8186/Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans
Date of Scene: 05 July 2019
Location: The Third Gotham Bank and Trust, Red Hook, Burnley, Gotham.
Synopsis: A person who may merit following up on is met and a bank is cased.
Cast of Characters: Stockholm, Copycat

Stockholm has posed:
The Third Gotham Bank and Trust, Red Hook, Burnley, Gotham.

One might wonder what happened to the First and Second Gotham Bank and Trusts. Honestly with Gotham's history they probably burned down, were victims of embezzlement, or perhaps are even operating still. Why would one even spend time wondering that really.

Today on the day after the country celebrated Captain America's ass with fireworks and other patriotic displays one would find Julia, aka Stockholm, in said bank. Notably not dressed up as any sort of knock off or blended super villain that Gotham is so used to dealing with. No she is wearing a well designed pants suit, carrying a brief case, and looking quite professional with short blond hair.

She is currently perusing the various documents about different types of accounts one can open while the briefcase is set up on the counter in the middle of the bank by her, a very soft hard to hear mmmm from it as the electronics continue to gather intelligence about the bank through sensors and cameras.

Real villains actually case a place and don't just burst in with wild antics.

Copycat has posed:
The doors open and a brunette woman in her twenties walks in, her boots clicking softly on the marble floors that suggest even if it is the Third Gotham Bank and Trust, the place seems to be doing pretty well. Vanessa Carlysle pauses to look about the well-appointed room. The chairs over in front of the various managers and other staffers are leather. The desktops are real wood, not a veneer over particle board.

The young woman gives a little bit of sigh as she looks about the place. "Figures," she murmurs to herself before she walks over to the spot set out in the middle of the floor for people to write before they approach a teller. There are deposit slips and withdrawal slips, sitting there looking forgotten since everyone does things electronically now anyway. There are also the aforementioned pamphlets and such extoling the virtues of the various services the bank offers.

Vanessa pulls out a check which has a couple of folds in it. She glances at the writing on it and then turns it over as she grabs a pen to endorse it. The pretty brunette glances up and over to Stockholm where she stands nearby going over the pamphlets and offer sheets.

Stockholm has posed:
Julia looks sidelong and looks Vanessa over then to the check in her hand. "Are you a current customer of this bank?" is inquired in a friendly tone. "I'm trying to figure out if I should open an account here still." there is a pause "I know most people just do this online these days but ... I like meeting people before I do any business with them." and there is a self depricating shrug.

Thankfully for Stockholm the GCPD and banks don't have image recognition cameras up yet all over town, anyhow that is a more likely Metropolis problem anyhow right.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle glances up from the check and over to Julia. "Oh, no I wish I was. I don't think they have accounts sized small enough for me," Vanessa says with a little self-deprecating laugh. She shakes her head and says, "I wish I was though, would have saved me a lot of time. I couldn't find anywhere that would cash this, since I don't have an account anywhere. Not without taking 1/3 of it," she says of the check, which is only for $150.

Vanessa shrugs and says, "But my transit token is paid for and free to use. So I end up coming all the way over here from New York to cash it, and wasting half of a Friday."

Stockholm has posed:
There is a tsssk of a noise. "Predatory. Check cashing places that is. I mean you hear about all of the super villains and crime and Gotham but when you stop to think about it... aren't the real criminals the banks, corporations, and check cashing places preying on the citizenry and doing it in broad daylight." a shake of Julia's head.

"At least when you are dealing with someone dressed up like a clown with a switchblade you know you are in danger. Which is so different than trying to read all the fine print on these account forms." she shows off a form to demonstrate. "Honetly give me a guy in a suit full of ice and a freeze gun any day."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle looks over towards the tellers. Despite the reliance on electronic banking, there seem to be a fair number of customers in line. Which can be viewed many different wants by different people. One person, like Vanesa, might view it as an inconvenience and a long wait. Another person might view the customers as potential hostages or potential wildcards. Or both.

Vanessa gives a little bit of a grimace at the comparison. "I don't know. I think the whole, trying to take my stuff and/or kill me is the problem in all of that. Doesn't really matter if it's a bank or the Joker, or the gang down on 5th street. I get screwed any way you slice it," she says, sighing and shrugging. "Why do those people get into that kind of thing, anyway, I wonder? I mean... is it just one day they sit up and think, I should dress up like a plant and go rob armored cars?" Vanessa asks. "I have a friend who interviewed Harvey Quinn in Arkham not too long ago. I should ask her sometime."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia looks back to her form. She reaches out and turns her briefcase so the side is pointed now at the vault. Also yes so many hostages, also mostly people who represent businesses making end of day or end of week deposits this time of day. So the vault should be pretty full later.

"Mm?" distracted for a moment before focusing on Vanessa once more. "Oh, you know Ms. O'Neil then. I have always wondered what she is like with all of her interesting interviews. Pretty brave getting close to someone like Harley Quinn I imagine. Risk she might become fixated on you." amusement in her tone for some reason. "Still.. why do people do it. Well some of them I guess are just crazy... others are poor and don't see any other way out. In Gotham I think most of the costumed villains are pretty nuts.. or so says Arkham.. and the thugs and minions well they are just desperate."

"Also Ivy doesn't really go in for robbing armored cars...."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa listens to Stockholm, who seems to know far more about the matters than the girl from New York. Especially when it comes to the Gotham villains. "Yes, she's pretty nice. Just ran into her at a diner one night and struck up a friendship," Vanessa says, looking away and getting a soft smile that might suggest she's come to appreciate that friendship a lot. "Yes, I'd be a little worried about that, too. She actually offered me a job working for her. I didn't take it, not for that. But, now that we're talking about it, I suppose that is kind of a downside of a job like that," Vanessa agrees.

She gives a soft sigh. "Just so many people out there who want what others have. Even when others don't have much," she says, giving a little shake of her head. There's a sense from Vanessa's eyes that she's seen things. Though she does her best to push that expression away. "I guess I'd better get in line. So have you seen anything that appeals," Vanessa asks, and after a moment motions towards the papers of the banks offerings that Stockholm was appearing to look at.

Stockholm has posed:
Julia nods lightly "Well treasure your friendships, one never knows how fleeting they are. Though I suppose New York is safer than Gotham after all." a shrug there.

Then Stockholm plucks up a particular form. "I did find what I wanted actually, I think I'll be opening up a safety deposit box in this fine institution." it does also seem like a good way to ask a clerk a lot of annoying questions about security and mock having fears about the constant bank robberies in Gotham without a lot of suspicion being raised.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa gives Julia a friendly smile. "Well good. It certainly looks safe enough," she says. "I can't imagine what it would take for anyone to get into something like this," the brunette comments idly. "Well, good luck with it," she says, giving a friendly wave and then going over to stand in line. When Vanessa finally makes it to the counter, the woman there will give her a bit of a hard time about cashing the check. Vanessa ends up pulling out several pieces of ID before finally the woman starts counting out her money.

Stockholm has posed:
As Vanessa wanders off to do her banking Julia continues to look around slowly. "A bunch of microexplosives, some knockout gas in a safety deposit box, and I think that Freeze gun I lifted off the transport too GCPD after the Bats took down Victor the otherday. Oh and maybe six or so guys.. maybe nine." it is mostly said softly to herself as she looks around.

Then brochure in hand she steps over into another line to see about opening up a safety deposit box, briefcase along for the ride.