12347/Infiltrating the Russian Mob

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Infiltrating the Russian Mob
Date of Scene: 18 October 2020
Location: Little Odessa, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Skye, Winter Soldier and Hawkeye take on a Russian mobsters warehouse
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Winter Soldier, Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Days of surveillance over the warehouse led SHIELD to the discovery of the server used by the Russian mob in New York City. All previous attemps at hacking the server proved a failure, the security net around it detecting every attemp at gaining access to it. Less legit than the warehouse street front, the basement is where the server is located. The reinforced concrete walls can sustain a lot of damage before anything can be detected at street level.

Late at night, a team of SHIELDS agents are infiltrating the warehouse so a trojan horse virus can be introduced in the system. Once introduced, it will then contaminate all the terminals and computers linked to the server. In a moment, all the data will be transfered to one of SHIELD's database.

Ideally, the agents must remain undetected. In case they have to handle the security staff, the mission will focus on introducing the virus on the main server, regardless of the means necessary to achieve this main part of the mission.

Detailed for the task, SHIELD's best hacker - Skye Johnson - is n charge of the the main target, the server. In case of trouble, she's accompanied by Winter Soldier and Hawkeye who will take take of any resistance.

Perched on the rooftop next to the warehouse, the trio is ready for action. Hawkeye is already aiming a tranquilizer arrow at the security guard by the side entrance. In a split second, the target is down. Next comes the grappling hook arrow, embedding itself next to the door and providing a way for the trio to reach the door. Wire secured around a roof vent, they can now proceed.

"Alright guys, let's get this show on the road. Ready?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Computer wizardry is not why James Barnes is still with SHIELD. Over a long period of time, he has mastered the art of the smartphone, and got around to 'the internet' by creeping up on it slowly and surprising it when it was least expecting it, but once anyone starts talking about network infrastructure or server firewalls, they may as well be talking rocket science as far as the soldier is concerned. His is not the concern as to how any of this is going to work, having broken down the objective to a simple 'get widget A to point B without being Cn', and that's something he can work with. It's practically his bread and sausage.

    Crouched on the roof, he's doing a last check on all the straps of his pouches, securing loose ends and checking to make sure the tape on the metal rivets is firmly secured. It's an old trick, but it was good enough to fool the Wehrmacht and it'll have to do for common criminals. "Ready." he nods to the two other agents, and then inclining his head to Skye.

    "Your mission, I'll be right behind you."

Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't need any help to get down from here. Gogo gadget Quake?

"Clint, then me, then Winter? Okay?" Once Clint begins going down, she begins her descent behind him. The server was her baby. The rest? She's got two of the best agents around. She's fine!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It ain't his first mission - heck, far from it - but having Skye around makes it slightly more worrisome for Clint. Glancing over at Winter Soldier eases the anxiety slowly raising within the archer - of all the agents for this, Winter Soldier is the best. When the shit hits the fan, you want Winty by your side.

Reaching ground level, Clint quickly finds the guard's pass. The first arrow of the night had been directed at the single spot lighting the area, now filled with almost total darkness. They have to act quickly, as someone might come to check if something is wrong.

Hawkeye hands the pass to Winty, then proceeds to drag the uncounscious guard behind a nearby dumpster.

They all know the layout of the building, and that stairs leading to the basement are located just to the right.
"First, security cameras," he says, regardless that they all know the drill.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    It's true that Bucky makes the descent look easy, but then he's had a lot longer to practice than most people. Hitting the ground, his line is off before he even starts the roll, and comes up before the line has hit the ground, grabbing it in his right hand and double timing along to the shadow, leaving nothing behind to indicate he was ever there. In the same effort, he takes the pass from Clint and leapfrogs the other agent to the door, crouching by the card reader, eyes along the wall... and freezes.

    Five seconds, ten... only when all senses have confirmed that nothing or nobody is around, including on the other side of the door, he holds up the pass in preparation to swipe it against the reader and let the team enter.

    Timing, as usual, is everything.

    If they do this right, nobody will have a hope of noticing the three agents slip into the building and around to the stairs.

Quake has posed:
Skye lets them do their thing.. well, first she disables the security system. Putting a loop in the system. "We've probably 15 to 20 minutes *if* they don't see it. Less the five if they do. Get at? Ready.. go!"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Thumbs up to Skye, well done, they can proceed now. Clint then walks down the stairs, his movements almost cat like. *So far, so good*. There is no other option, but to move along a short corridor leading to the next door. Exactly what they thought would be waiting them, a large reinforced door not unlike the kind you find in the vault of a bank stops their progression. On the side of the large door, there is a keypad.

Clint waits there for the others to follow, taking position on one side of the corridor.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Tap, open door, let the team enter, slip around the door, assist it to close quietly. Textbook. Not in the standard manual is when Bucky draws his pistol with fully integrated suppressor (a step up from the Welrod he used to carry back in the day), and a blacked out combat knife that has been his go-to close range back up since the mid fifties. Pistol in his right hand, knife in the left, the Winter Soldier keeps the rear of the team secure, moving almost like a shadow and making just as much sound as one.

    He picks a nice dark spot to set up watch once they get to the door, indicating the reinforced barrier with a nod of his head. "You're up again, wizard."

    There's something to be said about not having to punch your way through every high security door. Much quieter this way.

Quake has posed:
Skye was smug, just for a moment. And then they were on the clock, so to speak. Her job was this server. As she sets up her computer, they watch over her. "Ok, I need 7 minutes, give or take a few. Watch the doors." And began to hack her way through this.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Seven minutes! An eternity. While Skye works her magic on the keypad, Clint places his ear against the door. Frowning, he gestures for Winty to move closer, then pointing at the door. Did he hear something on the other side? A second opinion is in order. "Welcome party?" he silently asks.

He'll trade position with Winter if he moves to check on the door. Being stuck in a corridor is about the worst place they can be if they have to fight. Minutes are dragging. They better be ready if there's anyone on the other side. Orders are clear: take care of any resistance.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Welcome party? Hmmm. Bucky is fairly certain they hadn't been seen, and has all confidence in the skill of his fellow agents when it comes to avoiding electronic eyes. Sure, he's aware of the more esoteric detection methods available in this century, but their building schematics certainly hadn't included any motion sensors, heat detectors or anything of that kind. But there's always two possibilities... that they'd missed something, or that they'd been sold out.

    Switching position with Clint, the Soldier kneels next to the door and does his rather creepy routine of turning into a statue again, employing those senses in what is more of an art than a science... even he can't hear a heartbeat through a locked steel door.

    But he can hear small noises, clicks of metal on metal, and the very peculiar silence of someone trying very hard not to make any sound. At length, and slowly, he nods over to Clint, putting away his knife and holding up four fingers. There follows a frantic amount of gesturing...

    Smoke, flashbang and a sudden rush seems to be his recommendation, which is likely to end up terminally for anyone behind that door.

Quake has posed:
It seems that they had been looking for just this thing, and the loop was detected even easier that Skye was hoping! And they were mad!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It was too easy. And when it's too easy, it usually means, trouble, trap and mayhem. Instinctively, Clint moves closer toward Skye, still keeping an eye toward the stairs.

"Stay behind me," he tells Skye in a commanding voice. He'll be her shield, while fighting whover is waiting for them. No matter what, she must reach the server, unscathed.

Then looking at Winty, all ready for action, he adds, "We'll go for the target." Then he adds, "None of us die here tonight."

Clearly, no fucking server is worth dying for it.

And then, sooner than expected, the door slowly opens. Bow at the ready, Clint moves forward to asses the situation inside the room, keeping in front of Skye. And counting on Winty to work his own magic.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "I've got you covered." Bucky asserts, and changes his load-out slightly. The knife disappears back from whence it came, and the pistol is holstered for now. They are replaced by two cylinders, with their obligatory stenciled warnings, although the Soldier could distinguish between them by feel alone. And so he patiently waits by the door until it opens, using it as concealment while it slowly swings open.

    There is the deceptively minute metallic sound of a ring being pulled, followed by the clatter of a spoon departing from a grenade casing. Soon there is the scrape of metal on concrete, as the first cylinder rolls into the room. Cue cursing in what may very well be Russian.

    A spark, a puff, and the hiss of a slight charge of phosphor creating enough smoke to fill a room with suffocating density within seconds. Now there is more cursing, almost certainly Russian. It masks the sound of the second cylinder rolling into the room, and a pistol being drawn.

    *Clink* The sound of a foot encountering a metal object that wasn't there before.

    "Yob tvoyu..."

    A blinding flash, the sound of the world tearing asunder, and the suddenly muffled popping of automatic gunfire being sprayed blind into the general direction of the door.

    Two seconds Bucky waits as chips of concrete fly around him and lead spalls against the security door, before the Winter Soldier rolls through the door and comes up in a running crouch, pistol extended.

    Inside the maelstrom of mayhem, there are a series of muted pops...

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
With all the smoke and mayhem, it's hard for Clint to aim at anything precisely. The server must not be destroyed either by them or by the mobsters. Thanks to the flashbang, he can quickly locate the server, right in the middle of the room. Again, not much cover over there.

Always keeping Skye safe behind him, he stays by the door and selects the required arrow. No gas arrow possible, nor bomb. The room is too small for those. Heck, a good ol' bola arrow will take care of some mobster, incapacitating them long enough for Winty to take care of them. One, two, three arrows. And it works, at least, some of them are now on the floor, and can't move around. As soon as the room will be cleared, or at least secured enough, he'll move to the target with Skye.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    *Pop* *Pop* *Pop*

    There is no flash to indicate where Bucky might be, but the puffs of suppressed gunfire will highlight him to the true cognoscenti of warfare. On the other hand, the mobsters are using the age old approach of emptying a magazine in the vague direction of any sound of motion, not only showing up as constellations of loud muzzle flashes, but failing to hit much of anything as their rifles jump around under the recoil impulse.

    Bola arrows zip past Bucky's face, always managing to be where the myriad of badly aimed lead is not, making his job far easier. With leaden thumps, bodies are starting to hit the ground.

    All in all it takes about eight seconds, and the smoke grenade is still hissing when there is one final thump, slightly further out in the room, and then the gravely but very familiar voice calling out. "All clear"

    It'll take a while for the smoke to clear, carried up through the vents, but one thing becomes very clear very quickly... these mobsters are never going anywhere ever again.


Quake has posed:
The server was almost within reach! When it was clear, she settled down to do her thing. "Oh nice.. come to Darksky baby.." Oh yeah, she was using her net name. "Fuck.. dammit.."

They were ready for her! And then some.

"IcedLotus.. fuck." Skye used a name she hasn't for a long time: IcedLotus. And if then had her.. "Keep them off. This is going to be a bit of a problem."

As she hits new things, and bringing them down, another one pops up. "It's not gonna get better than this. I can shut it down. That's all. Sorry." But the little bit she's taken down, counts. Right?

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"All fine here," Clint replies to Winty. While Skye takes care of the server, Clint keeps an eye toward the only exit, the corridor leading to the stairs. Before he can even see them, sound of a commotion in the stairs indicates that more mobsters are coming down to the basement.

Having a straight line to the stairs, Hawkeye shoots a concussion arrrow which should stun them long enough for the trio to get the hell out of there. And if they aren't smart enough to stay down, they'll regret it.

Clint glances at Skye, nodding, "Fuck IcedBitch," he grumbles. "Yeah, shut it down, then we're outta here."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    For a moment, Bucky looks lost. People are talking rocket science again, and he used to get enough of that from Stark. Currently he gets a lot of that from Stark. Two generations, one headache. But there is one thing he does understand, and that's combat.

    He's currently not liking where they are at all. "No rush, feel free to take a minute, even ninety seconds if you'd like." Because they were sitting in a sealed room, behind a single door they don't have the code for and needs to remain open, at the end of a blind corridor terminating in a flight of stairs leading to the only exit. Or, in short, they were trapped.

    A smart enemy would now reinforce the exit and meet them with overwhelming force when they were trying to make a break through the defensive line. Luckily, it seems, they're facing mere criminals, so there appears to be no cause yet for the Winter Soldier to make a new exit.

    Rather than waste any of his precious pistol ammo on the incoming mob, he finds himself some solid cover and helps himself to a rifle dropped by his previous vic- targets. Magazines appear to be around a-plenty, and the Kalashnikov design feels happily familiar in his grip. A short burst of 7.62x39 to deter any fools not yet dissuaded by the concussion arrow, and Bucky shares a look with Clint. "We need to go. Now."

Quake has posed:
Skye ripped out her connections, and hoped she had done enough damage. "Got it!" Just a few scant images of code was all she had. "Let's get out of here!"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint won't have to be told twice. Keeping close to Skye, he starts toward the stairs. Winty and he made good job with the mobsters, hopefully none will be idiot enough to try to stop them. Only one flight of stairs, and then out the door.

Bow always at the ready, he lets Winty lead the way out, he's clearly still protecting Skye.

"Let's move it," he says, frowning.

The hell with IcedBitch, even with Furry. This mission was compromised from the start, it was most certainly a trap. Damn, good thing Winty was with them.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "So much for a quiet break-in." Bucky comments on his way past Clint, rifle to his shoulder... wait, is he grinning? He's grinning. It's clear he intends to be the first up the stairs and the last out the door.

    Boots slap the treads of the stairwell as he comes, firing the moment his head clears the landing, laying down a burst that gets the welcome committee in the feet and knees. Disciplined bursts lick out, again and again, the Soldier moving like a mobile turret, kicking over cover as he goes to put up as many barriers as possible between the mob and his fellow agents.

    A few feet from the door he pauses to switch magazines, left handed, slaps the charging handle with a practiced motion and resumes firing, keeping heads down and downing anyone foolish enough to break cover.

    "I've got this, go. I'll be right behind you."

    After leaving a present, of course. He didn't bring that pound of C4 not to use it...

Quake has posed:
"This damn bitch was waiting for me. She is playing with me. You wondered why they had such internet security? Now you know." Skye was quaking people as she went. No sense hiding who she was anymore. "Winter? Let's get out of here!"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"This will make for an interesting AAR," Clint grumbles. If there's anything he hates more than traps, it's the boring AARs.

Knowing what Skye's quaking can do, he almost feels sorry for the mobsters. Almost. Not.

Moving up the stairs, he quickly exits the building with Skye, neutralizing the few remaining mobsters showing up. If it was any other agent left to cover them inside before he left, he'd feel guilty. But the one guarding the door is no rookie.

"All clear!" he lets Winty know before quickly moving toward the designated rendez-vous location.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Time to show my displeasure then."

    The magazine is emptied in efficient, well aimed shots, and the rifle thrown full force at an unwary mobster that, unlike his compatriots, had actually been counting shots and just waiting for this moment. Bucky's throwing arm is still proverbial, and the rifle stock to the face from ten yards away fells him in what looks like a rather painful impact.

    It would turn out he's luckier than the others.

    Wasting no time on taunts or even any glances at whoever may be around, the Soldier frees the C4 he's been carrying in his hip pouch, slaps it onto a handy nearby pillar, unspools the trip-wire and pulls the pin on the blast cap safety. On his way out the door, ignoring bullets impacting the frame around him, Bucky ties the trip wire around the door handle and then politely closes the door behind him.

    He's a good way down the alley and climbing up a fire escape when the pursuit opens the door, spills out, and are promptly immolated by the demolition charge.

    With a groan of stressed metal and the rumble of fracturing concrete, half the roof of the building gives way, effectively cutting off the SHIELD agents from any pursuit that might have come their way.

    "Never get tired of that..."

Quake has posed:
Skye was glad to get out of there. "Welcome back my ass." Still.. it sure was good to be back."Let's go home, boys."