Difference between revisions of "14659/3-2-1 Happy New year!"

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(Faith and Thomas ring in the New Year at the Blue Lady.)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2023/01/01
|Date of Scene=2023/01/07
|Location=The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
|Location=The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
|Synopsis=Faith and Thomas ring in the New Year at the Blue Lady.
|Synopsis=Faith and Thomas ring in the New Year at the Blue Lady.
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{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Poses=:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>11:50 PM, December 31st. The Blue Lady is rarely a quiet place but on New Years Eve /and/ a Weekend? The place is risking a fire code violation for the amount of people inside. There are three massive screens, each turned to different paries. At the moment the center (and far largest) screen shows New York City, while smaller side screens show the parties in Atlanta and Disney World. Thomas had even gone so far as to hire extra bouncers for the evening...And you can not go wrong hireing a Slayer. The man in white smirks a little bit as he walks closer, offering Faith a 'Jack and Coke, hold the Coke.' "Please tell me you only dislocated that assholes arm and didn't actually break it?" He asks in an amused tone only barely audible over the crowd.
|Pose=11:50 PM, December 31st. The Blue Lady is rarely a quiet place but on New Years Eve /and/ a Weekend? The place is risking a fire code violation for the amount of people inside. There are three massive screens, each turned to different paries. At the moment the center (and far largest) screen shows New York City, while smaller side screens show the parties in Atlanta and Disney World. Thomas had even gone so far as to hire extra bouncers for the evening...And you can not go wrong hireing a Slayer. The man in white smirks a little bit as he walks closer, offering Faith a 'Jack and Coke, hold the Coke.' "Please tell me you only dislocated that assholes arm and didn't actually break it?" He asks in an amused tone only barely audible over the crowd.
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane really didn't like the idea of working for the man she was sleeping with, although lately odd jobs through Angel Investigations have been hard to come by and she's been pretty desperate to make ends meet. Besides the suit looked pretty sharp on her, even if it's definitely not her typical style.<br><br>"Ugh, I can't believe you convinced me to do this shit..It had better be worth my time. I feel like I'm gonna tear this thing..Waay too restrictive." she shifts uncomfortably, adjusting her shirt and blazer for the tenth time that night and sighs, taking the drink with a grin, chugging it down.<br><br>"Cant complain about the peeks though.." as for the guy, she just shrugs and chuckles, "Oh I'm sure his arm will be just fine..Besides he totally had it coming to him. Serves him right messing with a Slayer. At least he made my night interesting." she grins wickedly.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "When he pinched your ass, I honestly thought you were going to rip his arm completely off." He says amused looking at, though not paying attention to, the Atlanta screen. "I promised you cash, under the table, and I always pay my debts. I'm practically a Lannister." He says amused sipping his own drink, which she'd know to be iced tea in a highball glass. He sips his glass again and sighs, "Two o'clock off the bridge of my nose, Red tie just dropped something into White dress's drink."
|Pose=Faith Lehane really didn't like the idea of working for the man she was sleeping with, although lately odd jobs through Angel Investigations have been hard to come by and she's been pretty desperate to make ends meet. Besides the suit looked pretty sharp on her, even if it's definitely not her typical style.
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane smirks, "Well I would have liked to just murder him outright, but then you'd probably charge me for murder or some such nonsense. Besides, I'm not crazy..Much!" she grins and winks at him, "You know, I could almost get used to this, if I wasn't working 'under' you as my boss..Be right back!" and she's making a beeline for red tie guy, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Hey bub, I saw you slipping something in that girl's glass. Not cool!" she pulls the drink away from the girl before she can sip it, "I wouldn't do that unless you wanna get drugged. Now apologize to the lady and fess up! What did you put in it?"
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith looks amused at the "Working under him," Comment, but decides to wait until she is finished with other business first before making any psudo-sexual comments in that regard. The man in the red tie jerks back at her approach, saying "I don't know what you are talking about!" (Strike one) "Get your hands off me bitch!" (Strike two) And then trying to push the Slayer away.... (And he's outta here...)
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane glowers at the guy's response, shaking her head and clicking her tongue, "You know, I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, a chance to explain yourself, but you're already on three strikes for lying, badmouthing staff and shoving me. I'm only gonna ask you once nicely, leave now, or I'll make you leave, one way or the other. I can't guarantee you'll be able to use that arm if you resist. Now what'll it be?" she smiles sweetly at him, daring him to defy her, maybe looking forward to an handling him.
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Mr. 6 figure salary and three drinks in laughs and smirks slightly, he stands up and smirks a bit. He's 3 inches taller then Faith, hardly a surprise, and likely not in the best mind frame. "Yeah, well I paid my cover, and I don't feel like leaving, so what now? Bitch?" He asks, laughing with the other guys at the table while their dates looks awkward and embaressed.<br><br> Over on the other side of the room Crush smirks. $20 bucks says Little girl drops him in under five." <br><br>Thomas shakes his head "Under three." <br><br>"Ten Bucks."<br><br>"Done."
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane smirks, clasping a hand on his shoulder, "Then I guess we do this the hard way, 'bitch.'" she attempts to shove him towards the door, "You don't really want me to carry you out, do you? Cuz I will if I have to. Now get lost!"
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>The man had already had more then he likely should have, and wasn't exactlly ready for a push from a Slayer... So he ends up leaving his feet completely, launched three feet away and hitting his head agienst the bar. This in turn gets a single raised eyebrow from Yosa directed at Faith, as if to say "Was that nessicary." Crush shakes his head handing his boss a ten dollar bill as the man stumbles to his feet... only to get hip checked by DiDi and knocked back down.
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane rolls her eyes and helps the guy to his feet, "Geez, are you that drunk?! Pathetic..Come on.." and she helps him to his feet, grabbing him by the elbow as she guides him to the exit. Once there, she does give him a gentler shove out the door. "Come back when you're sober, an' if you ever put drugs in other peoples' drinks again, dint bother coming back!"
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith sends a text casually to Axe putting the man on the Blacklist even before Faith is back to his side. The clocks on the screens now reading 11:58 as everyone's focus turns to one of the three screens. "Nicely handled." He says amused as the timers all drop to the number of seconds remaining in the old year...
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane grins, dusting her hands as she stares up at the clock, "Bet you're wishing you had me around full time, dont cha?" she grins, slicking her hair back, "So you guys got any fireworks to celebrate or what?" of course she was never big on New Year's Eve and certainly never celebrated at such a classy place as this. Should be fun..
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith grins slightly. "Well no fireworks inside, I don't think my bribe to the Fire Marshel would quite cover that." he says with a grin as the crowd chants 10-9-8... "Still there is one tradition for New Years I've always appreciated..." 7-6-5 ... The White Courtier gently reaches out and dips the Slayer smirking wickedly... though giving her enough time to know what is coming and to tell him to stop if she really wants to. 4-3-2....
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane arches a brow at Thomas and smirks, but doesn't push him away for once. "Tradition, huh? Shouldn't you be sharing that kiss with your special someone..?" still, they both are lonely strangers passing through in the night, no special someone's, just each other..Whatever 'they' are. She grabs his shoulders more tightly and closes her eyes as she pulls him closer, waiting for the clock to count to zero.
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Fireworks... Cheering... Mickey Mouse and friends about three seconds slow on the count down... And Thomas doesn't hear any of it. His lips on the Slayer's, dancing his tongue with her's playfully as they bridge the gap between the years with a kiss. He smirks a little bit and says "Happy New Years Faith." Before letting her come back up to her feet. Worth noting... no Hunger in that kiss. No feeding. Just him... And also worth noting, Thomas Raith is /still/ a damn good kisser.
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane seems to smile as she returns a soft, surprisingly sweet kiss, not one to really linger on such things or care. Although when she straightens up again she is a bit surprised. "Oh hey, you didn't feed. I'm surprised. Figured you'd be greedy enough to want to, any time you get. Especially now that we've accomplished our mission." why, she almost sounds..Disappointed.

"Ugh, I can't believe you convinced me to do this shit..It had better be worth my time. I feel like I'm gonna tear this thing..Waay too restrictive." she shifts uncomfortably, adjusting her shirt and blazer for the tenth time that night and sighs, taking the drink with a grin, chugging it down.
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit. "Well I figured that could wait till later. Screw the Hunger. /I/ wanted to kiss you for New Years." He says with a shrug and a smile, "I mean you /were/ planning on staying the night weren't you?"

"Cant complain about the peeks though.." as for the guy, she just shrugs and chuckles, "Oh I'm sure his arm will be just fine..Besides he totally had it coming to him. Serves him right messing with a Slayer. At least he made my night interesting." she grins wickedly.
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane laughs, "Depends, do I have to wait til closing before I get my pay cut? And what are the chances I'd get other jobs lined up, cuz to be honest, business has been slow lately at Angel Investigations..Besides.." she frowns a bit, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes, "It's hard to go back to my dump after seeing your apartment..So I guess I'll be staying here for a bit, whether you like it or not."
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "When he pinched your ass, I honestly thought you were going to rip his arm completely off." He says amused looking at, though not paying attention to, the Atlanta screen. "I promised you cash, under the table, and I always pay my debts. I'm practically a Lannister." He says amused sipping his own drink, which she'd know to be iced tea in a highball glass. He sips his glass again and sighs, "Two o'clock off the bridge of my nose, Red tie just dropped something into White dress's drink."
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane smirks, "Well I would have liked to just murder him outright, but then you'd probably charge me for murder or some such nonsense. Besides, I'm not crazy..Much!" she grins and winks at him, "You know, I could almost get used to this, if I wasn't working 'under' you as my boss..Be right back!" and she's making a beeline for red tie guy, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Hey bub, I saw you slipping something in that girl's glass. Not cool!" she pulls the drink away from the girl before she can sip it, "I wouldn't do that unless you wanna get drugged. Now apologize to the lady and fess up! What did you put in it?"
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith looks amused at the "Working under him," Comment, but decides to wait until she is finished with other business first before making any psudo-sexual comments in that regard. The man in the red tie jerks back at her approach, saying "I don't know what you are talking about!" (Strike one) "Get your hands off me bitch!" (Strike two) And then trying to push the Slayer away.... (And he's outta here...)
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane glowers at the guy's response, shaking her head and clicking her tongue, "You know, I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, a chance to explain yourself, but you're already on three strikes for lying, badmouthing staff and shoving me. I'm only gonna ask you once nicely, leave now, or I'll make you leave, one way or the other. I can't guarantee you'll be able to use that arm if you resist. Now what'll it be?" she smiles sweetly at him, daring him to defy her, maybe looking forward to an handling him.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Mr. 6 figure salary and three drinks in laughs and smirks slightly, he stands up and smirks a bit. He's 3 inches taller then Faith, hardly a surprise, and likely not in the best mind frame. "Yeah, well I paid my cover, and I don't feel like leaving, so what now? Bitch?" He asks, laughing with the other guys at the table while their dates looks awkward and embaressed.

Over on the other side of the room Crush smirks. $20 bucks says Little girl drops him in under five."
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith grins a bit and his eyes flash wickedly silver, something her rarely allows to happen on the Club's main floor. As if to say, "Okay, Thomas had his fun but the Demon want's to play too. He then leans over and whispers...something... In the Slayer's ear.

Thomas shakes his head "Under three."
:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane arches a brow at him and grins, wriggling her brows playfully at him. "Is that so..Gimne a bottle of your finest wine then. I'm ready to 'retire' for the night." she waves to Yosa to do just that before waiting to follow Thomas. "Think your guests will be ok without you fir the rest of the night?"

"Ten Bucks."
:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and nods. "Pretty sure things will be fine from here... At least to the point Axe, Smash, and Crush can handle them..." He says walking over to the bar and grabbing a bottle of red wine from the glass cabnet before offering her his arm to head upstairs. "By the way, the guys decided to give you a Nickname too, if you want to keep working here. Oleander. It's a flower apparently. Beautiful, wild, and every part of it is deadly."

:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''<br>Faith Lehane arches a brow, "Oleander? That don't sound tough or sexy. I mean I would have gone with Goth or Edge or Razor or something.." she smirks, and shrugs, "But hey, I'll go with beautiful and deadly too." she grins and winks, in no hurry to stay down here a moment longer. "Some day you gotta show me this flower.'
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane smirks, clasping a hand on his shoulder, "Then I guess we do this the hard way, 'bitch.'" she attempts to shove him towards the door, "You don't really want me to carry you out, do you? Cuz I will if I have to. Now get lost!"
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=The man had already had more then he likely should have, and wasn't exactlly ready for a push from a Slayer... So he ends up leaving his feet completely, launched three feet away and hitting his head agienst the bar. This in turn gets a single raised eyebrow from Yosa directed at Faith, as if to say "Was that nessicary." Crush shakes his head handing his boss a ten dollar bill as the man stumbles to his feet... only to get hip checked by DiDi and knocked back down.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane rolls her eyes and helps the guy to his feet, "Geez, are you that drunk?! Pathetic..Come on.." and she helps him to his feet, grabbing him by the elbow as she guides him to the exit. Once there, she does give him a gentler shove out the door. "Come back when you're sober, an' if you ever put drugs in other peoples' drinks again, dint bother coming back!"
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith sends a text casually to Axe putting the man on the Blacklist even before Faith is back to his side. The clocks on the screens now reading 11:58 as everyone's focus turns to one of the three screens. "Nicely handled." He says amused as the timers all drop to the number of seconds remaining in the old year...
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane grins, dusting her hands as she stares up at the clock, "Bet you're wishing you had me around full time, dont cha?" she grins, slicking her hair back, "So you guys got any fireworks to celebrate or what?" of course she was never big on New Year's Eve and certainly never celebrated at such a classy place as this. Should be fun..
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith grins slightly. "Well no fireworks inside, I don't think my bribe to the Fire Marshel would quite cover that." he says with a grin as the crowd chants 10-9-8... "Still there is one tradition for New Years I've always appreciated..." 7-6-5 ... The White Courtier gently reaches out and dips the Slayer smirking wickedly... though giving her enough time to know what is coming and to tell him to stop if she really wants to. 4-3-2....
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane arches a brow at Thomas and smirks, but doesn't push him away for once. "Tradition, huh? Shouldn't you be sharing that kiss with your special someone..?" still, they both are lonely strangers passing through in the night, no special someone's, just each other..Whatever 'they' are. She grabs his shoulders more tightly and closes her eyes as she pulls him closer, waiting for the clock to count to zero.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Fireworks... Cheering... Mickey Mouse and friends about three seconds slow on the count down... And Thomas doesn't hear any of it. His lips on the Slayer's, dancing his tongue with her's playfully as they bridge the gap between the years with a kiss. He smirks a little bit and says "Happy New Years Faith." Before letting her come back up to her feet. Worth noting... no Hunger in that kiss. No feeding. Just him... And also worth noting, Thomas Raith is /still/ a damn good kisser.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane seems to smile as she returns a soft, surprisingly sweet kiss, not one to really linger on such things or care. Although when she straightens up again she is a bit surprised. "Oh hey, you didn't feed. I'm surprised. Figured you'd be greedy enough to want to, any time you get. Especially now that we've accomplished our mission." why, she almost sounds..Disappointed.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit. "Well I figured that could wait till later. Screw the Hunger. /I/ wanted to kiss you for New Years." He says with a shrug and a smile, "I mean you /were/ planning on staying the night weren't you?"
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane laughs, "Depends, do I have to wait til closing before I get my pay cut? And what are the chances I'd get other jobs lined up, cuz to be honest, business has been slow lately at Angel Investigations..Besides.." she frowns a bit, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes, "It's hard to go back to my dump after seeing your apartment..So I guess I'll be staying here for a bit, whether you like it or not."
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith grins a bit and his eyes flash wickedly silver, something her rarely allows to happen on the Club's main floor. As if to say, "Okay, Thomas had his fun but the Demon want's to play too. He then leans over and whispers...something... In the Slayer's ear.
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane arches a brow at him and grins, wriggling her brows playfully at him. "Is that so..Gimne a bottle of your finest wine then. I'm ready to 'retire' for the night." she waves to Yosa to do just that before waiting to follow Thomas. "Think your guests will be ok without you fir the rest of the night?"
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Thomas Raith
|Pose=Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and nods. "Pretty sure things will be fine from here... At least to the point Axe, Smash, and Crush can handle them..." He says walking over to the bar and grabbing a bottle of red wine from the glass cabnet before offering her his arm to head upstairs. "By the way, the guys decided to give you a Nickname too, if you want to keep working here. Oleander. It's a flower apparently. Beautiful, wild, and every part of it is deadly."
{{Single Pose
|Poser=Faith Lehane
|Pose=Faith Lehane arches a brow, "Oleander? That don't sound tough or sexy. I mean I would have gone with Goth or Edge or Razor or something.." she smirks, and shrugs, "But hey, I'll go with beautiful and deadly too." she grins and winks, in no hurry to stay down here a moment longer. "Some day you gotta show me this flower.'

Latest revision as of 00:34, 8 March 2023

3-2-1 Happy New year!
Date of Scene: 07 January 2023
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Faith and Thomas ring in the New Year at the Blue Lady.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Faith Lehane

Thomas Raith has posed:
11:50 PM, December 31st. The Blue Lady is rarely a quiet place but on New Years Eve /and/ a Weekend? The place is risking a fire code violation for the amount of people inside. There are three massive screens, each turned to different paries. At the moment the center (and far largest) screen shows New York City, while smaller side screens show the parties in Atlanta and Disney World. Thomas had even gone so far as to hire extra bouncers for the evening...And you can not go wrong hireing a Slayer. The man in white smirks a little bit as he walks closer, offering Faith a 'Jack and Coke, hold the Coke.' "Please tell me you only dislocated that assholes arm and didn't actually break it?" He asks in an amused tone only barely audible over the crowd.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane really didn't like the idea of working for the man she was sleeping with, although lately odd jobs through Angel Investigations have been hard to come by and she's been pretty desperate to make ends meet. Besides the suit looked pretty sharp on her, even if it's definitely not her typical style.

"Ugh, I can't believe you convinced me to do this shit..It had better be worth my time. I feel like I'm gonna tear this thing..Waay too restrictive." she shifts uncomfortably, adjusting her shirt and blazer for the tenth time that night and sighs, taking the drink with a grin, chugging it down.

"Cant complain about the peeks though.." as for the guy, she just shrugs and chuckles, "Oh I'm sure his arm will be just fine..Besides he totally had it coming to him. Serves him right messing with a Slayer. At least he made my night interesting." she grins wickedly.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "When he pinched your ass, I honestly thought you were going to rip his arm completely off." He says amused looking at, though not paying attention to, the Atlanta screen. "I promised you cash, under the table, and I always pay my debts. I'm practically a Lannister." He says amused sipping his own drink, which she'd know to be iced tea in a highball glass. He sips his glass again and sighs, "Two o'clock off the bridge of my nose, Red tie just dropped something into White dress's drink."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, "Well I would have liked to just murder him outright, but then you'd probably charge me for murder or some such nonsense. Besides, I'm not crazy..Much!" she grins and winks at him, "You know, I could almost get used to this, if I wasn't working 'under' you as my boss..Be right back!" and she's making a beeline for red tie guy, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Hey bub, I saw you slipping something in that girl's glass. Not cool!" she pulls the drink away from the girl before she can sip it, "I wouldn't do that unless you wanna get drugged. Now apologize to the lady and fess up! What did you put in it?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks amused at the "Working under him," Comment, but decides to wait until she is finished with other business first before making any psudo-sexual comments in that regard. The man in the red tie jerks back at her approach, saying "I don't know what you are talking about!" (Strike one) "Get your hands off me bitch!" (Strike two) And then trying to push the Slayer away.... (And he's outta here...)
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane glowers at the guy's response, shaking her head and clicking her tongue, "You know, I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, a chance to explain yourself, but you're already on three strikes for lying, badmouthing staff and shoving me. I'm only gonna ask you once nicely, leave now, or I'll make you leave, one way or the other. I can't guarantee you'll be able to use that arm if you resist. Now what'll it be?" she smiles sweetly at him, daring him to defy her, maybe looking forward to an handling him.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Mr. 6 figure salary and three drinks in laughs and smirks slightly, he stands up and smirks a bit. He's 3 inches taller then Faith, hardly a surprise, and likely not in the best mind frame. "Yeah, well I paid my cover, and I don't feel like leaving, so what now? Bitch?" He asks, laughing with the other guys at the table while their dates looks awkward and embaressed.

Over on the other side of the room Crush smirks. $20 bucks says Little girl drops him in under five."

Thomas shakes his head "Under three."

"Ten Bucks."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, clasping a hand on his shoulder, "Then I guess we do this the hard way, 'bitch.'" she attempts to shove him towards the door, "You don't really want me to carry you out, do you? Cuz I will if I have to. Now get lost!"
Thomas Raith has posed:
The man had already had more then he likely should have, and wasn't exactlly ready for a push from a Slayer... So he ends up leaving his feet completely, launched three feet away and hitting his head agienst the bar. This in turn gets a single raised eyebrow from Yosa directed at Faith, as if to say "Was that nessicary." Crush shakes his head handing his boss a ten dollar bill as the man stumbles to his feet... only to get hip checked by DiDi and knocked back down.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane rolls her eyes and helps the guy to his feet, "Geez, are you that drunk?! Pathetic..Come on.." and she helps him to his feet, grabbing him by the elbow as she guides him to the exit. Once there, she does give him a gentler shove out the door. "Come back when you're sober, an' if you ever put drugs in other peoples' drinks again, dint bother coming back!"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sends a text casually to Axe putting the man on the Blacklist even before Faith is back to his side. The clocks on the screens now reading 11:58 as everyone's focus turns to one of the three screens. "Nicely handled." He says amused as the timers all drop to the number of seconds remaining in the old year...
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane grins, dusting her hands as she stares up at the clock, "Bet you're wishing you had me around full time, dont cha?" she grins, slicking her hair back, "So you guys got any fireworks to celebrate or what?" of course she was never big on New Year's Eve and certainly never celebrated at such a classy place as this. Should be fun..
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly. "Well no fireworks inside, I don't think my bribe to the Fire Marshel would quite cover that." he says with a grin as the crowd chants 10-9-8... "Still there is one tradition for New Years I've always appreciated..." 7-6-5 ... The White Courtier gently reaches out and dips the Slayer smirking wickedly... though giving her enough time to know what is coming and to tell him to stop if she really wants to. 4-3-2....
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow at Thomas and smirks, but doesn't push him away for once. "Tradition, huh? Shouldn't you be sharing that kiss with your special someone..?" still, they both are lonely strangers passing through in the night, no special someone's, just each other..Whatever 'they' are. She grabs his shoulders more tightly and closes her eyes as she pulls him closer, waiting for the clock to count to zero.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Fireworks... Cheering... Mickey Mouse and friends about three seconds slow on the count down... And Thomas doesn't hear any of it. His lips on the Slayer's, dancing his tongue with her's playfully as they bridge the gap between the years with a kiss. He smirks a little bit and says "Happy New Years Faith." Before letting her come back up to her feet. Worth noting... no Hunger in that kiss. No feeding. Just him... And also worth noting, Thomas Raith is /still/ a damn good kisser.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane seems to smile as she returns a soft, surprisingly sweet kiss, not one to really linger on such things or care. Although when she straightens up again she is a bit surprised. "Oh hey, you didn't feed. I'm surprised. Figured you'd be greedy enough to want to, any time you get. Especially now that we've accomplished our mission." why, she almost sounds..Disappointed.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit. "Well I figured that could wait till later. Screw the Hunger. /I/ wanted to kiss you for New Years." He says with a shrug and a smile, "I mean you /were/ planning on staying the night weren't you?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane laughs, "Depends, do I have to wait til closing before I get my pay cut? And what are the chances I'd get other jobs lined up, cuz to be honest, business has been slow lately at Angel Investigations..Besides.." she frowns a bit, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes, "It's hard to go back to my dump after seeing your apartment..So I guess I'll be staying here for a bit, whether you like it or not."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and his eyes flash wickedly silver, something her rarely allows to happen on the Club's main floor. As if to say, "Okay, Thomas had his fun but the Demon want's to play too. He then leans over and whispers...something... In the Slayer's ear.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow at him and grins, wriggling her brows playfully at him. "Is that so..Gimne a bottle of your finest wine then. I'm ready to 'retire' for the night." she waves to Yosa to do just that before waiting to follow Thomas. "Think your guests will be ok without you fir the rest of the night?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and nods. "Pretty sure things will be fine from here... At least to the point Axe, Smash, and Crush can handle them..." He says walking over to the bar and grabbing a bottle of red wine from the glass cabnet before offering her his arm to head upstairs. "By the way, the guys decided to give you a Nickname too, if you want to keep working here. Oleander. It's a flower apparently. Beautiful, wild, and every part of it is deadly."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow, "Oleander? That don't sound tough or sexy. I mean I would have gone with Goth or Edge or Razor or something.." she smirks, and shrugs, "But hey, I'll go with beautiful and deadly too." she grins and winks, in no hurry to stay down here a moment longer. "Some day you gotta show me this flower.'