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Ninja Magic, Take 2
Date of Scene: 10 July 2018
Location: Skytrain Station - Gotham
Synopsis: Barbara confronts June in street clothes this time, trying to convince her to abandon the Foot.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Oracle

June Connor has posed:
    The sky is drab, the skytrain is moderately busy. Even when it's morning it seems like night. Rain leaks from the clouds, as if the sky wants to keep it from falling, but just can't. Sprinkles of water strike the skytrain, and under one of the covers, a familiar red head steps off the elevator. She wears a backpack today, worn black denim with the logo of Overwatch on it, a video game. One ear is plugged with an ear bud, and she wears a black denim jacket over a light blue Killers T-shirt. The skinny jeans she wears shows everyone that there isn't a whole lot of extra weight on her, though she is athletic, she's still skinny as a rail.
    Her head bobs as she walks, no doubt to whatever music plays that only she can hear.

Oracle has posed:
    There's more than one redhead out today, although their purposes aren't exactly similiar. Hair pulled back into a ponytail, Barbara is wearing glasses, a green hoodie, comfortable jeans, and flats. Also carrying a backpack, she could be just a typical college student. Cradling a smart phone, her finger is active on the screen. Probably working a daily puzzle or something. She isn't on the elevator, but rather on the platform instead. And she slips into the crowd, moving in the same general direction as June.

June Connor has posed:
    Barbara is no one to June, and goes completely unnoticed for the time being. She goes to the schedule of the Sky train with her hands in the jacket pockets, and looks up at the screen, then back to the people who busy about their day. She scans the crowd casually, as if looking for someone, then looks back at the wall. The AED sits in a housing box nearby, she tilts her head, and goes to it, then turns around again, gauging what the crowd looks like. She looks straight up at the cover, then wanders to the other side of the screen where a fire axe is stationed, doing the same thing. She pulls one hand from her pocket, and leans against the box, draping her arm over it as if it was there for her to lean on, head still bobbing to the music.

Oracle has posed:
    And Barbara? She slows her walk to thumb through her phone. Then she puts it up to her ear, speaking softly enough that the din of the station covers any sounds. For anyone who reads lips, she's probably talking with her mother about a grocery list. And those green eyes flicker often to June, following her activity. It's only when June moves from the AED to the fire axe station that Barbara moves as well.

    Slipping back into the crowd, she follows along towards June before pausing again. Looking off in a different direction, she thumbs something on her phone and speaks in a soft voice that the other young woman should easily hear. "Quite a long ways from the Bronx, June. Doing some sight-seeing?"

June Connor has posed:
    June's eyes shift toward the taller girl, and though she is shorter, she gives her a look as if she's taller. "You know me?" she asks skeptically. She stands up from the fire axe box, now a bit less casual on her stance. College girl? June is not the college type, and given the disparity between their dress, she's not sure how she would know this Gothamite.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara looks up, then, and offers a small smile. Yes she's taller, but she carries herself more like a mousy librarian than Batgirl. "Would you prefer I call you Cara Thomas?" And Babs even adds the social security number, for good measure. The fake one. "Listen. You're not doing anything illegal and I'm not carrying a badge, okay? And unless you've got a secret pocket in those tight jeans, we're both unarmed. But I wanted to show you that I'm really NOT a guy. And to buy you a cup of coffee."

June Connor has posed:
    Truth be known, June is armed, but the kunai is tucked along her belt, and would be virtually impossible to spot at present, and there is a punch dagger in the backpack, though that is not as readily accessible.
    She stares at her for several seconds. "Where'd you hear that?" she says. "A girl like you could get herself in a lot of trouble talkin' like that. And I didn't say-" it takes a second, but it dawns on her what the comment means, she's not a guy. The voice connects. "Shit," is the choice of word to announce her realization. "You serious? What you been stalkin' me now?"

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara's smile widens a touch as realization sets into June's expression. "Oh come now, give me a LITTLE credit will ya'? I'm not some *creeper*, after all. No stalking. Just coffee, with no strings attached." She pauses for a moment, then adds. "And we don't even need to discuss your sudden interest in AED's and fire axes. Seriously."

June Connor has posed:
    "My interest in..." she glances at the fire axe. "Oh. Fine, well, whatever, but you're buying," June declares. "And in case this is a pass, I'm just gonna say it now. I don't swing for girls." Apparently, she just wanted to get that out in the open at the start.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara replies with a wide grin and a nod. "I'm a much bigger fan of beefcake myself." she quips back. "There's a coffee shop in the terminal, unless you'd rather go somewhere else. And of *course* I'm buying." Without waiting for an answer, Babs leads the way. "And call me Barbara, for conversational purposes."

June Connor has posed:
    "Sure," she says. "Barbara? That's too many syllables. Ima call you Babs," she decides, without bothering to ask if it's an acceptable nickname. She gestures forward with her hand that is not in her pocket. "Lead the way," she says, part in request, part in acknowledgement of what this stranger is already doing.

Oracle has posed:
    The college-girl's chuckle is enough of an answer, but she nods anyway. Weaving through the crowds and out, Babs heads for the coffee shop in the terminal. And she doesn't bother looking back to make sure that June is following until she reaches the door. She heads for the counter and orders. "Double espresso, extra tall. Black." Gesturing to June, she adds. "And whatever she's having."

June Connor has posed:
    June checks the corners the moment she enters the terminal, an alert reaction to this odd situation, she seems to scan each person individually as Babs orders, and then steps up to the counter, glancing at the barista and then looking around as she orders. "Yeah um, chai tea." The barista answers, "Okay, chai latte."
    "No, just chai tea," she corrects, clearly her order is in the less popular end of chai drinks.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs pays for the drinks, handing June's over before heading towards a table in the back. Somewhere quiet. Once they're seated, she takes a sip before starting. "Just to clear the air, I never actually saw your face anywhere that illegal activities were occuring. So this isn't about the Gotham Museum. How's the tea, by the way? I prefer coffee in the morning, and save tea for late nights."

June Connor has posed:
    June takes a sip of her tea before sitting, making sure that she's facing the rest of the room. "Yeah, well, I never said I was at the museum," she comments. "Tastes okay. I hate coffee. So what's your deal? I mean, you just follow me around, you know I got an alt id and everything, what do you want?" She says it as if she's expecting to be blackmailed in some way.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs ignores the denial and just sips her coffee, her expression becoming wry. "And yet I was liking you anyway." she quips back. "The short version? You've got skills that I need as well as a good head on your shoulders. You're observant and you think well on your feet. That's on the 'what you can do for me' side of the equation."

June Connor has posed:
    June leans back in the chair a little, her fingertip dragging around the lid of her cup. "Okay..." she says, "Well, if you're lookin' to pull a job, I don't do a lot of moonlighting," she says. "Besides, I thought you were kinda the other side of the fence." After all, most of the time when she's heard an opening like that, it means someone wants her to pull a job.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara settles back a bit in her chair, watching June with a bit of a smile. "Who says I'm *not* looking to pull a job? And who says it's *not* in, shall we say, a really gray area where the law is concerned?" She lets that hang in the air, taking another sip of coffee. "Before I get into any details, however, let's talk about you and your situation. I'm going to make some guesses here, so please stop me when I go outside the lines."

     "You don't do much moonlighting because your 'working group' is a lot like family. Everyone looks after each other. You live together, sleep together, and work together. Much like the clans dating back to feudal Japan."

June Connor has posed:
    Whether Babs is on target or not, June seems unwilling to give indication. She listens to her assessment quietly, and takes a sip from her drink.

Oracle has posed:
    No corrections? Babs presses on. "There's a catch, of course. There's always a catch with any situation like that. Everyone looks after each other, but everyone also *watches* each other. It's a nice check-and-balance system, really. If you're disloyal, your body finds its way into the Hudson River. Either weighted down or in pieces, depending on culture and tradition. Ivy League schools use a similar honor system on exams. If you look up from your exam and see someone else looking up as well, you both report each other or you both automatically fail."

    Another pause for a sip of coffee. "The real question I have for you is whether or not you want out."

June Connor has posed:
    "If I was in a group like this," June comments carefully. "I'd probably not be dumb enough to try to get out. And as long as everyone is loyal, what would I have to worry about?" She shrugs, letting one arm drape carelessly over the back of the chair as she crosses her legs in a manner more fitting of a man than a lady.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara nods to that. "True. True enough. But what happens the first time something goes wrong? The first time the clan needs someone to take the fall? You've got a record, true, but don't think for a minute that the higher-ups would hesitate to send you up the river, as it were."

    She considers for a moment, then asks. "How much freedom do you think someone has in the clans? Do you have a lot of friends there? How long do you think it'll be before someone decides, out of either fear or dislike or ambition, that the clan is better off without certain members? Are you looking over your shoulder yet? Because you probably should be."

June Connor has posed:
    June's jaw clenches slightly. "Okay, so?" she asks nonchalantly. "If I was in somethin' like that," She leans forward, putting her feet on the ground and letting both hands cradle the drink. "I'd be kinda SOL then. You don't get out of a group like that. When you're in, you stay in."

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara leans forward a little as well. "Yes. Yes, you would be. That's what I'm putting on the table, though. A way out. I'm not talking police protection or even a federal Witness Protection program. You disappear; dying in a very convincing manner. And you change families to one where your sisters aren't going to cut your throat in your sleep."

    "I know you're skeptical, and I would be as well. But consider this for a moment. I was able to FIND you in a train station. I can track anyone who might be looking for you. And make sure they're unsuccessful."

June Connor has posed:
    June's smug expression alters a little. "So," she says, "Exactly how would you track anyone," she asks, her voice lower. "Mutant powers, magic?" She sounds like someone who is more seriously considering the question now.

Oracle has posed:
    "Tech. The same way we found your police record and your fake ID." Barbara replies. "If it's on the web, we can find it. But there are additional safeguards as well, mostly for rapid response. *Kryptonian* safeguards, without mentioning any names."

June Connor has posed:
    At the mention of Kryptonians, June becomes suspicious once again. "And if it's not on the web?" she asks. "Because I've seen Kryptonian safeguards. They ain't all that safe." She glances to one side, scanning the room again before looking back at Barbara. "So, you want me to dress up like a bat with you? Be Batgirl, no, that's you. Batwoman, Batgal? What options are left?" she asks, a little teasing grin on her face. That smugness returns a little.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara shakes her head at that. "Actually, *Oracle* is the one calling the shots for this little group. And those are the best safeguards on the planet." she offers almost casually. "I don't care -how- you dress, however. You can dress as a bat, a bird, or a monkey as far as I'm concerned. I'm looking for boots on the ground. Highly skilled, capable, and *smart* boots."

June Connor has posed:
    "Oracle, huh? And when do I meet him?" comes the question. "What if he doesn't like me? Not admitting anything," June says, "But if I'm so smart, why would I be in a group that might kill me? Then what, go join a team of heroes who will put me right back in front of the same people?" she asks, challenging Barbara's assessment of her.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara shakes her head, giving a soft chuckle. "Let *me* handle Oracle, alright? And you're not exactly joining a team of heroes, like I said. We work on the edges of the law, and step outside the lines when necessary. There's an entire criminal world out there right now that is, for the most part, untouchable. We will attack resources, supply lines, communication. Crippling them from without and even from within."

    Another pause for a sip of coffee. "Some international travel will be required, and I'll be honest in telling you that some of the locations won't exactly be vacation resorts. It will be challenging and it will be risky, but we'll be doing the sort of things that no one else can do."

June Connor has posed:
    "But the pay is good, right?" June laughs, leaning back to take another sip of her chai. "You don't sell it really well," she comments, "Gotta work on that pitch. I got what you want with me now," she says, touching a finger to her nose, then pointing at Babs. "You want someone who knows how it all really works under the seam. Someone who isn't the outsider looking in and analyzing, but /actually/ knows it. What better way than someone who does it, right?" She grins broadly enough that her tongue ring can be seen inside her mouth. She lets the ring come out, and she clamps down on it with her teeth. "Bold strategy," she admits with the shake of her head. "This won't be like the Bat's stuff, though," she points out. "He may grab and beat up and figure out where his bad guy of the weak is hiding. Stuff like that, it's just annoying. Cut off the head and there's always another ready to fill the space. You go down this road," she says with her elbow on the table, and her amused charm dropping away as she jabs a finger at Babs. "They. will. kill. you."

Oracle has posed:
    Babs meets that gaze evenly, especially at the last. "Want to place bets on who's got a longer life expectancy in their current situation, June?" she replies with a knowing smile. "Oracle knows the players, ALL of the players. And knows their movements. Their strengths and weaknesses. Every assassin on the planet, both for hire and not. You've seen my... evening wear. You know I'm used to risks. I like this approach, and I'm *going* down this road." She grins, then. "And if you agree to come along, you can even help me with the pitch."

June Connor has posed:
    June snorts. "I don't sign up with someone I don't no nothin' about," she answers. "It's still you against the world. Take it from someone who knows. The house always wins." The statement is said like the bitter taste of copper after a punch. "The only thing you got right is that the law won't get it done, the law doesn't get anything done 'cept screw up lives. I'm screwed enough without makin' it worse. Appreciate your vote of confidence and all, but I'm not your girl."

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara looks thoughtful for a moment, then she nods slowly. "Just don't blame me for trying, June." she replies in a softer voice. She eases back into her seat again, sipping her coffee slowly. "When you leave the shop you'll receive a text with a link to a bad joke site. Save the number. And don't be afraid to call it if things go sideways."

June Connor has posed:
    "I love bad joke sites," June answers with a cat-ate-the-canary grin. Her tone makes it difficult to say whether she's being sarcastic. "Thanks for the tea," she says with a raise of the cup. She scoots the chair out before standing up. "And, my hat's off to ya," she says. "Really. Just try not to die." With that, she takes her leave, heading back out to the station.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara returns the grin, watching as June rises to leave. "You, too." she replies. The text hits June's phone right as she steps out of the coffee shop, and if she's looking Barbara has both hands cradling her coffee mug. It's amazing what someone can do with a little knowledge of macros. Settling back again, she still isn't ready to check this one off her list.