13407/Another rooftop gathering

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Another rooftop gathering
Date of Scene: 31 May 2021
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Kara and Cassie share a few minutes to catch up on recent events. Plus Lemonade!
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Wonder Girl

Supergirl has posed:
It's another nice day on the rooftop, and Kara is enjoying some lemonade in a beach chair as she peers intently at the skies once more. There is no need for a telescope as she has the supervision thing down pat, which is kind of convenient as they're pretty awkward. She hadn't seen Cassie in a bit and so had texted her to come join her and catch up on things.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark couldn't find anyone in the tower so clearly they were out doing other things or saving the world. She'd just gotten back from visiting her mother's current dig site in Jordan, and heard the chirp of her phone. Seeing the invite, she did what only a rebellious almost heroic demi goddess and thief would - she grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and made her way to the roof. Because she could and many of the others can't. It was kinda fun to poke at the younger Titans.

She stepped out and looked around, seeing Kara. Walking over she offered a smile and wave. "Hey Kara. How're things?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles and waves to her once she sees her. "Oh, Yknow, it going..Wow, where do I begin? Come join me, want a glass of iced lemmonade?" she's already pouring her a glass, setting it on the table and patting the seat next to her. "Hmm, you know what? I think we need to crash the mall..Again, only..Less crashing."

She winces at memory of what happened last, "Actually, maybe we should go for a run, I hear there's a fundraiser walkathon going on in metropolis. Surely nothing can go wrong..You must have heard of how those two mutant kids crashed Lexmall recently..Like, literally?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark laughs and moves to sit. "Thanks." She sets her bottle of Mexican beer down and takest he lemonade. "I'm good with going to the mall. Or a walkathon? Hmm. can we fly?" she asks with a grin. Sipping the lemonade she nods her approval, "This is good. From scratch?" she wonders. "Hmm. Crashed Lexmall? No. I don't think I did hear about that. I've been out of the country visiting my mom's dig site for the last ten days. Why'd they do it?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles, "Well we can't cheat, I know it'd be easier if we cheated, but sometimes it's more challenging to hold it back, you know? Besides you won't get donations if you fly. People want to see hat metas are just like everyone else, rather than above them. Especially with the disaster at the mall, which left many with the message that metas are dangerous. It would be good for PR to show em otherwise."

She shrugs, "Hmm we're still trying to figure that out. We think some mysterious guy was influencing these two run away mutants, made them feel super paranoid at everyone and lash out."

Kara arches a curious brow. "Ooh, dig site, how did that go? Sounds fun."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark says, "Fine! Fine.. I'll walk. But, y'know. We CAN fly. So we are above them all..." she jokes and sips her drink again. "Lash out? That's not great, no." She idly tugs at a strand of hair, adding, "Yeah. Mom's found an ancillary chamber within Petra, the ancient city carved into the canyon wall they use in all the movies? Somehow no one had found it. But Ground Penetrating Radar showed a void. She was able to locate the internal entrance. So they're going very slow. Documenting everything. Making sure it's a stable chamber. It was pretty cool to get to be among the first to see at least the entry."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smirks and nods, "Right! But doesn't mean we can't have our own flying race later on! I've always been curious as to who would win!" she chuckles, taking another sip of tea, "Woow, that must be so much fun having a mom whose an archaeologist. That's what she is right? All those ancient artefacts, that's really cool, so much history." she sighs, "I'd love to study this planet's history more.."