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Just a few questions...
Date of Scene: 19 July 2018
Location: Avenger's Mansion - Holding Cell A
Synopsis: Janet and Steve question June about her involvement with the Foot, and she finally is able to leave her cell.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Wasp (van Dyne), Captain America

June Connor has posed:
    June has folded her dirty clothes, a pair of pants that are a little large on her thin frame cover her lower half, and a black sports bra covers her upper half. She faces away from the window, having found a grip on the ceiling, doing pull ups. While she's someone without a lot of alluring definition, she isn't without muscle definition, her back muscles tensing with each pull as she excersizes inside of the clear cell, sweat glistening on her back as she clenches her teeth.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Of course, being in a 'cell' like she is, June will have plenty of oppotunity to work out. However, outside of the cell, there is a tap on the window, as if to get her attention. June will instantly recognize the Wasp, who flew out to assist Drake when she heard he was in trouble. There is also a click of an intercom turning on. "All right. June....am I correct?" She says...she's holding few papers as well....

June Connor has posed:
    June continues her set, not responding to the tap for four more pull ups, then lands on her bare feet silently, like any good ninja would. She turns around, blowing the red bangs out of her face and to the side, putting her hands on her hips. "Yeah?" she asks, grabbing her shirt that is deemed the dirty one, and using it as a towel. She tosses it back on the floor. "You the good cop or bad cop?" she asks, grabbing the black T-shirt Drake got her, and pulling it over her head inside out so that the print doesn't show.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "That depends upon you, June." Janet says as she looks over the papers. "I'd rather not leave you in there any longer than I have to. It's really uncomfortable in there, and it's really meant for someone else." She says softly. "So, this'll either be brief, or take a really long time. So lets start with the basic stuff. Your name is June, right?"

June Connor has posed:
    June's record isn't clean, but it does cut off at age 15, so that says something. She was in juvy for assault, vandalism, and drug possession. When she was released from Juvy at 15, she disappeared off the grid. A second record for Cara Thomas appears, but there is an unverified SSN. Cara is 23 where June is 19, and has a ding for disorderly conduct.
    "Yeah, well, I guess I'm not in too big a hurry, since I'll be dead when I leave," she says. "So discomfort is a relative term. You can call me June, that works."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "Yeah...most of the Avengers tend to get death threats from their enemies too. So, the Foot. tell me about them." Janet says grabbing a chair, setting it near the intercom and sitting down. "And.....are you always defeatist?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah, usually," June says, answering the last question first. "I don't get disappointed that way." She doesn't sit, but instead wanders aimlessly across the cell, sticking her hands minus thumbs in her back pockets. "What do you want to know? They are a secret organization out of Japan that have been around for the last several centuries. They control a disproportionate amount of the underworld both in America and in the rest of the world, and you've probably never heard of them because they are really good at what they do."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "Likely not. So they're like the Yakuza? Or Mafia?" Janet says, trying to get a bit of a hold of this information. "And you were part of the Foot until you defected to help Drake, right?" She seems to be making notes....

June Connor has posed:
    June smirks with a curl of her upper lip that resembles a sneer. "They are the boogey man." She wanders back to the glass, as if telling a ghost story, her head tilted. "They are a clan of ninjas. Real ninjas, not the ones you hear about. They are the ones you don't. You might not even know when it's over. The ones that kill you while you sleep. They got the Yakuza in Gotham dancing to their tune, the crimebosses here in New York? They pay tribute to keep their territory. These are not people you fuck with. Even Avengers."

Captain America has posed:
Steve's been, well... Cap's been noticably absent, or rather, noticably quiet. And when Captain America falls off the radar, even for a little bit, there's something going on. If the media can't find him, the chances are good that he's not answering many phone calls (assuming he's remembered to bring his cell phone along!). Once he steps foot back into Avenger's Mansion, however, he's greeted with a lot of news, all confusing and conflicting. The best he takes away, however, has his path leading downstairs into the rather specifically made holding cells. Cells that could hold, well, some of the worst that could be thrown at them. (Not that he wants to test it!)

Wearing a dark-blue t-shirt, jeans and boots, Steve looks as if he's pretty much stepped in off the street, though he still looks like the 'All American Boy from next door'. Shaved, blond hair cut and shaped in a relaxed high-tight.. and as he walks, he's got purpose in his step.

The elevator *dings* and he's got his path set. Slowing as he spies Janet, one hand lifts and is set into a pocket, while the other traces some of the wall.

"Hey," is given in greeting, his head lifting at the paperwork in Janet's hands. "I heard."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "they haven't met Captain America." Jan says rather boldly as the elevator dings, and said person comes out. "Hey Steve." She says handing him the papers she had. "And we've faced boogymen before. It's just fear. They're just normal people, like myself and you, that use fear to get what they want." She then tilts her head. "If the local businesses are being shaken down for protection money, then....why hasn't Van Dyne Industries?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Well shit, got little boy blue himself," June comments as the first Avenger enters. She gives him a size up with her eyes as he speaks.
     "Damn, he is hot isn't he?" she comments to Jan in her Bronx accent, as if he isn't actually there. "I mean, I'm not usually one for the clean cut type, but I'd make an exception." She shrugs, then looks over and acknolwedges him.
    "They don't shake legitimate businesses, too likely to be discovered, too noisy," she answers. "They just have people in pockets, right? Ya right," she agrees. "But there ain't no 'just' fear. Cuz you are 'just' afraid that you will die if you piss them off, because you will. You are 'just' afraid they'll hunt down your family, cuz they will."

Captain America has posed:
The //last// thing on Steve's mind is to undercut Janet's work down in the cell area. If she's here doing her thing, he doesn't believe in 'mommy' and 'daddy'.. it's her show. The Wasp is more than capable of holding her own, and he's here for that moral support. Still, the greeting is returned with a brief smile for his fellow Avenger. "Janet."

Steve holds his hand out for the paperwork, blue eyes looking over the details quickly, taking everything in, including what Janet is saying in obvious response to whatever it was their current 'guest' said. His head is still down over the information, and with a low voice, offers, "Still hate bullies." Just sayin'.

Looking up from his work, Steve looks... patient. He's got all the time in the world, he really, really does. Brows do rise, however, once the 'lady posturing' is done. Well, not very 'lady like'...

Cocking his head at a very slight angle, his eyes narrow briefly before he chuckles softly. "Tough guys going after mom and pop operations doesn't sound all that brave to me." Steve shrugs a single shoulder and watches the woman inside the cell. "They don't have the guts to go after a major company like Van Dyne or Stark. Evil requires the shadow. If they go after the big boys, they'll be seen and they'll be stopped." It's the way it's always been in 'his book'.

"So, why?" It's a single, simple question, and he follows it up with, "Why'd you help the kid?" Drake.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "No, bullies aren't fun, and that's what the Foot sounds like." Jan says to Steve as she hands the papers over. "Funny that they're coming out now with the mushrooms and stuff about. Speaking of which, I need to pick up my stingers from Stark. And I think I need to grab one for you, Steve. And Pym will help. Seems making the poison smaller will make it more potent."

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't seem to feel the need to defend the Foot's reputation, and has nothing to say about their tactics being bully or whether they have the guts or not to go after 'big boys'.
    The question about why she helped Drake, though, seems to be the button that stops her bravado. She lets the post of her tongue ring pop out from between her lips, and she chews it a second before tucking it back in.
    "Cuz I'm dumb as shit," she answers. "Let the bastard get in my head. Wasn't right what happened, didn't want the rest of my life with his ghost over my shoulder." She shrugs as if to make the comment nonchalant, but it's a weak attempt. "He just was tryin' to be a hero to me, nobody does that. He didn't know better." She takes a slow breath, and lets it out, and as she looked like emotions were starting to build, they disperse, like a practiced routine.

Captain America has posed:
It's all in getting to know a person. Steve's looking at reactions, honestly. Apparently the posturing doesn't go as far as 'they can even beat you up!', at least as far as he's heard. Not a bad thing, in his book. There's hope.

To hear about the stingers and the poison from Tony, Steve makes a soft exhaled noise. "Yeah, I should get with him on that too. Follow up and take care of those things." Once and for all. "Concentrating.. or.." Making it smaller could mean.. actually making it //smaller// when discussing something, anything with Janet! And when Pym is mentioned? Oh yeah.. smaller.

Steve's attention swings back around at the admission, the almost confession as to why June did what she did. "You know you put a target on your back for that, right? And, you're wrong. Drake does know better.. and he did it anyway. We'll just get that clear." Blue eyes remain on the younger girl, and he continues, "He must have thought you really needed the help. He saw something in there." That it wasn't too late, which is honestly what Steve can see.

It's not too late.

"If, for some reason, we open this door and escort you up.. what're your plans? You think you can waltz in and say to your buddies, 'Hey, I'm home!'?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "She's already admitted to having a target on her back now." Jan says quietly. "And Pym's refined the particles. I can get bigger now. but in this case, smaller....as in denser and fit more into a cartridge sort of smaller." But then Steve asks June the question about her plans, and she looks to June herself.

June Connor has posed:
    "What is it with heroes and their whole 'save your soul' shit?" she curses. June apparently has a rather foul mouth, and seems genuinely bewildered. "If he knows better it means he's even dumber than I thought. Cuz it almost got him killed. I dunno what I do when you open that door," she admits. "Probably try to get work to my beau, tell him to get out of town and disappear. Maybe tell my mom, she's a mother fucker, but...she's my mom, so I probably should give her a heads up." She shrugs. "Other than that, dunno. I dunno." She honestly seems rather resigned that there is no way out.

Captain America has posed:
"Language, young lady.." Steve can't help himself. It's out before he can stop himself. His hand is up in gestured 'warning', but that's where it stops. Instead, he returns his attention to what Janet said, and he nods.

Lowering his voice again, Steve offers, "Is there going to be enough, or is there a way that the poison can be deployed differently?" And, of course, will it affect non-alien plants? "I think I'm going to have to get briefed on that," Later. He's been out of the loop, which is fine!

The fact that June does understand the ramifications of her actions is a point in the girl's favor too. "Apparently you didn't know better. Or, maybe you did too. You did the right thing, even though you knew what would happen." He's ignoring the fluff and going for the core, and continues, "Give me names and I'll help." Steve's near the door, the paperwork now is completely ignored, held in hand that is at his side. "We'll get your mother to safety, and we'll discuss your beau." It's a common term that he's used to... which is strange coming from a young woman.

"If you help us, I'm sure we can come to some sort of an arrangement. Apartment. Protection. We can make you disappear right under the Hand's noses." Do Hands have noses? "But, obviously, we're going to want your cooperation."

June Connor has posed:
    "Language? What is this 19-" she recalls his re-emergence from hibernation. "Oh yeah, nevermind. Haven't talked to her in four years, she'll flip. Guess that's a perk. She chews on the post of her tongue ring again. "I don't think I got much choice," she says. "Karai. Don't know anything other than that part of her name. Japanese, she grew up in America I think. Rumor is that she rezzed her long dead great great somethin' grandfather after taking the Foot from a bunch of lawyers and lobbyists, turned them back into ancient killing machine ninjas." She smirks. "Sounds like a comic book, dunno how much is true. He came back, really stirred stuff up, then some mutant turtles -I can't make this up- killed him. She took back over, made some mutant animals of her own. You may have heard of the mutant Rhino and Warthog. They aren't really Foot official, you know? They just help do the bully work cuz they are twisted like that.
     She paces a little. "I don't mind givin' her up, she is the one who will want me dead. I can't give you the skinny on the real picture. I don't know it. The rest though, you gotta understand. They are my family. Can't say I wanna give all them a trip to Rykers."

Captain America has posed:
Steve waits patiently past the complaint regarding his admonition regarding the use of what he sees as vulgar language and listens intently to the words that follow. Japanese. "Rezzed," Steve repeats, "Resurrected?" That doesn't appear to sit well with him, and he exhales in a single breath. "Karai." Pulling out a pen from a pocket, he begins to make a few notes in the margin of those papers that he'd ignored after reading them.

"The Foot.." and the Hand. Really? "Okay.. and it does like it's right out of the funny papers." In his time, comics weren't all comedy! "Mutant. Turtles."

Steve holds up his hand to forestall any other words that may come. Turtles. Rhino. Warthog.

"After all that, miss, we're really going to need to sit down and discuss the 'real picture'. This 'Hand' and 'Foot' and mutant turtles, well.. you have to understand it sounds just a little outlandish." Steve leans against the wall, looking in, and studies the young woman carefully, "I understand that, but I can't make any promises there. To be honest, they'd get a fairer shake from us than with others."

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah," June says, "It does. I'll give you what you need. I'd just like to stay alive as long as possible." She seems earnest enough. Funny how being in danger of being murdered does that to a person.
    "So what now? Can I get a shower at least?" she asks.

Captain America has posed:
Steve stands there for a long moment before it looks as if he makes a decision. "Take a step back, please." Reaching forward with a free hand, he hits the keypad with an index finger. In the next moment, the door slides open... freedom into the corridor. "C'mon out. Get whatever you've got and come with me." The decision is made. "Next stop, we're going to the medbay and run a few tests." And put a tracker on her.

"Then, you'll get a room first. Then we'll get you a protected place." They have safe apartment complexes all over, no doubt. "You'll get a new ID." Again, apparently. "New background." Then, work will begin anew.

To soften all the whirlwind activity mentioned (threatened), Steve actually smiles, "I'll be here. And, by the way, the name's 'Steve'." He holds out his hand. "Haven't been properly introduced."

June Connor has posed:
    June looks alarmed. "A tracker?" she echoes. Of course, at this point she can't complain. She smells of fresh sweat, a little as she gathers the other clothes that she has in the room, tossing them in the plastic bag that Drake had previously brought in.
    "June," she shakes, her hand is firm, but it's cold. "Good to meet ya then."