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He's still too angry to even call the woman, but Bennett still loves his mother. He would still trade his own life for hers if he was in trouble. That's just leverage for his enemies.<br>
He's still too angry to even call the woman, but Bennett still loves his mother. He would still trade his own life for hers if he was in trouble. That's just leverage for his enemies.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Poor Vision:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Poor Vision:'''</span>

Revision as of 06:18, 17 August 2019

Bennett (Scenesys ID: 1737)
Full Name: Bennett Michael Masterson
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Homeless Drifter
Citizenship: American
Residence: Subway Tunnels
Education: Jr. High/School of Life
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 17 February 2003 Actor: Kit Harington
Height: 173 cm (5'8") Weight: 73 kg (161lbs)
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Completely Black
Theme Song: Rats by Pearl Jam


A transient, a homeless drifter, Bennett started life as the son of a wealthy peanut farmer in Georgia. He was born with solid black eyes that marked him instantly as a mutant in a small town that had little tolerance for such things. He was tossed aside by his father, an act that was allowed by his mother, when his powers manifested at the age of thirteen. While he likes to believe he's someone no one ever pays much attention to, his reputation for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong is growing at an alarming rate. He logging a laundry list of enemies and that's not a good thing for a man living alone on the streets. While he thinks he's still just 'Ben', names like Rat King, Willard and Mischief are being whispered both by enemies and those he's saved. (Mischief in this case is a name given to a colony or a group of rats.)

Current Player Approved: August 17, 2019



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Transient, homeless, bum, vagabond. Bennett is one of those people, the people living on the streets that have become invisible to most people as they go about their day to day lives. His hair is an un-kept mess of dark curls that reaches just above his shoulders. He hasn't seen a razor in at least a few days. Typically Bennett is wearing a pair of cheap sunglasses, but when he isn't, his eyes add another layer to the first impression, freak. His eyes are completely black with only the smallest trace of shade difference between the iris and the sclera.

Past the first impressions, however, are hints that there's more beneath the surface. Bennett's fingernails and skin are clean, even that unkept mess of curls is clean. His clothing, while worn and tattered, is also clean. On the shorter side of average height, with a lean muscled build, he moves with smooth grace and confidence that isn't often found among the battered masses of the homeless.

Bennett's clothing is worn in layers, lots and lots of layers. It looks as if everything he owns is on his back and that may very well be the case. What's visible consists of an old Army surplus jacket, a pair of black fatigues tucked into worn out black combat boots and a black beanie. Everything's rumpled and patched and pieced back together at the seams with love and care.

Is that a rat on his shoulder peeking out from beneath those unruly curls?


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Bennett Michael Masterson was born in a Blakely County, GA. The Mastersons may have been from a little town, but they had big money. Robert Masterson made his money farming peanuts. He was a shrewd business man that grew the once small family farm into one of the third largest peanut suppliers in the nation. Their home was a sprawling affair straight out of Gone with the Wind. Robert and his wife, Mary, couldn't have been happier when they found out they were going to be parents. That all changed the day Bennett came into this world. He was 8lbs 2oz of absolute perfection... except for his eyes. The infant's eyes were solid black with only a very slight shade variation between his sclera and the iris.

Now most of the residents of Blakely County weren't the most mutant tolerant types so when little Ben was born with a physical sign of an obvious mutation, Robert Masterson was quick to pull out the check book to ensure that the doctor's would name the cause for his son's strange eyes nothing more than a perfectly normal human genetic condition that had absolutely nothing to do with the mutant gene. But people in small towns talk and the lies bought by his father did little to make Bennett's childhood any easier. He was picked on and teased mercilessly.

Mary Masterson still loved her son. She was a good mother that always made sure that Bennett knew that his odd eyes didn't matter a lick to her. Robert, on the other hand, had very little to do with the boy and for fear of having another freak, he swore to never father another child. It wasn't long before the Mastersons' marriage was more for show than anything built of love and respect for one another.

When Bennett turned twelve and then thirteen, almost fourteen without any sign of anything being amiss other than his eyes, both of his parents began to relax a little bit. Mary still doted and Robert still shunned, but the tension of waiting for the other shoe to drop abated from the Masterson household. It was exactly thirty-three days from Bennett's fourteenth birthday that the shoe finally dropped.

Two boys, older than Bennett by a few years, cornered the boy on his way home from school. Years of being bullied and staying quiet as to not upset the balance at home further erupted the moment one of them pinned him to the ground while the other pressed his thumbs into Bennett's black eyes. "Mutie freak!" one bellowed as the pressure from those thumbs built. Moments later, they came from everywhere, rodents. Rats and field mice living in the nearby fields and barns came running to young Bennett's rescue. The two boys survived the ordeal, but were both left with too many bites to easily count. Both injections to guard against rabies and both will carry the scars from that day for the rest of their lives. The next day, Robert sent Bennett away and Mary did nothing to stop him.

Just over a week after Bennett arrived, terrified and heartbroken, at a home for mutant 'orphans' in Atlanta, he ran and never looked back. Over the next few months, Bennett survived by dumpster diving and sleeping anywhere he could find shelter. He soon found that not all 'street people' were bad as his father and mother might have led him to believe. He found people willing to share what they had in order to keep clothes on his back. He also found that he never had to be alone, he would always have the rats. It was when he was alone someplace dark and quiet and surrounded by them that he felt the most at peace. Learning to deal with his still growing powers was a day to day struggle. His eyesight worsened, but everything else became louder and brighter. He found that cuts and bruises healed more quickly and that he had more control over his balance and his body than ever before. Still, he may never have reached his full potential if he hadn't been caught dumpster diving behind a little place called 'Kim's Korean Grill'.

He called himself James Kim (Jim Kim), but Bennett was sure that wasn't the man's real name. It didn't matter though because James saw something in Bennett that everyone else looked past. James took him in, fed him, cleaned him up and treated him like a son. He didn't send Bennett to school, but he made sure the boy had an education regardless. Between helping at the restaurant and his book studies, James taught Bennett the Korean arts of Gongkwon Yusul, Haidong Gumdo, Kuk Sool Won and Gungsol. His inhumane reflexes along with his desire to never be the victim of a bully again made Bennett a very apt pupil. But he learned far more than just the arts in his time spent with James. Bennett learned about compassion, justice and how he should never stand by and watch an injustice happen from his mentor.

It was his undying belief in standing up to the injustices of the world that left James Kim dead on the streets from a bullet to the head. James saved a young woman and her daughter from a gang initiation beating, but he also left Bennett an 'orphan' again at the age of 18. The only father he'd ever really had gone, still too angry with his mother for letting his father send him away, Bennett struck out on his own again. He took only the things he knew in his heart of hearts that James would want him to have. Among those things were a collection of prized blades and James' Gakgung bow.

Since the day he lost his 'father', Bennett has been drifting from city to city. He mostly spends his time alone with his rodent brethren, honing and sharpening his martial arts skills, but when he is out and among other people, he's always quick to defend the downtrodden or the innocent no matter what the cost to himself. He's starting to make quite a name for himself in that regard and it's drawing unwanted attention. But no matter how hot the heat gets, no matter how many people he pisses off, no matter how long his list of enemies grows, he'll never turn a blind eye. Keeping both eyes open and doing all he can to right wrongs when he can is the only way he has left to honor the memory of his fallen mentor.


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Homeless: In Bennett's case, Homelessness is a personality trait. It's a choice rather than out of hardship for him. He's had two homes in his lifetime and both of them broke his heart, in different ways but a broken heart is a broken heart regardless. He would rather live his transient lifestyle, drifting from place to place and never really getting attached to anyone than to suffer that pain again. It could be that he just haven't found a good enough reason to risk it yet.

Compassionate: When someone else is hurting, Bennett hurts for them. He never judges unless it's for the worst of crimes. He believes everyone deserves another chance. He has no prejudices or preconceptions about people in general, be them mutants, normies or 'other'. Gay, straight, black, white, purple, green or polkadotted, we all have our crosses to bear and we all need help bearing them from time to time. Bennett is the guy that will help carry the load.

Brave: ...or is that stupid? Bennett leaps before looking if he thinks there's a wrong that needs to be righted. He'll put the lives of others over his own every single time. He simply will not turn a blind eye, no matter what it might cost him.

Recluse: Despite his compassion for others, most times Bennett would rather be alone in a subway maintenance tunnel with his rats rather than with other people. The rats are the one thing he knows he can count on in his life, that will always be there.

Lost Soul: On the surface, he believes this life of solitude and isolation is what he wants, but if he was to look deep, deep, deep down... deep down past all the fear and the hurt, he would see that what he really and truly desires is a place to belong. He's really just a lost soul looking for the beacon that will bring him home again.


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Claws and Teeth:
Much like the Wolverine's bone claws, Bennett is able to extend claws from his fingertips. They're small and thin, but razor sharp. In addition to his claws, he can also extend rodent-like incisors that are capable of cutting through almost any natural metal, but more importantly, bone. Both his teeth and his claws cause injury to skin and gum when they extend. These injuries generally take several days to heal.

Like his communing with the rats, Bennett's ability to determine emotions isn't a mental ability. It's directly related to his enhanced sense of smell and his ability to detect chemical changes in a person's body as their emotions change. If his sense of smell was compromised, he wouldn't be able to determine someone's emotional state.

Enhanced Agility:
Ever seen a rat run across the top of a fence at lightning speed? It's not often that they fall. Bennett's sense of balance and reaction times are enhanced beyond that of normal human capabilities.

Healing Factor:
Rats heal quickly. They can't regenerate limbs or come back from next to nothing left status, but they heal remarkably well without much medical intervention when it comes to injuries. Bennett's healing time is roughly cut in half compared to that of an average human.

Malleable Bones:
If a rat can fit its head through a space, it can fit its body. Bennett possesses this same quality. This makes it easy for him to get into and out of tight spots. The malleability of his bones can also aid him in slipping restraints.

Bennett can summon and control rats and he can do so on a pretty large scale. This ability isn't mental, it's vocal. Bennett has the ability to create sound on the ultrasonic level, much like his rodent 'brethren'. Rat's have incredible hearing and are able to hear his calls up to a mile away. Considering the amount of rats in New York City, that's the potential to call upon a whole lot of little friends.

His control of the rodents doesn't lie in commanding them so much as asking and respecting them in their language. He speaks 'rat'.

Superhuman Senses:
Bennett's hearing, sense of smell, touch and taste are all enhanced to match those of his rat companions. He uses these heightened senses to compensate for his poor vision.

  • Hearing - Bennett can hear at an ultrasonic level. He hears sounds beyond the range of human hearing and at a much greater distance. The softest of footsteps is enough to warn him of someone's arrival and their location.
  • Smell - Bennett's sense of smell is incredible. He can easily use this to track a person, detect poisons, smell someone coming and even smell the chemical changes in a person's body related to changes in emotion.
  • Touch - If the sound and smell of someone approaching doesn't alert Bennett, the vibrations they cause with their steps and even their breathing will. Bennett doesn't have whiskers like his rat allies, but his sense of touch is so developed that even the slightest of vibrations are easily felt against any bare skin. Even through his clothing and shoes, he can feel more than normal humans.
  • Taste - Another line of defense is Bennett's sense of taste. Much like his rodent brethren, who can learn to distinguish the taste of the poison used to kill them from the smallest of samples, Bennett can taste the most minute of changes in a substance. Hold the hot sauce and pepper, please. Strong flavors are just too overpowering for him.

Ultraviolet Vision:

Rat's may not be able to see on the red spectrum, but they can see on the Ultraviolet spectrum. This can help him see underwater, in dense fog and other such situations as well as allowing him to pick up things like fingerprints, saliva and blood.


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Bennett is a master of the Korean art of Gungsol. While he's an expert with the Gakgung, this skill can also translate to other bows. While he's a master of handling the Gakgung, his poor vision makes long shots at smaller targets more difficult. If he can see it, even if it's a blurry blob, he will almost always hit his mark.

During his time with James, Bennett learned how to both read and write in Braille so he wouldn't be slowed down by his poor vision when it came his home schooling.

Calm the Waters:
Bennett isn't so much a diplomat as he is just good at talking people down. This is likely due, in part, to the patience and compassion instilled in him by his mentor. It takes a lot to get his blood boiling, so mediating even the most heated of situations doesn't come near to ruffling his fur. If he stays calm and reasonable, it's a lot easier to get others to fall in line.

Close Combat:
Bennett is a master of the Korean Martial art Kuk Sool Won. The main elements of Kuk Sool Won include hand techniques, leg techniques, throws and grappling, falling and acrobatics, joint lock techniques, body conditioning, animal style techniques, traditional Korean weapons, martial arts healing methods and meditation and breathing.

Korean Cuisine:
Bennett isn't a master chef, but he does know his way around a kitchen from his time spent with James. He can cook almost anything well if he has a recipe, but it's Korean food that he does the best and without needed someone to read him a book to do it.

Morse Code:
Bennett taught himself Morse code and he's since passed it on to a number of friends along the way. It's an easy way to communicate through walls and by tapping on pipes when a person calls the tunnels beneath a city home.

Natural Leader:
While he's never really had the chance to be a leader of men, if given the opportunity Bennett would likely shine. He's fair, compassionate, level headed and open minded; but he's also not afraid to break out the 'commanding voice' when necessary. He would be the type of leader that led by example and was followed due to respect, not fear.

Freerunning is how Bennett gets around the city. His inhumane reflexes make the act of leaping, jumping, climbing and bouncing his way around the city look almost effortless.

While he has no professional training, Bennett has a natural talent for song. It's a good way to pass the hours while sitting around a barrel fire with his fellow transients.

Between his enhanced agility, his martial arts training ratkin physiology, Bennett is one sneaky little dude. If he's putting his all into moving around silently and unseen, it's likely he'll be in and out before anyone even has a clue.

Bennett has been wandering across the country on his own for a lot of years. He's well versed in both urban and wilderness survival. He knows the best places to find shelter in a storm in a city. He knows how to build that shelter in the wilderness. He knows the best plants to eat and the best times to go diving in a dumpster. From wooded forests to the concrete jungle, Bennett knows how to find what he needs to survive.


Bennett is an expert tracker. His enhanced senses certainly play a part in his ability to track down just about anyone he's looking for, but other factors come into play as well. His attention to detail, his ability to focus intently on the task at hand and his intimate knowledge of both city and rural landscapes all go hand in hand with his senses when it comes to following a mark or finding someone that's lost.


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Family Money:
If it came right down to it and Bennett needed something, anything, his mother would make sure he got it. It would take him being in an absolutely hopeless spot for him to make that call, but she would answer.

Street Connections:
The underbelly of the city is an entirely different world than the one most people live in from day to day and Bennett thrives in that world. If he needs something, he knows who to talk to or where to go to get it. If he need information, he knows who to ask.

Hand in hand with his connections, Bennett is 'street savvy'. He knows the ins and outs and the who's who of the dark corners of the city. He knows which gangs are at war with each other at any given moment. He knows where to find the most trouble and how to avoid it if he needs to. He knows what cops work what beats and which ones are corrupt and which ones are the up and up. He's a virtual fountain of streetwise information.


For a poor homeless dude, Bennett has quite the collection of bladed weapons. He's picked up some off of enemies he's bested, but the majority of them were left to him by his mentor. Some of them are no more than simple, run of the mill, store bought blades but many of them are exquisite pieces of remarkable craftsmanship. The latter are exclusively Korean in design. He also has Jame's gakgung. The gakgung is probably his most prized possession because it was his mentor's most prized possession. The bow is old, but so well maintained that it fires more accurately than most modern bows.


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Easily Overwhelmed:
While Bennett has learned how to dampen his heightened senses down to a tolerable level, when he's exhausted physically or mentally that control slips. With the loss of control comes a flood of sensory input that can bring him to his knees if he's in busy, overpopulated area. He is also easily taken down by powers that that specifically assault the senses, Dazzler's pretty lights and Black Canary's ear splitting cry just a few examples of things that can bring him to his knees even when he's trying to dampen his senses. This is why he prefers the solitude of the service tunnels in the subway to living topside under a bridge somewhere.

Bennett's inability to turn a blind eye to social injustice, violence against those undeserving of it and any and all other manners of things that are just wrong in the world today, has caused him to rack up a list of enemies. Bad guys don't like it when good guys can't stay out of their business. While he hasn't adopted a moniker of his own, a few have been assigned to him; Rat King, Mischief, Sewer Boy and Willard the tops of the short list. His reputation is growing and, with it, the list of people that would like to make certain he isn't up in their business.

Mary Masterson:
He's still too angry to even call the woman, but Bennett still loves his mother. He would still trade his own life for hers if he was in trouble. That's just leverage for his enemies.

Poor Vision:
Bennett isn't entirely blind, but his vision is far below normal. He sees the world in blurry shapes and blobs and relies almost entirely on his other heightened senses combined to get by. If even one of his other senses is knocked out or severely compromised, he's at a distinct disadvantage. His eyes are also extremely sensitive to light, he can't see on the red spectrum and he's almost completely peripherally blind.

Weak Respiratory System:

Bennett doesn't suffer from asthma, he doesn't get winded from physical exertion, but his respiratory system isn't up to par in much the same way a rat's isn't. He's much more easily susceptible to chemical agents that work by being inhaled. A room gets gassed, he's likely the first to go down.


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