14476/Faith, Hope, and...

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Faith, Hope, and...
Date of Scene: 15 July 2022
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Faith and Angel come to talk with Thomas. Faith and Thomas share barbs, beers, blows and then things get interesting.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Faith Lehane, Angel

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's late. The Club is in full swing downstairs and the bar is electric with dancing, drinking, and people having fun. Thomas... is not there. Not as the White Prince, not as the Man in White, not even as a guy looking after his investment. Instead he is on the building's roof. He stares out at the city, a bottle of amber colored liquid (hint, it's not sweet tea) in one hand as he stares at a white silk bow tie with a silver and diamond ring tied in the center. He'd been there for over an hour...

Which is why Crush made the calls. Just a few numbers that Thomas had told him to use in case of emergencies. So the voice on the other line had been deep and gravelly saying "The Boss in a bad way tonight. Could use his friends around him, yah know what I mean?"

Angel has posed:
A shadow, a whisper, the darkness moves in the background, and what walks out of it is a tall, dark, handsome gentlemen with a suit, long black cloak, and long flowing dark black hair. His eyes were smoldering as they scan the room, and his hands remain hidden at his sides...just in case.

Angel takes one step. Two steps into the Club as though waiting or looking for someone or both. It was strange. He never made a sound, almost like he was floating above the ground, although that was not the case A voice pulls his eyes towards Raith. His ears pick up the conversation. Angel feigns interest for now.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane has been out of town for a few months now, doing odd jobs here and there, mostly just drifting aimlessly about, trying to find some purpose in life. So when she finally decided to return to 'home base ' as it were, she only chooses to drop by the rarely visited Blue Lady out of sheer curiosity and maybe boredom too.

So she's here, stepping in with a casual smirk and yawn, waving casually to the giant bear of a man. "Yo, big guy, what's up? What's the big emergency?"

And then suddenly Angel is there and she nearly jumps, rolling her eyes at him, "Geez Angel, try saying something sometime? Like hello? so spooky."still it's good to see him again.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Big Guy is definitely one word for Crush. At 6'11" 485 lbs and 5% body fat the man is intimidating as hell.. and that is before he turns into a werebear. He also runs a shelter for stray kittens and cries during wedding scenes in movies. He sighs looking at the stairs. "It's the boss. He's been in a spiral for weeks since Buffy left him. I think he's about to hit rock bottom." The man says sighing. "Ain't seen hide nor hair of his brother or the cop lady in months. Figured some people who knew them both might be the best call."

Angel has posed:
"Faith." One word. Even though Angel was keeping his distance from the Slayer, there was a hint of a smile that appears on his face. "Welcome back." Two words this time. A pause as her words sink in. "Hello." Was that his version of a joke?

Angel sniffs, looks at Crush, and nods in respect. Not wanting a fight. Then, that word. "Buffy."

That certainly got Angel's attention. "A lot has happened. I haven't seen her as well." Angel then shrugs, "He misses her...is this going to get messy?" Was Angel there to keep the peace? That would be a first.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a surprised brow at Crush. "Woah Woah, wait a minute..Are you freakin' kidding me?! You called us over here to we could comfort your boss, just cuz he broke up with his girlfriend?" she rolls her eyes, folding her arms as she leans casually against the bar. "He's a big boy. He'll get over it. All he needs is to go out on a drinking bender, dance til he passes out, maybe find some new arm candy or two for the night to distract him."

Okaay, that might be fun to watch and she chuckles, "So where'd you say your big bad boss is? It's about time we beat some sense into him." she pushes off the bar, rubbing her hands together.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Crush walks the five steps to the bar and takes a pair of beers out. He pops the caps off with his thumbs with apparently no effort, offering one to each of them. "She got amnesia a few months ago. She forgot allot. Like more then two years of her life. Forgot about their entire time together and wanted to keep a respectful distance from the, and here he uses finger quotes, "'Sex Vampire.'" He shrugs. then looks at Faith and raises an eyebrow. "Do you know what kind of damage a member of the White Court could do if he 'Went on a bender?' Do the words Jonestown mean anything to you? One White Courtier gets bored with running his little cult and convinces them all to drink poison kool-aid."

Angel has posed:
Angel smiles as Faith goes on her mini-tirade. Nodding towards her Angel agrees, and adds, "What she said." Proud of himself for using today's "slang English" Angel leans against the closest wall. Shoulder in, crossing his arms, keeping an eye on everyone.

Angel looks at Crush for a second. Then, takes the beer. "Thank you." With a nod, Angel takes a small drink of the beer, and resists the "grimace" experssion he would normally have for the taste. It wasn't blood.

"I remember Jonestown. White Court huh?" That caught Angel's attention. Was he fondling a sharp object on his belt?

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane rolls her eyes, "Oh right, big freakin messed up sex vamp. And here I thought regular bloodsuckers were trouble." she smirks, "Sounds like he'd be trouble, and then I'd have to go slay him. And now with Buffy no longer there to protect him.." she blinks, holding out her hands, realizing that the rest of his staff are still there, including a big giant bear man.

"I mean, IF he loses control, so chill!" she laughs nervously, grabbing the beer! popping the lid, taking a looong sip. The dark slayer stares blankly between the two of them, "Really? That bad? Geeez..I thought he used to take like, little sips here and there. Can't he keep on doing that?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Crush nods. "It's a complicated story, but yeah the Court was responsible for that one. Few other famous mass suicides too." He sighs a bit, "Look Thomas is a decent man, but he's got a monster in his head. He ain't got near a full of contol on it as he has in the past. I ain't scared that he'll slip down the rabbit hole and start killing. I'm scared he's gonna kill one by accident and dive down the rabbit hole head first."

Angel has posed:
"A monster in his head...I can appreciate that." Angel frowns, and puts the half empty beer on the nearest table. "Look. I know me being here raises the stress level a lot. I'm going to go. Let your boss know I need to talk to him, Crush. Keep him in line. I'd hate to have to."

Angel turns to head out the door. "Nice seeing you Faith. Drop by and visit when you can, so we can catch up."

Angel then turns and heads out the door, without looking back.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane sighs, "Okay, that would be bad. But a drunken night of fun with a chaperone might work..I can stick around, beat some sense into him if he..Misbehaves." she smirks wickedly, slapping her hands together, nodding to Angel as he leaves, "Leaving so soon? Tch, fine, catch you later. Crush, take me to your leader." she makes air quotes, enjoying this clearly.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The werebear nods and gestures to the kitchen. They pass through it to the outside where the fire escape leads up to the roof. "He's up there." Crush offers, holding a bucket of ice with beers in them for the Slayer to take. "If you can get him straigh, I'll owe you."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane laughs at Crush, taking the bucket with a nod and smirk, "Sure leave it to me. And if he doesn't listen to reason, I'll just have to beat some sense into him, yeah?" she winks at him and waves him off before striding across the rooftop, a confident stride in her step as she approaches the white prince. "Yo, Thomas, how's it shaking? Care to join me for a beer?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is sitting there staring at that bowtie and ring. He didn't reacat to the sound of the fire escape, not normal for someone whose senses might not be on the level of a Slayers, but are in the same ballpark. "Faith." He says, clearly trying to sort through his thoughts, his eyes a bright electric blue. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here..."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane steps towards the edge of the rooftop, swinging her legs over the side to join him. She slaps the bucket onto the ground between the two or then, popping open another beer, handing a second to him. "What's up, surprised to see me? Your big bear buddy was worried about you, figured I could beat some sense into you. " she smirks, "So Seriously, get over it. Buffy isn't the only *special* girl out there you know? And your behaviour's just gonna destroy you and everyone around you if you don't learn to move on..." harsh words that are bound to get her slapped around for sure.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks at her, listens to what she says and takes a long pull of whiskey from the bottle he was already drinking from "Crush talks too fucking much." He says softly. It's not his normal quick wited almost razor sharp banter. Actually he always loved verbally sparring with Faith. It was almost as fun as physically sparring with... He sighs looking down at the tie and ring again before slipping them into his pocket.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane laughs, lowering the second beer on the ground, May as well leave it for later. "Maybe he does, but I guess the big lug cares about you. Me? I couldn't care less about anybody. Maybe that's why I've lasted so long." she smirks, "Maybe it's why I'll always be stronger than Buffy. And you. Because I don't let weak emotions get the better of me."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs and shakes his head, actually smiling a little bit at that. "You know, you might be on to something there." He says mirthlessly. "I mean we moved heaven and Earth so that we could be together. Overcame one of the biggest difficulties my kind can ever face... and for what?" He sighs, shaking his head, those eyes indicating Crush wasn't far off the mark. His hunger is right beneath the surface. When he was with Buffy it was kept virtually asleep all the time.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane frowns, climbing to her feet, "Seriously Tgomas? quit feeling sorry for yourself. Do you think you're the only person in the world wgo has loved and lost?" she takes another long swig of beer before tossing the can rather carelessly over the edge.

"I was born into a drunken broken abusive family. I learned early on that it does no one any good to cling to fantasies. Happiness is fleeting, you take what you can get and treasure it but don't put your life on gold for anyone or anything. That's the only way to survive in this cold cold world, y'hear me? So get off your butt and quit mourning over some girl wgo really wasn't worth it in the end!"

Faith grins, kneeling behind him, offering her hand, "You know what you need, we sgould hit the town, get dead drunk, go dancing, flirt with some cute people, live up the night. What do you say?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snarls slightly. "Oh? Did your mother abandon you in a house of literal sexual preditors when you were four years old? Has your father tried to covertly murder you on at least five seperate occasions? Did your sister, one of the few people you ever trusted, pit her power agienst yours and thrash you so completely when you came of age that the next weeks are a blur with only memories that both sicken and arouse you to this day? I'll pit my fucked up childhood agienst yours any day Slayer. I know how valuable something like love is. The way only someone who never knew what it was possibly could."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, and nods, "Wow, impressive! I guess I can't hold a candle to what you've been through, or what you're going through now. I mean, my mom never loved me, just closed herself away from everyone. My dad was a drunken loser, came home from work every night and beat me. Didn't have much in the way or friends or family, never loved or was love. I figure love is an illusion that just makes you weak."

She shrugs and if he doesn't take her hand, she will try to grab his, to tug him to his feet. "So come on, just let it all out, all that hate, all that pain.." she grins, shrugging out of her denim jacket, letting it fall to the floor, cracking her knuckles, "You think I dont get it but I do, and I know the best way to relieve the pain is to just let it all out, Yknow I've been dying to pit myself against a white court vamp, so let's have some fun, why don't we?" she grins and winks playfully at him, like this is all just a game to her.

Maybe it is..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith let's himself be pulled to his feet by her. His eyes shifting even further from electric blue to almost white. "This is a really, really bad idea Faith." He says even as he takes off his cuff links and tosses the diamond studs onto the same chair as his jacket. "One, fighting a White Courtier is nothing like fighting a vamp." He rolls up his sleaves, and a shiver takes through him, "Two, I'm already Hungry and I shouldn't be letting myself loose..." He cracks his neck slightly and throws a visious front kick aimed at her abdomin. "Three, I cheat."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane grins and licks her lips, a wicked gleam in her eye. "Ooh, I'm counting on it, haven't had a real challenge in a long time, and I could use a proper workout." she tosses her head as a wind licks up, getting into her eyes, making her appear even more like the unpredictable wild child that she is.

At his admission, she just laughs all the more, "Dude, do you really think I fight fair either? I'm definitely not your goody good B. I'm in a whole new ballgame from her..And I'm just dying to see what a real white court is capable of so cmon, hit me, if you've hit any guts left!"

She begins to circle him now, curling her finger at him, egging him on. And then he throws a well placed front kick, that nearly catches her off-guard, before she steps to the side, swinging her arm down to party the blow then ducks, trying to foot sweep him off the ground. "Hmm, you're fast!" she comments.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith lets his leg move with her block, so that by the time she is able to go for the sweep both of his feet are firmly planted. He bends slightly at the knees, lowering his center of gravity to take even more out of the sweep before pressing his attack again. And he is fast. Very fast actually, aiming a barage of punches at the Slayer that would likely hospitalize a normal person if they landed.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane narrows her eyes, meeting more resistance than expected. And she's good, but less experienced, les disciplined than Buffy. She curses again, stumbling back, bringing up her arms to try to block some of those punches although some manage to get through, nearly causing her to lose her footing.

"Well dang you're good, haven't had this much of a challenge since B!" she laughs as she darts to the side again, putting space between them and countering with a double side kick, trying to push him off balance or at least away from her.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The kick lands soundly. A normal person would have some cracked ribs. Thomas just smirks, taking on a slightly bouncing step so that his feet shuffle slightly as he apparently decides to get into this. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing." He offers, stepping in with a hare back fist then spining into an elbow strike...

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane laughs, "Damn straight you haven't! I ain't your B, I'm way badder! Cuz I dint pull punches, and I dint play fair." she grins, stepping back, blocking both attacks, then reaches out and attempts to grab his arm and twist him off balance. "Sorry not sorry if I dislocate your elbow, but I'm sure you can handle it. You're tougher than you look, pretty boy!" she jeers.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is rather graceful when he fights. Like a thunderstom, he was once described, beautiful as he is dangerious. So when she grabs and twists his arm, raather then struggle agienst it, like most would, he flows with it, lets her twist his arm but as a result press him close to her chest to chest... and then? He cheats. With a speed that at first might make her think he is thinking headbutt "he kisses her hard and deep on the mouth. He doesn't hold back on the feeding from the kiss either. She wanted to know what it was like to face a white Courtier..."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane's eyes widen as he yanks her in close, turning her attack against her. "The hell?!" and suddenly he's kissing her and she laughs, knowing this is all just a game, but will he get the same rush out of her as he got from the other slayer? At the least it'll help take the edge off, maybe distract him from doing more destructive things.

And Faith does so like to play, to indulge, even if kisses mean nothing more to her than another way of distraction, of self indulgence. And so she smirks, coiling against him, pressing a deep and hungry kiss against his lips, sliding her tongue down his mouth as her arms wrap around his waist, roaming up,and down his back...two can play this game, except she's got far less self-control than Buffy and enjoying this way too much to prepare her next attack..

Give her a moment..Or two..

Thomas Raith has posed:
"As Faith starts kissing back, he deepens the kiss whiles at the same time preforming what could best be described as a "Slow motion take down maneuver". His leg going behind her legs and over balencing her to put her on to her back and beneath him. His lips never leaving her's. His tongue dancing with her's. Sex. Violence. Maybe even a touch of revenge, trying to take the biggest rival of the woman who broke his heart.."