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Sophie Graf (Scenesys ID: 1315)
"This isn't about redemption, it never has been. It's about revenge."
Full Name: Sophie Graf
Gender: Female
Species: Werefox
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Secretary
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 11 July 2001 Actor: Saoirse Ronan
Height: 177.8 cm Weight: 63 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: ""The Rifle's Spiral" by The Shins


Once half of a promising young superhero duo operating out of Paris, "The Foil" made national headlines when she and her partner were gunned down by a band of robbers. It made national headlines back in France when it all went down, complete with full color photographs of her best friend's body on the front page of every major tabloid. Her own name was leaked within hours, and that's usually enough reason to retire. "The Foil" escaped custody, fled Europe and washed up in America. Not many have been able to tie "The Fox" to her previous alter Ego, but these days she doesn't use a sword and witty banter. She stopped playing nice with the bad guys, no these days she just leaves dead bodies as her calling card.



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This particular offshoot is known as a "battle curse" with good reason. Sophie is approximately twice as strong and twice as fast as a mortal woman of her build should be. Her Dexterity, sense of balance and reflexes are also substantially uplifted, and whilst she's not fast enough to dodge bullets you'd never know it to watch her fight. What this doesn't grant is any significant boost to her senses, or make her any more resistant to damage than any other woman.


A stab to the stomach, she'll be back on her feet in a few hours. Shoot her in the head, she'll eventually get back up in a week or so. The healing isn't terribly fast by supernatural standards, it's quite effective over time. It takes dismemberment, or being burnt to a crisp, or crushed flat or potentially a drowning to snuff her out. She's no more resistant to injury than a normal person is however, and thankfully she's got no particular weakness to Silver.


Much ado is made of the shape shifting, amplified no doubt by the tales of Reynard. She doesn't turn into a hulking killing machine, rather the end product is of approximately the same size and shape of a regular fox. Transformed, Sophie has no special capacity dealing punishment. The result is a somewhat intangible ghostly apparition of a fox, which retains little of Sophie's intellect. The fox is also no smarter than a conventional fox, and it has a single solitary goal. Escaping to somewhere safe, and turning back into Sophie. The downside of course is that it takes time to manifest, discards whatever gear she had with her and it takes no small amount of energy. It's a finely honed escape mechanism, but typically it demands she chose between healing or outright escape.


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Sophie didn't pick up a gun until she was in Rio, but she's spent more than a few years using them now. Once she was in Texas, she dropped big money to retain formal firearms instruction from the very best sources. She's had time to hone those lessons in the real world, and these days? Here shooting is rock solid, especially with things she can more easily practice with. Rifles, Submachineguns and pistols. She doesn't have quite the right build for a shotgunner, Machineguns too heavy and she's never quite gotten the hang of grenade launchers. She can push a well built Carbine to it's limits, take a precision rifle and stretch it's legs out to a thousand yards, empty a submachine gun center mass out to forty yards and can play pistolero all day long. This would put her roughly on par with well especially will drilled SWAT teams, more mundane special forces or intermediate level competitive shooters.


Her formal training was always centered around Savate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and she had pretty good instructors. She's had ample time to practice fighting in the real world, and whatever she's doing now? It ain't nothing she learned in the Gym, and that's no insult. She's a fast and accurate striker, and a solid ground fighter. She's not terribly flexible stylistically however, and more polished fighters are certainly liable to have all sorts of tricks she hasn't seen before.


Sophie is entirely fluent in both French and English, and in particular speaks English with a distinctly southern twang at times. (Blame Texas). Her Spanish is clean and understandable, but she'd never pass for a native speaker.


She rode a scooter back in Paris, and for most of her time in Brazil. More recently she's graduated to motorcycles, but she's still rather new. She's quite comfortable riding in foul weather, for long distances and at high speeds. She might clean up at a track day, but she's at best a middle pack rider against amateur local racers. Time is what she needs here more than anything, because a 50cc scooter and a modern Motorcycle aren't quite the same thing.


Sophie may not quite rate as a Ninja in terms of her straight up stealth, but she'll do pretty well until one shows up. She's knows how to use light and shadow, knows where to step and has a dancer's grace. She can pick locks, defeat your typical rudimentary security systems and can even bust your typical entry level safes. She also knows how to tail someone discretely, and well like those who came before her talent for losing a tail of her own is deservedly infamous.


From an early age, it was presumed her primary fighting implement would be a foil or rapier. Her talent with those tools when combined with her natural gifts, is downright spectacular. She can skewer a fly with a rapier's point, or work a foil with enough speed and precision to embarrass an Olympic level fencer. She hasn't used a sword for anything but practice for a few years now, but she's good enough that their use in view of the public is likely to blow her new alter ego. This does extend to a selection of off hand weapons typically paired with the Foil and Rapier, but for better or worse Sophie's talent for blade craft is an exceptionally specialized one.


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Sophie has never been one to cut corners in general, and that goes doubly for fighting gear. Since landing in the US she's gathered an impressive array of combat gear, from Thermal goggles and body armor, to automatic weapons and pistols. Her tactical gear is color coordinated, and she's got quite the array to suit her fancy and whatever situation may arise. Whilst she may indeed have rifle slings in every color of the rainbow, and enough variety of those trademark fox masks to make a 64 box of Crayola look bleak? This does not include things like Chemical, nuclear or biological weapons. She doesn't have access to things like guided missiles, or laser rifles either. This may be an incredibly impressive collection, but she's limited to the kind of equipment militaries are actually issuing.


Whilst none of them are exactly the Ritz, Sophie has managed to score a few discrete properties both in NYC and back in Texas, places where she can lay low and get back on her feet if necessary.


Sophie rolls little cartels, gangs and drug dealers for cashola in addition to drawing a legitimate paycheck. That money adds up, and she's nabbed a few big scores over the years. The result is that Sophie's built up a few million in cash over the years, in addition to an array of precious and semi-precious gems.


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It's unclear if this particular curse is the first true "werething" curse or not, but it's certainly in the running. It lacks much of the modern touches, like rapid transformation, multiple shapes and instant healing. To those attuned to the magical arts, she's also got quite the signature. Sophie all but pulses with wild, exotic arcane energy. The sort of thing that tends to alert anyone nearby that she's something special, and it's more than a little distinctive to boot.


Sophie doesn't take prisoners, she shows no quarter and isn't shy about torturing her victims for information she needs. Whilst this terrifies some criminals, it's not usually all that productive. More than a few criminals have elected to "go down swinging", the result is that she tends to illicit substantially more violent encounters than your typical hero. She also tends to burn investigators, and has killed more than a few informants who stumbled across her path. The totality of her work is also potentially liable to make more than a few enemies out of more fair minded heroes.


The heavy supernatural stuff like healing and transformation, it's far too clumsy to utilize the energy produced by her own soul. Rather it relies on burning the energy of those she kills, and well to keep the batteries topped up she requires live human sacrifice. Animal spirits will do in a pinch, but the going rate to heal a gunshot wound is like a thousand chickens. Whilst the fallen are indeed drained passively, the silver lining here is that she doesn't destroy the soul thankfully. This does tend to complicate any attempts to reanimate the dead she's slain however, requiring much more energy than it otherwise might.


Francine Fabre is wanted in regards to the death of several Americans, the stabbing of two who are currently in jail, the death of a fellow masked hero, several million dollars worth of damage, escaping from Prison, assaulting prison guards, a police officer and goodness knows what else. The affair was national news a few years back, and her escape from custody only made things all the worse. Since then, "The Fox" is separately wanted for murdering more than a few criminals across Texas and stealing their money. Francine Fabre's fingerprints may have been "misplaced" but her parents are still alive, and a DNA test could easily lead to her identification. She humiliated the Paris PD, the entire prison system, and still has a rampant fan club back in France. Her new identity was the best money could buy, but there are limits to how far that Identity will go.


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