12942/Mandatory couch rest

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Mandatory couch rest
Date of Scene: 02 April 2021
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Skye and Clint get some orders in, and plan to take care of the Hood
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Medbays, hospitals and all these medical restraints cannot keep Hawkeye for long. It be by healing - or half healing - or by simply escaping their clutch, Clint Barton cannot be pinned to a medical bed for long.

After two days in the Avengers' medbay, the archer succeeded - one way or the other - to be let go. So since the Hood is looking around for him, returning to his Marcy House was out of question - not to mention it might have annoyed Skye that he would take such extra risk right now.

So right now, Clint is doing some /couch rest/ at Skye's. With Skye ministering to him - meaning, having to hear him sighing constantly - along with the cats, Clint is as comfortable as can be, resting on a couch.

"You sure there's no more ice cream? Dang." Clint asks Skye, dejected. He might add some weight if convalescence lasts too long.

Quake has posed:
"You ate up the last of it yesterday!" *ahem*

Skye did have sandwiches for him though, giving him a plate and lounging on the other couch. "And it's probably the last pop in the fridge. I guess I better go out and buy groceries."

How?? Clint usually bought the groceries. Even when he was gone she lived on cafeteria food and Mr. Noodles!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yup, you'll have to go get us some food." He grins at Skye, that cheesy boyish smile of his - "Unless you'd rather have me die of hunger?"

On that, he tries to sit on the couch, which his busted leg won't allow. It might take another day for him to be able to get on his feet by himself. And it's doubless Skye will help him out right now that he is ordered to get some couch rest. LE sigh.

"Kay... whatabout we fix a grocery list... What would ya like to eat?"

Quake has posed:
"Uh.. not." Was Skye initial response to going shopping. "You know me, put me under to grocery store lights and I go crazy." It's not the truth though. When she was alone she didn't even call for delivery, something she's really good at. She just never takes care of herself by herself. "We could rotate takeout?"

She's really trying to not have to buy ingredients in the native states!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins at Skye's comment, knowing how she would rather /not/ cook. "Alright, we can have adelivery from a grocery store, y'know, instacart or somethin?"

And on that, Clint closes his eyes, thinking of what he'll need.

"Milk, cookies, ice cream, cereals... hrm... chips, chicken nuggets, burgers, chili, pop... oh, peanuts..." He stops, glancing at Skye, "Are you taking notes?"

Quake has posed:
"Do I look like I am taking notes?" D'uh. Skye tries to pull out the one piece she has. "Besides, my hands aren't supposed to get stressed." Like as if. Skye has been plugging away at the laptop since then. She's only not supposed use them on stressful things - like Quake things!

But that instacart sounds interesting.

"Tell me more. Oh, the diggings for homemade Mr. Noodles." She was really good at that! At that the cats came and curled around Clint's prone body on the couch, meowing as if they were putting their order in. "Some cat chow and catnip."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint accomodates the cats, as long as they don't touch any sore spot or a more strategic one. Huh.

"Oh yes! You could fix us some pulled noodles? There might be some DIY kits at the store... Add some shallots, mushrooms, y'know?

Clint smiles, despite his healing wounds and all, he's kind of relaxed, appreciating the quiet time with Skye. After a moment, he states. "Y'know, I'm sorry if... y'know, you got worried there a bit? This bloody Hood... I'll finish them as soon as I can." And he's not mentioning asking anyone's help. Pure Barton.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives him a wtf notice. "I can make them myself.." Until she had time for her brain to catch up. "Oh, you meant things like that, not the noodles." Apparently with these she was particular. One of the only meals she could make by scratch.

When he begins to talk about the Marcy Street Hood, she frowns. "You know I'll help you. Not as Shield, but by myself, or with the Birds. Those Hoods are getting bad. They've got to be stopped."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shakes his head, battling his own ego that would right away say no to any help. But Skye is right, it might require some support to eliminate the Hood.

"We'll have to see who'd volunteer," he says, "I think the Birds would be nice, plus you and maybe Cap, he seemed to think it could be fun." Not that Cap would ever use the word /fun/, even less along with the word /fight/.

After a pause, the archer smiles at Skye, "And yes, whatever you can fix with the noodles, cuz I love everything you fix, do or say." Oh oh, was that some painkillers kicking in, or is he serious? He's probably serious.

Quake has posed:
Skye thwaps him with a pillow. "Uh. So sad!" She laughs. "Get the stuff and I'll make them up. And either spaghetti or roast chicken on the other other day." Like there were only two days in the week is was responsible for!

"Good thinking. That would be a great idea. I'm sure that you have lots of friends who would give you help." And get those damned Hoods out of your neighborhood!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods at that, "Oh, pizza too!" He slowly reaches for his Starkphone, checking the instacart app, keying some of the order in, including the essential items: cats food and catnip!

"Once your arms aren't painful, you could have nice practice targets with the Hoodies." He pauses, frowning lightly at the thought of starting warfare in the neighbourhood, "We'd have to be... discreet, huh, this not being on anyone's records."

Quake has posed:
At first Skye thought he meant archery, before it clued in. "Oooo. Yeah. For a minute I didn't know what you were talking about." After all, she did shoot bows as well! "You've got to remember, the Birds can take on the Hoods as part of their mandate."

She grins.

"I would prefer Gino's instead of frozen." Any day! "Plus we could order winds and garlic bread!" Mmmmm wings.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
A grin appears on Clint's face as he nods at the suggestion, "Oh yeah, Gino's it is for today, ordering right now! And one side of wings and garlic bread for madame!" In a minute, all is set and the pizza will be delivered soon. Oh this will be good! As for the instacart, Skye will have a surprise once it is delivered, bags full of raw ingredient, with some snacks and other goodies, including... veggies!

Back to the more serious matter of the Hood, the archer considers for a moment, "We should meet the Birdies first, and see what they think about it. Can you contact them?"