

As Andrea says that thing about the team, though, Tyler speaks up, "Hey. Don't say that. You're the one who said we were a pack. Plus, you're a badass werewolf. Once you get the hang of it you'll be a total monster in a fight. You'd get to help keep people safe and stop dudes who want to hurt folks. It's a great feeling. I mean, I accidentally superheroed a little the other night, I helped save a club from getting laser eyed, and I feel amazing."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, and we /are/ a pack. You're my best friends and that's not going to change, but guys, we gotta be realistic." Andrea says as she shrugs her shoulders upwards. "I'm a rich, multi-millionaire celebrity popstar who sings songs about broken hearts and dumb boys. I'm not a warrior. Getting stabbed in the chest and being brought to life gave me a ton of self-reflection. I want to do the right thing, be an activist, bring attention to the situation, yeah? But going into a huge werewolf and gutting people?" She shakes her head. "It's not who I am. I'm not about to go fight Magneto or Darkseid or put on a mask and spandex. You two seem to be /really/ into it and you have my support. But sometimes we gotta fight battles in our own ways where we're effective."

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks thoughtful and it's a bit before he says anything. "I get not wanting to go near any of that stuff again, it's freaky as hell," he says and considers Andrea. "So it's sort of like saying hey, there are other bruisers out there, but only one Andrea Jackson, world-wide advocate, who can get /that/ many people to hear her and maybe listen?" he asks and bites the inside of his lip. "I dunno.... Did you talk to Ms. Frost or anyone about it yet?"

Twitch has posed:
"It's your call, Andrea," Tyler tells his friend, like he's trying to keep from sounding sad. "Like I said to Josh, I'll support whatever decision you decide to make." He reaches forward to grab her hand and give it a quick squeeze but stops himself partway there when he notices the weights she's holding again, "If fighting evil in the way I like to isn't for you, it's not for you." There's a sigh before he can stop himself, "You want to go for a real run some day? I can take you to the Brooklyn zoo some night and show you how to free run. It's way better exercise than flat running and you get to look a lot cooler doing it."

Rage has posed:
"I do P90X, Tyler. I don't even know if you can /hang/ with me and my workout." Andrea grins at him as she gives a stretch. "Also, I'm thinking you wanna break into the zoo after hours. They got cameras there too. How about this? You guys propose we do something /normal/ together and I'm on board." She says as she winks, then starts off in her jog after popping in her wireless earpods in to crank the music up. Probably some Euro-High-Energy to get the blood flowing. "I'll talk to Frost later!" She calls over her shoulder.