9947/Knightfall: Not a Magic Trick

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Knightfall: Not a Magic Trick
Date of Scene: 06 November 2019
Location: Monitor Room, Watchtower
Synopsis: Batman (Dick) seeks out Zatanna to help with several problems.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Zatanna Zatara

Nightwing has posed:
The monitor room is in use: not just for monitoring duty, though, but more deeply in use for research. A few days ago, Batman was present again in the Hall of Justice, meeting with members of the JLA, including Wonder Woman in somewhat public manner. Hope has returned, with the showing of the Bat being clearly engaged and in full health. The heroes continue to protect, as they always have, and stability is returning.

A request, through the JLA system, reaches Zatanna: Batman himself has requested to meet with her, in the monitor room. Should she answer the summons, she will find the Bat, in the shadowed side of the monitor room, working quickly and efficiently on the systems, moving files and shifting locations between different monitor areas. New York is a specific zone of focus on one panel, but he also has mulitples of Bludhaven and Gotham up.

Seated, Batman looks as he always has: yes, there's a new suit, with a different stealth-like pattern flowing through the upper torso that gives him a more lean look, but the cowl, the cape, everything is none other than the Bat.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna had been surprised at the summons. Batman was supposedly killed. Even if he had been only hurt, he had to be in serious condition for a wide range of reasons. Not the least of which was Robin claiming that his father, Batman, was killed by Superman. At the Superman memorial ceremony no less.

Thus, Batman calling? She had to answer that. Desperately needed to do so.

The sound of the teleporter activating would be heard then the click of heels as she walked from that area toward the monitor room. She was not on duty today but she was coming from a Justice League task, thus she was in uniform. Perhaps that was too fancy a word. The costume she generally used when working. Her upper body was covered a tuxedo top. White shirt, bowtie and corset with a black tailed tuxedo jacket, red lining. A top hat to boot, resting at an angle upon her raven locks. Her lower body? A bit more scandalous. The lower portion of a high-cut leotard visible over a pair of fishnet stockings with stilleto style black pumps on her feet.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I heard a rumor you were dead. Maybe you should tell Robin otherwise?"

Nightwing has posed:
"I'll take your suggestion under advisement," Batman says, entirely serious, his voice deep and emotionless, the usual gravel of his voice modulation creating the familiar tone of doom and gloom. Batman functions off of being a cold wall: fear is a major weapon in his arsenal when it comes to criminals.

"Zatanna Zatara. I appreciate you making time," Batman continues, now turning halfway in his chair at the console. He doesn't close what he was doing: he means to ask her about it, as normally he would be more secretive. His posture is straight and unyielding, cloak dropping forward as he turns, which masks more of his body.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Thus far, everything is pointing to this being the man she knows behind the cowl. Voice, mannerisms. Even the computer. She's been consulted before and he has left things on the screen. When it wasn't for her to see? He'd have shut them down in a heartbeat before she could get a glimpse as she entered the room.

She moves to the second chair that is available in the monitor room. Sometimes, during shift changes on Watch, the members might sit and socialize for a bit. Not Batman though. He always had to rush back to his precious Gotham.

"So the rumors of your demise are greatly exaggerated? The stories you are feeding the press about Bruce are doing their job." Her tone is light and teasing but then she reaches out a hand, trying to touch his arm. "You okay? I figured you were seriously injured after...that."

Nightwing has posed:
Two big tells happen immediately, as Zatanna does that: indications that something is up with Batman: either in attitude, or physical reaction time, because he doesn't evade the touch on his arm in the first place, and then also doesn't throw her off. He didn't tense up, either, as if she were a spider or unwelcome.

There is, though, a pause, as Batman either makes her wait for his response - anticipation is a powerful tool in social arsenal as well - or decides something. In this case, he's deciding. He rises now, arms moving to cross over his chest. It's still a very Batman movement. In that way, the hand is no longer on him. He paces towards the other side of the monitor room. Why? To look at those. Or to get distance emotionally. Mostly the second thing. Being Batman, never showing anything, never relenting, even to fool friends? It's a lot. The man under the cowl is starting to get crushed under the requirements.

Besides, there's a limit. He will be Batman, but being Bruce? No. Dick found the line, and that's where it is. "While I am currently Batman, and will carry what's necessary," Batman says, tone low. "I am not Bruce." He turns away from her partially, muscular arms tensed. Musuclar yes, but Dick doesn't have the same build as Bruce did. Dick has the build of an acrobat, his muscle patterned in a different way than the stockier, bulkier, taller Bruce.

There is another pause, before he continues, head turned away from her, lifting a shoulder a little to allow cape to fall back around him more completely. The body language is hiding, for what he adds: "Bruce is mending. He had a brush with death, but he is alive." There voice modulator doesn't hide the heart-wrenching worry, fear of loss.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The clue was the lack of tension. He doesn't always evade her touch or remove his arm from her doing so. He trained with her father, after all. She's known Bruce a long time in one form or another. But the tension is always there. She's not sure she has ever seen him truly relax when in the cowl. As Bruce? Certainly for the role he plays for the public eye. It is the different between the two parts of the man.

Rising to his feet to move away? Very Batman. But something catches her eye as he walks across the way just before his cape falls into place. A very different build indeed. "Wow! Okay, that's new," she mutters half to herself. "Nightwing?"

The confession has her putting the pieces together. What she just saw, that Bruce should be seriously injured, the new suit. Now that she is looking, she can pick up those subtle differences. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't have even caught it.

"Sorry. That was inappropriate but your..." She waves a hand in the air then drops the subject, changing it quickly to something else due to the pain in his voice. "I am both sorry and happy to hear that. It's good to know he is alive and it isn't just rumors being sent to the media. It is sad because I am sorry to learn my friend is in that shape. Hopefully I might be permitted to visit him?" She reaches up to take off the top hat, placing it on the console nearby as she crosses her legs. "If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask. Ever."

Nightwing has posed:
A startled, curious little look is shot sideways towards Zatanna as she correctly identifies him. And a knot of tension collects in his chest. Relaxation is gone, very quickly. "I am continually identified as a fake," Batman vents, frustration easing into the tone just a little bit, though he's really doing well at maintaining Bat-monotone. Very well, considering who it is. Which, considering the perfectionist in the role, hit him as frustrating. He's trying, and continually getting called out.

Dick does adjust something, and the voice modulation drops away entirely. Definitely Nightwing's voice, now. No point in keeping that going. "You knew before I said it. What was it?" Dick asks. "I've already had one Gotham criminal figure it out on sight."

One hand lifts, as Dick rubs his jaw slightly with two fingers; the 'character' drops, as the man reverts towards his more natural personal behavior. Meaning, emotions show. Empathy. Distress, lightly. "Yes, he is taking visitors. I'll ask him, if you like. I know Diana has visited a few times, she's helping with his rehabilitation needs," Dick explains. "I do have a request, yes. We have demons in Gotham."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm sorry. You actually were doing perfect. No idea how the criminal figured it out. Just..." Zatanna reaches up to make sure her hair is perfect. Wouldn't do to have hat hair. Even if the conversation is serious, she is one to be certain her appearance is just so. "Two things. When someone touches your arm, tense up. Even if you choose not to pull away, should it be someone you know well. Or he would know well. But still go tense when wearing the costume."

She knows this is probably going to go over poorly yet he did ask and she did offer to help. "And don't let anyone see you from behind without the cape falling into place. Grab it by the edges and hold it down to keep it from fluttering enough to show your...physique." She knows that isn't going to be adequate to explain. He's in a Batsuit. It shows physique. She sighs and gives him a sheepish smile. "You have a backside that women, and likely some men, write poetry about. Don't let anyone see it unless you put some sort of padding in there so it isn't yours." Yes, she has admitted she can tell the difference between Nightwing and Batman's ass.

She does consider his information though. "Demons? In Gotham? I'm assuming you mean the smoke and brimstone or alternate dimension types as opposed to your usual clientele there?"

Nightwing has posed:
There is no shred of ego in 'Batman' at the moment as he takes in her critique. He asked for it, this critique, and he's going to make the most of it. He draws his arms back in, with an accepting nod about staying tense. He follows that immediately, makes a mental note. Batman doesn't relax while in the suit, not even around friends. He should have thought of it, but he can't remember the last time he touched Bruce's arm. That cuts in a different way, but he hides it. Having the Batman cowl on helps a lot with hiding, he's learned.

The next explanation wasn't unexpected at first. "I know my body type is different, and I'm shorter---" Nightwing begins to agree, but then her explanation goes into an area he didn't expect, and he stares at her, mouth open just a little bit as he trails off.

The reaction moves into a deep laugh, though, and he lifts one hand to press it over his eyes, still laughing. The laugh started natural, a sorely needed release from the level of clenched pain and worry he's been operating under. It lasts just a little too long, a betray of the emotional state of Nightwing being a little brittle. "Thanks. I needed that," says the hero honestly, kindly, moving back over to the consoles close to her. "I do mean smoke and brimstone. I know Red Hood has been involving your cousin, Zachary, but from the reports, it looks like we may have a nasty head demon on our hands. I'm hoping to enlist you both, before this explodes outwards into other areas outside of Gotham."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
As he laughs, Zatanna can't help smiling then laughing along as it goes a bit longer. Until it goes a little too long then she is considering him more critically but keeping that smile on her face. She is a performer. She can expertly hide how she is feeling behind that smile so that a crowd would never know if she was upset.

"You're welcome. But I am serious. Just modify the suit a bit," she adds with a wink.

As things move to the situation, she frowns a little. Zachary hadn't told her he was helping out with a situation. Not that he answered to her. He had his own mind and pursuits. Not as though she gave him updates on things she worked on so fair is fair. Just because they lived in the same house, didn't change the fact they spoke little.

"I'd be glad to come by and see what I might be able to track or sense. I'm working on a few things for Red Robin as it stands." She doesn't explain what. It would be bad to mention the S word in front of any of the Bat Crew, in all honesty. A tad insensitive. Thus, she didn't mention the man who had put them all in this predicament.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing, though, is sharp. He hears that she's working on something with Tim, but doesn't press on it for the moment. He just tilted his head and nodded slowly. If things come back around to that, he'll follow up.

"Come by for a visit, and a demon-tracking," Dick suggests, with a quick flash of a smile that's very much his own. Natural, easy smiles, often with a sideways slant. It probably feels awkward paired with the very serious bat cowl. He isn't an actor, not like Zatanna, of course: though 'Batman' is always a controlled version of whoever wears it, really, more than it is a single man.

"I'm not going to pad my suit," he adds. "But I'll use the cape better. I should be temporary, as it is." There's worry there, but he's covering it with hope. Dick is strong with hope.

"Separately, we're worried Bruce may have been tainted by the demons in some way. A subtle check there would make a lot of us feel better."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The dichotomy of the two is a bit disconcerting, to be honest. She's used to the cowl, the Batman. The careful control and the harshness. She even knows the man behind the mask and sometimes, she might get a half smile.

But full out laughter followed by that smile that borders sometimes on a smirk? That is definitely a Nightwing trait and one that doesn't fit the cowl. It suits better with the mask he generally wears.

"Sounds like a Tuesday. Visits and demon tracking always seem to fall on Tuesdays," Zatanna teases, though it isn't true. It just sounds funny to her at least.

"I'll be glad to come over as soon as possible. Can you give me more information about why you suspect demons? And how they might have gotten to Bruce? We've already had to deal with one tainted hero and this is how it turned out." She nodded toward his costumed self though she obviously means the entire situation that led up to this.

Nightwing has posed:
"Red Hood and Oracle are leading this; I was not in Gotham when it began," Nightwing answers, sobering quickly back to business. He returns to his chair. He leaves the voice modulator off, though; leaving it on felt like he needed to speak in the proper way. He's getting a little bit of a break from being Batman here: whether or not it's weird is separate.

"It started the night that Batman and Superman fought. Corpses in a morgue animated, and walked out. From there we have had them killing others, infecting them with this. Demon possession has come up; I haven't met one personally, but we have videos and other evidence of this. They appear to be spreading. Red Hood involved Zachary, and I'm waiting for additional reports from them about what they'd like to do, though I know plans are coming together to go after the leader, which has some connection to Bruce."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
As he explains, Zatanna remains silent and takes in every bit of information. Her mind is immediately going through dozens of possible demon types that liked to use the bodies of humans for their amusement. Too many options. More information would be needed which would require a more hands on approach.

"So it is more a concern for Bruce than an actual evidence of exposure. That's good at least. Although the leader of demons having a connection to him? Yes, I think I will need to make an immediate trip to Gotham. I will reach out to Zachary, see what he has been able to learn so far. Then after that, my visit to check on Bruce. Do a minor spell to see if there is any taint on him." She's ticking off what she needs to do on each perfectly manicured finger as she talks. "Then try to examine the locations where the bodies were when animated. Unless Zachary has already done that..."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick listens to her going through the items, and nods. "There has been a lot of news around these possessions, but the media has gone quiet. So have the police. I think the infection is further than we might have guessed," he says, slowly. "As for Bruce's connection to it: we can't ignore the timing. To the very minute that he.... Nearly left us permanently, these demons began. It was as if they sensed it? I don't have all of the information, I admit," Dick says, with a softened sigh.

"Talking to Zachary would be the best first move, I think, so that time isn't wasted on covering the same areas. We did learn that they are allergic to holy items such as holy water; I have some devices I am working on to make the most of that. I do not want anyone harmed that is not a demon, and separating the bystanders from the possessed may be a difficult task."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"At the very minute?" Zatanna's warning bells are going off and she suddently has another tick to count off on her fingers. "I need to go visit someone that will know if there was an opening, however brief, between Hell and Earth as well."

She gives a nod though, lowering her hands back to rest on her fishnet covered thigh. "Yes, Zachary is first. Then a visit to the Lux. Then the trip to talk to Bruce, visit with him, cast a spell or three when he isn't looking." He isn't a huge fan of magic usually. She also suspects he is a horrible patient. It should make for a bad combination thus her need to be surreptitious.

"It shouldn't take me too long for my information gathering. Please check and see when it would be good for me to visit? Sooner the better. As we have learned."

Nightwing has posed:
"The very minute," Dick agrees, not masking his dismay at all. He knows what it looks like. "It's connected, we can't avoid it." He nods once, and gestures to the monitors. "I've set up surveillance here on the known areas: if you want to go to them and use tracking magic, or whatever you have, that resource is here," he says.

"I'll be around as well, of course. Both in Gotham, and also here, to support the Justice League, if anything needs Batman," Dick continues. On that note, he makes an adjustment, and switches his voice modifier back on. He seems to be working on getting 'back into character'. He gives her a cool, quiet nod, as if to bookend the conversation as a whole.