34/Everyone Likes Hockey, Right

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Everyone Likes Hockey, Right
Date of Scene: 18 April 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Hockey brings out a variety of people.
Cast of Characters: Dazzler, Lara Croft, Lex Luthor

Dazzler has posed:
It's the final days before the beginning of playoff hockey in the National Hockey League. For the VIPs of the world, this means that the more important and the rich are getting first pick on limited box-seats for the Metropolis Mammoths, who have clinched a playoff spot for this season. Money is flowing everywhere, and right now, it's flowing towards the Mammoths in droves.

For the New York Islanders? Not so much. Nearly in last place in the league, they'd been eliminated from contention weeks ago, but they still have one more game left to play. Which...explains the presence of Alison "The Dazzler" Blaire in the VIP lounge.

Dressed in torn-up jeans and trendy boots, the pop-star is wearing a New York Islander's jersey, much to the snickering of a few of the rich and famous also partaking in the swanky, dimly lit lounge. Like a hub that connects to many of the private boxes, the only money being passed is in providing tips, with so many of the expensive drinks being put onto tabs.

Alison? She's a trooper, unafraid to be wearing the other team's jersey while she's nursing a cocktail, sitting alone, waiting for the game to begin.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara Croft is a 24 year old British woman. She doesn't know ANYTHING about ice hockey, except that its played on ice with sticks and she vaguely recalls some jokes about the sport releating to fighting and a lack of teeth, but she couldn't ever fully recite a single one of those jokes.

Why is she here then? She works for SHIELD, specifically in the Acquisitions department for the WAND division of the agency. And... some of her co-workers drug her to this event. She relented and accepted the invitation.

As of right now, she's standing amongst the crowds of people, wearing a blank-slim-fit turtle neck and some fine black slacks with black leather shoes. Her brown hair is untied and laying loose about her shoulders, its well kept though as she's tried to make herself look at least somewhat presentable...

Sipping from a glass of alcohol provided to her by one of her co-workers she watches the goings-on of all those gathered in this VIP area, she knew none of the celebrities that she'd had pointed out to her so far as pop-culture was the furthest thing from her strong suit...

Lex Luthor has posed:
The Metropolis Mammoths are going to win. For some odd reason, whenever a certain individual, a certain Man of Tomorrow, attends a game... the Mammoths are fueled to win. Maybe he's there lucky charm. Maybe there's something more. But the fact that Metropolis' Prodigal Son has just entered the room helps to make the case for a victory here tonight.

Lex Luthor Has Arrived.

Lex Luthor is dressed in one of his more casually expensive suits at this time. He always looks like he's coming from a business meeting or going to one. He's all smiles and handshakes as he enters the room, a simple Metropolis Mammoths pin on the lapel of his suit. It would seem as though he doesn't even need to order a drink or anything due to the fact that even within this VIP Section there's a section that's taped off for Lex Luthor.

Entering just behind Lex are two huge women, Hope to his left and Mercy to his right. They are dressed in their usual bodyguard attire, though, they each are sporting Metropolis Mammoth baseball caps. Go Team.

Dazzler has posed:
With her heels tapping to the swanky synth-beat over the loudspeakers, Alison sips from the tiny straws that keep one from simply over-gulping their cocktail. Out in public, as the celebrity she is, she's done her hair, her makeup and has a pair of circular earrings hanging from her ears that help hold her hair away from her face. An important detail that is, especially while drinking.

"Well well well, lookit who just walked in the room." Alison says aloud, shaking her drink lightly to upset the ice. The pop-starlet lifts a hand in a wave to Lex Luthor, and though she's never met the man before in her life, she does so with that assumption that all celebrities know each other. Schmoozy. "Man knows how to make an entrance," Alison smirks, muttering to herself, while turning and nearly bumping into Lara on her way back to the bar.

"OH!" Alison laughs brightly, checking her glass and pressing a hand over her heart. "Excuse me, I didn't get you, did I?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's brown eyes turned toward the doors when the wealthy businessman arrived with his toughgal entourage. She'd been told he was going to be here tonight by her co-workers, and it was the one 'celeb' that she did know of. Simply because he was as big of a deal in the world of business as a Tony Stark or Elon Musk. She didn't really know much eles about him though, and until right now she had no real idea what his face looked like.

Lara turned, after watching Lex for a moment, and almost ran into Alison but stopped as the other stopped... she overheard the woman's words and then summoned a soft smile and gave her a shake of her head. "Oh, no no... It is my fault, I am certain of it." The woman said in her thick British accent. "Forgive me. I was just... headed to get a better look at the game. Its my first hockey game." She would offer a larger smile to Alison then and try to angle her way out of the way...

Growing up in nearly isolation as she had, she was a bit socially awkward even still into her mid-twenties. It was something she'd gotten a lot better at, but sometimes running face to face with someone you're told is 'very important' makes you get a little flustered, at least it did for the young Croft.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's brown eyes turned toward the doors when the wealthy businessman arrived with his toughgal entourage. She'd been told he was going to be here tonight by her co-workers, and it was the one 'celeb' that she did know of. Simply because he was as big of a deal in the world of business as a Tony Stark or Elon Musk. She didn't really know much eles about him though, and until right now she had no real idea what his face looked like.

Lara turned, after watching Lex for a moment, and almost ran into Alison but stopped as the other stopped... she overheard the woman's words and then summoned a soft smile and gave her a shake of her head. "Oh, no no... It is my fault, I am certain of it." The woman said in her thick British accent. "Forgive me. I was just... headed to get a better look at the game. Its my first hockey game." She would offer a larger smile to Alison then and try to angle her way out of the way...

Growing up in nearly isolation as she had, she was a bit socially awkward even still into her mid-twenties. It was something she'd gotten a lot better at, but sometimes running face to face with someone you're told is 'very important' makes you get a little flustered, at least it did for the young Croft.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's brown eyes turned toward the doors when the wealthy businessman arrived with his toughgal entourage. She'd been told he was going to be here tonight by her co-workers, and it was the one 'celeb' that she did know of. Simply because he was as big of a deal in the world of business as a Tony Stark or Elon Musk. She didn't really know much eles about him though, and until right now she had no real idea what his face looked like.

Lara turned, after watching Lex for a moment, and almost ran into Alison but stopped as the other stopped... she overheard the woman's words and then summoned a soft smile and gave her a shake of her head. "Oh, no no... It is my fault, I am certain of it." The woman said in her thick British accent. "Forgive me. I was just... headed to get a better look at the game. Its my first hockey game." She would offer a larger smile to Alison then and try to angle her way out of the way...

Growing up in nearly isolation as she had, she was a bit socially awkward even still into her mid-twenties. It was something she'd gotten a lot better at, but sometimes running face to face with someone you're told is 'very important' makes you get a little flustered, at least it did for the young Croft.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex had to make the rounds here in the VIP Section. He spent a few moments speaking to some random investors and another couple of moments speaking to the owner of the Metropolis Mammoths. There's actually a handshake at the end of that conversation. Within the next few moments, though, Lex is headed in the direction of his personalized section when he notices the wave from The Dazzler. Immediately, he grins.

Lex doesn't waste any time in getting himself away from the stiffs and moves in the direction of Alison (with a side of Lara). His hands go into his pockets as he approaches both women, quite intent to make his presence known with the big smile that he's got on his face.

"If I had known Alison Blaire was going to be here, I would've brought my autograph book." Lex says this as he stops short of invading their personal space. "Even if she is an Islanders fan." Lex leaves the flirtatious words in the air and almost immediately turns his attention to Lara. "Hi, I'm Lex Luthor." He always says that as if it explains everything that anyone ever needs to know about him.

Dazzler has posed:
"Oh, well that's awfully polite of you, but I think it was my fault." Laughing, Alison taps the side of her head and rolls her eyes. "I sort of just turned without looking, but I'm glad I didn't get anything on you. You can't have your first hockey game ruined by some midori, right?" Alison flashes her whitened teeth and reaches to curl a lock of hair behind her own ear. She gives Lara a once over, then herself, and once she's secure that nothing's been spilled, she lifts her glass to her lips.

"Besides, I'm rooting for the other guys. I've got to be careful in enemy territory." Alison winks, then starts to turnnnnnn at the sound of her name.

"Lex Luthor, as I live and breathe." Alison grins broadly and turns to stand alongside Lara. She holds her drink carefully out to one side and extends an arm to the man, trying to air-kiss his cheek. "Oh, come on, you know you can get free tickets wherever I'm playing, even if you're a Mammoth's fan." Ali grins and slinks back, giving Lex room to introduce himself. "It's good to see you, truly."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes went out to the ice rink fairly far below. At least she'd anticipated her clothing properly, knowing full well that ice rinks work by pulling heat out of the air to cool the water far enough to freeze it, which means even if its warm outside its fairly chilled in this climate controlled building...

She shook her mind back into the here-and-now because she was standing next to TWO celebrities that were regarding her, 'Stop drifting, focus, dummy.' She told herself.

Lara would smile at Alison's words and would nod her head. "I am fine though, no harm done." And when Lex approached she was impressed by his confident stride and the way with which he introduced himself. Savvy businessmen often made the likes of Miss Croft a bit on-edge, but Lex had a charm about him to-be-sure.

"Mister Luthor, its a pleasure... truly." She'd say, offering her hand to him (the one not holding a glass of mostly untouched champagne). "I'm Lara.. Croft. I uhm... Am no one very important, I keep wondering if I somehow snuck in here or not. But then I remember that I was invited, Melinda May is my boss and I was gifted her ticket for this evening." She wasn't sure if either of them knew who that was, after having said her name.