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Daimon Hellstrom (Scenesys ID: 311)
"We are each our own devil and we make this world our Hell." - Oscar Wilde
Full Name: Daimon Hellstrom
Gender: Male
Species: Infernal Magician
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Exorcist, Paranormal Investigator
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: Self-Taught
Status: Active
Groups: Defenders, Mystic Arts
Other Information
Apparent Age: 39 Actual Age: 39
Date of Birth 31 October 1986 Actor: Alexander Skarsgard
Height: 6'3" Weight: 225 lbs.
Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Sympathy for the Devil" - Guns 'n' Roses cover


Daimon Hellstrom, called Hellstorm by some, is the Son of Satan. A reluctant and rebellious half-devil, he exorcises his father's minions from this plane, wielding black magick for his own purposes and benefit. While he often fights evil, no one will ever mistake Daimon Hellstrom for an angel.



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He's handsome, devilishly so, in every sense of the word. His hair is dark, although it turns dark red in times of stress, as if it had been soaked in old blood. Fine cheekbones, a pouty mouth, the kind of looks that make for a movie star or a politician. The kind of looks you sell your soul to get. His green eyes have a serpentine quality, shining marbles whose pupils seem almost to slit. His ears, if you look closely, are ever so slightly pointed, and he's studden them with piercings as if that might distract you. He speaks with fine elocution, although it seems almost a jape at times, the way he speaks a deceptive marker of fine breeding. It should be recalled, for those that know him, that, among Daimon's many names, he is known as the Prince of Lies.

Daimon's clad for his own sinister business, not hiding who he is, wearing his heritage openly. He wears a dark longcoat, a bit ragged at the hems, singed as if it has been burned by the fires of Hell. Beneath, he wears a shirt of soft, white linen that he's left unbuttoned enough to show the brand on his chest: a pentagram, Mark of the Devil, a sigil born into his flesh that burns and glows with fiery light when he's in the grips of his power. His black leather pants, belted in place with a chain, and biker boots blend a bit into the shadows, making him seem disembodied and floating. Sometimes, perhaps, he is. In times of need, a trident made of twisted, onyx metal manifests in his hand, the angles of it seeming to make it uncomfortable to look upon, as if it were trying to burrow behind your eyes. Making it burst into hellfire doesn't exactly help.

This is Daimon Hellstrom, the Son of Satan. Welcome to the dark side.


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The infernal being named Marduk, known by some as Shaitan, a claimant to the crown of Satan the Adversary, made for himself a family in a small town in New England. There, his wife raised a son and a daughter - Daimon was the elder of the two, the apple of their eye. Mischievous and whipsmart, he favored his mother and tended to her side, even as his sister clung to their father and his darker ways. He didn't fully understand his heritage until his mother went mad, confessing the truth to him, and his sister disappeared along with her father. He sought, delving deep into the occult to find the truth of the matter and, along the way, he awoke within him his Darksoul, the demonic fragment of his true self from whence he gains his power. The Darksoul filled him with wickedness and it took him years to control, to merge the Darksoul into his own self. He studied black magick (all magick he does is black - his very nature twists even beneficent spellwork) and became an exorcist, battling his father by casting his demon servants back into the abyss. Eventually, he came to confront his father, travelling into the hell dimension he called home and attempting to usurp his power. Daimon failed but, in the attempt, he stole his father's Netheraneum trident, the hell-forged metal intensifying his powers and serving as a perfect weapon. Infernally strong, mystickally potent and morally questionable, Hellstrom, as the Son of Satan, sometimes called Hellstorm, has cut a swathe through the supernatural world. But, for as much as he's risen, everyone waits for the day when he, like his father before him, will fall - a day that will surely be marked with fire and blood and death.


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Daimon Hellstrom carries inside him great darkness and pain. He is the son of the devil and he has suffered for it his whole life. Ostracized, alienated and inhuman, he walks a lonely path among other living beings. He lost his mother to insanity and his sister to their father's evil. Whatever darkness bleeds through into him compares not at all to the torrential wickedness that threatens to consume him at all times, the hellfire in his soul constantly threatening to consume him, leaving him at war with his own soul. All of that pain and conflict, though, he hides. He hides it beneath a smirk and a wink, between the demeanor of a cunning trickster and a charming rogue. At times arrogant, at others courageous, Hellstrom has determined to live life by his own terms, bowing to no man or creature, willing to throw himself into the teeth of God if need be to assert his self-determination. He has a serious dark side: sadistic, vengeful, unforgiving, prone to bouts of depression and rage. But he's got greater compassion than many who consider themselves on the side of the angels - he sympathizes naturally with the outsiders, the disenfranchised and the downtrodden. He has no patience for bullies or elitists and is more than content to tear down the thrones of the self-righteous and break them beneath his heel.


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Hellstrom is an accomplished sorceror and practitioner of black magick. Due to the nature of his corrupting spirit, he cannot perform so-called white magick - or, more frankly, when he does, it gets twisted, scarred and made dark as he channels its power. He's capable of a wide variety of feats - mystick bolts of power and hellfire, inflicting pain, tearing the thoughts from someone's head (which hurts, unlike regular telepathy), projecting fear and menacing illusions. He can teleport using hellgates that he summons, passing him through the realms of hell to another point on Earth. He's highly adept at summoning, binding and controlling infernal powers of all ranks and potency, up to the most fearful of elder demons (although, obviously, the more powerful, the more tricky a feat it is). He can alter his appearance and shape and craft mystick talismans of significant ability. Most especially, anything related to demonic or hellish energies can be done with ease - the more beneficent and clean the magick is, the harder time he'll have doing it, sans corruption. The major exception to that is the act of exorcism, in which he has become fiendishly specialized (enough that it has a separate listing).

Daimon's Darksoul is the demonic essence of his spirit, a shard of pure evil that dwells within him. When the Darksoul is ascendant, he manifests purer signs of his devilish heritage - he sprouts horns, his legs will grow goatlike and cloven, his brand will burst into flame and his eyes glow a lambent, Satanic crimson. So empowered, he will manifest instant loyalty and fear from lower level demons and manifest an aura of wickedness that will corrupt and infest the world around him, withering plants, souring milk, filling mortal flesh with wicked and sinful thoughts. The Darksoul, however, has a will of its own, prone to entertaining Daimon's worst instincts and habits, and he tries to keep it in check, for the most part - but he has to let it come out to play sometimes. Repression is no cure.

As a half-devil, Daimon's body is composed of tissues different from that of a normal human. As a result, he can take blunt impacts with greater toughness, able to get up from being run over, thrown off buildings, or hit by superhuman strongmen, the damage much reduced on his devil's flesh. He's entirely fire-resistant, capable of standing in the center of a raging bonfire completely unharmed (and his higher body temperature is one of the markers of his difference).

Daimon has channeled his instinctive understanding of demons and demonology towards the practical act of exorcism. Put simply, he's one of the world's most accomplished in this field, especially outside of the Catholic church. He can sense the presence of a demon infestation, often deriving even the host or hell from which the entity derives. He knows how to draw out its name, find its weakness, bind it and remove it . While it's not a universal, perfectly reliable skill, he's damned good at it, capable of pushing his will at even the most monstrous of devils to drive them from their earthly hosts. It isn't always a quick process - sometimes it can be prolonged, taking hours or days, and it can often take a great deal out of Daimon to get it done. But it's always worth it.

Daimon naturally produces and can summon the substance known as hellfire. He can produce it in enough quantities to easily set a building ablaze in mere moments. He can fire it in gouts from his hands (or, more often, channeled purely through his netheraneum trident). He can shape it, create bonds and cages of it. Unlike ordinary flame, hellfire burns soul and material alike, making it more painful and causing those burned with it to suffer spiritual and psychological torment and darkness far worse than mere physical agony. Because of his mastery of this substance, Daimon is immune to ordinary heat and flame.

Said to be as strong as a hundred men, Daimon certainly possesses a physical strength far beyond that of ordinary mortals. He's capable of ripping off car doors (or limbs), punching his hand through a brick wall or crushing a pistol in his grip. In sheer numbers, his strength would enable him to lift/press about five tons - not massive by the standards of superhuman strongmen, but certainly quite potent.


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Demon or no, Daimon is quite personally charming and sociable. He's good with words, handsome to the eye and more than capable of earning the good graces of most anyone who spends much time with him. He isn't to be trusted, of course, and knowledge of his true nature will always temper his ability to win favor. But he's good at being liked, that's for certain.

Daimon's no martial artist, but he can handle himself in a hand to hand fight. Most particularly, he's become skilled in weapons combat utilizing his trident. He's more than capable of holding his own in such circumstances and, given his physical gifts, can tear most ordinary humans apart.

Daimon's an experienced investigator and detective. While he's always focused in the supernatural realm and the occult, his abilities extend to more conventional investigation techniques. He knows how to ask questions, follow clues, get evidence and theorize solutions to problems and mysteries.

Daimon's an accomplished occultist. He possesses a wide variety of mystic knowledge and learning. He possesses a personal library of extensive magical lore and tomes. He can identify strange creatures, read ancient runes, decipher the spells used to invoke a specific effect. Any paranormal investigations would benefit greatly from his assistance.

In line with his heritage, Daimon is a master deceiver. Silver-tongued and clever, he can spin lies capable of fooling even the most canny of minds. He's a natural schemer, often with several interlocking plans in motion at any given time, and faces with world with a strategic nature that makes every interaction a game of chess. He can lie boldfaced, with a calm capable of fooling any lie detector, shamelessly and at a moment's notice.


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Over the years, Daimon has collected a variety of mystic artifacts, objects and talismans. They have varying degrees of power, although he doesn't possess anything truly mythical outside of his own Trident. Still, he can often produce an amulet or mummified hand or cursed doll for the occasion if he's called upon to need that sort of thing.

Daimon inherited the fortune of his mother's old New England family, along with some funds that his father had accrued through no doubt illicit means. He's not a billionaire by any stretch, but he's very comfortable, with a few million at his disposal, several properties and a wide variety of old antiques and possessions.

Daimon has an extensive occult library, including many books of rare black magick. Most anything related to demonology or the dark occult, he can find more information about amongst the various tomes and grimoires in his collection.

Daimon possesses a mystic trident, stolen from his father and dreadful in power and potency. The trident is a natural channel for Daimon's hellfire, allowing him direct and fire it through its length. The weapon itself is made of netheraneum, a Satanic alloy forged in the fires of hell itself. Its strength is similar to that of Asgardian uru, hyperdense and almost impossible to break. The razor-sharp points of the trident can pierce and slash through most any material unless mystically protected against the unholy or one of the other truly indestructible materials such as adamantium.


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Daimon's darksoul, his demonic essence, feeds on the wicked things he can and might do. He faces constant temptation to give in to his worst impulses. If anything, doing so would make him even more powerful, but it would also lose any remnant of humanity that remains within him and, much as he's loathe to admit it, he treasures that human part of himself and protects it as much as he can - most especially against himself.

Daimon may not be an angel, but he's still on his father's bad side. He's refused to do Shaitan's bidding, won't play the dutiful heir and, in general, has earned the antagonism of Satan worshippers and demons throughout the world and must constantly contend with the target it places on his back.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the Son of Satan isn't likely someone to turn your back on. He's notorious, not to be trusted and will get quite a side eye from those who understand his nature and especially anyone with any sort of occult background. How could it be otherwise?

Daimon bears the mark of his heritage, a pentagram birthmark that takes up the majority of his chest. When accessing his darkest soul, that pentagram flares to life, burning with hellfire and certainly drawing plenty of attention.

Daimon is half-devil, an unholy thing. Certain types of holy and blessed weapons and spells are particularly effective against him. He can be cast away by people of intensely strong faith, provided they know how to use it, and he can't set foot on certain types of holy ground safely.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Devil on the Boardwalk October 13th, 2022 Summary needed
Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons, O'Mai! April 30th, 2019 Selene and Hellstrom kill Lycans.
Conjuration Gone Wrong. April 30th, 2019 Sabrina summons Daimon by accident.
Hell Hath No Fury... April 13th, 2019 Predated scene about the death and rebirth of Hellcat.
The Devil's Son, You Say March 30th, 2019 Sabrina meets the Son of Satan.
Home-Sweet-Home July 29th, 2018 Satana comes home. Daimon decides he may like his sister's company. Next week, they'll go skipping through the tulips together.
Morning Breath May 25th, 2018 Discussions before breakfast.
Occult Nazis Do Occult Things April 26th, 2018 Jennifer and Hellstrom go back in time to WWII to stop the Nazis from unleashing Anubis into the world.
Mysteries of the Unknown April 25th, 2018 Act 2 involved buildup and unveiling of the mystery. Enemies were made, outcomes shifted, and then the good guys found themselves displaced in time and space. Oh snap. Nazis!
Nazis, Hydras, and Demons, oh my April 25th, 2018 Big fight between a Demon, HYDRA, Kale and Hellstrom turned into a mystery that Kale and Hellstrom will follow up on in Act 2.
Night Pulse June 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Devils Do May 16th, 2017 Summary needed


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