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|FullName=Micah Murphy
|FullName=Micah Murphy
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|Occupation=SHIELD Agent
|Occupation=SHIELD Agent
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=New York City
|Residence=New York City
|Education=Harry S. Truman Community College
|Education=Harry S. Truman Community College
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|Actor=Aaron Ashmore
|Actor=Aaron Ashmore
|Profile=Just the man to call if you need a mechanical genius with some plasma powered fox themed armor. And if you do need that... that's kind of weirdly specific, isn't it?
|Profile=Just the man to call if you need a mechanical genius with some plasma powered fox themed armor. And if you do need that... that's kind of weirdly specific, isn't it?
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
|Description=Outside of the suit Micah is an affable, athletic young man in his early twenties with short brown hair, blue eyes and an infectious smile. His sense of dress tends toward whatever fits in the best, but he's most comfortable in the more casual style of field clothes.
|Description=Outside of the suit Micah is an affable, athletic young man in his early twenties with short brown hair, blue eyes and an infectious smile. His sense of dress tends toward whatever fits in the best, but he's most comfortable in the more casual style of field clothes.
|History=Micah Murphy was born to Daniel and Dana Murphy in northwest Chicago, the second of four children. Even from a young age he showed a precocious intellect and a great affinity of machines. His parents encouraged his curiosity which found expression a voracious reading appetite and various extra-curricular robotics and science activities. Being from a rather blue collar family, young Micah became rather resourceful at finding parts from things other people discarded or abandoned. And in truth he was rather shockingly good at it, beyond perhaps being simply bright and shading toward some real gifting.
|History=Micah Murphy was born to Daniel and Dana Murphy in northwest Chicago, the second of four children. Even from a young age he showed a precocious intellect and a great affinity of machines. His parents encouraged his curiosity which found expression a voracious reading appetite and various extra-curricular robotics and science activities. Being from a rather blue collar family, young Micah became rather resourceful at finding parts from things other people discarded or abandoned. And in truth he was rather shockingly good at it, beyond perhaps being simply bright and shading toward some real gifting.
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All of this assumes normal operation. Individual Foxfire powers might be cut off by damage to the suit itself. Damage to the jumpjets - even relatively minor deformations of the exhaust ports - would make flight dangerously untenable where was damage to the suits electromagnets in the suits hands, arms or torso that help amplify the containment fields needed for the Plasma would prevent use of the barrier or the beams. The holo-emitters are in the ear like projections, and damage to those would prevent use of the Illusion power. Finally although it is would require getting through the armor at the back of the suit, damage to the module itself would send it into safety mode and cut off power to the suit entirely to say nothing of access to the exotic plasma.
All of this assumes normal operation. Individual Foxfire powers might be cut off by damage to the suit itself. Damage to the jumpjets - even relatively minor deformations of the exhaust ports - would make flight dangerously untenable where was damage to the suits electromagnets in the suits hands, arms or torso that help amplify the containment fields needed for the Plasma would prevent use of the barrier or the beams. The holo-emitters are in the ear like projections, and damage to those would prevent use of the Illusion power. Finally although it is would require getting through the armor at the back of the suit, damage to the module itself would send it into safety mode and cut off power to the suit entirely to say nothing of access to the exotic plasma.

Latest revision as of 03:54, 28 May 2019

Micah Murphy (Scenesys ID: 7618)
Full Name: Micah Murphy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: SHIELD Agent
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: Harry S. Truman Community College
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 25 June 2005 Actor: Aaron Ashmore
Height: 180 cm Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Just the man to call if you need a mechanical genius with some plasma powered fox themed armor. And if you do need that... that's kind of weirdly specific, isn't it?

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Outside of the suit Micah is an affable, athletic young man in his early twenties with short brown hair, blue eyes and an infectious smile. His sense of dress tends toward whatever fits in the best, but he's most comfortable in the more casual style of field clothes.


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Micah Murphy was born to Daniel and Dana Murphy in northwest Chicago, the second of four children. Even from a young age he showed a precocious intellect and a great affinity of machines. His parents encouraged his curiosity which found expression a voracious reading appetite and various extra-curricular robotics and science activities. Being from a rather blue collar family, young Micah became rather resourceful at finding parts from things other people discarded or abandoned. And in truth he was rather shockingly good at it, beyond perhaps being simply bright and shading toward some real gifting.

It was while he was attending Harry S Truman community college that he made the discovery that would radically alter his life: In an abandoned storage unit, he found an odd, organic looking device producing incredible amounts of power and, after some examination, also an exotic form of plasma that he would come to call foxfire. Excited and curious, Micah immediately began experimenting with it, probing it's secrets and using it to power ever more ambitious robotics projects, whilst blogging and writing about the principles he was exploring if not how he was doing it. It was during one of these experiments that the device revealed another function.

It was not just a power generator. It was something else. This was made painfully clear when the Foxfire module as he had come to call it painfully implanted biotech in three places in his spine. While agonizing and beyond disturbing, this seemed to gift him with much finer control over the module. At this point his blogging habit caught up with him. Government agents and scientists arrived wondering just how a 20 year old with an associates was exploring physics concepts that were still eluding them with a budget of hundreds of millions. They quickly determined three facts: Micah was something of a legitimate genius, the device was of alien origin and it had synched itself to him such that he was really the only one who could meaningfully experiment on it.

So they offered him a job.

The next few years were spent in the employ of a couple of different agencies. Micah was initially posted to DARPA but after a year or so there felt that he had pushed his research to its theoretical limit and sought ways to put it to good use. This eventually led to him being seconded to the CIA, him and his custom made armor where he was trained as a field agent. And to be honest he was quite good enough. Certainly good enough to make a number of enemies and, as it turns out good enough to come to the attention of SHIELD.

One does not simply say no to SHIELD, not that Micah really wanted to. So he took their offer. Of course any agency has its own way of doing things and none more so than SHIELD. Technically he is still being evaluated for the right fit in the org, or indeed if he is a good fit at all, which means he needs to turn in solid performances. It's not just his temperament and skill either. That implanted alien biotech in his spine is both interesting and concerning to the good folks in medical. Still, so long as said biotech doesn't drive him crazy, or one of his several transnational enemies doesn't blow his head up, all should be well, right?

Or if not will at least very, very interesting.


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Micah is rather personable and distractable in the lab, content to discuss often somewhat esoteric bits of mechanics and physics at some length. His intel training has taught him to blend in quite well or affect other personality quirks to either attract or dissuade attention. These are seldom on display, though, unless he's actively working.


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By channeling exotic plasma directly from the power module into specially formed magnetic fields Micah can create an extremely durable barrier in almost any shape covering an area of up to 64 square feet. Conventional materials that attempt to penetrate it are vaporized near instantly and it is resistant to conventional EM disruption. However exotic materials such as vibranium, nth metal, adamantium or uru will typically survive the plasma field structurally unscathed. Application of superpowers capable of manipulating energy fields or magnetism directly will also compromise the barrier very quickly. Beyond that, energy beams or raw force can batter through the barrier if they are strong enough to cause harm to something like a modern armored vehicle. Iron Man's repulsor beams and Cyclops' eye beams are two examples of attacks that could breach the barrier in four or five hits. Punching through it does generally not work, though a being durable enough to withstand the plasma contained within the barrier could conceivably push through after several seconds and a fair amount of pain.

Like all Foxfire abilities, Micah must be in the armor to use it and using this ability is subject to the Power Management and Supply and Demand disadvantages.

Diverting exotic plasma from the power module into spherical containment fields in front of his hands allows Micah to project it in beams at his enemies. This has proven to be able to penetrate conventional armor - even conventional armored vehicles - with relative ease though things like tanks generally take several shots to melt through the armor and disable critical components. Against super humans and advanced technology its effectiveness varies but seems to be roughly equal to the energy beams produced by lower tier superhumans.

Atmospheric attenuation renders these plasma beams ineffective at ranges greater than half a mile, but Micah can't usually aim them well past a couple hundred meters or so. Really, they're better in close.

Like all Foxfire abilities, using this ability can only be used while wearing the armor and is subject to the Power Management and Supply and Demand disadvantages.

Shunting small jets out of exotic plasma out of where the jump jets normally go enables sustained flight at speeds just below supersonic. While the pressure sealing in the suit means that it can attain quite high altitudes while doing this, the limited air supply means he can?t stay there for any longer than he could in any other inclement environment, so long term, high altitude travel is generally not a thing for Micah. Zipping around at lower altitudes, though, is easily doable.

Like all Foxfire abilities, this ability can only be used in the armor and is subject to the Power Management and Supply and Demand disadvantages.

Clever modulation of Foxfire and magnetic containment fields can produce convincing hard light holograms. While these can be produced at significant distances - up to half a mile away and cover an area up to the size of a large house - they work best when they?re static or simple projections as there is no sonic component to the deception so they can't make sounds or engage in conversation. Also the Foxfire Armor must have an unbroken line of sight to the projection itself and, finally while convincing to optical sensors and to the touch, they will will stand out like a sore thumb to any infrared or thermal sensors. Striking them at high speed will also cause them to unravel.

Like all Foxfire abilities, this ability can only be used in the armor and is subject to the Power Management and Supply and Demand disadvantages.


The first time Micah tried to use the Foxfire Module to power something, it implanted him with some kind of unknown biotech. At the moment the main functions of these rather invasive implants seem to be enabling him to mentally control the power output and magnetic containment fields of the Module. It's most certainly had some rather unpleasant side effects, though.


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Micah is a trained intelligence field operative. He's no commando or super soldier, but he is proficient with small arms, martial arts and both urban and wilderness survival. He also speaks pretty decent Spanish and Urdu.

There are some real geniuses out there, some of them leading world changing companies in very public fashion. People who are always easily the smartest person in any room they walk into. Micah is not that smart. He is, however, a wiz when it comes to robotics and high energy physics, capable of doing a lot with a little and understanding concepts even his more educated peers struggle with. And when he's given an actual budget? His results can be pretty amazing.


Micah's understanding of robotics and high energy physics has many practical applications and he can, if needed, build a lot of them from second hand parts. They may not work for long if he has to do that, but they will work.


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A piece of alien technology capable of generating an incredible amount of power, and producing an exotic plasma with heretofore unknown properties. The module is presently integrated into a custom built suit of powered armor. It could in theory be put into something else, but this would involve mostly disassembling said armor.

The module itself is dependent on some kind of energy generation process involving exotic plasma and while it does not appear to require fuel as far as Micah can tell - or at least requires so little that it has an operational lifespan measured in decades if not centuries - it is dependent upon the presence of magnetic containment fields to regulate this process. Disrupt those and the unit goes into safety mode until the fields can be reestablished, a process that typically takes several hours. Such disruption normally requires direct access to the module itself, though it could be accomplished by means of a super power that could directly control electromagnetism.

Micah is being evaluated by SHIELD for suitability as an agent. His access to SHIELD resources is pretty much nil pending the outcome of that evaluation but at the very least being on their radar means that someone might possibly come looking if something happens to him.

The VLP-1N Armor - otherwise known as the Foxfire Armor - is Micah's personal creation, a relatively light weight suit of powered armor designed as a testbed for various exotic plasma applications, with the Foxfire Module itself integrated into it to serve as the power source.

At the base level, this is a pretty basic powered armor. It is proof against conventional small arms, but only resistant to anything heavier or more exotic. It has a radio and enough environmental sealing to last an hour or so in low oxygen, extreme weather or contaminated environments. The jump jets allow it to make vertical and horizontal traversals of about fifty meters and the exoskeleton allows for sustained running speeds of thirty miles per hour, and a lift/carry capacity of about 25 tons.


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Being unwillingly implanted with Alien biotech in one's spine - hooked into the central nervous system no less - unsurprisingly comes with some side effects. One of the more concerning ones is the fact that he's undergoing localized genetic changes around the implant sites, his tissue becoming something else. What exactly is not quite clear, other than not human. Aside from giving him blinding headaches, these changes make medical treatment quite difficult as he simply doesn't show up on X-Rays for some reason and common antibiotics often cause inflammation. Worse, these changes do seem to be spreading.

The Foxfire Module's properties are such that it's pretty well impossible to construct a decent faraday cage in anything that it's powering with Micah's present understanding of it and as such the Armor is less hardened than Micah would like. A sufficiently powerful EMP, such from a kiloton range nuclear detonation, will absolutely knock the systems offline, and while they won't deactivate the Module itself and the state is recoverable given several minutes to reboot, that's a really bad place to be in an emergency.

To make matters worse the biotech in Micah's spine doesn't especially appreciate EMP's either and is far more sensitive. Taking one unshielded will send his alien fight or flight response into overdrive.

Foxfire is a known entity to a number of transnational terror groups and drug cartels, all of whom would jump at the chance to see him dead. ULTIMATUM in particular really dislikes him and their agents are more than willing to work with others if it means hurting him.

The changes to the physical structure of his central nervous system caused by the implants has resulted in some odd and somewhat alarming psychological changes as well. Exposure to extremely low frequency sound waves causes what seems to be a form of fight or flight reaction that manifests as a paranoid desire to avoid attention and observation specifically by blending into any crowd that may be handy. He CAN resist these urges, but only sometimes.

As an added bonus, if bonus is the right word, he also hears voices sometimes, at the edges of his consciousness, saying snatches of words he can?t understand. And finally, though as yet unbeknownst to him the neural changes make it easier to affect his physiology telepathically than for other humans. Even the most ham fisted telepath would be able to put him to sleep, for example, or cause him to feel phantom sensations even if such was not normally their gifting. On top of that telepathic communications would be agonizingly painful for him and near impossible to block out even if he were to recieve some manner of resistance training.

While the exact mechanisms still are not clear, it is clear that the Foxfire Module uses the exotic plasma it produces to in turn produce power. Shunting that plasma away for other purposes causes a precipitous drop in the power available to run the suit. When using any Foxfire ability a few things happen: 1) the suit's lift strength drops to a mere 2.5 tons, 2) the running speed drops to whatever Micah can manage on his own and 3) the jump distance drops to just ten meters.

It goes without saying that it is hard to hide the signature of exotic high energy plasma. Whenever the any Foxfire ability is used the heat venting systems cause any motion to produce multi-colored after images.

More pressingly, it also makes him light up on several EM spectrums rendering Micah quite visible to anyone with the equipment to detect him - like radar or even IR goggles. To make matters worse both the armor and Micah himself leak exotic particles in small amounts, so the scientifically minded wouldn't have any trouble tracking him once they know what to look for.

The Foxfire Module only produces its exotic plasma so quickly and there isn't enough of it to use more than a single Foxfire ability at a time. Micah can switch between them quite easily, but he has to be careful about what he uses when.

Moreover the supply of plasma has to be replenished after a time. Flight can be sustained for seven or eight hours if it's the only one being used, but any of the other Foxfire only have about an hour of cumulative 'uptime' between them. Once the supply of plasma is depleted, the effects of Power Management apply until the unit is recharged. In the field this typically takes about six hours but of the armor can be taken off and put into shutdown mode, regular operation can be restored in as little as two.

All of this assumes normal operation. Individual Foxfire powers might be cut off by damage to the suit itself. Damage to the jumpjets - even relatively minor deformations of the exhaust ports - would make flight dangerously untenable where was damage to the suits electromagnets in the suits hands, arms or torso that help amplify the containment fields needed for the Plasma would prevent use of the barrier or the beams. The holo-emitters are in the ear like projections, and damage to those would prevent use of the Illusion power. Finally although it is would require getting through the armor at the back of the suit, damage to the module itself would send it into safety mode and cut off power to the suit entirely to say nothing of access to the exotic plasma.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Training Evaluation Day April 8th, 2019 Several agents have their skills evaluated, these are a few highlights.
Two Bit Circus March 25th, 2019 Micah takes Dinah on a tour of the Triskelion and runs into Sam practicing in the heavy ordinance range. It is a screaming good time.
Anomalous Properties March 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Sensory Skulduggery March 10th, 2019 More tests on Nyx occasion lunch and some discussion about SHIELD.
Heave Ho March 1st, 2019 Micah arranges for Samantha to test her strength. Accidents ensue.
Sum of the Parts February 26th, 2019 Samantha and Micah talk in the gym. May and Skye come in to speak about an old enemy of Micah's.
The Date: Not Enough Boilermakers February 24th, 2019 Castiel and Micah head out for a few drinks after the 'suit' shopping, and discuss matters Divine and date, of which 'the Date' proves to be more intimidating to the angel.
Playing with lasers February 24th, 2019 Micah and Samantha are in the R&D wing so Micah can have Sam show off her "lasers"
Lessons in Self Control February 16th, 2019 Deputy Director May takes Nyx out of medical and with Micah's help teaches her a little bit.
The Date: Jacket and Tie Required February 15th, 2019 Micah and Clint take Castiel out suit shopping in preparation for his 'date' with Agent Melinda May.


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