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Latest revision as of 05:56, 4 March 2020

Protect Xavier's: Blood of an Ancient
Date of Scene: 13 September 2019
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Buffy delivers the vampire blood needed for Wanda's spell, and she and Wanda get to know each other better
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Scarlet Witch
Tinyplot: Protect Xavier's
Tinyplot2: Blood of the Ancients

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had finally acquired one necessary ingredient for Wanda's spell, and she had called her ahead of time to meet with her at the mansion. Buffy was actually a little excited to check out this place, and a little curious too. Having normally stayed within her own sphere of influence, she was curious to learn a bit more about the avengers, and maybe this would be a good opportunity to do so.

Having arrived at the appointed time, she waits patiently at the front steps to the mansion, ringing the bell only once as she peers around at the impressive place.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The door opens right away and a pleasant-sounding voice says, "Greetings, Miss Summers. I am JARVIS, Mr. Stark's artificial intelligence. Miss Maximoff is waiting for you in her quarters. Please follow the service robot if you will and it will lead you up stairs her to her room." A little service robot with a built in sweeper and a few appendages for performing maintenance, comes to lead the way.

Assuming Buffy follows upstairs, Wanda's room is down at the end of the residential hall. Her door is open and Wanda steps out into the hall to greet Buffy. "There you are. Sorry about not meeting you in person at the door, was just finishing up a... oh, let's just call it a thing," she says. The auburn-haired woman's face looks a little drawn compared to when they met before, as if she's been stressed, possibly burning the candle at both ends. "I hope everything is well?" she asks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Ooh, personal robot, that's pretty nifty. What's JARVIS stand for, anyway? I know AI's are all big on acronyms and all." Buffy smirks and follows after said robot, peering around in wander at the place, before she's led upstairs to Wanda's room. She's about to step in when Wanda greets her first and she smiles and nods to her. "Afternoon Wanda, good to see you again. This is a pretty nifty mansion you got here. Servant robots and all."

She does pause, arching a curious brow at the aforementioned 'thing.' "Oh? I hope I wasn't interrupting anything?" Buffy does note the tension in the other woman's face, brows arched in concern. "I'm fine, fine. Not so keen on going back to college but.." she shrugs, "You alright? I could always come back another time.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
JARVIS replies during the walk to the room, "I was named after Edward Jarvis, a butler that served the Stark family for many years. Though after the fact the letters were decided to stand for 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System'." Once Buffy is to the room with Wanda, the little maintenance robot continues on. It has a date with some windows that need cleaning.

Wanda gives a little wave of her hand as if to dismiss any concerns Buffy has. "Just a magical oddity in the world, and nothing that I can do anything about but study it for the time being," she says. "Please, come in. Can I get you something to drink? Water, iced tea, some fruit juice, soda..." Wanda says distractedly as she leads the way into her room.

The place is a big open layout, which required removing walls when she first moved in. It is a little more cluttered than usual, as if reflecting the current state of the woman who lives there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Just a Rather Very Intelligent System?" she stifles a laugh, glancing over at Jarvis again, "I mean, who came up with THAT?" she has to bite her lip from smiling really. "I mean..Sure, that's cool."

Glancing over at Wanda as she explains, Buffy just shrugs and nods, "Magic huh. Guess that's more Willow's area of expertise. Hopefully it's not of the world ending variety though!" Buffy does follow Wanda into her room peering around, "Huh, iced tea sounds pretty good right now." she nods as she looks for a place to sit.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's head tilts to the side a bit as Buffy mentions Willow in that context. If she is about to ask more about this Willow person, the comment about the world ending variety takes Wanda's attention instead. "Hopefully... not," Wanda says, and the uncertainty in her tone probably should give one pause.

Wanda leads the way, the door swinging closed behind them as she goes over to get two glasses from the kitchen area, fill them with ice and then add iced tea, asking if she prefers normal or sweet. Apparently she has some of each.

Once the glasses are poured, Wanda moves to offer one to Buffy as she takes a seat there on a stool next to the large kitchen island that holds the sink and large work spaces for cooking. "Have you had any progress tracking down a suitable vampire?" Wanda inquires once she's settled.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and shrugs, "One day I'll have to introduce you. She's a sweet girl. A bit shy and unsure of herself but loaded with potential. Magic potential." she grins, following the other woman further into the room, thankful for the drink which she sips for a bit. "Better than that, I got a sample from an ancient 200 year old vamp...Sadly it was a misunderstanding but.." she pulls out the vial of bright red blood, holding it out for her. "Will this do?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles softly to Buffy and says, "I'd like to meet her then." She takes a sip of her sweet tea and swivels on the stool a little bit. The lead-in by Buffy that presages good news gets a somewhat excited look from Wanda. One which grows all the more as the vial of vampire blood is pulled out.

"Oh, you did it!" Wanda says excitedly. She'll reach out to accept the blood. Her hand glows with red light that swirls about her fingers like a tangible substance as it samples the blood within the container. "Oh yes. This should do very nicely, Buffy. I hope it wasn't too difficult or dangerous to obtain?" she asks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks. She's sure Willow would get a kick out of meeting Wanda too, from all that she has heard of the famous Red Witch. But that's another story for another day.

As Wanda inspects the vial, she bites her lip, looking a little anxious. "I hope it will work. He's a...Special vampire, alright. Used to be a former nemesis of mine-turned-ally, thanks to a chip in his head that prevents him from hurting the innocents." she shrugs, "Heh, let's just say there was a mix-up. Another vamp tried to set him up to take the fall, and I attacked him with every intention of killing him. I sure took a lot of his blood though, so.."

Buffy shrugs again. "I suppose you could say it was difficult, but not overly dangerous when you're fighting someone who can't defend himself..Not something I'm super proud of." she arches a brow, peering at Wanda curiously now. "So! Anything else I can do to help with this spell? I know it will require lots of ingredients, I'm pretty good at f inding stuff, and I understand how important it is to protect these kids.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The surprise shows on Wanda's face as she hears about the particulars of the vampire. "Someone has a chip... electronics?... that can do that?" she says. From Wanda's tone, it doesn't seem like she's sure if that's necessarily a good thing or not.

"It sounds like you do indeed have a lot of experience in these matters," Wanda says of vampires. She nods her head. "We still need a few components for the spell. We have the necroplasma. A group from the school fought a demonic being and were able to get some from his cut. It is a close thing, but I think it will be enough. The rest we still have to gather," she says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Guess so. It's a complicated thing really. As far as I know, Spike is the only vampire with a chip in his head. Only successful one, anyway." she nods, "Yeah, comes with the territory. I kill things. Demons and vamps and anything in between. Kinda my specialty."

Of course the details of this necroplasma demon causes her to arch a curious brow. "Huh. Interesting. Well, if you have anymore demonic like creatures or magical creatures you need help fighting, feel free to call on me. I'm happy to help wherever I can."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I don't know how well you handle other dimensions? Kurt was going to try to retrieve some crystals from a Brimstone Dimension that his teleporting takes him through. It... unfortunately was named for the smell. I'm not sure if he has his team together yet or not," Wanda says.

She eyes the blood for a few more moments before rising to take it to put the vial away somewhere more secure. "So you said the vampire is an ally now? He can't even spread his contagion to others, because the chip won't let him?" she asks curiously.

Wanda moves back over to retake her stool at the kitchen island beside Buffy. "I'm curious how you got into this sort of thing. Not exactly a usual profession for a young woman your age. And you're cousin to the Summers, but not a mutant?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods. "Dimensions, huh. I know something about dimensions. I'd be happy to help your friend if need be. Might be interesting.." except maybe for the smell. she wrinkles her nose at the idea of that.

As for the blood and Spike, Buffy nods again, "Well, yeah, this chip basically causes him pain any time he attacks someone, or any time he even tries to bite someone. For this reason, he can't feed off a live person, so he's forced to either feed on animals, or other demons. Or buy blood from the local butcher. Its kinda pathetic really, but at least he's trying to be a hero now, even if he doesn't have a soul. I don't understand it fully myself, really.."

As for how she got into this 'thing', Buffy just chuckles and shrugs, "Well I guess you could say it was a calling. I was destined to become the Slayer. These powers were activated in me when the last slayer died.." she sighs, "It's a bit tough at times, but.." she shrugs, "Nah, I'm not a mutant, just a human imbued with super strength, agility, senses, that sorta stuff. And yeah, isn't that funny, guess it skipped a generation."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda listens to what Buffy has to say about Spike. "Interesting," she says, her brow furrowed a bit. "And do you have any idea who is behind the chip, how it got there? It doesn't sound the sort of thing someone would just leave to run loose without keeping an eye on at the very least?" she asks.

Wanda swivels towards Buffy a bit on her stool. "The last slayer, so it is a set of powers that inherit on, being passed on death? Quite interesting. I wonder if Agatha has heard of it before. I shall have to ask her. Well, it sounds like you are putting your powers to good use. I'm very approving of that. If you need assistance along the way and I can help, please let me know," she says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers signs and shakes her head. "No, not really. I mean..There's this secret organization calling themselves the Initiative. I'm pretty sure they're the ones that did this to him. I mean, he came running to us for help when it first happened. But they're hard to track down. Not that I've given up on them, but they've been pretty quiet lately.." she shrugs, "But I'll find out soon. I suppose I should thank them for making Spike a lot less harmful than he once was, but I dunno, now he's just helpless.."

As for Slayer lore, Buffy seems quite happy to talk about it and she nods and smiles, "Yeah, it's pretty cool, although it's a huge responsibility. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's nice to have super powers, I mean, I don't feel so hepless when I go out at night, but on the other hand, y'know, with great power comes great responsibility and all that jazz." Buffy actually rolls her eyes as she says that. "Agatha huh? I'd like to meet her sometime.." she nods and smiles, "And thanks, I appreciate that."