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Latest revision as of 02:44, 22 July 2018

Late Night Snacking
Date of Scene: 31 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Volt, Erddrache

Volt has posed:
It's going on midnight, and Drake, simply put, can't sleep. He can't be sure why that is, he just can't. Maybe it's news of the white dog-eating fuzz circulating in the media. Maybe it's the new setting. Maybe it's the onslaught of information he received earlier in the day. Whatever it is, he's prepping a truly decadent sandwich. As many various meats as he could find in the fridge are on the table, and he's currently reaching down some wheat bread.

Erddrache has posed:
And soon joining Drake...or perhaps for the first time, Drake might feel the ground rumbling. The class tink agaist one another and pots and pan make their metalic bangs. And the source soon become prominate as Boris sluggishly enters the dining hall. He wasn't covered up this time, his spikes, tail, and other oddities in full view for all

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley feels the ground rumbling, and immediately stops what he's doing to grab onto the edges of the surrounding counter to brace himself. He comes from the west coast - earthquakes are a thing. They're unpleasant, exceedingly disruptive, and fortunately brief. That's all he can say about it. But when Boris appears, he stares at him for a moment. "Are you doing this?," he asks amidst the rumbling with a frown.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris rubs his eyes "Oi...ermm" he seemed groggy "Sorreh...still" a yawn and the whole floor lurches "...werkin on that" he gets himself a glass of water and glugs it down. The rumbling dies down enough that things are softly shaking...but little else. His spikes flex a bit before laying back down. "....hrmmm." he grumbles as he get another glass "whit...yer doin up anyhow?" he seemed to have bone plating growing on various parts of his body.

Volt has posed:
Slightly shaking is still shaking. Drake continues to hang onto the counterspace, peering at the.. actually, he isn't entirely sure what he's looking at. He knows who it is, but 'mutant' seems derrogatory here, as if it's just highlighting the obvious physical deformities. He can't really spare it much thought, though, as the ground is still very distractingly shaking. "Lot on my mind," he replies, terse from the continued discomfort.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris notices Drake discomfort...and he bristles going a bit red face. He takes several steps back...and the shaking dies down as if it moved with Boris. he mutters another "Sorry" being a walking earthquake sucks sometimes. Took him weeks to get it this well controlled "Bit ah know vee feelink...yer know vat strange alien plant folks be talkin about? da wan wif vee dog?"

Volt has posed:
"It's fine, just...," Drake says, unsure how to continue. He instead opts to change tracks, remaining in his corner of the room. His would-be sandwich fixin's continue a-shaking on the table. "Saw the video, sure. Seems weird. Why, is that what has you up?"

Erddrache has posed:
"Considering ah were almost et lunch, yes!" he gestures to the bone plating "Ah nit normally have these...dey only appear fer healin. Ah almost WAS thar dog. Traveling underground...or gettin food isnea safe anymore" he says cantankerously. "On vee bright side...got ta meet Da Human Torch!" he chuckles

Volt has posed:
"Huh?," asks Drake. "Only, like, a little bit of that made sense. How did it almost eat you? Didn't you see the video? You shouldn't be trying to eat stuff like that!" He nods to indicate the kitchen in general, "Not when you have all this available!"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris huffs "Because, ah were travelin underground! Und went through a large patch of the stuff" he says "Ah wasnea trying ta eat it.. Also....ah be allergic to anything most plants, including corn...alsmot all this american crap includes SOME corn based product" he grumbles "Sides...ah be a geovore. Ah litterly eat rocks and dirt!"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley starts to step forward, but there's the rumbling tremor in the ground. He steps back again, frown renewed. No, he doesn't enjoy the shaking earth. "Why were you traveling underground? And how far down were you? That sounds like something they'd wanna know; how deep that stuff grows, or burrows, or whatever."

Erddrache has posed:
"Ta avoid people. Yer see, Pa lives in vee city, und ah regularly visit him. And usually live wit him in mutant town during vee weekends. Anyways...ah travel from oor place ta hear below the ground." he says "How deep ah be varies, as ah be avoiding more dlicate structure. Anyways...for this...ah couldnea have been moar ven...3 meters, mabey less" he than takes several more steps back so Drake can reach whatever he was trying to reach

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley seems to just take the benefit of less quaking where he is than walking forward again. He props his hands on the counter at either side of his corner again with a small sigh. "Okay, so it tried to eat you? What was that like? Did it have teeth? Was it like acid?"

Erddrache has posed:
"Definintly like acid. It did not so much as bite...as really digest very...very fast" he visible shudders, and the ground shudders in the same fashion. "Bit...useing me own abilities...ah did managed to round et up and wit help from torchy, glassed it. Torchy taking et back to vee lab fer research"

Volt has posed:
"Well, hopefully they'll have something to go on soon." Drake's beyond questioning anything tonight. Not now, maybe not ever again after today. "So what's the plan for you tonight, then?"

Erddrache has posed:
"Was goink ta git me emergency stash of rocks. Ah be hungry! Though...ermm" he rubs the back of his head "...yer sort of near vee cabinet ah keep et in. Mind gettin et doon?" Boris asks. "How bout yerself? if yer need an ear ah have two...ten?" he says ten unsure "...donnea ask"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley knits his brow at the mention of ten ears. Or did he mishear that? He gives his head a shake and opts out of questioning that as well. His brain just can't handle more to process today. Instead, he just complacently turns and begins pawing through cupboards. "I don't really wanna talk about it. It's something I need to talk to the staff about. And what'm I looking for? A ziplock of rocks?"

Erddrache has posed:
"et be a bucket" Boris says 'A wee wan." he gives pause. He noted the knitted brows and chuckles "heh, yer look like meh last year. Weirdest part is gettin used ta vee weird" he says "Anwyays if yer do need an ear yer kin have mine"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley gropes about the shelving and cupboards until he finds something that is, in fact, a bucket. It's pulled down, set on the counter, and he moves away from it in a wide berth, giving Boris plenty of opportunity to move in towards it. "All set, right?" Should they, indeed, basically swap places, he begins putting the lunchmeats back in the fridge, enduring the minimal quaking in the floor.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris is all to happy to take his bucket. He looks in "Ahhh....flesh eating plant free! vank sie!" and he chows down! How he can even chew and swallow rocks is best left up to ones imagination. Though he does look at Drake as he tolorate the quacking "....yer really do nit like vee ground shakin"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley finishes putting things away and turns an odd look back onto Boris. "Yeah, I don't wanna be a dick or anything, but /who does/? You're probably used to it, but..." He physically backs away from the quake radius as much as he can without outright exiting the kitchen. "I'm gonna bail anyway; give sleep another shot. So.. adios? Enjoy your rock?" Even saying it hits the ear weird.

Erddrache has posed:
"...ermm..ah do nit really feel it" he admits "Ah jist know ets happening" Boris was real red than, he felt embaressed. So that wasn't Drake intent...but the fello had a point. Who the heck enjoys being shaken up! "ermm Adios amigos. Und yer kin jist say food, vat all et basicly is" and was much lighter on the ear.

Volt has posed:
"Food," nods Drake. He fingerguns at Boris. "Enjoy your food." Of course it's good. It's in the kitchen, isn't it?

But that done, Drake pivots to take his exit from the kitchen and retreat back to his room! Probably.