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Breaking UP is Never Easy
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: VIP Lounge, the Blue Lady
Synopsis: Buffy drowns her sorrows in alcohol. Bad decisions are made.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a few days since Buffy let reality sink in, and a possible future between her and Thomas seemed pretty damn grim..No matter how she looked at it, she would lose out, and after the trauma she had faced in a similar situation with Angel, she was prepared to put as much distance between herself and Thomas as possible.

Afterall, it wasn't like he needed her anymore..

So after calling in sick for the past week and doing her best to avoid him at all costs, Buffy finally returned to the Blue Lady, resignation letter in hand. Might as well make it a nice, clean break before things get any messier..

She steps into the lounge a bit hesitatntly, glancing around with a soft frown, nodding to some of her soon-to-be-former co-workers, stepping up to the bar to order a good stiff drink as she peers around..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Dierde Drake, or DiDi is a White Court Vampire, much like her boss. And like Thomas uses the Blue Lady as a feeding ground. Of course she does it under the guise of a waitress. She's usually friendly and bubbly type, so when Buffy comes in the fact she looks nervous is kind of a give away. "Hey Buffy...uhh you looking for Thomas? You just missed him..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods to Didi and of course she's worked with and talked to her many times. Heck, she was there the first time Buffy even came to this place and was offered this job. Today however, she doesn't waste time with flowerly words or formalities. "Where is he? I need to speak to him right away.." Eyes narrow a bit, uncertain if she even WANTS to know where he is. Oh she can probably take a wild guess as to what he's doing right now..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Didi sighs and looks away from her. "He's... He's been starving himself for the last week, do you get that Buffy?" She asks with those cornflower blue eyes looking at a person she considers at the very least a friendly acquaintance. "Somehow you went on the no touch list right? I know the look. Recognized the blisters." The girl sighs... "We had a bridal shower here tonight... He's upstairs in the VIP Lounge with the bride and the maid of honor..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip as she says that, her hand shaking just a bit..She tries to cover it up by clutching the glass more tightly, downing the strong whiskey and soda more quickly..She's never been much of an alcoholic before, but since she became of legal age, Buffy has really started to appreciate why people choose to numb their emotions with the stuff.

"Is that so...?" she swallows, feeling a lump in her throat. Of course. She's utterly useless to him now. Really, there's no point in her being around. Did he really think they could continue any sort of 'normal' relationship with this..Bullshit going on?

"...I know.." she draws a deep breath, sure he has to feed, but..."Bastard.." she mutters under her breath, clutching the glass so hard that hairline cracks start to form along the sides.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Bastard? That's a bit rich Ice. He nearly killed himself for you. Nearly killed himself more /waiting/ for you. It's the shit Epic tragedies are made of. To save you he had to do the one thing that meant he couldn't be with you." She takes her own whiskey that Yosa poured and slams it back like a pro. "Yeah he's a real bastard." And with that the waitress walks away... A Soft thump, barely audible over the music can be heard above... The glass separating the VIP lounge from the club can not be seen through from this side... but if one looks carefully a pair of hands can be made out agienst it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glowers at Didi's back. "Heh, sure he did..And for what.." She downs the rest of her drink, ordering another..And another, "Gimme something stronger this time, why dontcha? I can still HEAR them!" she all but snarls at the barkeep, trying to ignore the sounds from upstairs. "You liar. You said it couldn't happen...You promised me.." She sighs, squeezing her eyes shut. So bloody useless. Why does she even bother?"

Buffy draws a deep breath, taking another long sip of her drink as she tries her best to focus on other things..The music, the dancing..Scoping out potentially cute guys on the dance floor.

The resignation letter is still in her pocket. She should really go up there..But she can't stand this, going through this hell. Maybe she can worry about it another day..

Thomas Raith has posed:
The man sitting at the bar next to her raises an eyebrow at the blonde's swearing. He tilts his head a bit and says "Maybe you wanna slow down. And coming from me that's pretty much saying something." He offers her a hand "I'm Terry Masterson.. Wedding anniversery my wife is spending with my daughter and her new boyfriend."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, glancing over at the guy next to her. "What..? You're the groom? But why are you even *allowing* that? That guy.." she sighs, "He's a monster.." She takes another long sip of her drink, "That's just soo wrong.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Three years married." Terry confirms, shrugging. "What am I going to do though? You can't force someone to stay where they aren't happy. And Angie's made it damn clear she wasn't happy with me." He sighs a bit, "Fucked up part? I'd take her back in a second."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, shaking her head. "Well, that's her loss. I mean, look at you. You seem like a nice guy, you're handsome, well-mannered..And putting up with this bs? That says a lot." she offers a hand, "I'm Buffy. Nice to meet you, Terry.." eyes narrow at him a bit thoughtfully, "You deserve so much better than that, you know." she offers him a slightly charming smile. "A lot better if I had anything to say about it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry offerrs a slight smile at that, and the bareist hint of what could possibly be a blush crosses his cheeks. "I...Can I buy you drink?" he asks with a slight smile... Behind the bar Yosa just grunts and is already refilling Buffy's glass, a slight nod of the head from the scared man who'se only ever said two words to her... Happy birthday.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles warmly and nods. "Thank you, I'd really appreciate that..Do you come here often? I used to work here but looks like I'll be turning in my resignation letter pretty soon.." she shrugs, glancing towards the ceiling as she says that, drawing a deep breath.

"Anyway, I'll be sure to keep you company at least a little while while your..Wife is out having..'fun'." she smirks and winks at him, "Doesn't mean we can't have our own fun, y'know?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry nods a bit and says "I don't know Buffy... not sure I'm entirely drunk enough to take you up on that offer..." Then he turns to the bartender and says "I need another drink, and make it a triple." He says with a playful bit of amusement in his tone.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, "What, you need to be drunk to dance with a pretty girl? Not like I was asking for the sun, moon and stars.." she chuckles a bit but shrugs, glancing to the bartender. "It's alright, you can put his drinks on my tabs..My treat." Buffy grins at him, "You're not used to flirting with pretty girls, I take it? Maybe you should just have your own fun tonight, just tonight...Forget about..Them.." eyes narrow as she nods to the ceiling.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry blushes a bit and then nods, "WellI don't need it to dance with a pretty girl... Maybe I need it to have the courage to, you know, dance." he says with a laugh and a shrug. Then he stands and offers her his hand, shrugging "At least the music is slow enough i won't completely embaress myself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, taking his hand, rising to her feet. "I'm sure you're a much better dancer than you give yourself credit for. And even if you aren't, I'd be happy to teach you a few steps.." she downs the rest of her drink, swaying just a little on her feet after three strong drinks. But drawing a deep breath, Buffy is determined to 'get over' Thomas no matter what.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry isn't a ba--- Terry isn't a /horrible/ dancer. And the alchol he himself has already consumed lets him relax a little bit more. The slow music gives him an excuse to hold her a little closer. He is handsome, not beautiful like Thomas but in the more traditional meaning of the word. Nicely built... likely wouldn't last five minutes with a vampire but could hold himself up in a fight...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles softly at him, resting a hand on his shoulder, the other on his hip as they sway slowly to the music. Honestly, she wouldn't be nearly this flirty if she were in her right mind..But a lot has changed, very quickly, and the alcohol is helping her to forget her pain..If only for a little while.

"Come on, you're kidding me. You're not that bad afterall.." she sways slowly but gracefully on her feet, keeping in time to the music but occasionally slips out of his grasp, twirling around, stepping back in. No, he's not the greatest dancer, nothing compared to HIM. But..She doesn't want to even think about him anymore. Never again.

She's so done with epic, dramatic, tragic love stories. Nope nope. Give her someone nice and normal for once, thank you!

Buffy does laugh a little, enjoying the music, the company, leaning in a little closely to brush a strand of hair out of his face, cupping his cheek as she gazes into his eyes with a slightly glazed and distant look. He's nice but..Nothing special. Still..

"C'mon, admit it, you haven't danced like this with a pretty girl in a LONG time!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
"A very long time!" Terry agrees and...after a moments hesitation.. he slips the simple gold ring off of the finger on his left hand and drops it into his pocket. "Been a long time since I did allot of things. Like live a little." He says with a smile and keeps dancing.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs softly, grasping his hands, pulling him closer, ignoring the pounding in her head as she twirls them around faster and faster. "We deserve something better than them..It's about time we had our own happy ending.." she speaks in a sort of sing-song voice, eyes fluttering closed as she leans in and kisses him desperately on the lips. Really there's nothing to the kiss, nothing like the epic levels she shared with Thomas.

But..It's a distraction, something she'll probably regret later perhaps, but right now it feels good to taunt him like this..Even if he's probably upstairs right now, doing the same thing to her..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry hesitates only for a second... After all she is only the second woman he's kissed in close to five years... Still he remembers how it's done, and teases her lips with his tounge... his hand sliding down to her waist slightly he asks, "If I don't ask now I'll lose my nerve...would you...like to get out of here?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, closing her eyes as she leans intimately closer to him. Her head still spinning, not altogether there. What is there is full of fury and pain and anguish and desperation..

And a cold still emptiness and peacefulness. Yes, this isn't love, this is just lust. But it's a distraction. And that's definitely what she needs right now..Right?

"I'd love to..Go somewhere a little more private." she smiles, reaching up to touch his face. "I'm sure THEY will hardly even notice we're gone.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Terry smiles just a little bit and nods, sliding his arm around Buffy's waist and leading her off the dance floor and out of the Club... Not sure what to say, afraid of breaking the moment... Wondering if maybe this is a foolish mistake or just what he needs to kick start his own life.

Up in the VIP Lounge two women are passed out on the sofa's. Thomas fed on them hard and deeply... and they passed out within moments of being alone with him. He himself is watching Buffy leave with another man. Fully dressed, running a snow white bow tie through his fingers. A large black man, Crush, steps up beside him and sighs. "You okay Boss?" he asks in a soft tone. Thomas sighs a bit, a smile touching just one corner of his lips, "Hold a bird in your hands. If you love it, let it go... If it loves you... it'll fly back to you...." Crush just shrugs. "You didn't answer the question." Thomas sighs, "No. No I didn't."