8253/picking veggies.

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picking veggies.
Date of Scene: 10 July 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out in the garden, wearing some old clothes, and a baseball cap. He has a canvas sack hung over his shoulder. He walks amongst the rows of veggies, stopping here and there to inspect the produce, occasionally picking or cutting one off the vine and putting in his bag. He has a small knife in his hand that seems older than he is.

Cypher has posed:
Doug, on the other hand, is sitting on a bench. He's been trying to meditate, since this was suggested to him in his course of study, but all told he's been struggling with it. There's too much data input for him to really find that moment of no-mind, so in the end, he gives up and watches.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and notices the other watching and says "No luck?" he will ask, and when he is in close will toss the other a fresh vine ripe tomato. "So what's on your mind ?" He will ask. Yea Sam may not have the language reading powers, but he does know his friend.

Cypher has posed:
"Everything." Doug says. "From the Sentinels on down to the language of that old maple tree over there." He sighs, and curls his toes, before he says, "You're supposed to pare down the input, still your mind and be tranquil. But I just can't stop taking in information. I think the whole point of meditation might be lost on me, Sam."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well, I have heard some people concentrate on one thig. He hmms, and says "Have you thought about chasing pie? I mean it goes on for like for ever right, maybe you could center the big brain on following it, and get some of the other things to trail off the sides?

Cypher has posed:
"Maybe." Doug says, "Or I could focus on a word or phrase and try permuting it into different languages. 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Der schlaue braune Fuchs sprang über den Rücken des faulen Hundes." He frowns. "But then I start thinking of Pantagrams and I'm right back where I started. What do you do, Sam?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles, a bit a bit and says "Keep myself busy, ah really aint never been been one for meditating. If I am sittin' still usually have some paperwork Ah am working on be it homework or club stuff, or something else. Probably closest Ah get to meditating honestly is listening to music. Just there trying to find out what the singer ment with with and also what it means to me."

Cypher has posed:
"See, I tried music, and it doesn't work either. The pattern of notes, the intimiation in the singer's voice, I start reading it all, and I can't help it." Doug says, before he hunkers down and looks sullen for a moment. "I'm ALWAYS picking out and sorting through information, Sam, it's infuriating."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Tried sensory deprevation?" He will ask his friend. He closes the knife and walks over and asks "Or is that something you prefer to avoid?"

Cypher has posed:
"You mean like putting myself in a wet suit, blinding myself, deafening myself, and immersing myself in a tank of still water?" Doug frowns. "Isn't that considered a method of torture?" He snorts, and gets up, not minding being barefoot, before he picks a ripe tomato, pours water from a nearby bottle over it, and then takes a bite.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, think the whole dripping water on you is more the torture, but Ah can see where ya might not want to, but it would be a way to cut out the world, after you let the water calm down, as se you trying to pick up patterns in it"

Cypher has posed:
Doug takes another bite of his tomato, and gives Sam a thoughtful look, which is a little funny with one cheek chipmunked out like that. He chews and swallows, and then says, "...Have you ever wondered if I'm actually Doug Ramsey?" He asks, curious. "Or if I'm just a clone or some other kind of..." He gestures, "Simulacrum?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "Honestly, for a few days right after you come back, but then realized a really important thing when it comes to that. It does not matter. You think your Doug, and do what Doug would do know what Doug would know. " He will walk over to sit down beside the other man, and says "When you got all this settled, and such, do you have any of lock's post doug Memories?

Cypher has posed:
"Most of them, yes." Doug says, "...I was so certain when I came back, but then doubt kind of... crept into my mind. It's still there, but now I accept that it doesn't really matter. I know what he knew, I like what he liked, I love who he loved. Kurzweil noted that our consciousness could cease when we sleep and be recreated when we wake up and we'd never really know it." Then he adds, "...What are you getting at?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, you know that Lock tried to reanimate your body and we have to explain to him to let you go. You told me about having memory of the darkness, of Rahne and us visiting your grave.... Ah think when you and Lock merged one of those times back in the day you were infected with the virus. Maybe your powers of understanding and communicating held it back, maybe something in how much lock cared for you did. But I think you were at least part techno back then. Ah honestly wonder if you ever truly died, or if when the flesh Doug was not able to operate anymore because of the wounds, your mind went fully into the techno part of you, and we screwed up not letting lock try to awaken you then."

Cypher has posed:
"...But what would I have become if you had." Doug admits. "People die. Letting go is part of life. What I am... is a fluke." He gives a faint, short sigh, and then says, "See, this is where my mind goes. I am CONSTANTLY working it at something. Stillness is just... these days it's beyond me, Sam. And honestly, in some ways I'm kind of tired. I feel like I need to consult with some sort of expert on it, but I have no idea who that would be. My circumstances are largely unique."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well see Ah am not sure, you may have came back just like you are, and the fact you have a memory of nothing at times, not a blankness, but of nothingness if part of why Ah wonder. Ah mean, Illyana saw me coming back is somehow magical in nature, she aint sure how but magical. Yours I think more just used the magic as energy. I think the necros even powered you up, tried to overwrite you as if you were a blank slate, but you weren't you were still Doug Ramsey, which is what allowed you to fight it and with Lock's help purge the miss alignned info and bring you back to you."

Cypher has posed:
Doug considers that, as he finishes his tomato. "...You might be right." He says. "Doesn't help my meditation problem, though." He smirks, and then says, "Honestly Guthrie, what am I going to do with myself. I feel like I need to trek into the mountans and visit some old sage master. But the closest mountains are the Adirondacks and I don't think I'm going to find any ancient masters in there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Yea, folks from the mountains are normally the smartest." He smirks a bit at his friend. Pretty sure I could take ya to met a few hermits but most of them are more master of shine than knowledge. Most times when ya track up there it is the journey not the man who gives you the answers. You have tried the wilderness, it may have helped some, but Ah think your journey is here with us, but that may just be me wanting my friend here with me.

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, "I'll keep trying some techniques. Actually there's one that ceremonial magicians use that I read about that might work. Instead of trying for no-mind, you create the image of an orb of pure light in your mind, and then gradually focus on becoming one with it. I hadn't tried that one yet. It's less popular among meditation enthusiasts..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "It is possible, have ya thought about talking to some of the mystical types? I mean maybe Wanda or Doc strange might be able to help. " He starts to say something but stops as he seems to be thinking about what he was ging to suggest

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a sideways look. "Spill it." He says, before he says, "Really though, you know, there's one last thing I have to do to really close the book on my old life. And I have been putting it off... and putting it off, because it's an apology I didn't want to make."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Which one?" He actually aint sure on that one. " HE will sigh knowing Doug won't let him change the subject like that though and adds "Ah am worried about what might happen to you if your powers are nullified"

Cypher has posed:
"...To Roulette." Roulette, who's been dead for years. "I'd say that wasn't like me, but we all know that's not true. It was in me all along to do that. Still is." Then he glances up at Sam, and says, "Well, I imagine it'd feel really claustrophobic. And for someone who used to think his powers were stupid, I've come to rely on them a lot. But, you know, we're not just our powers. You wouldn't be helpless without yours, and I imagine once I got over the shock, I wouldn't be either. I mean, between the two of us, *I* was the boy scout."