333/Questions & Answers

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Questions & Answers
Date of Scene: 09 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Lois Lane

Supergirl has posed:
Normally, in the late mornings, Kara would be sitting in Mr. Simonson's English Literature class, discussing the current reading assignment of 'Moby Dick'. However, today, Kara Danvers had a sick day excuse from her adopted mother, Eliza. There was an appointement that Supergirl needed to keep. Which explains the sight of the Girl of Steel flying towards the Daily Planet. Her cousin had arranged for an interview with his co-worker, Lois Lane. With another Kryptonian appearing so prominently in the news recently, Kara and Kal had decided that there might be questions that the world, and certain people, would have about another alien demi-god suddenly appearing on Earth after Superman claimed he was the last survivor of Krypton. And when you want a tough but fair interview, Lois Lane is the one to go to with the exclusive.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane.

Reporter for The Daily Planet.

She's an 'old hat' when it comes to stories, interviews and most importantly scoop. She's the one that likes to find the story first and report it first - let's face it, she just likes to be first at everything. It's just how she is.

Either way, when it came down from on high that Supergirl was looking to be interviewed, Lois was there. As such the dark haired reporter now finds herself atop The Daily Planet, specifically upon the rooftop. She's dressed in her typical outfit of choice - pant suit, white blouse, heels and her reporter credentials hanging from lanyard.

Near her are two chairs and a very small table, atop that table is a pad with pencil, and also a smart phone. Her phone will pull double duty as recorder and possibly camera, depending on how the interview goes. She could have asked for a staff photographer, sure, but Lois wanted to keep this initial meeting low-key.

Currently the reporter is standing near the raised edge of the rooftop, her stance casual, it's only her eyes that show an intensity as she she looks to the sky and horizon for a blur that she may, or may not see.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl flies up to the top of the Daily Planet building, hovering underneath that iconic globe. She's behind Lois; basically hoping to calm her nerves and be ready before announcing her presence, so that all Ms. Lane would see is another confident heroine wearing the 'S'. Inside, however, the Girl of Steel has the Stomach of Butterflies. "Miss Lane," Kara says after taking a deep breath and putting on a smile. "Thank you for agreeing to this interview." Kara lands on the roof and starts walking towards the set-up. "My cousin speaks very highly of you." And more than a bit fondly, but Kara doesn't want Kal's secrets coming out if Lois doesn't already know... "I'm more than happy to answer whatever questions you or your readers might have."

Lois Lane has posed:
There's the slightest of head twitches from Lois when her name is spoken behind her -

- She wasn't quite expecting that, though she should have, Superman has done that quite a few times to her. By the time Lois turns around her expression is the model of professionalism. No surprise here. Nope. Nada.

Walking over, Lois will extend her hand outward to Supergirl, her expression a smile of welcome as she says, "Only a fool would say no to an opportunity like this." She states with some amusement to her voice, "And please, Lois. I usually only insist upon Ms. Lane when a person has ticked me off in some way." A quirk of a grin will now be flashed to Supergirl, even as Lois gives her the once over.

The similarities of her and Superman's costume aren't lost upon the reporter.

And while she doesn't immediately jump all over those similarities, Supergirl does helpfully open the door for that line of questioning to occur at the mention of her 'cousin'. When Supergirl moves towards the table Lois is right there with her, even as she says, "Cousins." Her hand will reach for her smart phone and with an expert swipe of her thumb, Lois will unlock said phone. Then the recording option will be selected, "By cousins you mean blood-related? I find that curious - we were all under the impression that Superman was the last of his kind."

And while she doesn't overtly react to Supergirl's statement about her cousin speaking so highly of her, it does make her heart do a quick one-two for a second.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl takes the offered hand and gives it a gentle shake. She's still smiling, and looking a bit more relaxed after Lois suggests that formalities can be dropped. "All right, Lois." And that quickening of the heartbeat when Superman's praise is mentioned brings a smile to Kara's face. She talks with Lois as she walks over to the chairs and sits down with the reporter. "Yes, cousins. My Kryptonian name is Kara Zor-El. My father, Zor-El is.." she feels the pang of loss hit her in the chest for a moment and takes a breath to steady herself. "Was. He was the brother to Jor-El, Superman's father." She smiles a bit, hoping to get things back to a more light-hearted tone. "It might be confusing, but I'm actually older than Kal...Superman. I'm older than he is. He was a baby when Krypton exploded, and I was the age you see me as now. My rocket was knocked off course by Krypton's explosion; it took all that time to make the course corrections while I was in suspended animation. By the time I arrived here on Earth, he had already grown up and become the hero you know him as today."

Lois Lane has posed:
Once Supergirl is settled Lois will sit down as well. Her hands will automatically reach for that pencil and small notepad atop the table and with practiced ease, she'll idly tap the point of her pencil against the pad as she listens to Supergirl. Her expression is intent as she listens and every so often she'll jot a note down. Her notes are in a form of short-hand, though not regular short-hand, it's mostly a short-hand only Lois understands.

There's also spelling errors there. It wouldn't be Lois without some spelling issues.

"That's incredible." She begins, as she mentally sifts through all the information that Supergirl just said. "And I'm sorry for your loss." She also adds, having heard that pained tone to the other woman's voice. "It must have been terribly hard for you to wake up and find the world so different for you." Her head will tilt now, as she considers that line of thought, "And to also find out you're now the younger cousin." Again the pencil will be tapped upon the notebook, as Lois asks, "Do you think you and Superman will have any other distant relatives pop out of the woodwork? If you survived could there be the possibility of others as well?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Thank you," Kara says and nods to the sympathy shown by Lois. "And yes, Earth is very different from Krypton. There are things about Earth that delight me...and things that frighten me. But it's more than just the culture shock. *I* had changed. I woke up on this strange new world with powers and abilities I could never have dreamed of on Krypton. Superman was able to grow into his powers; mine just suddenly appeared. Despite the cultural differences, Ms...Lois. I was very much a normal girl on Krypton, no different at heart than any human girl at the same age. To wake up one day and suddenly be able to...to crush metal in my hands. To shoot beams of energy from my eyes." Kara is speakign quietly as she remembers the terror she first felt. "What person, boy or girl, wouldn't be terrified, even if only just a bit? Superman was able to help me come to terms with my abilities. He helped me adjust to them. The handshake that we shared just now...if it had been when I first arrived, I could have crushed every bone in your hand without intending to. I want to use these abilities I have to help others; not just becasue of the tremendous example my cousin sets. It was how I was raised on Krypton. We believe in service to society over service to ourselves, for the most part."

Lois Lane has posed:
Again, when Supergirl speaks Lois will listen.

And even though her phone records each of their words, Lois will still scratch a few words upon her notepad.

Dryly, Lois will offer, "Thank you for not crushing my hand. I'd hate to have had to learn to write with the other hand. I fear my hand writing would have suffered greatly." She ends with, that note of humor clearly heard within her voice. "And yes, I'd imagine that would be shocking. To be a normal young woman -" Lois will assess Supergirl again, "- of eighteen, dealing with the normal drama of daily life and then suddenly finding oneself incredibly strong, able to fly and able to do other amazing feats. How did you manage to figure everything out? Self-taught? Or did Superman help you with training?" Comes her next question, even as she follows up with a few more, "And how did you find each other? I'd imagine you didn't take out a page in the paper looking for him - that would have brought out all the loonies."

Again her head cants slightly to the side, as she peppers the young woman with those questions. "And are there others? Our readers think he's the last of his kind and now, suddenly, he's not."

And while she should stop there, she doesn't, though instead of a question she'll simply offer an insight. "You know, you sound very much like him. I can definitely see the resemblance between you both." And Lois isn't speaking of any physical resemblance, more like morality.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl sm,iles a bit at the joking tone and blushes. And then, she gets to work answering Lois' questions. "Superman did train me, yes. He took me to a remote area where I would be safe and couldn't hurt anyone on accident." She doesn't mention the Fortress; if Lois doesn't know, Kara's not going to spill the beans. Also, the Danvers like their privacy. "He spent what free time he had for months helping me adjust to my powers. The isolation also helped me get a handle on just how powerful my sense of hearing had become. I don't think it would have been easy to learn how to drown out ambient noise in the middle of a city like Metropolis." Kara smiles; that wholesome 'girl next door' smile of hers. "It's only been in the past month that we think I have enough control over my powers to act as Supergirl without accidentily endagering citizens or seriously harming the people we're strying to stop." She makes sure to emphasize the 'we', even if she sort of sprung her appearance on Kal. "I'm still training, and learning, of course. I don't think that ever will stop. Or should. But I have other allies now that are helping me become a better hero. A better person. And when I do act, my first priority is the same as Superman's: make sure that civilians are safe. Stopping a bad guy from getting away isn't worth a bystander getting hurt. Make sure everyone is safe, then continue the hunt for the person causing the evil act. That was one of the first lessons, and the easiest for me to learn: Evil can retreat, but it can't win if good people always keep up the hunt."

"As to how we found each other, we sort of found each other," Kara explains. "Our rockets originally were designed to synch together as we approached Earth, landing in the same spot. But, my rocket had come much later, so it locked onto Superman's rocket, which was in storage, and went towards it. So, That's how Superman was the first person to find me. And I'm grateful that he was." She smiles gently, reliving some of the better moments of her recent past.

"And, my apologies for not answering this question when you asked it before, Lois. I sort of got caught up in retelling my experiences here so far. But, I can understand that there are many people, many with good intentions, who are slightly concerned by my appearance. Kal genuinely believed that he was the last. He was a baby when he escaped Krypton and there was know way for him to remember me, much less know I was supposed to be alive. So...I wish I could give you a definative answer to if others of my family escaped as well. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see my parents, or my aunt and uncle, again. Alive and well. But, Jor-El and Zor-El only were able to make the two single passneger rockets. The star drives hadn't even been fully tested yet before Krypton ran out of time." She sighs and ponders for a bit. "I can't say no. Becasue I still hold out some small hope in my heart. But it is highly unlikely. As to any other Kryptonians escaping...I can't say. And regardless of speculation on possibilities, I want to make one thing absolutely clear. Earth is my home mow. Just as it is Superman's home. I share his dedication to defending Earth and all of humanity from anything that threatens it. That includes the possibility of a Kryptonian arriving who's intentions and use of powers are less than noble. Any Kryptonian that might appear with intentions of conquering Earth, or even a portion of it, is not someone Kal and I would allow to succeed. Krypton was a world of peace and learning. Superman and I intend to preserve that legacy and continue to use our abilities to defend all who are in need. If, by chance, there are other Kryptonians who still exist who don't share the principals of truth and justice that Kal and I defend, we would encourage them to find refuge elsewhere. Using force to defend Earth from such, if neccessary." Kara sighs and stays silent for a bit.

"I know that's probably not reasusring to many people. There are people that already mistrust my cousin and I becasue we

Supergirl has posed:
"I know that's probably not reasusring to many people. There are people that already mistrust my cousin and I becasue we are aliens. I doubt there's anything I could say that would change their minds about Superman and myself. But, I know that the majority of the people of Earth believe that Superman and I are here to help and protect. They're the ones that I want to give this reassurance to: that no matter who or what might threaten the Earth, Superman and Supergirl will always fight to protect the Earth. Even if we would be fighting those that we once shared a homeworld with."

Lois Lane has posed:
More notes are written down in that half-scribbled short-hand of Lois'. One note in particular will be circled, the initials of EK.

Perhaps the shorten form of Evil Kryptonians? It could definitely be that. Either way, the circle is there as a reminder to Lois. Something to ponder at a different time, not during this interview.

"... fight to protect the Earth. That's a great line, we'll definitely use that in the article." She says, and then leaning forward and turning just a touch more serious Lois adds, "The cynic in me would love to scoff at that, but I do believe both you and Superman are here to help. I've seen with my own eyes what he's capable of and the care he feels for this world. He also wouldn't offer someone up to my 'claws' if he didn't feel the same about you."

Another one of those quirky smiles twitches Lois' mouth upward into a smile, before she settles back against her chair. "So, you've been here for several months -" She echoes in agreement, obviously putting a vague timeline together with the various points the two have touched upon, "- and already youv'e saved a cargo ship in distress, defeated a robot and helped stop an industrial complex fire. Am I missing anything?" She asks, that question mostly rhetorical as she moves on quickly enough, "You've kept yourself pretty busy. I've noticed that you often have help on your adventures, beyond Superman, care to comment on that? Is there a specific team you're running around with? Or is it just a happy coincidence?"

Supergirl has posed:
supergirl smiles and laughs a bit. "Well, there are a few cats and kittens stuck up trees that I delivered safely to their owners." She's relaxed again, having crossed the most serious portion of the interview. She hopes. "But, you've got the right of it, Lois. I've tried to help out where I can. Part of that is, indeed, working with a group. There's a group forming called the Titans. Mostly, it's comprised of younger partners of other heroes. Wonder Girl is on the team, and a few other less profile younger heroes. We realize that there's going to come a day when we all will need to take up more of the mantle of our mentors and inspiration. Carry on the torch and tradition of the Justice League, so to say. So, we're learning to work together now. To form effective bonds and teamwork before we might get tossed into a greater role due to unfortunate circumstances. And so far, it's a wonderful group, even if we're still in the process of forming. I'm sure you'll hear more about us in the coming months."

Lois Lane has posed:
The mention of cats and kittens earns an amused chuckle from Lois. She can put that into the article sure, for filler, but it's definitely not something she'll focus on. Instead, her attention will shift when Supergirl mentions the team she's upon. "The Titans?" She asks, her gaze rising upward from her notepad as she now laser-focuses upon Supergirl. "As in the Greek myth Titans?" The vaguest of snorts will be heard from the reporter as she says, "Lofty - that's quite the name to live up to." Upon her notepad TTN and then Wonder Girl will be jotted down and circled, even double-circled. "Care to give up the full roster of these Titans?" She asks, the shark teeth carefully hidden behind that smile of hers.

"And speaking of names -" She adds, "- You chose a 'Super' name, which I understand, but why girl? Why not Superwoman? After all, your cousin chose Super'man'. You may be young, but I wouldn't necessarily call you a 'girl', more like young woman."

Supergirl has posed:
"We're still forming, so the membership is fluctuating. Also, there are some members who are more...circumspect than the rest of us. Sneakier types, I suppose." Kara knows that Batman and Robin really like the media spotlight to be focused on anywhere but them. "But, I'll be sure you're the first reporter to know when we're ready to announce everything to the world. And as for the team name..." She shrugs a bit in amusement. "It's not the name of the Titans that we have to live up to. It's the trust and examples set for us by our mentors. For me, living up to Superman's expectations and example is what I aspire to. The same for Wonder Girl in regards to Wonder Woman. It's our actions that will give any weight to the name 'Titans', and we have impressive examples to guide us in those actions."

The question about her choice of name gets her to thinking. "I can't exactly say why I chose 'Supergirl' over 'Superwoman'. Maybe it's something self-conscious; a realization that I still have a lot to learn and grow as a hero. Maybe it's just my adjusting to Earth coloquialisms. After all, do you say 'us girls' when refereing to a collection of female friends, or 'us women'? Then again, I'm still mystified that you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway." A slight giggle and a bright smile follows. "Maybe it's becasue young girls need someone to identify with , someone they can be inspired by now, while they are young and their inspriation is also young, instead of someone to grow up into or become when they are older. I don't suppose I'll keep the name forever. Maybe someday I'll switch to Superwoman, like you suggest, freeing up the name Supergirl for someone to follow with. For right now, though, I'm happy being Supergirl."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'll hold you to that." Lois says, when Supergirl promises Lois the first scoop for the roster of the Titans.

Supergirl earns a laugh from Lois at the mention of parking on a driveway and driving on a parkway. "Yes, English isn't the easiest language to learn, by any means. You've seemed to have picked it up quickly enough though." And then, to answer the heroine's question, she'll add, "And it depends on the situation. If I'm hanging with my friends, sure it's typically the girls, but if I'm around a jerk, it's usually woman or women." A slanted smirk at that, even as she looks down at her notepad. With the page full she'll flip it to the next, her pencil already writing a quick note to herself.

"It's good for young girls to have role models. Positive ones at that."

"So, you're acclimating to Earth, you've joined a team, what will you do next? Beyond possibly having a Supergirl Junior at some point."

And just like that, as the two women speak, miles away a car hits another and a domino chain collision occurs. The sudden sound of flames might be heard by sensitive ears and even if it's not the shouts of 'HELP HELP!' likely will. For mere mortal ears nothing is heard, as Lois keeps her gaze focused upon Supergirl, awaiting her answer.

Supergirl has posed:
The sound of the wreck and the cries for help do attract Supergirl's attention. And by the way Kara is suddenly sitting straight and alert, Lois can guess that something has happened requiring the attention of a Kryptonian. Goodness knows she's seen it before in Superman. "My appologies, Lois. We'll have to wrap this up later. Right now, there's a job for Supergirl." And up, up, and away she goes, streaking over Metropolis to the crash to save the day.