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Can pancakes fix everything
Date of Scene: 09 July 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Mason, Tyler and Josh talk about what happened that night at the lake. Josh punched Mason in the face.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Twitch, Elixir, Mason Steele

Rage has posed:
The next morning, Andrea is already up and moving about, having snuck downstairs to make breakfast. She is currently making blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes at the large stove. She's wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a baggy sweater, which seems to be her go-to dressing down wardrobe when she is not in showtime mode. Having taken a few showers last night, she at least looks clean without any trace of blood. The wound on her head is gone, leaving not even a scar due to Josh's handiwork. After sliding a few pancakes on to a plate, bacon and eggs are next as she plops them into a large frying pan, seperated by a barrier and begins to cook again.

Twitch has posed:
Having been unable to get much sleep Tyler is out and about, already dressed for the day. Being perpetually hungry it's not much of a surprise that he finds himself gravitating towards the kitchen for a bite to eat.

When he arrives there he finds his friend already cooking and waves to her, "Hey Andrea." The young man approaches, stopping a couple of feet away to not interfere with her cooking, "How are you feeling? You look good."

Elixir has posed:
Josh's alarm wakes him up. It feels like the middle of the night, but sun is coming through the cracks in the blinds. He groans to himself, then gets himself showed and dressed. Camo shorts, black t-shirt, flip flops. He sends Sam a quick text, then makes his way downstairs and heads straight for the Wellness Centre to check on Mason.

He comes into the Wellness Centre and waves to Melanie, the dayshift nurse, and looks for Mason.


Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason isn't in a bed anymore, he is in a chair, texting his mom. Someone gave him a plain white t-shirt, and Xavier's gym shorts to replace his blood stained ones. He looks up at the incoming voice, spotting Josh. Eye contact is a challenge for him right now.
    "Hey," he says. "I guess I better go, I'm betting nobody wants me here," he comments.

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Hey Tyler." Andrea says as she turns to give him a smile, brushing some hair behind her ear. "I feel fine. Just confused still on what happened last night. A little bit stressed out. I couldn't sleep well last night, had some crazy dreams." She slides some pancakes on to a plate and hands it over to him, then pours some matter batter into the pan to start on a new batch. "You doing okay?"

Twitch has posed:
Taking the plate from Andrea Tyler smiles back at her, "Thank you. I'm okay. I couldn't get much sleep, either. I kept worrying about you. I'm still not sure what to think about everything that happened." Heading to one of the drawers Tyler fetches some silverware for the pair to use, then sets his food down on the counter near the stove so he can eat while keeping up his conversation, "I'm not sure if I'm pissed off at Mason or worried about him or what. Probably both, to be honest."

Elixir has posed:
"Oh no," Josh says evenly. "You don't get to pull that one. I need some coffee, and then I would /really/ like to hear how Andrea ended up with a... a... hole through her brain. Come on."

Josh turns to go, checking first that Mason is coming with him. Then he leads the way to the kitchen.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason lets out an audible sigh, and gets up after a couple of seconds of making Josh wait. He's going to have to explain it sooner or later. "I'm not so sure that I can explain it," he says. "Is she okay? I mean, she was different when she woke up. I've never seen her like that. I mean...not in human form at least." He tries to put his hands in his pockets, only to realize that these shorts don't have any pockets, and with head low, he steps out into the hall after Josh.

Rage has posed:
"I don't know either. I still don't think he would throw a rock at me. That's not like him at all, and maybe the Professor is right, maybe his mom did do something to him. Maybe it's her fault." Andrea flips the bacon and scrambled eggs on to a second plate, then flips the pancakes in the pan. "So, besides my never ending drama of waking up with blood on me, what's going on with you? Meet any cute girls yet?" She teases.

Twitch has posed:
"Maybe it is her fault," Tyler says with a faint shrug as he watches Andrea closely, then sighs. At her questions Tyler has to think for a bit, then he shrugs, "Meeting? Yeah. Anything more than that, not really." He actually sighs and turns away to look out a window. "I'm still kind of nervous around most girls, always worried about looking like a jackass or something."

Elixir has posed:
"She is now," Josh says with a stiff nod, as they round the corner into the kitchen. "Professor X was able to bring her... aww shit," he says tiredly when he sees Andrea and Tyler, but he is too far into the kitchen to stop Mason.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason doesn't quite put the expletive together fast enough as he follows Josh into the kitchen. "What?" he asks, then comes into view of Andrea. "Aww shit," he echoes the sentiment. He stops, frozen like a statue as he looks at Andrea. He truly seems to become very still, as someone does if they have just encountered a predator in the wild.

Rage has posed:
"I don't know why you're so nervous around girls for. You're cute, a real badass in the gym. Just be confident, Tyler. In here, you can be someone different. You can be confident. Tell your anxiety to knock it off for a bit." Andrea grins at him as she flops some back on to his plate as she takes a seat across from him. When the pair of boys enter the kitchen, she freezes as well, glancing from Josh, to Mason. Her eyes stare back at him, full of questions as her mouth moves, but no voice comes out.

Twitch has posed:
When Josh and Mason enter the room Tyler looks over at them, eyes going wide as he eyes Mason. Then he looks back to Andrea, trying to see how she's reacting. The food in front of him is temporarily forgotten, not an easy thing to have happen. Tyler's hands ball up into fists and he grits his teeth, shaking his head at Mason. Words don't seem to reach his lips, neither does the usual smile he has when he sees his friend.

Taking obvious effort, Tyler forces his hands open and takes a series of deep breaths, forcing himself to remain cool.

Elixir has posed:
Josh spreads his hands in a calming gesture.

"Okay... So... Mason was just gonna tell me what happened," he says slowly then points to the espresso machine. "And I'm gonna make coffee.... Okay?"

Josh looks between the three of them and when he's fairly certain nobody is going to attack or run, then he moves to the espresso machine.

"Go ahead Mason, looks like you've got everyone's attention."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason stands still, not even aware that he is holding his breath for several seconds. He finally gives Josh a look that says 'you bastard'.
    "I am not ready for this conversation," he admits. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say." It's an honest response. He's not entirely sure that he understands what has happened himself, and he's been unconscious for most of the time since the event. In many ways, it's far fresher for him than it is for the others, if only by a few waking hours.

Rage has posed:
Continuing to watch Mason, Andrea tears her eyes away from him when he says he is not going to talk about what happened. She gives a visible sniff, then pushes herself up from the chair. Abandoning her breakfast, it appears that she plans on leaving the room to the three boys. She looks visibly crushed emotionally as she beelines for the door.

Twitch has posed:
"Andrea, wait!" Tyler starts after the young woman, moving to keep up with her. It's not clear if he wants her to stop or if he's going to go with her or what. It's probably not clear to him either.

As he follows her Tyler shakes his head rapidly from side to side.

Elixir has posed:
Josh rounds on Mason, face contorted. He closes the two steps between them in a flash swings at the popstar's head. The punch lands squarely.

"Mason, you /ass/!" Josh yells "/You're/ not ready?! You fucking killed her!"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason looks like he wants to stop Andrea, or plead to Tyler, he even starts to reach out in her direction, but he doesn't know what to say. The problem is resolved for him though when Josh's fist slams across his lip. He spins around, crashing into the counter and knocking over a container of spatulas and wooden spoons, falling to the ground as he grips the counter. He cringes back from Josh. "I'm sorry!" he begs, shielding himself from further assault. "I don't know what happened! I don't know! I didn't want to hurt her I don't know!" He bursts into tears himself. "Andrea, I'm sorry!" he calls out, at a loss for what else he could say. "I'm so sorry!"

Rage has posed:
The other popstar is in tears also as she turns around to face them. Andrea is emotionally ramped up now. As she watches Josh slug him, she steps forward. "No, Josh, don't! Just.. just don't." She says with a sob in her throat. She gives a wet sniff as she brushes the tears from her cheek. "I just can't deal with this right now." She looks to Tyler and sighs. "I'm gonna go for a run. Alone. I just need to run. Don't hit him. Make sure Josh doesn't hit him. He probably needs a friend as much as anyone." It seems that she's not going to pass around the blame game.

Twitch has posed:
"Okay," Tyler says to Andrea, keeping it simple as he looks her in the face with a deep frown. "You do what you have to do, but let me know you're okay when you're finished."

Then he turns to look at Mason again, moving towards him and Josh with a sigh. He suddenly looks very tired as he watches his friend on the floor, trying to get between him and Josh. "I don't think beating anybody up is going to help. If I thought it would I'm pretty sure we all know I wouldn't hesitate." Extending a hand down to Mason he says, "Get up, dude."

Elixir has posed:
Josh starts to reach down for Mason with one hand, the other raising. He stops mid-gesture when Andrea speaks, then straigtens up and kicks the cabinet right beside Mason's head, making the cookery inside jump and rattle.

When Tyler comes to help Mason up, Josh stalks back over to the espresso machine and puts his hands on the counter. He hangs his head, teeth gritted, breathing heavily.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason retracts, the tears falling down his cheeks as Andrea leaves. He shakes his head, not taking the hand and staying on the floor, adjusting to a sitting position. "I should have joined earlier," he says, resting his arms on his knees. "She told me I should, and I said I would. I didn't think I'd hurt anyone. I don't even know how it happened," he says. "I really don't. I didn't even throw the rock /at/ her. I was throwing it in the water, I was mad, and when it left my hand, it just...it just flew straight at her, like a magnet or something."

Twitch has posed:
Glancing back at Josh to see what he's doing, Tyler sighs and says, "We'll put the gloves on later today if you're still pissed, let you get the rest of that out."

Tyler looks back down at Mason and rests his hand on a nearby counter, "You made a mistake. It was a bad mistake, but Andrea's okay now." Tyler closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again, "You're going to figure out how your powers work, aren't you? Make sure you don't ever do that shit again, right?"

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, sure," Josh says to Tyler.

He exhales heavily, then turns around and crosses his arms, leaning back against the counter. He stays quiet, but watches Mason intently when Tyler questions him.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason takes a moment to regain his composure, wiping his face, and finding the blood from a smashed lip. He doesn't comment on it, but pulls himself up to his feet. "Yeah," he says. "I never knew I could do something like that. I thought I just..." he pauses. "I dunno what I thought I could do. When I hit that cyborg guy, whatever his name was, with the countertop? That was just a reflex, I should have thought about it then, what I might do accidentally, I was too worried about Andrea at the time, and never stopped to think that it might happen again. I thought I could hide from my powers, if I never did anything with them, maybe they'd just...I dunno, go away or something." He avoids making eye contact with either Tyler or Josh.
    "Andrea will probably never want to talk to me again. I don't blame her. I judged her, I was so afraid that she could hurt me with her powers. I never even thought about the reverse."

Twitch has posed:
"Alright. So you know what you go to do, right? And I'm not talking about apologizing to Andrea, she might accept it or she might not," Tyler tries not to loom over Mason. The young man is obviously concentrating on his breathing now, in through the nose, out through the mouth, making sure he maintains his chill. "Now you know your powers won't just go away. That you need to figure your shit out before you make another mistake and Josh isn't around to fix it."

Elixir has posed:
Josh's lips are pressed into a thin line. He runs a hand through his hair and rubs his face.

"Ty's right. You can run from just about anything else, but not this. Fuckin' forget about Andrea for a minute," he says, waving a hand in the direction she went. "And your Mom, and whatever. You don't wanna live with another mistake like this."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason nods, quietly. "Yeah," he agrees, putting up no fight. "Think they will still let me in? I mean...this is pretty big. I talked to Ms. Frost the other day, she talked about personally tutoring me. Maybe it'd be safer, so there wouldn't be another accident."

Twitch has posed:
"I think they'll let you in," Tyler says as he turns his body to lean his hip against the counter. "The school's here to make sure metas can handle their powers to the best of their ability. Knowing how dangerous your powers are I don't think it would be responsible for them to turn you away." The young man pauses and looks over towards Josh, "He was involved in an attack on a mutant." Then he touches his chest, "I ignored the stupid curfew to commit breaking and entering and assault and battery." Staring at Mason he says, "Everybody makes mistakes. We learn from them and move on."

Elixir has posed:
Josh's face twitches at the mention of being involved in an attack on mutants, and he looks away through the windows into the front yard.

"Yeah, we do. Our mistakes might just not be like other people's. Like, we can do wicked shit, but we can screw up bigger, too."

He unfolds his arms, turns to the espresso machine, and starts making shots. "Who wants coffee?"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason nods, "Yeah, I guess I can't argue," he says. "I'll take some, got any whisky to put in it?" he asks, checking his bloody lip again. 'You really busted into some guys house and beat him up?" he asks Tyler.

Twitch has posed:
"I'd like a cup, please," Tyler says to Josh, watching him for a moment to make sure that he's okay. Mason's question almost gets a smile out of Tyler, "Something like that." Now that things have seemingly cooled off he heads towards his breakfast to start in on it.

Elixir has posed:
Josh snerks and glances over at Mason when he asks about whiskey. He opens one of the drawers near him and fishes out a dish towel, chucks it over to Mason.

Then the shots are ready and he pulls them, pouring them into plain white mugs from the overhead cupboard. He adds hot water, then turns and sets the two mugs on the island. "Worked at Starbucks, guess I'm fired by now for not showing up," he says with a bit of a wry smile. "You know, back when my friends all had /normal/ problems."

He turns back to the espresso machine, empties the grinds from the pulled shot, then starts tamping down more to make some for himself.