602/Log 602

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Log 602
Date of Scene: 25 May 2017
Location: Mutant Town, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Deadzone, Hulk

Juggernaut has posed:
    It pays to have a fight club in Mutant Town. There's bound to be someone that helps with the repairs and injuries of bystanders and combatants and that seems to be the case here. The brawl between the two over powered behemoths, even restrained (or so they claim) caused seismic events throughout the whole of Mutant Town and did considerable damage to the abandoned station. Despite that repairs are under way, resealing the cracks and reinforcing pillars and raising new ones. It'll be awhile before the ring is restored though. All that's there is a massive crater, the center of which has a Cain Marko sized hole in it from when Fixit pile drived him upside down and stuck him into t he ground like a tent pole.

As to Cain Marko, he's been busy collecting his winnings, having left Tatum and Boris to their own dealings. He towers over what remains of the bookie station, waiting as his cash is divvied out but also eyeing the crowds as if searching it.

Deadzone has posed:
The fight over and her anger at this whole situation vented, unfairly, upon Marko's head, Tatum turns to help the injured. She might not have anything in regards to healing powers, but she has been learning a thing or two by assisting the X-Men whenever they should need it. She takes one of the first aid kits and starts helping out the minor injuries, allowing the mutants with the healing abilities to focus on the more seriously wounded.

Hulk has posed:
    Mister Fixit stays out of the way. He didn't make any friends with his performance. Sure it was exciting, but everybody who won wants to make friends with the winner and everybody who lost wants nothing to do with the loser. He might have medical skills like Banner does or he might not, who knows? Either way, he's collected up his black leather jacket and he hangs around by the exit ramp just leaning against a wall.

    The truth seems to be that his only interest is making sure this Cain Marko character doesn't make off with the winnings without splitting the take, although Tatum gets her share of his attention too while he waits. Whether that's real interest in the girl who seems to know people and things who don't know her or whether it's just Mister Fixit being a dirty old man, well, let's not go there.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Damn, you guys are slow. With all the egg heads sitting around Westchester I'd figure brianiacs were a dime a dozen among mutants. Hurry up the counting." Complains Cain as the money continues to be counted out but not to the pace he prefers. They eventually finish up though and the bruiser collects two immense leather bags and grips them tightly by the straps in a single hand. He also seems to have found what he's looking for as he makes a bee line right for Fixit. Or he could be heading for the exit.

He does see Tatum as well and she gets another long look before he turns and continues approaching Fixit.

"You trying to block my way out?" he rumbles upon nearing the grey goliath. He grins slowly "Looks like you're not to popular right now either."

Deadzone has posed:
It would seem that Tatum is interested in Fixit too, or at least her occasional glances his way might imply such. She frowns every time she looks his way, trying to figure it out. This guy *looks* like the Hulk. But he's grey! And he talks above the level of a preschooler. And he wears way more clothes. Which, in all fairness is a point in favour for this world's version of Doctor Banner.

Marko returns and now she has two people to watch while trying to do first aid. Good thing she is only doing the simple stuff because distracted medics are sloppy medics. "Ouch!" complains the woman whose wound Tate is disinfecting. "Sorry. Yeah, this might sting a bit."

Hulk has posed:
    The gray man doesn't miss the fact that Tatum keeps looking his way while he's looking hers. As Juggernaut heads his way with the cash, -and- acknowledges him standing there which bodes well for him getting paid instead of getting his ass beat again, Joe Fixit hollers out, "Hey sweetie," at the dark haired girl who's tending the injured audience members. "You going to fool around here all night, or you wanna catch a drink?"

    He casts a cockeyed, toothy grin Cain's way by way of saying, 'just a second.'

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain follows Fixit's gaze back over to Tatum afer he flashes him that grin. He blinks a few times, looking around her to see if there's anyone else FIxit might be speaking to and when he realizes it's Tatum, his expression just sort of flattens into a dour look. He doesn't say anything though, but simply glances between the two to see how Tatum might respond.

Deadzone has posed:
The way Fixit is behaving is breaking Tatum's brain. Well, she has finally found a difference between her world and this one and cosmically speaking it's actually not that bad. She could have ended up in a dimension where humans had evolved from slugs. Hey, that reminds her. Is Rick and Morty a thing in this reality? She`d have so many seasons to catch up on!

Finishing up on the person she is helping, she closes up the first aid kit and hands it off to someone else, crossing her arms over her chest and scowling angrily at the two huge men. She contemplates letting her smart mouth fly again and this time piss off the second behemoth of the day. But, she might be able to get answers. She shrugs a non-commital shoulder. "Only if you're buyin'," she calls back.

Hulk has posed:
    Fixit looks back at Cain and holds up one hand, the tips of his thumb, middle and forefingers rubbing each other in the universal sign language of, 'pay me.' "Yeah I'll buy, sure," he answers as his grin breaks a bit wider. "Where to, red?" is directed at the Juggernaut. "You know a place we won't get mugged, or if we do they won't call the cops on us?"

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain grimaces but then shrugs. "Carefeul with that one." He says to Fixit, "She knows things.." He places extra emphasis on the word 'things', his expression looking mildly annoyed. He then tosses one of the leather bags to Fixit, , "Check it" He grins and adds, "Cain Marko is a man of his word. As to where. Hmm..yeah sure. " He jerks at thumb at the exit leading top side, "There's a place nearby. Should be spacious enough ."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum's frown turns to a look of incredibility. "Mugged? Seriously, what person would be stupid enough to mug the two of you? They would have to either be surpremely high or have a death wish." She closes the distance and then passes between the pair of men to head up the stairs, but starts to smirk and turns to look at Marko. "Your just worried that I know what you look like naked and you don't remember," she tells him with a teasing sneer.

Hulk has posed:
    Fixit tugs the bag open and paws through the money rapidly, fast enough to be done in the time between Marko handing it to him and Tatum breezing between the men. Hard to believe anybody could count that fast, especially with mitts that big, fingers twice the size of giant bratwurst, but he either does it or makes a pretense of it. He slings the bag over his shoulder and trots a couple of steps to catch up with Tatum.

    "Point isn't who'd try it, lady," he rumbles. "Point is if they try it, I don't want the cops called on me when I'm done with 'em."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain watches the money counting with a sort of incredulous look on his face but then shakes his head a few times as if rolling to disbelieve what he just saw. Tatum's comment gets another displeased sneer but he doesn't bite back at her just yet, preferring instead to comment, "Ah, this is Mutant Town. You get a few occasional hot heads that want to make a name for themselves. Most of the folk around here are on the..'flea' side of things but occasionally you get one of the X-geeks or someone on their level wandering through. Cops aint a worry." He emerges into the streets behind both Tatum and Fixit, towering up behind them both like some sort of gigantic statue. He then lifts an arm and points it several blocks down towards the bar. "There."

Deadzone has posed:
Stuffing her hands in the pockets of her black hoodie, the petite goth, who looks even more tiny while walking along with the two walking mountains, starts heading in the direction that Cain points. "Yeah, this place can be a zoo sometimes. Was here during one of the riots on Mutant Pride weekend one year." She then realizes that she doesn't actually know if this world *has* Mutant Pride weekend. Ugh! Stupid other dimension Earth.

Marko's comments about the X-Geeks gets a grin. She's not about to mention that she *is* an X-Geek. "Those loosers? Well, if we're lucky, they are all tucked away in their beds."

Hulk has posed:
    "What'd I tell you about callin' people names in mutey-town?" Fixit rumbles at Cain without looking over his shoulder at him. He just walks along the road beside Tatum, keeping pace. Once in awhile he does glance slightly over his shoulder, just enough to catch a look at Cain out of the corners of his eyes, as if he can't shake the memory of that suckerpunch and -really- doesn't want a repeat performance.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain gives Tatum a look that says he's not yet buying into her comment on the X-geeks being losers. In fact..it might almost have the opposite intended effect his gaze bores into her for a long second until Fixit distracts him with his comment and he snaps his gaze back towards the grey brute,

"Don't remember! Maybe you jarred it out of me with that suplex of yours.." He curls his huge hands into a fist and then uncurls it a few times. The sound of his skin and tendons creaking audible along with the creaking of his knuckles. "In fact..not to many people I know can tag me like that . Almost thought I saw something a little weird to. I guess green's our color.."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum pulls out her phone just as she gets to the door of the bar. "Got a good chunk of it on my phone too. Might blur out your faces and post it online. Course, now that I knnow the winner was a set up, I'm so asking for my money back from my roomie."

"And don't worry none about him calling the low powered ones fleas. It's either that or Spots. It's not nice, but neither is mutie. You deal."

The goth notes that Cain is looking at her long and hard after her comment about the X-Geeks. "Do I really look like the sort that would follow Chuck's vision of one big, happy world where we can all live together in peace?" Yeah, apparently she knows him too.

Hulk has posed:
    "Who the hell is Chuck?" Fixit wants to know, stepping past Tatum and bulling through the door into the bar since Tatum stops to play with her phone right at the entry. If the others don't follow him he doesn't wait for an answer, heading straight for the bar and letting the door swing to behind him. What a gentleman!

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Don't' lie t'me and try and play so hard ass." Says Cain, starting to finally put things together..at least as far as he knows. "You think you'd be comfortable calling the 'great and mighty' Charles Francis Xavier CHUCK unless you heard that from the hairball or got to know 'em real well? They come in all shapes and sizes. Worse looking then you have worn that X.." He shakes his head, "Now it all makes sense. Why can't I remember you? Some sort of psychic trick?" He's not -exactly- irate but his annoyance is raising, "Don't' give me no lip girl. Give me answers."

For the moment he's distracted from Fixit , letting the grey brute swing past them both and instead Cain's body remains near the entrance and Tatum, filling up the enlarged space as he glares at her. Fixit might just about about to witness a 'family feud' here.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks up at Cain and smiles. "When did I ever lie?" she asks him with coy sweetness. "I asked if I looked the sort, never said I wasn't one of the X-Geeks. And I called him Chuckles the first day I met him, long berfore I met the Hairball."

She lets out a sigh and shrugs her shoulders, looking up (waaaaay up) at Marko. "No psychic trick," she tells him as she heads into the bar. "Fine, you want answers? Here goes." She drops her voice lower, keeping her tone private. "I got stolen from my reality and shoved into this one. Some intergalactic chess game being played by aliens, for all I can tell. I know you from my world. And lets just say you wanting to autograph my bra was so stereotypically you, that it pissed me off. Seriously, what is it with you and my bras?"

Hulk has posed:
    Fixit orders two pitchers of beer and three chilled mugs without bothering to ask the others what they want or even if they like beer, and pays for the first round with cash out of his pocket rather than his satchel while he waits for the others to make it inside.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain just sort of stares at Tatum. His expression is flat and emotionless as he hears what she has to say. After a second of contemplation he turns and enters the bar, approaching Fixit as he rumbles, "..So..you're telling me..you're from..another world?"

    He exchanges a glance with Fixit and then looks back down at Tatumand then just makes a gesture for the bar tender to bring him a drink. "Well why didn't you say so from the beginning."

So yeah. This is normal for him. "I know all about realities and junk. I've even ruled one once, and got a few souvenirs from some of my other selves back home Anyway signing bra's is just a groupie thing. A rockstar thing. If my 'other self' was commenting about it he was probably doing it to get under your skin" He points at Fixit, "You know him to? I see how you been staring at him and it's not for his charm and looks. "

Deadzone has posed:
Sitting herself down and pouring out the glasses from the pitcher, Tatum shrugs her shoulders. "It's not like it's something that you can just bring up in casual conversation. Hi! I know you from a parallel dimension, where we kinda hate each other and you obsess over my underwear. Not really something you start a conversation with. Besides, I'm supposed to keep it on the downlow. Don't know when I might say something that screws up this reality. Like if I knew who Spiderman was under the mask in my reality and said something about it here."

She takes a long swallow of the beer and then makes a face. "I'm guessing the beer here is cheap?" she asks and then nods. "Yeah, I know this guy. Only I've never seen him looking quite like this. So I'm sorta confused."

Hulk has posed:
    "What're we talkin' about?" Joe Fixit wonders as the other two come walking up and he delivers mugs and pitchers of beer. Tatum's complaint about the quality of said beer is ignored. When she says she knows him, though, he laughs loudly and scoots his chair up close to hers so he can put one big arm around her shoulders where her head just disappears into his elbow in a mock headlock - mock meaning very, very gentle. "Sure she knows me, red. Everybody knows Joe Fixit." His other hand tucks into his elbow and he gives the top of her head a light noogie with his knuckles, and that is very very light. "Hell," he adds, and hidden inside his massive forearm and elbow he gently lays one big finger over Tatum's lips in a shushing gesture before he unheadlocks her, "if they don't know Mister Fixit they wish they did."

Juggernaut has posed:
     "It's no Harry's Hideway." Answers Cain though he looks and watches as Fixit moves to shush Tatum on verbally revealing his identity. Still, her words trigger something in him and he sets his drink down and waits for Fixit to release Tatum.

"Yeah I think I know him to. Explains a lot. Things could have gotten really messy down there.." He takes a pull from his drink and then leans forward, looming over both Tatum and Fixit like a sequoia bending over them. " Didn't I tell you that few folk can tag me like you did, Fixit? His grin widens,, "What'd you think of my 'sucker punch?"

Deadzone has posed:
Shit! He's touching her! No no no! This could be bad. So bad. If she depowers Hulk now... Mind you, this Hulk is already so different from her own. When he wraps his arm around her, she closes her eyes, focusing on every inch of her skin, pulling back her negation field tighter then she has ever managed. It's like the days when she was first learning how to pull it in at all, only much more intense. Waves of nausea pass over her, her head swimming with feelings of vertigo.

But when he lets go of her and she finally opens her eyes? She did it? She thinks she managed to pull it in, but maybe it's just that this world's version of Doctor Banner isn't affected by her power. She starts to breath again, panting like she just ran a marathon. "Okay, Joe? Please don't touch me like that without warning? I'm a null. I turn off people's powers." She grabs her glass and drains it. "Dear god, that was harder then I've ever worked before."

Hulk has posed:
    "You mean you could have turned me back into..." Fixit trails off looking at Tatum and turns on Cain. "And you said something about green bein' my color. So why don't we cut the shit. Who are you people and what do you know about me or the giant green retard?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Ah straight to the point. That's more like it. Cain bursts out a loud rumbling laugh at that and sets his drink down, "Don't you know who I am?" he rumbles and then shrugs a little bit and then says, "She's abit of mystery saying she's from another reality and all but she s an X-Men member, yeah? That's how she claims to know me though her description of me from her world makes me wonder abit."

Cain inclines his head and picks his drink back up, "I'm The Juggernaut, 'Fixit'. You just went a few rounds with The Unstoppable Force and made us both a little richer in the process. Not a bad night.."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum reaches over to fill her glass again and looks to fixit with a flat nod of her head. "Yep, I coulda. Well, I don't know. I mean, you're different. You're not... Hey! No insulting the green guy. So... wait, now I'm more confused. Are you like the green guy's twin here or something?"

Tatum sticks her tongue out at Cain. "I'm called Deadzone. Cause that's what I got around me. A big field of nothing. It was either that or Leech, but hell no! That makes me sound like I'd look like some green skinned bald guy with no nose or ears or something just as ugly. Not tht green skin is ugly," she says quickly to Fixit so as not to offend.

Hulk has posed:
    As if to prove he isn't offended -or- afraid, Fixit reaches out toward Tatum, right into her deadzone, almost to the tip of her nose, and he makes a faux tweaking motion that misses deliberately. He watches his own hand the whole time while the gray skin turns a healthier shade, the fingers shrink the deeper in they go, and although he completes the motion he does jerk his hand back like he was burned after he's finished.

    "I'm Joe Fixit," he answers Tatum's question. "I'm the one with brains and brawn. The one the little sissy-boy who cried in the closet after his daddy knocked him around wished he had the balls to be. Mister Fixit, that's me," he jerks one big thumb up and pokes himself in the impossibly oversized chest muscle.

    "Jolly Green Dipshit, he's the one little sissy-boy always wished he could be while his daddy was knocking him around. While daddy was killin hi-" Fixit actually chokes and then hides it by taking a long swallow of his beer. After he wipes his mouth with the back of one big, gray hand he concludes, "that's why he's always pissed off. Big baby. If he'd just cry about it like the little girl he is, he'd probably never come back."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Whoa. A lot of personal information there. Perhaps to much so. Sure there's nicknames and information hidden between the lines but Cain follows along..perhaps more then he's willing to as something is kicked open in the back of his own mind when Fixit begins going into the deep end, so to speak. He frowns. His personal revelation of his identity trumped by this and a quickly souring mood as he reflects inwardly for a few moments.

    Then he takes a drink and rumbles cryptically, "Some jacked up families out there, and kids with daddy issues out there, huh.."

    AFter he takes another drink he sets it down and says, "Well Fixit, me and Jade Jaws tend to go a few rounds every now and then but you? You I can work with.. Whaddya say?"

Deadzone has posed:
As Fixit starts to bring his hand in again, Tatum leans back. Her eyes cross as she focuses on the fingers, trying to pull back her power again, but she just can't do that much so soon after her first time. She watches the skin start to slowly change and nods slowly. It really makes more questions then it answers.

The goth frowns, clearly not liking the way Fixit is talking about either the Doc or the green brute he turns into. But she says nothing. She is between a rock and a hard place at the moment, so perhaps letting her mouth go would be more then a little dangerous.

Hulk has posed:
    "Money's good, sure," Fixit answers Juggernaut. He apparently doesn't feel like what he shared was oversharing -or- personal information. It isn't -his- anyway. At least not directly. He's telling the life stories of a couple of guys he has no respect for, guys who live in his house whose throats he'd happily slit if he didn't share a throat with them. "I don't really have a business card, but you ask around mutey-town, you'll usually find me."

    He turns from Cain toward Tatum, eyeing her thoughtfully while he lifts his beer. When it's almost to his mouth he asks, "What?" challengingly, then has a second long drink that drains the mug. He refills from the pitcher.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Good!" says Cain, loudly at that. "IF you can hit half as hard as you were doing down in the Fight Club and as long as you keep greenie under wraps We can make some bank! "

As Fixit turns to address Tatum, Cain looks at her as well. His size gives him the advantage of being able to eye her from above Fixit's head and so he shoots her a warning glance coupled with a subtle shake of his head less she say something she'll regret.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum feels like a tiny child sandwiched between the two huge men. She sips at her beer and shakes her head as first one and then the other each give her a look. "Ask Cain. I got a mouth on me that gets me in trouble. I think, for once, I'm gonna keep my big mouth shut. I think I might live longer that way." She then goes back to sipping her beer.

Hulk has posed:
    "I ain't gonna kill ya for speakin' your mind," Fixit answers Tatum and, with a flat, cold glance at Cain and then back to the goth girl he adds, "and I won't let anybody else, either. What's on your mind?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "She's worried about -you- going all crazy on -her-, brainiac." remarks Cain at Fixit's cold gaze. He then lays it out, .

"Isn't It obvious? Jade Jaws is more popular then you with the kids. An Avenger. A hero. Ally of the X-Men at times. She's an X-man." Cain shrugs, "I don't havea problem with him personally aside from the usual talking points.." he smirks brutishly, "Good thing you aint like that, eh Fixit?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum chews on her lower lip, pondering. To say what's on her mind or to just keep her trap shut. "Well," she says with a sigh. "You're not stupid. So you probably already figured it out. I'm friends with the two that you don't like too much. Well, with one of them. I make sure I've never been anywhere near the green guy cause I'm kinda fond of not being a smear on the pavement. So... hearing you talk about them like that, about people I like... makes me want to call you things I ain't stupid enough to say right now."

She looks up to Cain, reaching over to pour herself another glass, perhaps a little deeper in her cups then she means to be. "And hey, you make me sound like a keener. X-Man. Hell, they don't even let me fly the bird. Sissies."

Hulk has posed:
    The gray giant's eyes go from Tatum to Cain and back again and then he starts laughing, shakes his head, and downs his beer. "Yeah," he answers Cain as he holds the empty, oversized mug which fits in his huge hand about like a teacup out in front of him and stares at it accusingly, "I ain't like either one'a them." He sets the mug down and grabs the second pitcher to refill since Tatum's using the first to fill her own. When Tatum disses the X-Men he laughs again and holds up his mug in salute to her, then downs half of it in a swallow. The booze really doesn't seem to affect him at all. He's just naturally obnoxious.

    "So you're Bee-Eff-Effs with the sissy-boy, huh?" he asks Tatum with a cockeyed sneer. "Lemme show you something," he says as he digs into an inner pocket of his leather jacket. The first thing he finds is an oversized cigar which he sticks in his teeth, the next is a pile of sticky notes that just look like slivers of paper next to his big fingers. "He leaves me notes, see," Fixit explains. "Like a girlfriend or somethin'."

    He holds the first note up in front of his face and speaks in a nasally voice, talking around the cigar. "Avoid mutant-town. Reported sightings of the Juggernaut." Fixit looks at Cain and his jaw drops open, his eyes wide in fake shock.

    He peels that off and goes to the next. "NO gambling. Contracts scarce." He frowns mightily and makes shifty-eyes left and right while patting his chest-pockets as if desperately looking for something he's lost. Fixit leans in toward the other two and angles the note toward them, pointing at it with his other hand, his voice normal again, "The little bitch underlined 'no' three times, see?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain eyes Tatum but has his attention turned back to Fixit as the notes begin to come out. "Cute." He rumbles at mention of himself and Fixit's mock shock.

He then pauses, pondering something once more. The entire circumstance is just bizarre to him, empathy for the trauma Hulk experienced as a child aside. Something else is bothering him though and his frown deepens.

"I've only been back in town recently. Had a scuffle with one of the local capes, and been hanging around here. How old are these notes? " He pauses and then asks, "So you're not permanently here? You could just go away and Greenie could show back up or Banner? So you weren't joking in the ring. You could have just vanished..?"

Deadzone has posed:
"Not BFFs. Just... it's complicated. We used to talk about stuff. About life and the taking of lives and powers and ... yeah. Stuff." She watches as the notes come out, thinking about her friend the Doc and what must be going on in his head when he writes them. She looks at Fixit with new eyes and frankly, it's tragic. Banner's life sucks even more in this world. She didn't think it was possible. She tips her glass, much bigger in her hands then in either of the pair of them, and notices Cain looking at her. "What?" she grumps.

Hulk has posed:
    Fixit shakes his head at Cain, "Nah, it ain't like that. I got the graveyard shift. Dusk 'til dawn. Fact is that Banner -wants- to be me as much as I want to not be him, but we got a deal cooked up kinda like a timeshare. It comes down to it though I can get hold of the sissy-boy and he can let the retard out or sometimes, you push me too far, there's nothing I can do. You make me mad enough," he shrugs, "I get stupid mad, I go retard on my own and then I can't help it."

    He looks over at Tatum as she reminisces about Bruce. "Lucky guy, havin' a pretty girl get all misty over him like that," he grumps when she's done.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "No foolin'.. So I could have pushed you into greenie. This place would be a crater right now.. I'll have to keep that in mind if I dig up a contract that could use you.. Can't have that happening at the wrong time." muses Cain as he processes the explanation and seems to come to a better understanding,

    He just shakes his head again at Tatum and rumbles, "I'll tell you later, girl.." he pauses, looking away and still absently processing things. He then adds, "Te Xers are morons but mean well. It's a good place to crash when in a tight spot.."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum really shouldn't be trying to drink glass for glass with people that outmass her at least three to one. She grumbles up at Fixit, starting to lean against him cause he makes a good pillow. "Oh, don't be like that. It wasn't like that. He was just super nice and good to talk to. He never talked to me like I was stupid. Which, compared to him, most people are."

She glowers as Cain calls her girl *again* and opens her mouth, about ready to bitch him out when she realizes, other then Deadzone, she actually hasn't told them her name. "Please call me Tate?" she asks before taking another sizable swallow from her glass. "And the X-er's are actually pretty good. They make you want to be a better person. S'why I like 'em. S`why I like the Doc too."

Hulk has posed:
    It's not just Fixit's body mass. The fact is that a Hulk is pretty well immune to toxins unless they're ridiculously strong, highly irradiated, specifically engineered to take down a Hulk, or some kind of wacky magic. Beer? Pft. He might as well be tipping up an empty glass and pretending to drink instead of pouring beer down his gullet.

    When Tatum leans against him he reflexively puts an arm around her shoulders and gives her arm a gentle pat, even though in order to do that he pretty much has to hunch up his mammoth arm at the elbow and 'pat' with one huge fingertip. Rather than answer the girl's defense of the X-Men and Banner, he looks across the table at Cain. "Don't go cuttin' me out of any good jobs, now," he says defensively. "It takes a lot to piss me off, mostly you gotta hurt me and you saw how much it takes to hurt me bad enough to piss me off. You really think anybody, hell any-thing- but you can do that?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "True though if I pull a job that needs us both, there's a chance it might involve something out there that could." Cain finishes off another drink and then says, "But I'll keep what you said in mind. Plenty work to go around"

He glances at Tatum and nods, "Alright..Tate." He can be agreeable when he wants to be. As to her comment about the X-Men he just gives a non committal grunt. His outright rivalry with Charles may have finally cooled down but it doesn't mean he's going to verbally compliment them all any more then he's already hinted at. Not right now and here at least. He begins to push back from the bar.

"I found out what I wanted to find out. To bad you know my identity now though, Fixit. Means I can't play any more jokes on you. You probably thought I was just some random mutant you were gonna stomp all over." He says to Fixit as he pulls back from the bar.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate is making herself comfy, nursing her third beer since the conversation started. She makes a face at Marko as he gets up to leave. For the record, my roommate bet that grey and pasty here would win. Now I`m gonna hafta give him his money back, cause it was all a ploy. Just rude that is." She realizes her glass is empty and leans forward to fill it again.

Hulk has posed:
    "I just wanted my money back," Fixit answers Cain Marko, and hefts his tiny mug in salute. "We wanna keep makin' money at the fight club we're gonna have to take turns takin' dives, or people're gonna lose interest in bettin' against you."

    He watches Tatum refill her beer and shakes his head disapprovingly. She's going to make herself sick.

Juggernaut has posed:
    This causes Cain to simply grin once again. "OohI like to win. My goal was never about the money. Just wanted to prove a point but you sold the crowd so well when you leapt in, you sold me on it..cause that wasn't going to be how It was going to go down. Nice one."

He then turns to Tate, "Aw, c'mon. You only found out by accident. It'll be our little secret. Besides, maybe I really -did- knock Fixit out with that last punch and he just doesn't want to admit to it?"

Deadzone has posed:
Considering Cain's option of just not telling him, Tate smiles. "Ol' one eye cheated last time we played pool, so... yeah. I think I might." She smiles and sips at her beer much more slowly this time, nursing it as she curls up against Fixit.

Hulk has posed:
    Mister Fixit grins a big toothy grin up at Cain Marko. "Knock -me- out? Boy, you must be dreaming. You got a good fist on you, I'll give you that, but I've taken everything a fifteen megaton nuke could dish out at ground zero and -that- only knocked the wind out of me." He doesn't bother to specify that by -I- he actually means an alter ego that he's fond of referring to by a disrespectful nickname.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain Marko grins at Tate, "Now you're talking. See? Our little secret!"

He then twitches at Fixit's comeback. True he was teasing and needling about knocking Fixit out but a need to establish just who and what -he- is, boils up within him. He resists the call to violence and pushes back the urging of Cyttorak and instead simply grins back a Fixit. "Boy? Heh.. I'm the I look chum. As to the rest, yeah, I know But you're talking about someone 'else'..aren't you, asshole?" Cain leans in, grinning in Fixit's face and filling his vision up, "Cause I pushed the button the nuke that actually took him out."

Fixit's never actually fought Juggernaut before, see. That note to 'avoid mutant town' might have newer imlied meaning suddenly. He steps past Fixit giving a dismissive departing wave to both him and Tate, "See y'around tough guy. ..Tate.."

And he's already moving for the exit.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate waggles her fingers at Juugernaut as he leaves and puts the beer down on the table. It's late and beer is foamy. She shuffles to make herself more comfortable on Fixit and lets herself fall into the beer dreams.