118/A Woman Out of Her World

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A Woman Out of Her World
Date of Scene: 23 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Gambit, Rogue, Beast

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum is trying to cope with this whole stuck in this other world. She really is. And she made a breakthru the other night with the fight with the demons in Newark. But tonight, she found herself truly realizing that these people aren't the ones she knows. These people are just twins, having had different lives, different backgrounds, different futures.

Logan is likely gonna be choked when he learns that his alternate let Tate know where his secret stash is. Especially considering Tate stole it! She's not much of a drinker, in fact she's never actually drank booze to get drunk before, but apparently the Null is making up for lost time. She lays on the beach, looking up at the stars.

"Show me the way to go home/I'm tired and I wanna go to bed!/I had a little drink about an... an... " Tate looks at the nearly empty bottle. It was almost full when she took it. "Okay... more like a big drink and about... now," she says as she takes another long draw before screaming up at the sky.

"You happy? You alien jack asses? I'm I doin' good? Can ya see me up there well enough?!"

Gambit has posed:
Walking out to the lake, with a certain girl being dragged through the air by her hand, Remy is walking with what could be called a Rogue Balloon. He looks over his shoulder to make sure she's still in all her clothes, cause he doesn't think she's even of the mindset to worry about a think right now.

"I didn' know you were going to act t'is way. If'n I did, I woulda done it sooner." The cajun teases before pausing a moment when he hears Tate yelling at the sky and pulls the floating southerner with him towards the girl whisper, "You might wanna walk now." Just in case Rogue gets nullified.

"You okay?" Asks the thief, his red eyes looking sorrowful for the drunk girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was floating, she was just floating in the air and smiling. "I drank the fizzy pop water from the Chocolate Factory, oh nooooo!" She said in a high-pitched voice and then laughed a little as she did a slo-mo-cartwheel over Remy's head to his other side to take his other hand now. And yes, she was wearing clothing, jeans and a long sleeve-tshirt with a picture of a Cartoon Dog holding a gun aimed at two Cartoon Cats on the chest.

Rogue's eyes turned and she looked over toward Tatum, not sure what the woman was doing out here at the lake or whom she was screaming at. "Oooo... we just found somethin' fun." She said in a sinister voice.

Beast has posed:
Tonight Hank just wants to get away from it all. It's been a VERY rough week. He thought he could come home from that 2 week 'science composium' on hawaii and be all relaxed but of course God had different plans for him in the place of a dimensionally shunted young woman who is, apparently the paramor of an alternate reality double of your's truly. A woman who is infuratingly familiar with who he is, yet he has no clue still about herself. It drives him mad the way she speaks with him, flirts with him, because he doesn't know how to react. Flustered? Angry? Embarrased? /Jealous/? And to make it WORSE, he had to up and break her heart, and possibly the heart of another Hank mcCoy smewhere out there in the multiverse by informing her he has NO WAY fo getting her back, and that the same thing keeping him rom finding her hone reality will also keep /her/ hank from doing the same.

/This/ hank is LOATHE to admit when he is defeated. And he is ashamed that he can't /help/ her. Hell, he is ashamed when he can't help ANYONE. And thats been pushing his control, somewhat. And after last nights brujah at the bar he needs to let loose. needs to be less Doctor McCoy and more.. Beast.

reed fo all clothing except his dark blue 'uniform' shorts, the blue furred x-man is dashing through the forests, his loping run somewhere between a simian's long arm knuckle walk and a felines stride. he pushes himself off a stump and grasps a branch high above, swining from tree to tree like they were uneven acrobat bars, jumping from one branch to another as he makes his way towards the lake.

Deadzone has posed:
It's a good thing Remy told Rogue to land, because apparently a drunk Tatum is a Tatum that can't control her power. Her field is erratic at best, shrinking and growing sporadically. Looking over her shoulder and trying to figure out why Remy looks so blurry, Tate waves the hand with the bottle dismissively. "Ahm jusht peashy! Great! Never better!"

She rises up to her feet, wobbling like a sailor that has only just got onto dry land after months at sea and counts on her fingers all the reasons she has to celebrate. "I'm shingle. Joblesh. I wash never born, so I got no way of provin' I'm me. My mom hash thish happy life now, with kidsh and a hushband and a job and doeshn't even know that there should have ever been a me. Shee! I'mma great! I'm not even part of the team anymore, cause you don't know me for Adam! And I don't even blame ya! We haven't done the whole Danger Room thing to figure how we mesh. I can't believe I f'in mish the Danger Room. I hate that room!"

Gambit has posed:
    Remy steps closer, watching Tate struggle to her feet knowing that is like the worst idea. "Okay t'ere. Let's stay on t'e ground." The cajun says glancing over to Rogue just to make sure she wont be upset by him helping Tate. Near her ear he whispers but loud enough to not draw the ire of Rogue, "If you t'row up on me, we're gonna have words Tate, and you'll owe me a new jacke'." He winks, his blue eyes looking into Tates as he wraps an arm around her and tries to lower her gently to the earth.

This ragin' cajun isn't unfamiliar with drunks, but on school property isn't the most common of occurrences, but he doesn't blame the girl for having a break down. "Plus, I never heard someone add so many H's to t'eir speach befo'e, you Marie? T'at's impressive. An' we ain't kicked ya out, we're tryin' t' help ya. Y' still got friends."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue, back on solid ground now... observed and listened and she let her smile fade, she could tell that this Stranger Friend was having a hard time so it mellowed her out pretty quickly. She glanced over at Remy and his response to Tater. Rogue's gloved hands went up to brush the white hair out of her face on either side. "Yeah... I mean... thats what this school is all about?" She said to Tatum.

"Ya come here because you're welcomed here." She glanced in the direction of the lake and then back to Tate. "We're gonna be all the family ya need now. I mean, thats what I've found here. So's... you can too. And thats free'a Danger Room bullshit."

Rogue would glance in the way of the forest, hearing the distant tree rustling growing closer. "Clever girl..." She whispered, quoting a movie she'd never even seen before, having no idea why she was even saying it outloud. Tate's powers may shut her mutant powers off, but it doesn't remove the stolen memroies and personalities from her mind.

Beast has posed:
Beast swings faster, harder, taking longer arcs between branches with pulls of his long and strong arms or, in some cases, his feet and legs. he exists in a completely trhee dimensional domain up here, dodging trunks and branches at multiple levels, almost like there was only a suggestion of gravity. He isn't thinking. He isn't analyzing, at least not on a concious level.. No theoretical science or virtual numbers or chemical formuli flowing through his prodigious brain. He is /truly/ The Beast, moving on pure unadulterated instinct.

The trees begin to thin as he gets closer to the beach, the scent of water on rock and sand starting to override the scents of loam and leaft decay below him. Also the scents of familar and not so familiar, people.. No names in his head, just their pheromonc signature as it has been imprinted in his 'lizard' mind. When he reaches the edge of the forest he reaches upwatards, a claw wrappinga round a branch as he swings himself up and over to perch on it, his breath a low pant as he stars down at the edge of the water.. his eyes reflecting in the darkness like a cat's.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate lets Remy help her back to sitting at the waters edge, because frankly standing is kind of difficult. She catches herself wondering how her mother ever managed it. "You know what? I've never gotten drunk before? I didn't wanna be like my mum. But it ain't sho bad. Would be nishe if the world would shtop shpinning for a little bit though." She rests her head on Rogue. "I .... I keep telling myshelf that it's okay. It's not like this place is... is... I dunno... like that one place where the one Piotr came from, where we was all dead. You're all still here. But you not my Marie. I feel bad talkin' bout Hank's walkin' away pockets cause yer like.... still a student here!"

Tate closes her eyes and smiles then, a dopey happy smile. "He does have nice walkin' away pockets though, don't he. Hate ta see him go, but I love ta watch him leave. Rarrr!" Her head flops over to Remy, trying to whisper as only a drunk person can, which is to say not at all. "You know, I know the real reason why he's called Beast. Mmmmmm."

She seems to decide Remy is rather comfy, closing her eyes. "You know... the fact that I am returning to self destructive behaviors in light of my feelings of loss and abandonment are not lost on me. Damn! That woulda made for an awesome term paper."

Gambit has posed:
Remy looks up to Rogue, feeling bad about how the girl chooses to hold onto him during her drunken stupor but he doesn't push her away, that's not how friends and family behave. No.

"I... coulda gone my whole life wit'out t'at Tate." The cajun says, actually blushing once in his life and frowning towards Rogue. Wishing to help and not get himself in hot water with his newest fiance. Especially the day after.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked away from the woods when Tate's head came to rest on her and she would in-turn lay her own head against Tate's while her right hand came up and she lovingly petted the side of the other woman's face. "Pretty..." Rogue quietly said in an admiring voice. When the drunk woman leaned over onto Gambit she just flashed Remy a grin.

"We ain't dead, and we ain't gonna die neithe'ah. Trust me. I'mma figure out a way for us all t'leave for foreve'ah. Its legit, on the top'a my to-do list. Right beneath that is 'Have Sex in Space'." She showed a big grin then. "And you're right about Doctor McCoy. I mean.. have ya seen the size'a his shoes?" Rogue fanned herself with a gloved hand. "Goodness me, oh my, my knees tremble at the very thought!" She hammed up the southern charm a bit in her voice with that statement, but thats because she was a goof. Which was also something Nancy's power couldn't shut off in her.

Beast has posed:
Beast 's nostrils flare as he sniffs at the air... familiar scents, yes. Grits and cloves for Anne-Marie.. That terrible cologne and flowery hair gel for Remy. Another sniff... Fermented sugars, aged... His science brain starting to assert. Logan's best bourbon. With a mixture of candy.. Tatum. His ears tiwtch, catching their conversation on the breeze and then leaps from the tree... Arcing through the air to land witha low *fumph* in the sand in a half crouch... Head turning between the trio-like a cat's.

"A mite late to be out, is it not?" he asks, his usually velvty baritone a bit.. huskier. His mane a bit of a mess. You should all know a litle better shouldn't you?" he asks, though it almost sounds more like a statement. He looks at Tatum. "Logan will not be happy you liberated his aged bourbon... Despite the fact that alcohol is restricted on the grounds.."

A look at Rogue, a furry brow raised. "The size of my shoes should be the least of your concerns." he says simply to her, then to Remy he actually give a sympathetic look, though says nothing... yet.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate starts to chuckle, first at the fact that she managed to make the Ragin' Cajun blush. That is an achievement that will go down in the history books. Then over to Marie as she gets in on the extolling of Hank's virtues. This may not be *her* Anne-Marie, but she does act just like the one that was her best friend. "Mmmm. He doesn't wear shoes. Cause his feet are just that big," she says with a snicker.

And then there he is. The object of the conversation at hand. She looks anywhere but at him directly, taking another swallow of the bourbon. "Well, see? I'm doing the school a service. I am getting rid of the contraban. If you like, I could tell ya where Piotr kept his vodka stash back home too."

The presense of Beast seems to have a very sobering effect on Tate. Perhaps not physically, but emotionally. She tries to force herself to think straighter. "Sorry. Just... missing everything. Like my baby. No offense to Chuck, but the cellos in the music room are crap." They're not, but compared to a Stradavarius, they just don't make the cut.

Gambit has posed:
Remy looks deadpanned at the aforementioned blue lover boy before motioning with his soft face for the man to take Tate into his arms. He could use a girlfriend too, even if it is just as odd as it could be, Remmy wants everyone to be happy. "T'ank god t'e ot'er me didn't tell you where my stash is." The man says with a wink before looking back at Rogue and wanting to hold her, but is a bit busy at the moment.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was pulling a notepad out of the left breast pocket of her dark blue denim jacket and replying to Tatum. "I will just jot down the location of said vodka and we'll all be good here---" Then Beast came out of no where and Rogue shouted. "HOLYHELL!" And she stumbles backward, her floppy leather boots splashing into the store of the lake's edge. She looked down at her feet and then back up at the others.

Rogue flashed a big smile. "Ha ha... well, I think its time for me t'head back t'my room... ya know, get all my stuff ready for Church tomorrah! Good ol' Church girl, thats me!" She gave an arm pump and gave a serious look to the adults, Tater and Hank as she started down the pathway.

"Oh... uh... yeah, Mistah McCoy.... uh... RemyandIareengagedandwearegonnagetmarriedinParisSometineSoonAndYouAreInvited, Bye!" And she started to run, sloshy boots and all since her flight power was disabled!

Beast has posed:
Beast doesn't even have to look at Remy this time, eyes on Tatum a she sort of deflates. "Your stash is hidden in a slot under the floor beneath the blue toolbox gardener's shed." he tells the Cajun matter of factly. And is about to say something else when Rogue verbally spews her confession and bolts for the forest and, probably, back to the school. Okay.. THAT got is attention and he DOES look away from Tatum.. First in Anne-Maries direction and then DIRECTLY at Remy.

He slowly rises to his full height, which while not THAT impressive is enhanced by how broad he is. "You may wish to follow your.. fiance." he says, not at all amused. "And We will be having a discussion as our /earliest/ convenience /before/ classes resume on monday. Is this understood /MISTER/ LeBeau?" he asks, the 'Unless you wish to find your kneecaps bent in unnatural directions' not added but definately implied.

He doesn't wait on an answer, instead turning his back on the young man andwalking towards Tatum.. stopping just outside of her personal space. "All joking aside about your intoxication and how it contributes to freeing the campus of alcohol... I /understand/ you are feeling disconnected. But you are /not/ the only person here that feels that way. Lord knows I sympathize with you so much it /hurts/. This has been driving me /mad/. But we have a responsibility, all of us, to take what life gives us and /suck it up/."

"Now I may not be /YOUR/ Hank but if he is /ANYTHING/ like me he doesn't suffer fools gladly. So that means you are NOT a fool. It means that he saw something in you that MATTERED. And that means we all do as well. You have a place /here/. So don't give in. Okay?"

Gambit has posed:
"Hey, wait!" Remy says standing up and starting to follow Rogue quickly though he turns back to Beast with an apologetic frown and a scratch of his hair as he follows after the woman he should be following after. "Get well Tate and good luck hank."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate, not used to the effects of alcohol, and having drank way too much for a person of her size and lack of experience, is fading fast. She struggles to keep her eyes open, swaying from side to side as she sits. "That's cause on my world, you lived here in the boathouse with Ororo," she tells Remy.

Blearily, she looks towards the quickly departing form of Anne-Marie, trying to figure out what she said. And then Hank makes it clear. "Fiance? Like ... gettin' married?" She starts to snicker then. "Yeah, you are so happy I came along. Gonna have your room next to mine and keep me up all night."

When Hank actually admonishes her for her behaviour, pointing out how self indulgent she has been behaving, she takes a deep breath and blinks as she tries to push the fog away from her mind. "Yes dear, errr Sir." she responds. "Sorry. I... ya. You told me to grow up and stop acting like a brat when I first found out about my power too." She smiles then, that familiarity of this Hank behaving the same way as she is used to being a comfort.

Beast has posed:
Beast is actually massaging the rbidge of his nose.. er.. snout and shaking his head. "I swear... those two are gouing to be the death of me before I reach thirty.." he mutters, the drops his hand and looks at Tatum giving her an exhasperated, if friendly, glare.

"You'll probably drive me to the edges of sanity within six months." he tells her. "And you should listen to Other-Hank. He sounds like a bright individual. probably not nearly as bright as I am but, eh, who is right?" he asks. He looks to the watch in his furry wrist, squinting. "Should have worn my prescription goggles..." he mutters, then shakes his head again. "We should really head back to ths school. We need to get you hydrated so you don't wake up with a hangover."

Deadzone has posed:
Nodding, Tay gets back up to her feet. She knows the drill about the water. How often had she done this before for her mother? She is going to just leave the bottle there, not wanting any more to do with it, but thinks better of it. What if a student finds it?

She looks at the cobalt fur and starts to reach out to touch it but pulls her hand away. "S'no fair," she mutters. "Your fur looks so soft, but I'll never get to touch it." She starts to walk towards the mansion. "What are you doing out here anyway? And maybe I'm trying to turn your blue fur grey?"