5477/Relocated... Since When

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Relocated... Since When
Date of Scene: 01 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
The last time and place Remy had snuck in to Rogue's room was at the Avenger's Mansion. A place that... no longer exists. About fifteen texts to follow has the Cajun hunting down his former teammate,ex-fiance, lover and source of endless amusement.

A thumb flies across his lit up screen as he spams emojis, seated with his hip against a motorcycle; a recent acquisition an older 2016 Yamaha XSR900 that somehow still runs, nothing at all about it modified to the current year. It's vintage. Who wants to mess that up?

"Where you at, girl... " He murmurs, unaware of the time and lack of response option he is leaving between the blur of his worried text spam.
A pineapple flavored lollipop adjusts in his mouth, sliding from the left of his jaw to the right, clenched down between hard white teeth as he sucks some of the juices out waiting impatiently.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hadn't been involved in the Avengers action that had lead to the whole mansion disappearing, she'd been at school. College was back in session and she was on campus, WITH ACE when the mansion vanished. This had lead the near-20-something mutant to have to find a new place. So much growing up... this young southerner has had to do in the past year!

This is where she is when Remy's texts start coming through, she's in her new loft in Greenwich. She wasn't happy about the price on the place, it had soaked up most of her saved up money and the rent was going to take a fancy chunk out of her paychecks, but... so be it, thats life, right? She'd been living on a silver spoon since she'd gotten to Xavier's over a year and a half ago. Time to get back to reality.

If her life can be actually called 'reality'.

Rogue is seated on her new leather sofa in her living room with a plate of food beside her on the arm of the sofa and her television is on, mounted on the brick wall across from where her sofa is pushed up against a different brick wall. She stops poking at her food to read her phone and she sends back a text to him saying <I'm at my new place, dumby.> Its sent with a great deal of affection and many many return/counter emojis of silly faces.

Gambit has posed:
The long stare at his phone and Remy mouths several words, majority of them cursing before a -pear- -banana- -kissyface- emoji fires back at her.

Thirty Minutes Later...

The metal grate to the loft is being slid up and he is soon riding the elevator. Rapping knuckles off her door and waiting, for once, not just helping himself to her window. The man does know how to use doors...

The long jacket with a combo hooded sweater underneath and typical to his style pants and boots is testament to the cold growing outside, winter is coming. The pineapple lollipop replaced with a cherry one. He stands there, more patient than his texting leaning against the door frame.

Rogue has posed:
Its October and thats been one of Rogue's favorite times of year since she was a little kid and got to dress up and just go crazy for Halloween stuff. Her mother and father had embraced Halloween... her Aunt hadn't. Being that her Aunt was very religious it lead to her not wanting anything to do with the 'Devil's Holiday'. This is one of many things that had lead to Marie and Carrie Carlyle butting heads after CArrie had become Marie's legal guardian. The two of them had disagreed on just about every little thing, and it lead to the mutant Rogue... running away, to seek adventure and freedom.

AFter 30 minutes, Rogue wasn't even sure he was going to come over, so she just went on eating her supper and going about her business so by the time he shows up she's in the kitchen doing the dishes to clean up, rinsing them by hand in the sink. Her loft is pretty nice for being just a living room/kitchen, then a bedroom/bathroom. The kiichen has granite countertops and hardwood floors that lead into the living room that has a recently bought rug tossed down over it.

"Come in, its open!" Rogue says to whoever just knocked, cause, why wouldn't she? She's not afraid of anyone. She's dressed in a tanktop and some sport shorts, so she's showing a fair amount of skin too, but hell, her skin is a weapon so if an intruder is knocking on her door... they're in for a bad night!

Gambit has posed:
Remy's aware this is Rogue's favorite time of the year. He is rather fond of it himself largely due to the colors, the embrace of the night and the mystique of it. The cold he could do without.

"This is New York still, leavin' doors unlocked?" The everyday concerns are sometimes fun to pretend still matter.

Stepping inside and looking around he pulls the cherry candy out of his lips while releasing a low whistle, taking the loft in. "You spent a pretty penny 'ere, chere."
A slow walk in a circle and his jacket along with that sweater are tossed over a chair leaving him in just a tight black shirt with rolled up sleeves. Much less skin showing than her.

"So, funny ting, I go away to deal with this bit o' old bad news that pop up. Make sure it gone and buried, swing back around to check on my girl and nothing there. Just whole nothin' Twilligh Zone spooky. Not even a new address notice... hell maybe no mailbox. Imagine what a man feel at dat?" His tone is tempered, jovial even but she can sense the anger underneath. That annoyance that stems from emotions.

Rogue has posed:
By the time he's stepping into the apartment Rogue is turning around stepping toward him to set a beer down on the polished countertop and she pushes it toward him. She's got no gloves on so she doesn't want to get dangerously close, its just one of those side effects of being who she is. A normal girl seeing the guy she likes would more than likely rush right over to him to hug and kiss him, but... she can't. She does step to the corner of the countertop though where she leans her left hip against it and takes a sip from her own bottle of fancy pants beer she'd gotten from WHO KNOWS WHERE... she never has trouble convincing someone to buy her beer for her after all.

"Imagine how _I_ feel." Rogue replies to him after she shows a faint smirk. "I"ve gotten a few reports sent t'me via e-mail and some text messages, but besides that? They ain't said a damn thing t'me. Not even a phone call. Let alone like a meetin' or soemthing. I was told I could sign in at Stark Tower and request a room there, but... eh... screw that."

She glances around the apartment then. "Yeah, this... place, kinda has made me broke. But, its close t'school." She looks back at him and grins in a sassy kind of way. "Sorry I didn't text ya or nothin' either. Its been busy cause'a all'a that..." And this is said in her best apologetic/sympathy-requesting tone of her southern flavored voice.

Gambit has posed:
"I imagine how you feel all de time and then some." He winks, "So like, no word about you bein' homeless? I didnt think that place was mobile. Maybe it up and grew some wings.... "

Remy's antsy to nosy exploration comes to a halt when shes offering the beer over. He holds it before popping that cherry lolli out after one testing bite before it's pressed over towards Rogue, "Want a lick? Taste extra good wit dat beer." Ever toying about he lets it hang none the less.

"Broke thats just incentive to get adventurous. An' you still on this school kick?"

"No sweat. I found you, always end up findin' you. I jus' you know, lil worried is all. I had some things in your room."
"This an upgrade, Greenwhich, so fancy."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at him then and his wink. She watches the lolipop get offered over to her and she reaches out to take it and then draws it back to look at it. She gives it a lick then and makes sure its summarily flirty and lewd, because... thats her personality. She then hands it back and raises her beer up to taste test this theory. After a second of letting the sense sink in she nods her head. "Not bad." She admits. A second later and she's pushing off the counter with her hip and walk into the living room area with the new furniture.

"Yeah... you know, I lost a lotta stuff. All my clothes, even my uniform." She sits down on one of the leather sofa chair arms and she turns to face him then holding the beer bottle between her thighs with both of her dangerously bare hands.

"Sorry about what you had there, I hope we can get it all back. I just went and bought a buncha basic stuff... shirts and some jeans and a couple pairs'a shoes. I think I'm gonna start storin' stuff in a hidden locker somewhere." She takes a drink from her bottle and then lowers it and smirks. "I gotta do school, I think I'll lose my head if I don't do somethin' with all my time."

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand waves off her apology, "What mattered ain't there. It here with me." He tosses the lollipop in the garbage only to follow after her and seat himself on the table before the sofa. Near her but not in her immediate space or touching. Just close enough to taunt one another. His own drink rested on one knee.

"Again, all I am hearing in you losing these things is more opportunities for some fun, you know I more den happy to take you out an' spoil you." A credit card is produced, a second, third and fourth. Fanning out. His name isn't on any of them. "Well, always de X-Men or me to keep you busy. We both gonna go rounds on this school thing... " A frown appears and lifts his eyes from her to the windows, the red in them catching some light making them appear to glow briefly, "You got no clue what happen to de Avengers' crib? Fo real?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks when he tosses the lolipop out. "Ya know my powers don't work through my saliva." She teases him. When he comes over to sit down near to her she turns on the arm of the sofa chair and lets her right leg lay sideways on it. She watches him fan out his credit cards like they're playing cards and she just shakes her head gently. "I sure hope you take those things from the rich and not the poor... I can stomach ya bein' more like Robin Hood, and less like... some punk kid." She takes another sip of her drink and just tilts her head at him. "Ain't heard from the X-Men in some time either. I guess I'm on the outs with everyone... I can take a hint!"

She sighs at his last question and shrugs her bare shoulders. "Its magic based, I think. There wasn't like an explosion or nothing. I hear it just vanished. I think Doctor Strange is lookin' inta it all, but I haven't gone t'see him... I should though. Especially now that his place is just a few blocks from here." Her left hand goes up to run her fingers through her white hair and lay it back down over her shoulder.

Gambit has posed:
"We figured that one out already, non?" Remy flirts then the cards are looked at, the black and silver one held out with his other hand and examined, "I never take from those not deservin... or wanting." He grins, "Each of these come from someone deserving of far worse. This one here, dis man hit and run a dog then had audacity to up and try to bill the family for a dent in his car. Maybe win too with kinda money he /had/. Maybe." The card vanishes in to his sleeve and he holds up another.

"I ain't ever been some punk kid, too much style."

"You not, not with me and to be fair... " He smiles, "I'm de one that matters most anyway. But truly, I hear little, heard from Storm a bit back. Nothin' otherwise."

Shrugging once more he lets the cards settle down on the tabletop before hes spping at his beer.

"Maybe should." Remy agrees quietly, some tone in there but it is very faint.

"It important, I maybe should read the news probably people screaming end of times again. New month after all... best month."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes the card that he indicates from the hit-and-run asshole. She holds it in her left hand and rolls it between her slim little fingers (fingers that hold so much power). "I guess he deserves t'get whats comin' ta him. But how does this not get us caught? Thats the part that weirds me out. Like in this day'n'age, I'd figure the moment we swipe this thing they come down on us like howler monkies." She offers the card back and sips her drink again. "If you say its safe though, I need'ta replace a buncha stuff."

She just grins at him and slowly nods her head. "Storm, but not Jean?" She asks, and the WAY she acts it sounds like there's some hint of jealousy. Kids afterall! "I heard somethin' about some psychic issues at the school, but thats... outta my element, as they say. So I didn't look inta askin' anybody about it. Which is how I feel about the Avengers place now, like there's not much I can help with and thats why nobody's called me."

Gambit has posed:
"Fence." Remy explains and leans forward napping the card from her fingers and turning it over, until he can show the back of it to her, very faint there is an 'f' stamp on it. Stylized. "Right there, that says he scrubbed it. It why he such a good pal." The card is handed back over and he reclines back once more.

"Storm, not Jean." The thief confirms, "Why, which one you prefer?" He adds with some smug play to his lips, "Psychic issues? No clue. You an' me same there, just steer clear of that and put our faith in the mindbenders."

"Well, then we do what we always do, Pinky. Take over the world in our own fashion."
"Where your pup at?"
"I best be nice and say hi to the man of the house."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepts the card whilst taking a drink from her bottle and she just grins at him after she lowers it back down to the top of her inner right thigh on the arm of the sofa chair. "I like'em both." She says about the X-Women leads. "Storm might have an edge sometimes though, cause she's got... ya know, a better grip on my humor than I think Jean does, but I ain't really spent a whole lotta time around either really."

At the question about her dog, she gets suddenly wide eyed and stands up. "Shoot." She says as she turns to set her beer down on a cheap wood end table she got at a nearby store and makes for her bedroom. "I locked'im up cause he always begs for my food and like paws at my legs and such while I'm eatin." A couple of seconds later and her bedroom door is opened and the 1 and a half year old pup comes clattering out of his prison cell straight toward where he smells food, then cuts that as he sees Remy and instead rushes right to where Remy is instead to greet! Tail going a mile a second! Rogue, meanwhile, disappears into her room to put the card away for later!

Gambit has posed:
"Likewise, anymore you're about it. Maybe I should do somethin' about that but, I'm a lot like you on this whole no one callin' thing." A wave of his hands to the sides and the beer he has is swung back to be finished off then set down with a clink on the tabletop. The dog is accepted in a playful grapple full of petting and scritches, the Cajun dropping from the table perch to kneel and watch as Rogue drifts past, the man's eyes following her in her departure before he is swatted with a tail, "'ey yes, you smell the treats, yes? I always come baring." He unfurls a bag and lets some cram in to the dogs eager maw before he straightens up, one more pat to the head.

"You stay 'ere, it time for me to see what kind of trouble I get myself in to tonight. Bit overdue."

Rogue has posed:
The dog of course laps up the treats and eats them in a matter of miliseconds, because dogs don't even taste the food they're devouring. It then does a few happy circles around Remy before it moves off toward the kitchen to sniff around at anything that may have gotten left behind.

Rogue meanwhile is rooting around in her bags as she releases a heavy sigh and sits back on the corner of her bed. "I lost my bomber jacket." She says then, standing up a second later to go back out into the other room but she finds Remy standing up when she steps out there so she stops and stares at him. "The one I swiped from that pilot years ago. She looks disappointed, sentimental attachments and all. Rogue glances over at Aces to see him stuffing his nose into his food dish and pushing the empty thing around and she releases a dramatic sigh and walks over to get the canine some food out of the bag under the sink.

Gambit has posed:
The lithe man nods and slips past Rogue in to her room like he has some new mission, "Uh huh." He toys nodding again over doing it in the gesture as he begins to look the new environment over like hes inspecting it or just snooping.
It dawns on him what she is saying and he frowns, "The one... " A thoughtful noise and he turns around, disregarding her room for the moment upon hearing her tone, "We get you another, you can wear it on a date. Start it's memories. Not sure wat kinda date yet but I come up wit somethin' maybe some paintball, I mean, gonna have to take it off or we go back to that club wit the VRcade in the back. Dat was a lot of fun last time."

"That jacket mean dat much to you though? Just a thing."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slips the dog's food back under the sink around the time that Remy is back out to speak to her and she walks over to him and just smiles faintly at him. "I don't get it." She says at him as she moves dangerously close, close enough that she's almost pushing up against him, to the point where he might be comfortable and very uncomfortable by it. Her hands are on her hips though and her elbows are angled just a bit backward.

"Why are you so sweet t'me?" She asks the man, looking up at him. She's asked it before, but it seems to be something she has trouble getting past, probably because of her sense of abandonment and the issues that go along with that.

"Not that I'm complainin'. I just... ya know." Its a sweet moment, a romantic one even. But its probably broken some by the german shepherd pushing his food dish across the floor behind her while inhaling his food in it!

Gambit has posed:
Remy's head drops back so it's against the doorframe he is occupying, his eyes half-lidded staring down his cheekbones at her when she questions him and moves in close, that outfit she has on is not enough for him to get a hold of her, not like he wants to. He doesn't break their close space though.

"Why're you sweet to me? Same question, gon' be same answer. You an' me, dat just how it goes. We almost married for a reason, not somethin' I ever considered not by choice at least, not since Belladonna but there we were... " He frowns, sue of his own words Remy usually is right now he is reconfirming as he gazes at her face, his eyes latched to her own.

"Love, belle. Maybe dat the diagnosis." A grin and he reaches out, his fingers just lightly touching near her chin but not quite. "Or, maybe I'm jus' crazy. Maybe I just like what I can't have... or maybe this all an evil ploy an' I'm a clone." A dark chuckle rolls from him and his fingers rise up to thread through her hair, brushing it back. "What de point in asking? You know. You always know when it comes to me." His humor dropping away to join the tone shes presenting.

Rogue has posed:
The dog is now nosing his dish the other direction while Remy says all of that, going back the way he started and leaving bits of food all over the floor in his wake, though he's mostly got the bowl cleaned up now.

"Love indeed." Rogue repeats quietly, glancing over at his hand as she feels it stroke through her two toned hair, which makes her smile. She spends a lot of time on her hair, but wouldn't ever admit to it, the white strikes get her a lot of attention and generally its always positive, young people seem to love it and older people often stop her to ask her how she even did it. She just generally tells people she has a hell of a good salon specialist working on it, because the real answer... wel... it didn't play all that great with test audiences in the past.

She reaches up to place both of her hands on his chest and she just smiles up at him. "I should put some clothes on." She says softly, glancing down at herself, tanktop and sport shorts... nice enough when you're trying to beat the early October heat, but not so nice when you're a skin to skin soul sucking succubus!

Gambit has posed:
A tip of his chin to the side and he flashes Rogue a smile at her response, it's good enough for Gambit it appears.
"You should, yes, get changed an' don't mind me one bit. Fly on the wall... " Remy encourages jokingly, his fingers drifting from her hair to his sides, harmless there. "Though, you know, a fly on the wall probably not have a mind to even consider what I am thinking, it be too worried about spiders." A half-jesting thought as he winks, "Go on, girl. I'll be waiting right here for you."