1485/SO There We Were, Floating On A Rock ...

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Revision as of 20:57, 20 August 2017 by Jenova (talk | contribs) (Atlee tastes ice cream for the first time after meeting Traci 13 & Paisley, a continuation of a former scene.)
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SO There We Were, Floating On A Rock ...
Date of Scene: 15 July 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Atlee tastes ice cream for the first time after meeting Traci 13 & Paisley, a continuation of a former scene.
Cast of Characters: 267, Traci 13, 1034

Paisley (267) has posed:
The girl have just gotten insdie of the apartment. It's a compulsively tidied single room loft apartment with shelves of books along two walls, a bed against the far corner, and a desk and kitchenette on the other end of the room. There's a large closet set into one wall that is currently shut and otherwise very ltittle here. Neither girl apparently makes much use of a television or computer. Paisley strides into the apartment like she owns the place (she doesn't) and throws both arms up, laughing as she walks ."Great. Okay... Anyone thirsty? Hungry? Whatever." To the kitchen Paisley goes. Because of course she doesz.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "It's not much," Traci admits as she shows Atlee in, with a faint smile, but she doesn't seem embarassed. "But, it's comfortable. And it works for us just fine. Paisley will get us some ice cream. You'll -love- it," the girl promises, cheerfully. Then she inquires of Atlee, "So, where are you from, anyways?"

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Landing was easy at least, as Atlee just made the mass of rock and earth you were riding in recede into the ground when you landed. Very eco-friendly travel. The petite, stocky girl follows the other two up, though Traci at least would notice she's also positioning herself in case Paisley gets dizzy again, though she seems fine after her earlier wiped out state. "It's very cozy..." Atlee says, smiling at the pair of you. "Thank you for inviting me into your home." She wanders in, looking around with interest, no sign of her looking like she finds it anything but comfortable. "Oh! Well..." she starts. "I come from underground, actually. From a place called Strata. It's very far from here, or at least....deep from here." she says, clasping her hands behind her back."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I come from another dimension and my grandmother some kind of hag queen who kidnaps humans or something," Paisley responds to Atlee's claim, shrugging as she does. "We're all weird here." With this pronouncement Bailey has the ice cream scoop out. The Rocky Road doesn't stand a chance. Soon there are three large bowls of ice cream, complete with spoons, and the girl is carrying all of them in a big armful toward hte living room. One is immediately shoved into Atlee's arms. "Eat." The second is presented to Traci. Paisely waits impatiently for hands to be free so she can start on her own, toe tapping the floor.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci takes her bowl, and grins, wide. "Thanks," she tells Paisley, quite cheerfully again. "She's Fae," Traci elaborates to Atlee, though she's not sure if such would mean anything to her. "I've never heard of Strata, before. It sounds interesting, though. A whole civilization, underground. Kind of makes you wonder," she observes. Then, offers, because the other two girls have each answered in kind, "I'm from, here. Plain old boring here. But, I'm a Homo Magi, a magician, so, there's that."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee takes hes as well, smiling at Paisley. "Thank you!" She folds her legs, gracefully seating herself on the floor, the bowl in her lap. "Oh!" she says in response to Traci elaborating. "...I don't know what that is..." she admits a second later, flushing delicately. "I haven't met a Fae before, though I did meet a girl who said she was a sorceror. And then a creepy woman took her through a portal, so I guess she was!"

    She pokes curiously at the bowl, interested in the consistency, before she spoons out a bite. It'd be a big bite when she first got here, but...well, sushi was an experience she doesn't reeeaaaly want to repeat, so she's a bit more careful these days about how much of something she puts in her mouth.

    "Well, Strata is made from a dead Astronaut God, who died a really really long time ago..." she says, pausing to pop said ice cream in her mouth.

    There's a pause as the flavor hits her, then her eyes get big. before she swallows. "This is SO GOOD!" she says, eagerly spooning up more.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "It's Trace's favourite," Paisley offers helpfully when Atlee starts raving about the ice cream. She is in the middle of her fifth spoonful herself so clearly she doesn't find it all that objectionable. The petite fae half falls into a seat on the couch now, crossing her right leg over her left knee while she studies the bowl of ice cream in front of her intently.
    "I'm sorry, Mistress," Paisley drawls, glancing at Traci as she does. "But you're yesterday's news. All washed up. Faeries and underground superchicks who float islands around are the way of the future. You Magi are just going to have to find a new niche." She shrugs at this and takes anotehr bite of ice cream.
    "...What do you mean, dead Astronaut God?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    Paisley asks the same question that Traci herself has. Afterall, Gods have power. Even Dead Gods. She pauses in the midst of spooning her own delicious bit of marshmellow, chocolate, and nuts to consider the import of that. She looks, briefly to Paisley, half-smiles, then looks back to Atlee. "Well, then, I guess I'll retire, and pack my things. Leave you two here to take care of everything, since I'm all washed up."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Another spoonful of rocky road disappears into Atlee's maw, this time lingering as she enjoys the taste, her eyes crinkling a little at the edges happily. "Mmm!" She swallows again, then looks seriously at Traci. "Oh no! You are not washed up at all! That was very impressive, what you did. Both of you! I haven't seen magic like that anymore, just the man with the cups and the mysterious ball that's NEVER there where I think it is..." she admits. She looks at Paisley curious. "...it's..a dead Astronaut God? A really, really powerful alien traveler, who had a super advanced suit to travel through space." She looks thoughtful. "I have been told it might have been something called a Celestial?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Then there's a pause and Paisley glances at her ice cream then voer to Traci while she considers. "No, you're still cute enough to be useful. You stay," Paisley states imperiously. She gestures to Traci with er spoon and shrugs her shoulders lightly, twisting in her seat. "There. That's settled. And then..." She looks over toward Atlee and blinks a few times, nodding slowly. "A Celestial... Okay. I've heard someoen say that but I don't know if we're talking about video games. Um." A beat follows. "So you livedi n the spacesuit of a giant super alien?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Holy shit," Traci says. She knows what a Celestial -is-. At least, to a minor degree. Or, she thinks she does. She exhales, and re-examines Atlee, thoughtfully. "It's a good chance that's why you have your abilities. Does everyone in Strata have a gift?" Politely curious, now, but not so distracted she's forgotten about her Ice Cream. It's Rocky Road, afterall.
    Traci looks back to Paisley, "Nope. Not staying. Leaving after I finish all the ice cream. I," she says, with absolutely no sincerity behind it, "Am unwanted. Clearly. But, she's my new friend. So maybe I'll stay around for her. If she wants." If Paisley can tweak her nose, she can tweak Paisley's back.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee giggles a bit at that, her violet eyes twinkling. "I would very much like you to stay, please." she says gravely to Tracy. "For friendship!" She hmms. "Well...he died a really really, really really really, really long time ago. When dinosaurs were around. And then he fell to the planet, but his suit was so advanced it protected his body. And then it sank into the earth. Eventually, his body broke down into basic building blocks, and over time, this started to form back into organic life, then evoluted." She waves her spoon a bit at Traci. "Like you are Homo Magic..." she says, mispronouncing it without realizing. "Or you are..Fae Homo...Magic?" she says, a bit more uncertainly at Paisley.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Well, we have plenty of homo magic going down here but I don't think that's what you mean," Paisley offers helpfully, tappign her spoon against her bottom lip. To Traci she replies, "Well... I guess I don't have to do your laundry anymore," the girl offers thoguhtfully. Then she sighs and shakes her head, making an exaggerated show of being dissatisfied. Paisley perks up a moment later. "Fae are Fae. They ahve all the magic anyway. Homo Magi is a classification for a species. Like- most humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. And mutants are laveled 'Homo Superior."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "We're humans who can tap into the ancient energies of magic, the true language and binding of the universe. I'm pretty good, but there are others who are a -lot- better. But, I'm probably the best sorceress my age around." She seems rather pleased at that, and as arrogant as it sounds, she's not boasting out of pure ego. She instead goes back to considering Paisley, sticks her tongue out at the other girl, and asks Atlee, "I take it you like ice cream, then?" She's grinning, knowingly.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee nods enthusiastically! She seems to be trying to savor the taste now with each bite, which means she's pausing when she talks, not to mention her ice cream is melting. Something she notices after a moment. "Oh! It's turning all runny? Is it supposed to do that?" She cocks her head. "Really? Well, you are the most powerful sorcress I know your age, defintiely!" she says cheerfully, then looks to Paisley. "...what is homo magic?" she says curiously.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Yeah. Ice cream is frozen- so it melts if you leave it out. Need to eat it faster!" Paisley demonstrates helfpully by taking her spoon to the last scoop in her bowl with a great deal of attentiveness. As the ice cream is finished Atlee continues to speak and Paisley freezes. She glances at Traci and then to the dark haired Stratan sitting nearby and swallows briefly. Pais slips down from the couch and walks into the kitchen quietly, squirming slighty as she walks. "It was a joke," she offers helpfully. "Um. When two girls love eachother very much and they both happen to be powerful sorcerors..." She looks to Traci, her Bright blue eyes nearly inscrutable to most. What he look is trying to convey is plain as day for the sorceress, however.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci looks at Paisley, then looks at Atlee, and whispers, "I have no idea what she's talking about," soberly. She then looks over to Paisley. "What -are- you talking about, Paisley? I'm not sure I'm familiar with this kind of magic." There is a pointed look to Traci, briefly. Revenge. For what? Well. That's hard to say. But, revenge for something, certainly.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    At Paisley's explanation, Atlee erks and starts to eat faster, shoveling the ice cream into her mouth, though she's still trying to enjoy it as well. This does mean for the moment she's not saying anything at all. It's like watching a tennis match. Paisley lobs the question towards Traci...Traci overhands it right back, with Atlee's curious violet eyes going from one to the other, then stays on Paisley. Watching with such interest and curiosity!

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "...Okay." Paisley takes a deep breath. "So, basically I was making a joke, right? Because sometims magical shit happens when you're really aroused or have an orgasm and Traci and me're always... Having sex. On the bed, the couch. You know. Whenever we feel like it. Plus, it's kind of a pu nbecause some people call the big O 'magic'," she offers helpfully. The girls hrugs, titling her head slightly. "Homo because were lesbians. Homosexual. See? Makes perfect sense. Big damn pun for the win."
    Traci would do well to remember Paisly does not do embarrassment.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci might. Her cheeks pinken a little bit, but she's smiling all the same. She had not expected Paisley to be that - precise. She tells Atlee, "It is a play on words, and, yes, Paisley and I are a couple." She looks at Paisley and just shakes her head some, as she tells Atlee further, "But, we'd very much like to be friends with you."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee blinks. "...oh! Ohhhhh." she says, at the further explanation from Traci, getting a brief flush. "So it is about sex! I see, you were joking, that's funny!" she addes with a giggle, her eyes twinkling. She grins a bit cheerfully at the two of you. "And you are a couple, which is also very nice." she says thoughfully. "You make a very cute couple together." The idea of two girls together? Doesn't seem to even cause her to blink. In fact, she seems positively happy now, like just the idea that people have found each other improves her day.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley watches Atlee's expressio nand blinks as it shifts fro mconfused to flatteringly happy. She glances at Tracie and then looks back to their guest and shrugs her shouders slightly. The white haired girl makes her way across the apartment to stand beside traic as she nods. "Yep," she agrees. Even Paisley has to venture a smile in the face of this and that just isn't usually her style. "See?" Paisley addresses Traci now. "I'm hilarious."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I'll book you a set at The Comedy Shoppe," Traci tells Paisley, in return. But she seems pleased at Atlee's declaration, "We are pretty awesome," she agrees to Atlee. "Do you have other friends up here? Somewhere to stay?" Considering Atlee is clean, and has changes of clothes and doesn't seem all that starved she is pretty certain the answer to these questions are 'yes'. But, it's that caring heart Traci has. Leave no cute girl unprotected. Or, something.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee giggles again at Traci, then she thinks, quickly trying to polish off the last of the ice cream. "Mmmm..I do have friends? And I have a little room that the man I am waitressing for has given me." She looks around, then points to a closet door. "Like that one!" She frowns a bit. "He is very bad at knocking before he enters, especially when I'm getting ready for the day, but he said that he would just let me stay there and would subtract it from my paycheck. And there is an old bathroom there that has a shower, so I can stay clean." Her expression clears again a moment later as she smiles at the two of them. "But yes, I have met friends! I have been visiting one's house, and she has been letting me sleep there too. So I have two places I can sleep!" She pauses, then frowns. "Oh..but I left my clothes at the park...I hope they're still there, my employer will be unhappy with me if I lose another apron."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "You have a room like a closet that you stay in at the place you work?" PAisely asks in a voice trhat is perhaps too even and calm for comfort. She is studying the woman in front of her intently, glancing at Traci and then back to Atlee with a faintfrown on her lips. "Who is this other frind of yours?" Pais akssthen, tilting her head slightly as she does. "Is shetreating you better than this guy, at least?" Paisley idly reacheso ut and places a hand on Traci's shoulder. APropos of nothing, no doubt.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci has a different approach. "Where do you work, Terra? I'd love to come and visit you while you're on shift. It always make the work shift go easier if you have a friend stop by, doesn't it?" She smiles, cheerily at Atlee, before pushing her cleaned-off bowl to the side, leaning forward in her chair some. "Paisley and I can drop by, when we're in town. Say hi, and stuff."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The other girl looks pleased by the idea. "Oh yes, that would be lovely! I could buy you a pizza since you have given me ice cream. It is called Giovanni's Pizza Pub...." And she gives the full address and some simple directions, as oblivious to what she's bringing down on her boss's head as she is to the advantages he's been taking. He said it was an accident, after all! Repeatedly. She pauses, then looks down for a bit, getting an almost shy smile after that, looking back up at the pair, with that same happy light from before in her eyes. "Yes....she, she is wonderful." she says softly. "I think I care for her very much." She smiles "I have not fought beside her for heroic things, like I have with you, but she is very special, I think." She stands up, her bowl empty. "I like having friends to love, it's been much less lonely now, and I don't feel like I'm lost about how things work up here as much."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley studies Traci's features and nods slowly, her expression just a faint frown. The girl briefly bites her bottom lip and then she nods slowly, flashing Atlee a brief smile. "Great. Giovanni's Pizza Pub. Got it. We'll come check it out," Paisley offers, tilting her head slightly as she does so. "Maybe come see you... Do you work tomorrow, maybe?" She twists slightly then, if only to look at Traci morefully without betraying her expression to Atlee. Not that it's clear what she's thinking.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Having friends is pretty special," agrees Traci, utterly sincerely. She smiles, "I'm pretty lucky myself, to have found Paisley. And now you, too. Gives us something to fight for. And to live for." She reaches a hand out to Atlee, squeezing warmly. "But, yes. You should get back to the park. And get your things you left. And, your friend is probably wondering where you are, too. So you should get back to her," Traci encourages.
    "And, if not before, we'll see you at Giovanni's soon. I would like some of your pizza."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The dark haired girl smiles, then sets down the bowl as wel, before walking over to where the two girls have thoughtfully decided to stand together, then gives them both a firm hug. "You are both wonderful and I am happy you are lucky to have each other." Group hug squeeze! "Mmm, I will be there tomorrow at 11 in the morning!" she says. "And I will make sure the cook makes the BEST pizza for you both." she says, leaning "Thank you very much for the ice cream, I will talk to you more then? I should go back and find my uniform before it disappears." Not to mention that was pretty much all her clothes....she's sure she had more garments but they keep disappearing somehow from her room. Mystery!