11197/Rebirth of Superman: Comparing Notes

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Rebirth of Superman: Comparing Notes
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Daily Planet, Central Business Dist.
Synopsis: Lois and Supergirl compare notes. Superman is alive! Now they just have to find him! Supergirl heads off for recon and Lois is off to find allies to help in the rescue.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Lois Lane
Tinyplot: Rebirth of Superman

Supergirl has posed:
There were moments where time was of the essence. This was one of those for Supergirl, or she would've never bothered Lois at the Daily Planet. After all, the woman was working. And she'd already had to deal with the loss of Superman so coming with this particular news might be even more difficult.

Supergirl came to a landing on the rooftop, with iconic globe above her position. "Lois?"

Lois Lane has posed:
To be honest, Lois had been working largely on trying to locate and rescue Superman..And while it wasn't officially 'work' business..Who knows? After all this blows over - and she has every confidence that it will - maybe she'll write the story of the Century.

At any rate, she had used her connections to send out feelers, a distress call really, to a number of contacts who might be able to help her - Supergirl was of course at the top of her list, being Superman's cousin and all.

So when Supergirl does arrive, Lois breaks out into a slight smile, keeping all business like as she moves to meet the younger woman. If she is still mourning over Superman, she hides it well in her brusque, businesslike way, although it's there still, in her eyes; An emptiness, tiredness. No matter how hard she tries to cover it up, to keep moving.

"Supergirl! I'm so glad you got my message! I really need to talk to you about Superman..I think I may have a lead. No matter what they say, I know he's alive, I can FEEL it.." her hands clench in determination and she carries a little manila folder under one arm. She's all business today.

Supergirl has posed:
"Lois! I really need to talk to you about Super..." Her voice fades as Lois is saying the exact same words at the exact same time. Supergirl's eyes go wide for a moment and she shakes her head.

"Wait. What? You think so too?" Maybe not what Lois was expecing from this meeting but here they are having the same thought at the same time. Only, was it cued for the same reasons?

"I was going to say the same to you. What....what is your lead?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods, her expression softening a bit as she regards the young woman before her. In some ways she resembles her 'younger' cousin, like the warmth she possesses, and her tenacity, for which she is grateful.

"Well..It's quite the story, a little hard to believe but I..I MET him, in spirit but..Why dont you join me and I will tell you all about it." she waves a hand towards a nearby patio table where her laptop stands, along with a scattering of notes.

"I'm really glad you could make it.." she smiles faintly.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl follows, boots clicking softly on the rooftop as she walks to take a spot at the picnic table, automatically smoothing her skirt down before sitting. "By Rao, you met him?! Talked to him? So I'm not crazy and he's still alive! It's all starting to come together and I think..."

She is starting to wind up and realizes she's being impolite. Lois is a highly intelligent woman and the information she has likely will help with the next step in all this.

"What did he say? What happened? What did you find out?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane sighs and nods, sipping on the hot coffee placed well away from her laptop. Clearly she's been pulling a lot of long-nighters on this.

"Yes, at least..His spirit is out there somewhere.." she draws a deep breath. Where to start.."Okay. Do you know Thor, of the Avengers? He came to see me, said that there was a spirit stuck between this world and the next. He..Well, he took me over the literal 'rainbow bridge' to a kind of limbo realm. He said that this spirit would be most easily able to contact one which it was most close to in life." Which of course would be Lois.

She takes another long sip of her coffee. "It was..A very strange sensation, being in this weird place where there is not up or down, no gravity. Well anyway..I could feel him, see him even, a warm ball of reddish energy I suppose. But more than that, I heard him, Supergirl. I know it sounds crazy, but I could HEAR him in my mind and in my heart. It was as if..Like I was having a very REAL dream. And he was lost, so very lost..And trapped somewhere. Thor told me he couldn't move on, because he hadn't quite passed here on earth.."

Supergirl has posed:
"Which fits with a theory I have," Supergirl said, picking up when Lois finishes her explanation. "The idea that he isn't dead but he is close. If we don't act soon. After some conversation with others and an experience of my own with a simulation of him in the Fortress, I came to the conclusion he might be in a Kryptonian coma. A state close to death which might make others think he actually is dead if they don't know what to look for."

She looked around at the laptop and papers then back to Lois. "I went to his crypt. To look into things. The cape inside doesn't even have his DNA on it. It's a really close copy. Would fool most people. But not someone with my eyesight. Then I looked closer. There were tunnels under the crypt. Weird enough, they'd been seen before and investigated by some other heroes. But I found working cameras had been placed there. Why would someone want to monitor a crypt of someone who is dead? it seemed odd. So I got the serial number off the camera. Went to SHIELD. They helped me track who the cameras belong to. It's a government group called ARGUS. And I know where there feed from those cameras is being sent and can follow it."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Kryptonian coma, huh. That would make sense. I mean..There were other images in my mind's eye too. He was somewhere cold and dark. Deep down underground." she shivers at the memory. "It felt like he was being held captive by someone or something, like in a prison, too far from the sunlight to penetrate.."

She arches a brow at Supergirl mentions the name ARGUS. "Yes, yes! I did my research and that matches up with the Chevron and Arrows insignia he showed me."

Lois frowns, typing something on the computer, showing it to Supergirl. "ARGUS. From what little I was able to glean from it, it seems to be some sort of..Super secret government group." she nods, looks like they'er on the same track.

"Far as I can tell, they're somehow starving his body of the solar energy he needs to heal. One good thing however, is that Thor sent one of his Valkyrie to take the spirit back to earth..With any luck he'll be able to reunite the spirit with the body." well that's one thing out of the way at least..

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes." Supergirl looks over the information on the laptop, scanning it quickly. "There is apparently a woman in charge named Amanda Waller. And there was some word about there being a kryptonite injection they might have ready to kill him for good if anyone comes to rescue him. I am thinking if I hit fast enough though, they would never have the chance to strike. Or maybe get Flash involved and see if he can since the kryptonite would weaken me if I get close enough."

She glances up at the other woman again. "I want to try to track the signal but I don't want to compromise him. If we can find him, get him out, I can get him to the sun so he can start to soak in the radiation more quickly. I think that would bring him back from the brink. At least I hope."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods slowly and frowns. "From what little information I got from them, I'm thinking they view him as some sort of..Threat?" Amanda Waller. Hmm, she's heard that name before too.

"Alright. But we're probably gonna need help. We need to contact the Avengers at least. Thor told me that they would be willing to help us. I mean, if they DO have a kryptonite injection, I'd hate for them to use it on you too, and if it's so far down that the sun doesn't shine..That'd be bad for you too, y'know?"

Wait, is Lois actually considering going in herself?

Supergirl has posed:
"I'll be at full power before doing in. We can be in the dark for a while. It's just a lack of getting sunlight to renew ourselves that is the problem here. Without it, his body remains in the comatose state instead of healing. I'll be in full fighting form before going in. Maybe go soak up a few solar waves directly before heading in."

She grabs a pen and writes down an address. "That is where the camera feed is transmitting to. I would bet money that if this Waller and Argus are involved, there will be lead lining the areas that are important. That will be some pretty clear proof they are guarding against Kryptonians."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods drawing a deep breath. "I see..He was badly wounded even before all of this. His body probably just needed to soak up the sun's rays to fully heal..But when they cut off that supply.." she sighs, trying not to think too much. She still remembers the death, the funeral..And everything in between.

When the address is written down, she peers at it thoughtfully, nodding and grabbing it to stuff in her purse. "Right. Thank you, Supergirl. I really appreciate your help. Now we just need a plan and allies. I will contact the Avengers and let you know how that went. We WILL free Superman, no matter what.."

Supergirl has posed:
"I am going to go scout. See if there is lead lining the place. It's why I wanted to see you," Supergirl admits. "I wanted to tell you what I've learned and where I was going. If I don't come back, I wanted someone to have the information. You can spill the beans on the place if it comes down to it, get the public involved in learning that Superman is alive but being kept captive and close to death. Something."

She rose to her feet. "If I don't call you in two hours, you'll know they got me too."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane blinks slowly a Supergirl rises to her feet. "Supergirl!" she draws a deep breath, "I don't need to tell you this but...Please be careful. And I will too. Good luck!"