6686/Hanging out at the Juice Bar

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Hanging out at the Juice Bar
Date of Scene: 27 February 2019
Location: Angel Grove
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan is at the juice bar, sitting by herself. Trini never really made many friends since coming. Other than five specific people, she never really associaetd with anyone when she didn't have to. She is just sitting there, sipping a mango milkshake, wearing a yellow striped tank top and jeans. (Yes, it's cold outside - but it's nice and warm inside.) She just sighs, wondering what's going on, fiddling with the communiator. She was trying to boost the range - there's been a bit of static lately on it.

Blue Ranger has posed:
With it being after school, and not particularly wanting to go home *just* yet, Billy decides to check out the usual haunt - Earnie's. As he enters through the double doors at the entrance, he pauses, glancing around for familiar faces as he looks around. Shifting his book bag on his shoulders, he clears his throat, and reaches up, adjusting his glasses... squinting slightly, before noting the presence of one such familiar face at the bar. "Ah!"

Good, it's Trini. He begins to move toward her, raising a hand in greeting as he approaches her, a genuine smile spreading over his face as he greets her. "Afternoon, Trini," he remarks, studying her for a moment and noting her fidgeting with the wrist communicator. He blinks, reaching up to adjust his glasses again, before clearing his throat again. "... Something wrong with your... ah... watch, there?" he asks, lightly.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan sighs softly as she shrugs. "Just trying to adjust the gain. Hi, Billy." She glances over at you. "Just... not even sure why I came here. I didn't want to hear another lecture from my mom after I beat up Skull in P.E. for making fun of me." She sighs softly. "It was worth it." She blinks. "Have you had trouble with your... ... watch? Or is it just mine?"

Blue Ranger has posed:
"There was a recent solar flare that is probably interfering with the... timekeeping aspect," Billy remarks, nodding lightly, intentionally being vague, before tilting his head a little bit and moving to sit on a stool beside her. "I wouldn't worry too much. Just give it a day or two, and the interference should clear up."

As she remarks on the reason *why* she's skipping out on the homelife... his face becomes a little solemn, and he tilts his head again... "Well, Eugene probably deserved it," he remarks quietly, "but you probably shouldn't have beat him up."
    "'Ey, Billy!" Earnie greets the teen, jovially, laughing lightly and sliding up to him. "The usual?"
    "Hey, Earnie. Uh... sure."

"All right, one mango-strawberry shake, coming up!"

Billy smiles a little bit and shakes his head slightly, sighing some as he leans against the bar, glancing over toward Trini. "He didn't hurt you or anything, did he? I mean... other than emotionally."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan snorts. "It takes more than that creatures to hurt me emotionally..." she muses softly. "I just got annoyed wtih the constant taunting - he had a surprising backbone for not being with his partner in crime." She ponders. "I think he was trying to take Bulk's place and failed." She smiles faintly. "I might've broke his nose." She sighs. "Yes, I know, I know. Enhanced strength, yadda yadda. I pulled my punch." She then nods. "Solar flares, huh? We should find a way to compensate with our... friends... sometime."

Blue Ranger has posed:
"It's hard to compensate with something like that," Billy remarks softly, "because solar flares interfere with *everything* electronic. From communications matrixes to even eleectrical grids. It's... kind of complicated," he explains, "because when one is big enough, they can even cause large blackouts by taking out electrical substations. Think of them as kind of like electromagnetic pulses, sort of."

He pauses, sighing a little bit and shaking his head at Trini's words... Once he gets his shake, he smiles toward Earnie, and pays him in kind, sliding a few bucks across the bar toward the fellow, before taking a few sips. "You really should be more careful," he chides Trini softly, looking at her over his glasses. "I know Eugene and Farkas are kind of... in a world of their own," he remarks softly, "but still. We can't just take our anger out on them whenever it suits us."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan stares at you. "You do realize you are the _only_ person in the ENTIRE school to call those two idiots that, right? I've PRACTICED punching to still appear normal-levels of strength. He'll be fine - maybe he'll stop laughing." She shrugs as she shakes her head. "It's been very quiet lately - maybe the flares are hindering our mutual... nemesis too..." She sighs softly. "You're going to make me go to Zordon for another lecture, aren'tn you?" she mutters.

Blue Ranger has posed:
"Nope." Billy takes another sip of his milkshake. A small smile spreads over his lips as he does, tilting his head as he glances back over at her, and he chuckles a little, before glancing back toward his milkshake.

"You know why? Because you already feel guilty. I can tell," he remarks, matter of factly.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan shrugs. "I'm not guility I punched him. I'm guiltiy that I could've lost control and killed him." She shrugs. "One full-power punch and he wouldn't have a face anymore." She sighs. "And we'd be exposed." She just puts her head down on the table.

Blue Ranger has posed:
Frowning a little bit, Billy tilts his head and glances toward Trini again, clearing his throat... "Yeah, it's true you could've completely lost yourself and absolutely *destroyed* Eugene," he remarks quietly, leaning over to push his milkshake out of the way for the moment, leaning on the counter with her, "you didn't. And the reality is that, despite the fact he was being a *huge jerk,* you hurt someone else," he explains, "and that's never right, no matter the circumstance... instead of being the bigger woman and just walking away, you punched him. There's part of you that probably actually feels bad about that," he remarks quietly, "no matter how you try to paint it."

He leans back up at this point, and reaches out for his milkshake, taking a sip of it, before glancing back toward Trini... and sighing. "I'm not going to lecture you," he remarks toward her. "I mean, I get it. I sometimes want to punch both of them in the face too," he tells her, looking down. "But I don't have that kind of courage. Or that kind of strength."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan murmurs, "You have courage and strength," she mutters softly, looking down. "What you lack... is stupidity. It was stupid to give in. Sometimes I don't know what I am. Sometimes I hate my life. I've moved around so often - it's only LUCK that I'm here for a while. At any time, I might have to move away - and have to surrender this power. What would I do then? I finally made friends... I can't... can't bear to lose them..." She is sniffling. "Damn... don't wanna cause a scene... another one..." She just flops her head back down, sniffling and shaking.

Blue Ranger has posed:
"You're Trini Kwan," Billy replies lightly, sipping at his milkshake still, before looking back toward her again... realizing she's starting to get legitimately upset. "Martial Artist extraordinare, and a lady of extraordinarily good music tastes."

Jokes always make people feel better, right? He begins to smile, then, glancing ovver at her, and he nudges her with his arm lightly. "You're not going to have to go anywhere for a while. You're stuck here, Trini," he remarks, "as much as you may *hate* it."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan blinks. "Yeah - just tell my dad that..." she whispers softly, shivering as she sits up. "And a lady who has no idea who and what she is for sure," she muses. "But oh well. I would've never thought it - but you are not just intelligent - you are wise as well."

Blue Ranger has posed:
"That's the thing. We both know exactly what we are," Billy replies to her, glancing at her over the rim of his glasses, taking another sip of his milkshake.

"The same thing Jason, Zack, Tommy, and Kim are... we're just a bunch of *teenagers* with *attitudes.* Right?" He smiles, then, and finishes off his milkshake with one more pull through the straw, shaking his head and pushing his glasses back up with his fingers. He looks back over toward Trini, before reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder, should she not draw back. "It's not that I'm wise," he tells her, "it's just that I've gotten to know my *friends.* You're my friend," he tells her, "and I care about you. And I know you're better than that."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan nods. "Never had friends before. Not serious friends. It's... confusing..." She shrugs. "Teenagers with attitude, huh? I suppose so. Well... I'm starting to feel silly just expressing this stuff out loud."

Blue Ranger has posed:
"We've had two years to express it," Billy remarks, laughing a little. "We may as well get used to it."

A pause. He glances around for a moment, before looking toward her and tilting his head lightly. "Listen. Would it make you feel better if we went and had a little sparring practice... you know, *sparring* practice? Special sparring practice."

He pauses for a moment, then *flushes* in the face, and clears his throat. "I mean, do you want to... uh, do you want to..."

He drops his voice. "Do you want to teleport to the Command Center and train in the Pit for a bit? We could get some sparring in, and blow off some steam. It may make you feel better."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan raises an eyebrow. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were asking me out on a date," she murmurs softly, winking softly. She waits a bit, finishing her milkshake, just to make you squirm a bit.

"But fortunately, I do know better. Yeah, let's go. Oh - keep Skull's face out of discussion when we go there? Zordon somehow seems to know things." She gets up, pays for her shake, and heads to the usual beam-up spot.

Blue Ranger has posed:
"Oh thank God," Billy remarks with a sense of relief, re-shouldering his backpack as he moves to follow after Trini, laughing softly and shaking his head, adjusting his glasses. "For a second I seriously thought you were going to think I--"

He pauses for a second, then, blinking, glancing at her as he walks alongside her, slightly slackjawed. He remains silent, though, and says nothing else as they walk out, though he does close his mouth. He can't help but think to himself... *what the HELL is wrong with me?*