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Astral Flux: Cross-Disciplinary Team-Up!
Date of Scene: 17 October 2018
Location: A conference room in the Triskelion
Synopsis: Derek Khanata brings together John Constantine, Scarlet Witch, Jason Blood, and Psylocke to hash out an audacious plan to stop the Shadow King.


Cast of Characters: Derek Khanata, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke, Constantine, Etrigan (Jason Blood)
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Derek Khanata has posed:
Set aside from the foyer of the Triskelion are a number of small, quiet conference rooms used for quiet meetings of all sorts. Today, one of these anonymous rooms is the gathering place for an unusual assemblage of ninjas, superspies, witches and occultists.

Seated at the head of the six-person conference table is Derek Khanata, agent of SHIELD, who is sorting through several manilla folios, his face neutral, movements unhurried, as he awaits the rest of his 'brain trust' to arrive.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is Wanda.. which is to say she doesn't use the front door. Wanda rarely uses the front door. In fact, wards, locks, and security are generally not huge on her list of things to observe. Not that she does it on purpose - mostly it just doesn't occur to her that the rest of the world is ruled by such things.

So it is that she just *appears* in the meeting room, looking somewhat pleased with herself as she looks around and finds herself where she wishes to be.

"Oh! It is that I am not late. Good."

Psylocke has posed:
At precisely the appointed time, Betsy is escorted to the conference room by one of the agents. He is eyeing her warily since he happened to be one who had been in the lobby during her last visit here. Needless to say, she made him nervous.

She was dressed in a stylish designer outfit, with black slacks and a lavender top. A pair of pumps with a slight heel completed the look. She arrives just in time for Wanda to appear out of thin air. A bit of a smirk as her proper British accent is heard. "If I had known that was allowed, I would have saved your lobby security some discomfort." With that, she moves to one of the seats at the table and settles in.

Constantine has posed:
John uses the front door, he takes pleasure slouching his way through the cozers, and flirting with the lady at the desk, whom he gives his card. "Tha's right, Mater of the Dark Arts, don't loose the card luv, we can have a fun time..."

Then he's off to the meeting room with one of the other agents.

"Suit must itch like a bugger," he says looking the man up and down before handing over a card to him too. "Like I said to the bird at the desk."

Then he's into the meeting, room smelling of old beer and cigarettes but seeming to wear it well. "Ah they got you too huh?" he says to Wanda and then gives Betsy and Derek a nod. "You the gov for this little sit down?" he asks Derek while swinging a chair out from the table and flopping into it.

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Jason Blood lounges in a corner, having apparently been napping and arriving before most of the others. He stirs at last, either from the sound of a woman's voice or the smell of Constantine's overcoat. He doesn't appear to be drunk, because it's generally very dangerous for him to be drunk. Drunk people have a habit of listening to the small, small voices in the backs of their heads. His happened to speak in rhyme and liked to occasionally burn his grimoires for fun.

He takes one of the seats and slouches into it a bit, regarding the others with a nod, "Witches and wizards and spies, oh my."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata is busy jotting down notes on a yellow legal pad when the Avenger suddenly materializes. He's a cool customers, flinching only slightly, but his pen runs off the page as he stares off into space, seemingly fixated on a spot in the middle distance for a long moment before forcing a tight smile. He nods to the rest of the crowd as they file in.

"Ladies, gentleman: thank you for joining me here today. My name's Derek Khanata."

The African stands and leans forward, setting his palms on the table.

"I know that you're all incredibly busy people, so I won't waste your time. I've gathered you here together today on behalf of SHIELD to discuss potential solutions to the Shadow King crisis. Our hope is that a cross-disciplinary approach between the psychic 'talents' of the X-family and an assembly of the greatest masters of the mystic arts will prove fruitful towards that end."

"I imagine introductions are in order, unless everyone is already familiar with one another?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda takes a seat, looking about the assemblege, her lips bowing over a smile as they light upon John. "Introductions are always a good thing, I think, but not everyone here is a stranger."

The impish smile is directed at Jason next, thumb and index finger of one hand hovering about half an inch apart. "Only a very little bit of a witch. Hardly enough to mention."

Then she laughs. "Very well. I will start. I am Wanda Maximoff. You may also know me as The Scarlet Witch. It is good to be here, though I did not know that SHIELD wanted for witches. I will have to talk to Hawkeye about this." She clucks her tongue as though a scolding (albeit a gentle one) may ensue. Then again, she might just be teasing.

Psylocke has posed:
"Betsy Braddock." Not like she can hide who she is. She had been a rather high profile model at one time, even with this face. And her other one. So complicated. "Former agent," she offers as she looks directly at Blood. Then she glances to each person at the table as she continues. "I also go by the name Psylocke, as a member of the X-Men. Which is not information that should be shared outside these walls, please. I am a telepath and have a few other tricks up my sleeve though no magic, real or sleight of hand, is involved."

Constantine has posed:
John's blonde brows raise in surprise when he sees Jason napping in the corner. "They got you too, eh?" he says with a grin. "Well, feel much better now, between you and the red head, I don't think there's a thing they can throw at us." A look is sent Betsy's way then, "Not discounting you, but dunno what you can do yet."

At the mention of the Shadow King, John settles down, becoming quiet even as he leans back in his chair, his oxfords, squeeking against the edge of the conference table.

"Hullo, I'm John," he says giving a jaunty wave from where he leans back in his seat. "An' I'm a warlock, not that these two," he nods to Blood and Wanda. "Don't know that already. An' that's about it."

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Jason Blood snorts at John, "If the two of us are here, the world's probably a little bit safer if only because we're otherwise occupied," he says.

He nods at the other introductions, "Jason Blood. I've had more titles than I've counted, walked the earth for more than a thousand years and am bound blood and soul to the nastiest piece of work this side of the fifth level of Hell. I do magick, although I may tend towards the left hand side now and again. Certainly as morally upstanding a citizen as Constantine there."%

Derek Khanata has posed:
As introductions are made, Khanata rests semi-crouched, his arms crossed on the table in front of him, nodding to each as they make the rounds.

To Wanda, he gives a good-natured wink, "Don't let Agent Peters hear that--WAND's got a reputation to uphold, and have provided extremely useful intel over the course of our investigation. They're already smarting that we decided to bring in heavy hitters instead of keeping it 'in house'."

To Betsy, a grave, curt nod, "Of course, Ms. Braddock. Discretion is the watchword here at SHIELD--we'll keep your secret safe. Let me also say that we greatly appreciate the intelligence your team provided; it completely redefined our understanding of the conflict. We're glad to have you on board."

To John, a smirk, "From what I've read of your exploits, Mr. Constantine, you sell yourself short. Thanks for joining us."

To Blood, an impish grin, "Blood and I have worked together before. Don't let him spook you--he's prickly, but solid in the field. Thanks for being here."

Khanata straightens, addressing the room at large, "Okay, a brief overview of the situation as we currently understand it. Correct me if you think I'm misunderstanding something."

The African starts sketching on the whiteboard behind him, "The fungal biocomputer arrived from space a few months ago, and was largely defeated thanks to the efforts of the Avengers," he nods to the Scarlet Witch, "but the remnants were saved by Amahl Farouk, aka the Shadow King, a disembodied psychic presence that resides on the Astral Plane, who managed to dimensionally shift the fungal biocomputer into his home dimension. This was accomplished via the Mind Gem, one of the Infinity Stones."

"The fungal computer in the Astral Plane is the method that the Shadow King has begun spreading the sleepwalker plague which is sweeping the planet. It appears that biocomputer, through the plague, is the means through which the Shadow King can exert his will on the physical plane. Telepaths connected to the network allow more power to be tapped, but a sufficient assembly of non-telepathic sleepwalkers can be utilized, as was the case with the Avengers Mansion."

"This sounding about right so far?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a shy little duck of head to Derek's assessment of her as 'heavy hitter', even if the label fits all of those he's gathered into the room. "Oh, I would not make them feel bad. Besides, if we do say I am the consultant, then nobody's feelings will be the stepped on, and we can all do our jobs, yes?"

The shy little smile fades over the introductions, and the subject matter at hand.

"It is very much that, yes. I do think you are right that the sleepwalkers were a test. To see if others could be controlled." And they could. "They are perhaps more like a conduit. Or an extension."

A frown.

"Our mansion is a hole in the ground. It is not good." She doesn't add anything to that observation, even though she could.

Psylocke has posed:
"Sounds right so far. We do know that the telepaths on the network can be disconnected from it, by telepathic force. But it's a tricky proposition. Some of them I helped try to save, the Shadow King sent a kill order to. He basically ordered them to die and they would have. We didn't lose the ones nearby but others, I don't know. I have also managed to sever one other from his network with a surprise attack, without him having time to react and try to harm her," Betsy adds, since she thinks it is good to know they may be able to save the other telepaths.

Constantine has posed:
"Was taught to be modest," John says with a chuckle to Derek before he settles in to listen to what's what. He does that while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

The cigarette doesn't stay lit long. At the mention of the Mind Gem and Infinity Stones, John butts it out on the table and stands, dusting off his coat.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Betsy, Agent Khanata, but count me out, that loon with the Mind Gem? Tha's just a recipe for disaster. Good luck storming the castle though."

He heads for the door.

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Jason Blood clicks his tongue against his teeth, "Feelings? Never heard of them," he says to Wanda playfully. He's pretty well-informed on this particular subject, having been a part of Khanata's operation in recent weeks, although it's always good to have them laid out all neatly in a row to be inspected, bloody bones and all.

"Come on now, John, let's not play the Cowardly Lion today. Dorothy and the Tin Man will be most upset and we'll all find out you had the Courage all the time, won't we? You just like to be begged, well, who doesn't, but you can find a whore to pay for the privilege. Now sit your arse down and eat your castor oil and save the world like a good little witchboy."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata nods excitedly to Wanda, "I think a conduit is a perfect metaphor, Ms. Maximoff. Telepaths are the largest channel through which Farouk can pipe in psychic power to our plane, but if you have enough smaller channels, the same results can be realized. Hence the hole in the ground."

"Interesting, Ms. Braddock. I was unaware that there was a clean-up campaign underway. It makes sense--the channel can flow both directions, and while telepaths provide more power, they also are a potential weak spot. We have eyes on one person of interest in Mexico, I'll see if--"

And there goes Constantine. Khanata half-smirks, looking unimpressed, and he casts an expectant glance at Blood. A moment later, Blood gets nasty. Khanata smirks, nods appreciately, and clears his throat, "I'm afraid our plan involves a lot more than a straightforward charge, Mr. Constantine. If you're not up for it, I understand, but if you're in the business of saving the world, I would ask to that you listen to my proposal--you can always flee afterwards."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's eyes widen at Betsy's words. "Oh? That is both very good news, and very serious news as well. I did wonder if the plants were a test to begin with. To see, not only how we did react, but if it were possible, this thing that is done. We are very much being like a brain here in some ways."

Wanda really isn't a computer girl. But she's speaking about the same thing when it comes to how this is all going dow.

John, however, doesn't get far, and will find himself frozen in place. "I do not think we are going to let you leave so soon, John. It is very rude. I seem to recall you have the reasons to help, no? Or are you so happy with the fate you pretend to lament of your future soul?"

She sounds ever so disappointed in the man, then adds, "I am going to tell House."

Psylocke has posed:
As John goes to leave, Betsy watches the goings-on with interest. Blood goes for...well, his namesake. Wanda seems to be cheating in some way.

How did she end up in this room? She isn't anywhere on the level of these people, she suspects. Heavy hitters makes her sure of it.

"I wouldn't call it a campaign. I had been approached by one of the telepaths. She feared for the rest of her small group of would-be heroes," she tells Derek. "One of them was killed in SHIELD custody. I had to act and demanded to be allowed to see the other. Thankfully, I was given that chance and it allowed me to save three people. Though they will be needing assistance with the psychic trauma they suffered at the hands of the Shadow King. I am awaiting clearance from SHIELD To assist them."

Constantine has posed:
John is stopped in his tracks by Wanda's magic. He doesn't try to break the spell. He knows that's a losing battle. He wasn't exactly the strongest wizard in creation.

Then he gets a triple-barreled talking to...

"Bastards the lot of you," John grumbles. "Fine let me go I'll play nice like a good little boy."

For those in the room that know him the unsaid 'for now' is almost audible.

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Jason Blood smiles, "I never pretended otherwise. Bastard's the name they'll put on my grave right next to Blood, if ever I get one. Which I'm starting to doubt. Not sure how I feel about that," he says.

"And yes, having already taken a small look at what we're facing, a straightforward charge would be borderline stupid, which is why they're not calling in that many of the underwear on the outside crowd. People who dress as funny animals to strike fear into burglars aren't precisely suited to subtlety."

Derek Khanata has posed:
When Betsy speaks up about the telepaths in custody, Khanata pauses, face blank, and nods to her, expression unwavering, "Of course. Once the situation has been resolved, SHIELD could use the help of your institution in the recovery and reintegration process. I'll see what I can do about arranging visitation rights so that you can treat them while they're being detained."

Not dwelling on the topic further, the African straightening his suit coat and turning back to the whiteboard, "Okay, let's get back to it. WAND has uncovered intelligence indicating that the fungal biocomputer's mass may be in the astral plane, but that it is being maintained by what they're calling a 'server' in Mexico. A recon team was deployed to the village where the final conflict took place in the fungal caverns there. It appears that the threat was not entirely dealt with, and there is a still-living 'heart' beneath a resort near the village. A strike team has been assembled to neutralize this server; our hope is that, by eliminating this fungal 'heart', the biocomputer on the Astral Plane will be neutralized, ending the sleepwalker plague."

"Unfortunately, this is only a temporary solution. The Shadow King alone represents a major threat; with the Mind Gem, he is nigh-unstoppable--hence why Mr. Constantine was doing his best to exit stage left."

"Which is why you're here today. I recently received an exciting proposal from a young witch, known as Wiccan," Khanata pauses to glance at Scarlet Witch, gauging her reaction, "who believes that the Shadow King's spirit could be trapped within the form of a golem, being a vessel designed for souls. Meanwhile, Reed Richards has constructed a 'portal gun' for our use which will provide one-time access to the Negative Zone. If Farouk can be bound to this golem and then thrust into a dimension with a more 'rigid' barrier than the Astral, we believe we can effectively neutralize him as a threat."

"Even if such a thing is possible, however, it likely cannot be successfully accomplished without divesting Farouk of the Mind Gem. I am hoping that today we can both determine the viability of Wiccan's proposal and devise a means through which we can track down the Mind Gem and wrest it from his grasp."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
John.. is released. And what would have otherwise been a smug look upon the Scarlet Witch's face for having won this little battle is eaten up completely by concern when Derek mentions Wiccan.

"Billy," she breathes under her breath. Then, louder, and directed at Derek, who clearly knows, "So he has told you, then?"

The proposal, though, has her nodding. "Yes. In lore, they were constructed to hold a spirit. Neither living, nor dead, and given instructions. Most oftenn used as vessels of revenge. You will need powerful bindings, first to force him into that form, and then to keep him there. You will also wish to make it so that he is unable to manipulate from that form. It does no good if the mind is trapped and still able to perform. Consider what he is doing from the Astral Plane. The mind is still his that moves the bodies we see, yes? You understand that, right?"

"I.. can help with that. And, if need be, trap it within another dimension. But it would be helpful to not be alone."

The implication being not only those gathered, but Wiccan. In particular, Wiccan. For reasons she does not reveal.

Constantine has posed:
Released John, makes his way back to his chair, flumping down and pickking up his cigarette and lighting it with the tip of his finger.

"Who the bloody hell is Wiccan?" John asks looking between Derek and Wanda. "Anyhow, his idea's not bad, 'cept we brushed over the part where we get the Mind Gem away from a thing, that's all Mind. Which is a little like trying to get the Power Gem away from Superman. But other than that, plan sounds lovely."

He sits back then, letting out a stream of smoke through his mouth. "Anyhow, missing an important part of all this, aren't you, Agent Khanata, I mean if we're saving the world there ought to be a few quid in it for us. I mean, it's the whole world after all."

John keeps his expression neutral, leaving it in question if he's serious or not.

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
"I do believe Khanata intends for me to ride shotgun with this mystery welp, the one with the magic plan and the ancient Jewish rock man. I'm not particularly good as a nursemaid, so I hope he's at least potty trained. If he gets overwhelmed in the astral plane, I'd rather not have to wipe his brains off my Oxfords."

Since Constantine is indulging, he draws out his own cigarette case, a silver thing embossed with an etching of a demonic face in profile. It might look familiar to anyone who'd encountered the yellow hide of a certain Rhymer. "I believe the Mind Gem only empowers the force of the mind, not the wits of the wielder. If it makes him a flawless genius, yes, obviously, we are, to use the modern colloquial, bloody well fucked."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata looks at Wanda levelly, though a hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, "Wiccan betrayed nothing of a relationship between the two of you. I'm glad to hear you're already acquainted, will make working together easier."

"As far as who he is, John," Khanata claps Constantine on the shoulder, grinning, "he's a young protege of Strange's and, WAND tells me, one of the most potentially powerful magicians on the planet. As far as compensation goes, you can send us an invoice for your services. Deal?"

The African strolls over to a plastic urn set on a side table, pouring lukewarm coffee into a styrofoam cup. He inspects a half-squashed croissant but decides to pass.

"Blood is exactly right--Farouk has infinite power, but by all rights is a deeply flawed individual who can be manipulated. Ms. Braddock, I'm hoping for your input here--he's 'your' villain, so to speak, so you have the best insight into what his weaknesses are, and how to exploit them."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's lips compress into a thoughtful line. "Wiccan is my son," she says quietly. "It is not a thing that is widely known. But if we are to work together, then it is perhaps easiest if you do know that. You will find that he is an almost grown man. There are reasons for this, but they do not affect what we do, so I will keep that to myself."

Jason, she considers. "I wish to know why you would be the one to stand with him." Not quite protesting the matter yet, but clearly gearing up to that possibility. And to answer John, she offers, "It may be that it is to me to take the gem from him."

She doesn't have Betsy's information, though, only an awareness of the possibilities of her own powers.

Psylocke has posed:
"Blood is correct, actually," Betsy says as she leaves the talk of spells and golems to those in the know. Other dimensions? That she understands well but the one she has access to is not a place to incarcerate the Shadow King.

"He is a hedonist. He tends to not seek world power but simply his own pleasure and happiness. He indulges, usually to excess. Food, drink." She tilts her head slightly. "I know that SHIELD has psi-blockers. They should be given to all people that might be approaching in an attempt to find the gem. I understand the Avengers are helping to try and track it, to get us closer. I wonder..."

She lets her gaze fall to her hand resting on the table a moment then glances back to Derek. "If we can distract and tempt him with that which he seeks. Something that will keep him busy when the strike happens to try and take the gem."

Constantine has posed:
"Your son?" John asks truly surprised by that. "What is he, twelve?" he asks. "We're really putting the fate of the world on the shoulders of Harry fucking Potter? Bugger that. Not pushing some kid ain't old enough to shave in the line of fire."

"Wanda there is more than powerful enough to stand a chance, more so with Blood by her side. Plus, she's got a beau who by all accounts isn't to shabby with magic either, that should be enough, yeah?"

He looks around the room, having sat up now, cigarette discarded on the table.

"I agree with Betsy, a good distraction might work, give the guy what he wants he'll be focused on that, even better if we can make what he wants a trojan horse, let him do our work for us."

Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
"Is that reason that you're a lot older than you appear? Because, I admit, that would be the most simple and obvious answer. If it's something more esoteric, of course, that's your business, but you needn't be shy about your age. I'm a rugged antique and Constantine there is the nicotine stain left from the 20th century."

Blood strikes a match, lighting his cigarette as he moves to rise from the table, "A hedonist, eh? I definitely know how to deal with those. Who knew the answer all along was a metric fuckton of high grade opium? In any case, the principles of the golem gambit are sound and I have every confidence in the fruit of Wanda's loins. Well, perhaps not every confidence, but I'm going to lie to his face and seem very supportive. Children love that shit."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"So noted, Ms. Maximoff. What I mentioned to Ms. Braddock goes the same for you--your secrets are safe with SHIELD."

Khanata chuckles ruefully, "As safe as they can be anywhere, that is. We're continually improving our security after Rising Tide, if it's any consolation. Really exciting stuff involving multidimensional computing. But I digress."

"As far as Blood working with Wiccan, it may be for the best--with Magneto's planned arrival in the United States, the crazies will undoubtedly be out in force. In the age of crowdsourced investigations and doxxing, he could become a target. Blood can ensure his safety and, honestly, the boy seems to be seeking a mentor. I fear Strange is so entangled with the ongoing events we've discussed so far that he hasn't had much of a chance to work with Wiccan. Blood provides an opportunity for him to," Khanata purses his lips, "broaden his horizons, as it were."

The African nods to Betsy, "We might soon be in possession of a suitable distraction--a Dr. Arnold, one of his pet psychics, who we've got eyes on. If things go well, we'll have him in custody by the week's end."

"But first we have to find where he's hidden the Gem. Agent Peters of WAND was able to track the astral server in Mexico by monitoring network traffic. I suspect if Farouk's hit hard enough to tap into the Mind Gem's power, Peters can repeat the trick--but that means we need someone who can 'touch the fence', bring his full defenses to bear and then escape alive. I thought your team would be perfect for this; put pressure on him and then escape into another dimension once the trace is complete."

"Constantine: Wiccan may have originated the plan for the Golem, but I do not believe he can stand against Farouk alone. I'm hoping that you, Maximoff, and Blood will also be present to see that the golem gambit is a successful binding, while Braddock and her fellow psychics keep him suitably distracted."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Wait, Papa is coming?" Wanda's attention is pulled away from the task at hand and to that tidbit. Not that he doesn't visit, and often, but there's dropping in, and then there's official, pull out all the stops, welcome wagon necessary coming to town, and Derek is making it sound like the latter. "And why do you have Blood working with my son, when I am capable?"

She settles back into a frowning silence.

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy is not getting into the discussion of who should and shouldn't work with the kid. She's not utterly stupid.

She does focus on the details. "I will do my best to get the telepathic hard hitters from my team to do just that. I can provide an escape route to another dimension when it becomes necessary, so long as I'm not taken out of the fight too early. I am not in the Shadow King's skill level even without the infinity stone in play," she admits. "Dr. Arnold we could use to try to find out more of his plans but if the Shadow King learns we have him, through that link, he's as good as dead. Like he tried to do to the others."

Constantine has posed:
John, seems only a placated a little by the fact this Wiccan kid wasn't going to be alone. "An' you think I am the sort of mad bugger to go join the little rotter? Heh, good luck with that. More of a command fromt he rear sort."

To Wanda he says, "Nah, luv, sounds like the plan is that you'll be there too, an' me, which is the bloody problem."

He looks to Derek. "Did you not hear the part about her beau? I mean, why not make it a big ol' family outing. Don't see why I need to plus one on a trip like that."

As to Arnold. "Might be good to learn what the Shadow King is up to, dunno how well they'd work but I've got some sigils that might give Arnold a bit of a chance, put up a circle around him, try to ward off the energies for a bit while the rest make their attack."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"My sources have indicated that your father's visit is officially informal, but there's a state detachment joining him. I can't really remark further, Ms. Maximoff, other than to say Ms. Braddock may know more than I."

Khanata spreads his hands in a gesture of acquiesence to the Scarlet Witch, "I have no intention of standing between you and your son, of course. Blood and I are previously acquainted, so I've arranged an introduction."

The African pauses to consider for a moment, nodding to Betsy, "I doubt psi-dampeners will be sufficient to keep Farouk's eyes off Dr. Arnold for long. Could he temporarily be held in this extradimensional space of yours, at least until we're ready to spring the trap?"

"Okay, just to make sure we're on the same page: first, our team knocks out the astral server in Mexico and nabs Dr. Arnold. We keep Arnold off the board until we've located the Mind Gem. At the same time, Constantine, Maximoff, Blood, and Wiccan assemble the components necessary to build the golem. Second, the X-psychics 'touch the fence' in a direct assault on the Shadow King while Agent Peters tracks the Mind Gem to its source. Third, we reveal Arnold's location to Farouk with the X-psychics in wait to keep him alive. While Farouk's busy with that, a team steals the stone. Finally, the sorcerers attempt to summon and bind Farouk to the golem with a line of defense provided by the Xers. Once bound, we walk him into the portal. Sound about right?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There is a slow and silent nod of assent from Wanda. "It does seem you have thought of all the things." She has nothing more to add to the planning side of things other than a "I will be where you wish me to, and help as I may."

Constantine has posed:
John frowns at his name still being part of the crew going after the gem. "We've got some staffing details to dfiscuss, but sure, doesn't sound impossible that the plan works, an' I don't have another one right now."

He gives a shrug.

Psylocke has posed:
"I could put him in that dimension for a time, yes. The psi-dampeners are for the heroes, not for Dr. Arnold though. Once he is in the shadow realm, he will lost his connection to the Shadow King. Or I could sever it the way I did for the others," Betsy says. She does shrug. "The attack seems sound. Not sure if he is going to care enough about Dr. Arnold to go after him though. He's just a pawn. They are expendable."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Expendable, certainly, but hopefully it'll generate enough interest to lure him in, give your team a chance to give him enough hell to keep his focus off of the gem. If not, we'll have to find another target."

Khanata begins gathering his papers and packing them into a dark leather briefcase, "Okay, so, next steps going forward--Maximoff, Blood, and Constantine: rendezvous with Wiccan about the golem concept, either individually or as a group, get the ball rolling on that. Ms. Braddock: I'll contact you about a rendezvous with Arnold once we have him in custody. Let me know when you'll have a team ready to 'touch the fence'; Peters can be ready as soon as you give the word."

"Well, that should about wrap it up today. Thanks everyone for their contributions, glad to be working with all of you. Now let's go take this SOB down."