11860/Pizza and annoyance

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Pizza and annoyance
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: Pizza Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: James and Petra snag pizza.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Petra Emreis

Warpath has posed:
     Thought not the social butter fly that some of his companions are, James does get out now and then. You don't keep that massive size and not eat a lot of calories, mutant or not. The good thing about his mutation, it isn't overly obvious. The bad thing? Some people are morons and just look for trouble.

     Regardless, he minds his business and waits at a table for his food. Dinner for one and he's seems content with it, though there aren't any free tables to be had easily either.

Petra Emreis has posed:
Petra had to admit, it had been a busy week. Study, practice and that whole monster-hunting thing didn't often leave one with a lot of free time, regardless of their immortality. With that in mind? It was time for a break...or at least as close to one as the white-haired woman could make herself get away with. Wrapped in a simple leather jacket and jeans, the woman still had a leatherbound book tucked under one arm as she made her way through the door.

Pizza seemed the perfect 'study break' food after all!

Warpath has posed:
     James is a strange one. He looks neither threatening or all together inviting either one. His eyes moves to the new arrival for a moment and then back to his thoughts. Patience is a virtue held by the Apache.

     He gets stares from a few college aged kids of both geneders and getting the long line of reactions just for looking like he does. So far nobody bothers him and he doesn't give them any indication that he has noticed them. He doesn't miss them looking he just doesn't let on. Petra's white hair does draw a few people's gaze as well. People really do need a life.

Petra Emreis has posed:
If she'd bothered with a glamour she could have looked a little more plain and normal, but...well that was an effort that Petra couldn't really bother with right now. She was hungry, tired and a little frustrated for lack of progress with the current study. She needed Pizza and a break...and probably not to get a few stares more.

It was probably inevitable really, after her order was placed, that her path drew her towards James and a polite lift of her hand was given. "Hi," she greets, 'Queen's English' accent immediately marking her as non-local. "Do you mind if I sit here? The place is rather full."

Warpath has posed:
     So a lot of staring at you continues and then it changes as you approach the big Apache. He meets you eyes as you speak and though he doesn't stand like a good gentleman should, but he does motion for her to sit down,"If you like." he replies.

     He frowns a little and turns to loock back over his left shoulder, eyes locking on someone whispering to another. The look of a kid with his hand in the cookie jar crosses over the guy's face and they all look down at the table, more beer. That's what everybody needs right.

Petra Emreis has posed:
It was invitation enough, she would take it. It was a table to wait at for her meal to arrive after all! Placing the book on the table in front of her, it was left unopened for the moment as she shrugged out of her jacket, placing the garment across the back of her chair and settling in Eventually, of course, her eyes shift to follow the direction of James' staring for a moment before she raises an eyebrow questioningly. "Someone you know?"

Warpath has posed:
     He doesn't try to see the cover of the book. It's not his business. He shakes his head,"No. The blone one would like to get to know you though. He was..." he considers the words before he finishes,"...very specific." At least his manners finally catch up to him and he tells you,"I'm James." Not the talkative sort this one. Maybe after he gets to know someone he's a little warmer.

Petra Emreis has posed:
Mindreaders were not something alien to Petra, after all she was a sorceress. Almost anything was possible if one had the means to know 'how'. However, there was just as much a chance her dining companion had come to the judgement more traditionally. Offering another little glance toward the offending man, her gaze flicked back to the large Apache. "Petra. It's a pleasure to meet you James.

Warpath has posed:
     His attention is on you, but he doesn't forget the motor mouth behind them,"Do you like pizza with the works?" he asks oddly. His hand takes the glass infront of him and takes a drink. His free hand flexes absently.

     He lowers that voice, the booms even when he isn't trying,"They think you're a mutant and are starting to gets some really bad ideas." Says the mutant, though she won't know that just yet,"Apparently the ring leader as decided you are beautiful with white hair so you have to be a mutant."

Petra Emreis has posed:
"The 'works'?" Petra, repeats, shrugging her shoulders lightly and giving a little laugh. "I suppose that depends what the 'works' are. It seems an awfully vague thing without more clarification. But meat, cheese, spices has been a relatively working combination for most of history so..." she begins, only to trailing off at his words and frowning a little. She wasn't a mutant, but she wasn't technically 'human' either. "I see," she speaks softly, speaking softly. "You are able to read their thoughts?"

No disbelief, no doubt, just a straightforward question offered with a sip of her drink.

Warpath has posed:
     "All the meats as well as the vegetables you usually see on a pizza." he tells you softly and doesn't even look up as his pizza arrives boxed to go. His credit card is passed to the waiter. His free hand reaches to to scratch his back or something, the shirt rising a little. If you are looking you see they all look away /really/ fast. More beer. Lots of beer.

     "No. It takes a little concentration in a group this large, but I can hear them as clearly as I hear you right now." he explains. There is a smirk that touches his features and it doesn't inspire a lot of mirth,"They are right. At least one of us at this table is a mutant and he's getting a little uneasy about what they are saying. Mutant hysteria tends to make dumb people do even less intelligent things."

Petra Emreis has posed:
"Oh..." she speaks of pizza, shrugging her shoulders. "Then yes I suppose, that sounds perfectly enjoyable." It was certainly the more pleasent discussion, especially when words shift back to the mention of mutants, hysteria and the small crowd's thoughts. Bigotry and fear was sadly quite similar regardless of the age it rears its ugly head in. If it ever goes away to begin with.

A shift in her seat, the ashen-haired girl exhales a breath, grasping her book and drawing it off the table into her lap. "Do you think they plan to act on this stupidity tonight? If my company makes them reconsider, I can walk you home once my pizza arrives."

Of course, the idea of the petite woman walking the large Apache home for his protection was a little laughable, but appearences can be decieving.

Warpath has posed:
     "So far they think you are the mutant." he replies softly and gets the card back. He signs the ticket as two of them push away from the table,"I think we should make our way out before they decide they are brave."

     He's big sitting down, as he rises and offers a hand to help you up he goes from large to mountainous. The two pause again and get the idea that maybe he's not exactly normal either,"I would like it if you walked me out though. I don't like the idea of being out there alone."

Petra Emreis has posed:
Her own pizza was decidedly smaller than his, but the box was balanced against her hip as she shrugs, making to stand by indeed taking the offered hand. "It was crowded in here anyway." Easing herself out of the seat and going through the akward juggling act of putting her jacket back on, Petra makes to follow the man, sparing one last glance towards the table that had been eyeing her.

"Brave isn't the word I would use," she murmers under her breath. "But I guess we'll see."

Warpath has posed:
     Nodding to you he waits for you to start towards the door. He steps in to walk directly behind you and completely obscuring their view of you. The two of you make it out to the street without any trouble and he comments,"Like I tell my students, there is a fine line between brave and dumb." He indicates a very nice black, Ford truck and he offers,"There's a park nearby. I think we're probably better off there eating."

Petra Emreis has posed:
"Students?" Petra repeats, tilting her head to the side as they walk. Onwards they go, the suggestion of the park given a nod of easy acceptance. "What is it you teach?" She moves, shrugging her shoulders and grasping the box of her own meal against her hip. "I would hope your students aren't remotely like those...individuals back there."

Warpath has posed:
     He opens the door for you to get in and replies,"I'm a Hisory teacher at Xavier's School for the Gifted." He motions you inside the truck as four of the brave boys decide to come outside. Too much beer.

     Setting his dinner on the dashboard of the truck,"Like a dog with a bone." he mutters,"Jean is going to be real unhappy." Maybe it's some deep rooted need to protect someone or just he's that old fashioned inspite of the fact he knows a great many powerful women."

Petra Emreis has posed:
Too much alcohol, not enough sense. It was a story that Petra had seen many times over history and it had lead to more than a little disaster for plenty of people over that time. What's a few more?

They didn't seem armed, that was probably a good thing, but still it took a little stupidity to try and start something in a carpark. James' offer of the truck was there, but it seemed Petra instead would set her pizza on the dash beside his own, turning with the door still open to face the 'Brave' few.

"Can I help you?" she calls, hands folded in her lap and brow raised expectantly.

Warpath has posed:
     Taking his jacket off, you get an upclose look at two huge knives resting in an x on his back with hilts facing down and at an angle. At least he doesn't take them from their sheathes. His hands flex a few times to loosen them up.

     Hearing you speak to them he smirks a little and they pause a moment. Four of them and two of you and not really any witnesses. Stupid comes in many forms and apparently there is an over aubundance of beer and testosterone on their side.