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|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=Marcy House, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
|Education=High School
|Quote="Really? Bullets? Come on guys..."
|Quote="Really? Bullets? Come on guys..."

Revision as of 22:03, 23 December 2017

Bombshell (Scenesys ID: 1560)
"Really? Bullets? Come on guys..."
Full Name: Amy Allen
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Marcy House, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Education: High School
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 1 November 2005 Actor:
Height: 175 cm Weight: 104 kg / 59 kg
Hair Color: Silver / Brown Eye Color: Silver / Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Amy Allen, more commonly known as Bombshell, is a hero with an attitude. As a teen, she got mixed up with some small time criminal activity, and was arrested for assault and battery. Facing jail time, she was given a choice between that and volunteering for a secret military project. She took option B. Unbeknownst to her, the project was run by her father, Colonel Allen, who personally selected her for the project, and set up her being given the choice to join. What he didn't know, was that the project had been infiltrated by a rogue black ops group, which used Bombshell to carry out operations not sanctioned by the United States government. Bombshell began to have doubts about some of the operations she was being sent on, and it was during one of these that she went AWOL, intent on finding some answers about who was running Project Quantum. She's spent a good deal of time hunting for those answers solo, and is now trying to find people who can help her find them.



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The first thing most people note about Bombshell is that she's silver. Silver all over. Hair, skin, and eyes, all silver. And that silver moves with her like it's her very own skin. She's taller than average for a woman, standing a hundred and seventy-eight centimetres. Her silver hair is kept cropped short, no more than a few centimetres long, typically. Her face is strong but still pretty, with a sharp jaw line and high cheekbones.

Bombshell is a very fit woman, lean hard muscle being visible on her arms and stomach as she moves around. She can typically be seen wearing a short midriff baring black tank top, the red quantum crest made famous by Captain Atom in the centre of it. A military surplus belt holds up a pair of slightly baggy black canvas cargo pants, very reminiscent of army fatigues in design. Those pants are tucked into a pair of mid-calf high black combat boots.


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Amy Allen was a troubled youth. Her father was a military man, and she acted out a lot. As she got older, it became petty crime instead of just acting out. She got arrested for assault and battery, and was in danger of going to jail for her actions, when she was given a choice; face that jail time, or volunteer for a military project. She chose the military project.

What she did not know and would not find out until years later was that her father was the Colonel in charge of Project Quantum and had actually selected her for the project, arranging everything so that she would end up in the military's hands. He turned his own daughter into a weapon.

Unbeknownst to him, a rogue black ops group had infiltrated Project Quantum and Bombshell was sent on a number of rogue operations along with the legitimate ones. When an operation came up that Bombshell absolutely did not agree with, she went AWOL and discovered that the missions she'd been running were not always sanctioned by the United States government.

She was hunted for a while by soldiers, both from Project Quantum, and the rogue group that was previously utilising her. But then Bombshell started hunting them. She was looking for answers to her questions about who was in charge of the project and where it went wrong.

She has spent a lot of time hunting solo, trying to find answers to her questions, trying to figure out what happened to her, and most importantly, why. Now she's ready to start looking for help. On the run from Project Quantum, the American military, and the rogue special ops group that hijacked her, she's got to be careful or she's not going to find the answers she needs.


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Bombshell is a confident and outspoken woman. She is brash and forward thinking, and can often come off somewhat, shall we say abrasive. While she is definitely not the person to go to if you're looking for a kind and understanding word, she is definitely the person to go to if you need someone to help throw a beat down on some villains.


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Bombshell has a Dilusteel Skin, much like Captain Atom's, but hers has not bonded to her to the degree that the other Quantum fighters' have. It still gives her the invulnerability of the others, but it's left her with some weaknesses. She does retain the ability to revert to her human form though, and is capable of summoning the skin in partiality as well.

Similar to Captain Atom, Bombshell can concentrate energy from the Quantum Field into her physical attacks, doubling or more the power of her physical strikes.

Bombshell has been observed attaining flight speeds of Mach 3. This flight is another power granted to her by her connection to the Quantum Field.

Bombshell's Dilusteel Skin holds up to a similar level of punishment as other quantum fighters like Captain Atom. It renders her impervious (so far) to harm from physical attacks. Her connection to the Quantum Field has also granted her the power to drain energy which makes her significantly resistant to energy attacks and it would take an energy blast of great magnitude to overcome her defenses. She has yet to encounter such a blast.

Bombshell has access to the Quantum Field through her Dilusteel Skin. That access is granted by her armoured skin, just like Captain Atom and Major Force. But unlike those two, she has not refined her control over the Quantum Field to anything close to their expertise. She is able to manifest a number of powers, but rarely with the kind of precision and control they're capable of.

Her Dilusteel Skin and connection to the Quantum Field have granted Bombshell vast strength. She is able to lift hundred metric ton masses with complete ease, and can duke it out with some of the hardest hitters out there.

Bombshell has displayed the ability to use her Quantum Field connection to manipulate technological devices with her mind. She may even be able to control complex technology such as Cyborg's components, something she not done before, but she does have the potential to do it.


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She has basic training in hand to hand combat, and so far hasn't bothered to further her learning in it. Any skilled opponent wouldn't have a problem out fighting her skill wise. She relies on her powers rather than fighting skill.

Bombshell is a solid marksman though she's no expert. She definitely knows her way around many different types of firearms and is proficient with many of them.


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During her search for answers on Project Quantum, she's drifted from job to job, though most of them have been under the table construction jobs. Why pay a whole crew or rent heavy equipment when you can hire her to do it for you? She's also supplemented her income by selling off equipment from soldiers and agents that have been sent against her. Firearms, body armour, electronics, and anything else that might be of value. It's proven to be quite lucrative.


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With Bombshell's Dilusteel Skin not as bonded to her as it is to other Quantums like Captain Atom and Major Force, she does have more weaknesses. She's not able to absorb energy to the degree that the others can, and that renders her vulnerable to attacks of extreme temperature.

If for some reason there are disturbances within the Quantum Field, it can greatly hinder Bombshell's control over her powers.

Like Captain Atom she is nearly indestructible. But also like Captain Atom, X-Ionised Weaponry can prove lethal to her.


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Title Date Scene Summary
So Ya Wanna Mock the Supes February 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Justice For All January 17th, 2018 Bombshell saves Starr from getting punched by a Daxamite.
Rough and Tumble January 2nd, 2018 Laurel, Lar, and Bombshell go to a hockey game.
Times Square Meetup December 18th, 2017 A diverse group of young aliens and metahumans run into each other at a skating rink in Times Square.
Dive Bars in Brooklyn December 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Option 1 With a Side of Ass-Kicking December 5th, 2017 Summary needed
New Kid On the...Planet November 21st, 2017 Mon-El meets more locals at the Metropolis Museum of Natural History.
Log 3212 November 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Artistic Expression November 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Drown Your Sorrows At Josie's November 15th, 2017 Josie's is a classy joint, and when you go to a classy joint, you meet classy people.
New York Airshow! November 15th, 2017 Summary needed
A Night in Central Park November 14th, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
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