8262/Meanwhile at the Mansion

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Meanwhile at the Mansion
Date of Scene: 11 July 2019
Location: Library - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Updates are shared, plans are discussed, hair dying is considered.
Cast of Characters: Siryn, Shadowcat, Polaris, Cypher, Marvel Girl, Cyclops

Siryn has posed:
The library was always one of the few places in the school that was both quiet and social at the same time. You could hold a conversation among the bookshelves without feeling as if every word carried across the room because it usually didn't. The accoustics here didn't really allow for it. For someone whose powers dealt with sound it was a pleasant change of pace to be somewhere that didn't reverberate with soundwaves so easily.

Theresa sat at one of the computer terminals checking up on the local news back on Muir Island, as well as other places in the world that weren't as often reported in the US. The chair creaks only slightly when she leans back to reach behind her for the can of iced coffee she had set on one of the tables so it wouldn't risk spilling on expensive computer parts. She wasn't really expecting company tonight. That didn't mean it wouldn't happen.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde was down in the base earlier, handling communications and flying a drone in support of some people in Metropolis. That done and the word they are back safely, Kitty heads back upstairs. She grabs herself a bowl of cereal - Fruity Pebbles, if anyone is checking - and then heads for the Library.

Because when Kitty Pryde gets off a computer? She probably wants to go somewhere quiet and get on a computer.

She comes in, carrying the bowl closer to her body so no one yells at her for having food in there. Even worse, it's just in a bowl that could be spilled. Ok, maybe this plan was ill-thought. In any event, she comes in, and spots Siryn there. "Hey Theresa, didn't realize you were back," she says warmly, walking over to her table.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped out of a corner, balancing a stack of books, mostly reference materials, for some unknown project. On top of all of it, was a bag of chips. Perhaps there were rules about students eating the library, perhaps there weren't.. Either way, Lorna didn't care all that much. She looked ready to head out, but instead spotted Kitty and Theresa at the computer terminals. She paused, and shifting the books and chips to the side of her grip, she approached with a light sound of her flip-flops against the wooden floor.

"Hey, Kitty, Theresa. Seen Scott around?" She asked arching a green eye brow upward. She wore an old band t-shirt, and pair of blue-jeans. Decidedly more dressed down than her usual attire. "Oh and Kitty, could I get you to help me dye my hair later? I always need someone to spot check the back.'

Cypher has posed:
Another set of double doors opens, and Doug walks in, with purpose. "Terry, Kitty," He says, before he walks over to a map case and opens drawers, flipping through maps and looking for something. "Lorna."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Some things are pretty constant between universes. Science, for example. Math. The things that differ tend to be harder to quantify, like pop culture or - especially - history. Which is why Rachel has a tendency to haunt the library far more often than she'd admit to. Newspapers, encyclopedias, magazines, books. Whatever she can get her hands on, she skims it, stores the information, and moves on.

Today it looks like she's taken the straightforward route. She's managed to find a hardcover encyclopedia. And she's made it all the way to the Fs! She looks up as others arrive, waving lightly.

Cyclops has posed:
Truth is, Scott was hiding. In the last place he thought anyone would look for him. After action report done, he was sitting in a corner of the library thumbing through a motorcycle magazine. Mainly he was replaying the night's mission in his head, picking apart every action.

When he hears his name he sighs, figuring the gig was up. He stands up and walks down the stacks until he comes across the ladies.

"Someone call?" he asks.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy raises her eyebrows in silent greeting to Kitty while she's otherwise occupied taking a long pull off her can of La Colombe cold brew coffee. I was a bit fancier than things she would normally drink but the little fizz created by the nitrous in it left a pleasant tingle on her tongue that reminded her of stronger drinks she tried to stay away from when around the school. Exhaling a single sigh she lowers it again to nod toward everyone. "Aye, came in last night. My Aunt's doing better now so there's no need for me to be lingering around being a nuisance. Good t'see ya." When the others begin to converge she greets each in turn as well with a dip of her head. "Lorna, Doug. Scott." The redhead not far off gets a tip of her head though she doesn't recall the other woman. "What've ye all been up ta?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles to Theresa and says, "Well good, I'm glad she's better. Please pass along my best wishes." Kitty sets down her things just as Lorna and Doug come in. "Evening," she tells them. "Scott was out dealing with a thing in Metropolis," she gets in, before hearing the man's voice chime in from elsewhere in the library. "So that's where you snuck off to," she tells Scott with a chuckle.

It's then that Kitty spots the wave from Rachel. "Hey Rache, have you had a chance to meet Theresa yet?" she asks, motioning to the latest arrival back to Westchester."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shuffled over to the nearest available desk space beside the computers to set the books she'd gathered down and exchange them for the bag of chips she'd been balancing on top. As various other X'ers come out of the wood-work. Seriously, quite a few people in the library for this time of day, she grinned. "Well, Scott and I stumbled onto something going on in Mutant Town. It's kinda strange. Not magically strange, or necessarily powers strange.. Though hell, it might be." She shrugged and then there was Scott himself stepping out of the shadows of a bookcase.

"I was gonna ask you, when did you want to follow up on that smoke house lead, and should I dye my hair for some more undercover parts? If these guys are half way aware of mutant affairs there's a chance my green hair will give it away."

Cypher has posed:
Doug begins pulling out maps, and then snapping photos of them with a tablet. Chk! Chk!

"I'm curious to hear how that went." He says. He continues pulling out maps, and taking photos.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel flips the encyclopedia closed, carefully reshelving it before heading over to the others. "Could wear a wig," she suggests to Lorna, smile flickering. "Might be a little less permanent that way. You dying your hair won't make some sort of...Genoshan political statement?" Yep, definitely a social studies day for Rachel.

She offers a hand to Teresa in the meantime, dipping her chin in a brusque, polite nod. Or at least what passes for polite. "Rachel," she introduces herself. "Nice to meet you. What was going on in Mutant Town?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Yeah, my secret is out now, I need a new spot," Scott says and waves to everyone.

"We achieved the objective tonight," he says with a shrug. "Why some asian gangsters wanted to kill Jovich is a mystery though."

Scott snaps his fingers to Lorna's question. "I've got more on that," he says. "And the green is. Nice?"

Cypher has posed:
    Doug finishes taking photos, and then works on his tablet, rapidly combining them into a single overlay. "The answer to that is simple, Scott --" He begins charting points and lines on the overlay, "...They were doing it on somebody else's behalf. It seems so OBVIOUS to me, you know. It's not that crime has stopped in Mutant Town, it's that it's *changed*."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy gives a little shake of her head in response to Kitty as she leans over to accept Rachel's hand in a firm shake. "Theresa Cassidy. Pleasure." The stiffly polite response is softened by a genuine smile she offers to the other redhead. It wasn't always easy meeting new people. Besides that, the talk of missions and dying hair has drawn her attention fully to the others as her curiosity is piqued.

"Mutant town shennanigans and I wasn't involved? Shame. Everyone come out all right?" A quick look to those likely involved made it obvious the answer was probably yes. Her lips purse together in a thin line and she reaches into her pocket to pull out her phone. "I need to make a few calls I think. Excuse me."

Theresa stands with a quick bump of her hip to her chair to send it sliding back toward the desk. Moving further away from the group she starts to focus on her phone sending off a few texts, and looking up old phone numbers she hoped still worked.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Lorna, "And I'll absolutely help you dye it if you're going to." She smiles over to Lorna and then looks back towards the others. "Doug has a point," she comments thoughtfully. "Which he often does." She flashes the man an approving look after he shared those thoughts.

Kitty picks up her bowl of cereal and begins eating it, before the Fruity Pebbles can become totally soggy. The light crunch is the best part. "Two different things. Mutant Town I hadn't heard about. The other was this crew in Metropolis trying to attack a mutant rights leader. Guy whose kid is a mutant," she says to fill in more pieces for people.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced over her shoulder at Rachel and she flashed the red head a grin. "If hair dye actually stuck in my hair? Sure it would be a political issue. However, anything, no matter what I do to cover it up... washes out in shampoo. Asked my father once, his theory has something to do with the proteins in my hair and my inherent magnetic fields interrupting how the dye bonds with the hair follicle or something." She shrugged once, and glanced back to Theresa as the woman got up and exited. She offered a wave, her focus returning to first Scott, then to Doug and back.

"Well obviously it's 'changed', hence the whole point of investigating. There's a group calling themselves 'The Family' and they're running some kind of a protection racket. Claiming to chase off Friends of Humanity and that stuff. I figure, it would be easier if I didn't stroll in with bright green hair that people know and kinda recognize. Unless you want them to know who they're dealing with, Scott?" She flashed Kitty a grin and a nod. Though she sobered quickly at the other news Kitty delivered.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Huh." Rachel tilts her head a moment as Lorna explains, then nods. "I guess that makes sense. Still. I feel like a wig would just be easier if you're going to have to do it often." She perches on the edge of a table nearby, looking between the others as the mission talk comes up.

"The Family sounds like a classic protection racket," she chimes in with a nod in Doug's direction. "Could be anyone, really, just taking advantage of people being scared. I mean, the lack of originality in the awfulness doesn't make it less awful, but. Someone's got to know who they're giving the money to, right?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Not usually our thing," Scott says and nods in agreement with Rachel's assessment.

"I followed up on your intel, Lorna. Rey at the smoke shop said he'd get The Family in touch with me. I spun a story about a missing mutant from the Nachesko Building attack. He says The Family is all about protecting mutants," Scott says with a shrug. "Thankfully we have Doug to make sense of it all. It all being obvious to you is part of why you are an important and valued member of our team," he says to Doug. He is not being remotely patronizing or sarcastic. He means every word. And actually says things like that.

Cypher has posed:
Doug strokes his chin. "Protecting... recruiting. They have a vested interest in recruiting mutants for whatever their purpose might be. And THAT makes it the business of the X-Men. I would suggest putting together a team to investigate more closely." Doug says. "Betsy. Logan. Rahne."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty continues eating her cereal while she listens. "I agree on the wig. Long as there isn't a chance of it coming off or something, but probably that isn't too likely without you being in a situation you'd reveal yourself anyway with your powers?" She shrugs. "But I'll help you dye it if you like," she confirms again.

Kitty frowns for a moment, looking thoughtful, but then shakes off whatever her thought is. Just makes a mental note to ask a friend a follow up question later. "I do think we kind of need to vet that groups like that aren't there to exploit mutants. I mean, look at the history of Genosha before the government was overthrown. And it doesn't have to get THAT bad to still be exploiting our people," she suggests.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly at the comments regarding her hair, "I've done wigs and tucking it up under hats for a quick mission. But again, who knows how long or what or anything regarding this mission? I tend to veer on caution and using hair dye isn't as permanent to me, so I find it just as handy." She hmmm'ed under her breath. "There are plenty of other magnkinetics in the world besides my father or me. I just happen to have bright green hair and my face plastered over the internet.." She muttered, and grimaced as she glanced back to Scott as he said he had already gone in to investigate.

"Oh, well, then it's a moot point doing anything undercover on my end then." She crossed her arms, bumping her hip against the desk as she shifted positions. She twisted and plucked up the bag of chips to munch away on them instead.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Not necessarily a waste of time," Rachel muses to Lorna. "Maybe just a different angle. If you can't hide who you are, turn into it. Alternatively, image inducer," she adds, shrugging one shoulder.

"The problem, though, isn't the Family. It's that people are scared enough and weak enough to give in and pay for protection. If we take out the Family without fixing //that// problem, we're just going to leave it open for someone else to come in." She's always so cheerful and optimistic.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott nods. "Fine," he says, relenting to the interest of the others.

"I just made initial contact. We need someone to work into The Family. Let them reveal themselves on a meet, then you know who to focus on," he says to Lorna. "Rachel would be a big help gathering intel and establishing your cover in the initial target's mind. Then yes, we will need probably need a team to go in after them. Or do a bigger undercover operation. Anything anyone can dig up from their sources would help. I need a volunteer to take lead on this."

Cypher has posed:
    "I'm still working on the Sentinels." Doug says. "Right now I'm also trying to extrapolate a map of the Morlock tunnels using data from the city layout over the past two hundred years, including municipal maps of the sewers and service tunnels." He looks up, and says, "...It would be useful to have a map in the event that something else happens."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged, and glanced to Scott again. "If you want me either way, just say the word. I can either play it up who I am, hope they have some Brotherhood or Genoshan sympathies, or I can downplay it all and go in with Rachel as a heavy hitter. You know I can get intel, However, I do have responsibilities to Genosha too. So perhaps, a long term undercover mission isn't the ideal thing for me.." She shrugged, and glanced to the redhead and then to Doug.

"Those are all pretty important.." She exhaled a breath considering what Rachel had to say, and a wiry smile pulled at her lips.

"Yeah easier said than done. You're not wrong, but that's a rather big and ongoing problem tied into way more issues than I think we can handle as a team."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Rachel as her friend makes some very good points. "I think that's very true," Kitty says. "It's tough too. We can't be everywhere and everything to people. But we should view this as a sign that we need to try to do more. At least in helping them become more self-sufficient so they don't see the allure of something like that," she says. Kitty tells Scott and Lorna, 'Sounds like you're doing an excellent job."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel points to Kitty. "I'm all for whatever it takes to stop them from messing with people," she agrees. "But I think we could probably get some decent mileage from things like a neighborhood watch. It know it sounds corny, but the truth is it worked for the resistance," she says, looking between the others. "Teach people how to keep contact with their neighbors, how to work as a group. A bunch of goons walking into a shop is scary when you're the only person there. Not as much when you've got a dozen of your neighbors around you."

Granted, one person just coughs up the money, while two groups of angry people get into fight, but hey, that's just a good time, right?

"Anyhow. Could be something to work with the locals on, for the long-term. If we're undercover with this family group, then we'll be learning about the neighborhood and its players anyhow."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott nods slowly. "I see what you're saying. Build them up exactly because we can't be everywhere. Capacity building," Scott muses.

"Fine. I'll lead the investigation, Lorna you'll be point on the undercover. You decide who, where and how long. Whatever you need to make it work. We'll see where this goes."

"And capacity building plans are in your hands," Scott says to Rachel. "Run with it. Let no good idea go unpunished."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a face as Scott put her on point but hid most of it behind the bag of chips as she shoved a handful of potato chips into her mouth to swallow back the not so smart response that bubbled up at the tip of her tongue. She coughed, glancing side long at Rachel and Kitty, before she shifted to grab the books she'd set aside. "Right.. I have zero training in this you know." She offered instead and shrugged once as she made to leave the library behind.

"Can't say you weren't warned if everything gets blown up..."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug is quiet, and then says, "Just be careful. If someone thinks the X-Men are trying to mobilize a mutant army, it could cause a backlash." He is silent, for a long time. "My map is compiling." Doug says, "Then I have to double-check it, refine it..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty calls after Lorna, "Hey, who knows, maybe someone will ask you out this time too." The way Kitty's lips are quirking, there's obviously some sort of inside joke there which others might or might not know of. She nods towards Scott. "Good choices I think," she tells him. "I'm interested to see what you can do with folks, Rachel. Count me in when you need help," she tells the redhead.

Kitty finishes off her cereal, and looks at the bowl full of milk. Yes she wants to just tip it back and drink it down. Oh screw it. Half of these people have seen her uniform with the roller skates and the groovy mask. She drinks the remaining milk and then sets the bowl back down.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Good thing I'm not much of one for uniforms," Rachel winks over at Doug, though Scott gets a more serious nod. "I'll start feeling around. The more people are prepated..."

She doesn't have to finish that sentence. And her mind races ahead as well, having an argument with herself over the peaceful philosophy of Martin Luther King versus the militant choices of Malcolm X. It's not hard to guess what side she tends toward.

"Yeah. No armies, though." A beat. "Organized armies are crap for urban warfare anyhow." Halo.

Cyclops has posed:
"We're going to talk more," Scott says with a point at Rachel and a ghost of a grin. He nods his thanks to Kitty and moves over to Doug.

"We need to sit down soon," he says. "I feel like our strategic focus is getting hazy and we are reacting all the time. We need to start shaping the battlespace."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug looks up, and then says, "I'd suggest bringing Sam in on that. And Roberto, if you can catch him. He's a better tactician than I am." He glances back down. He seems a little distant tonight, lost in the work, less than his normally quirky self.
    "The Sentinels are the clear and present danger. That situation needs to be resolved."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde rises from her chair. "Neighborhood watch, Rachel. Not paramilitary force," she reminds with a soft grin. She pats the woman's shoulder as she walks past. "Going to get another bowl. It turns out flying drones on overwatch and watching Scott blast cars makes a girl hungry. Glad you were able to help that guy and his family, Scott," she says before heading out.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Yeah, totally," Rachel smirks up at Kitty, standing up as well. "I would never train the entire mutant populace to defend themselves." Yeah, it's probably best if she's not left entirely unsupervised.

"Time for me to take a break and get some sunshine before it's all gone. We'll talk," she nods to Scott.

Cyclops has posed:
"I'll set a meeting for all of us," Scott assures Doug.

"Don't thank me, it was the team that did it," Scott replies to Kitty. He waves to Rachel and checks the time.

"I need to sleep. I'm leading training in seven hours," Scott says to Doug. He makes his way out as well.