15984/Log 15984

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Log 15984
Date of Scene: 21 January 2024
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Boom-Boom

Shadowcat has posed:
Mutant Town! A little slice of mutant culture on the Lower East Side. Here, mutants are the majority. Here, mutants can feel safe to be themselves. Here, what 'mutant' is can properly flourish.

"Hey, jerks! Don't you know I've got an assignment due tomorrow?!"

Here, the same problems that affect the rest of NYC are also present! Plus, occasional attempted hate crimes!

Today, it's more of the former -- a smash and grab job on a store in District X's west side, orchestrated by a few members of some obscure gang outfitted with more-than-slightly advanced weaponry by -some- obscure New York supervillain. The Hobgoblin? The Tinkerer? ROBOT MASTER?

Kitty Pryde doesn't know. All she knows is they're an immediate headache to her evening plans.

(yes, her evening plans are 'doing homework'. don't judge!)

Anyway, this is the frustrated sound of Katherine Anne Pryde as a few stray laser beams slice through the shuddering space her physical body -should- rightly be occupying, carving through the nearby alley wall instead. Already, one of the thugs has fallen, the money they had grabbed and bagged strewn across the street along with more than a few pieces of random accessories -- a robbery they no doubt thought they could get away with because, who really cares about Mutant Town?

The answer comes in the form of a bootheel cracking across the jaw of one of the criminals as Kitty spinkicks them into the ground with a partially phased-in foot, snapping it back to the ground with a Muppets-grade frown.

"Get ready for the angriest nerd-beating of your -life-!"

It sounded more threatening in her head.
Boom-Boom has posed:
On the upside. Tabby being a teacher means she can theoretically dispense homework. In practicality, she teaches Auto shop and knows that mechanics don't usually take their work home with them.

Which automatically makes her the best teacher ever.

She also isn't the one assigning anything to Kitty since, her education is miles above the high school diploma Tabitha barely earned.

She is however leaning against a nearby parked car, sending streams of plasma towards one thug's center mass.

Well it hasn't yet since she's playing with the man by making the stream circle and act like she hasn't picked a spot to hit.

he's definitely feeling the heat though. Which is probably the only upside for him in the winter weather.

"Valuable teaching moment. Never come between a nerd and Summa Cum Laude." she points out and chuckles as she can't resist engaging her inner teenager a moment.
Shadowcat has posed:
Never come between a nerd and a Summa Cum Laude.

"Darn right!"

This is Kitty's initially oblivious declaration as one of the burlier gangsters comes rushing her way. She's about half his size; it'd take, even for her, quite a bit to successfully take him down with a direct approach.

So she doesn't: instead, she just stands right there, -just so-, unmoving--

And phases, just as the man rushes into a tackle, and lets him crash face-first into the brick wall behind her.

Kitty steps out of the unconscious heap of limbs and crime, arms folded over her chest as she looks at the man currently dancing in a ring (ring, ring, a ring) of fire.

Or plasma. Whichever!

"--Wait!" Kitty suddenly exclaims, eyes widening. "What was with the laughing, huh?? Getting Summa Cum Laude is serious busi--"

And this is where Kitty suddenly dips low beneath another laser shot, scoops up a chunk of rubble, and lobs it with frightening precision at the gun-toting criminal's barrel.

The next time he pulls the trigger, the whole thing backfires, loudly knocking him all the way back against the wall with a SMACK!

"--ness! Ughhhh what am I gonna doooo Tabbyyyyyyy, this seriously messed with my timetable!"

Dollars to donuts this assignment is actually due in like three weeks, not tomorrow, and she just doesn't want to admit it.
Boom-Boom has posed:
Finally she stops playing with that one goon and just detonates the stream in his face. Knocking the poor idiot flat on his back.

The blonde is nothing but amused. A hand flicking some of her hair not pulled back into her twintails atop her nugget away from her cateye glasses.

"You really, never got the joke? Put it this way. Get into bed with someone. Summa Cum Laude. Some'll come discreetly." the fact she has to explain it is getting more laughs while she does it in a fight.

Even one of the goons still conscious laughs at the innuendo.

That gets him a decidedly effective punch in the nose, cracking it and leaving him clutching it to try and keep all that blood from pouring out.

"Look, we'll go home. Grab a shit load of coffee. A bag of weed, and like let you go ham on the work. Study while high. It'll be like a montage. And all legal and stuff."

Tabitha always was an advocate for the benefits of marijuana usage.
Shadowcat has posed:
In the heat of the moment, and panicking over an assignment (that is very probably not imminently) due, the joke goes directly over Kitty's head.

Thankfully, Tabby is here to explain.


There is a second there, where Kitty pauses. Where she digests. Where she blanches.

"That's -- just -- I knew that!!" she insists in a sudden blurt. The goon laughs.

"Shaddup!" And Kitty gives him a swift high kick to the jaw immediately after Tabby's punch.

Down he goooooes--

"Okay -- can you guys just, like, give up for the sake of my schedule now?? And for your sakes, too." She looks around at the heaps of bodies. "This is just. A huge shanda for your criminal career, dudes."

They groan in assent. Kitty sighs in relief. Her shoulders sag.

"I'm screeeewed" she laments, despite being the opposite. "Don't laugh! Just -- let's get that weed! And the coffee! I'm gonna need a crapload of -both-."

It's legal now, don't judge her!
Boom-Boom has posed:
Finally Kitty gets the gag.

It's probably something she did know. She's hung out with the New Mutants enough when they were all kids more than enough to have listened to all the dumb jokes and innuendos that teenagers find endlessly amusing.

Kitty lashing out and finishing the goon off continues amusing Boom-Boom as she decides to help give the remaining thugs more reason to not be quite as dumb as their fallen brethren.

"Your sakes being the whole not getting third degree burns. Or worse." she states and holds up one hand, clenching it in a fist before she ignites it in plasma.

It's a small stream that terminates about a foot from her knuckles. Like someone else channeling the sum totality of her psionic abilities.

This is not all of what Tabby can do but a giant blow torch can be pretty scary coming from a blonde built like a fitness model.

Back to Kitty, she grins. "There's a dispensary two blocks up, we'll grab an ounce, smoke it all. Empty the fridge of any left overs Vanessa stashed. You'll get back on track." she declares the plan for the two women.

It's a good plan.


And the leftovers never suck either!
Shadowcat has posed:
"Nice totality you got goin' on there, Boomie."

It's a very sly statement on the part of Kitty Pryde and confirms two things:

Yes, she obviously gets innuendo when she's not in a legendary School Craze,


everyone knows about the totality.

The goons dealt with, her relief heaved from her lips in the heaviest of put-upon sighs, Kitty feels a -bit- better. She wipes off her hands into the pockets of her oversized, fluffy pink hoodie, emblazoned with art of the following:

The periodic table elements

        N Er Dy

and beneath them

    But Only Periodically!

So, you know.

Pre-ttyyyy cool.

"Oh-ho dang I hope it's the good leftovers," remarks Kitty before falling in place beside Tabitha. "I seriously deserve -something- good today. My life is -over- if I don't do well on this project, Tabby. -Over-!" It will not, in fact, be over.

But with this? Kitty dramatically pointing towards the horizon.

Or, two blocks up.

"To the weed!"
Boom-Boom has posed:
With idiots beaten and running or helping their friends get away when they haven't been left to cry in pain. Tabby grins victoriously.

The very scary looking plasma flame whooshing around her hand flickering out and then the hand being shook.

"Ugh, it's awesome intimidating but it's murder on my nails. Burns off any polish I use. So I only paint my toenails these days." Polish with unstable molecules is very expensive. Especially when it's still not meant to last.

The hand once on fire sweeps towards the direction of the intended dispensary. "Kitty, you are over thinking it. You're gonna nail it. So we are going to make sure you are super chill." she states with a playful determination.

"Just remember all the best science was done while high! NASA was probably passing barbiturates and 'Ludes around when they were launching rockets a hundred years ago." she explains on the walk two blocks up.
Shadowcat has posed:
Tabby accuses her of overthinking. Kitty makes a face.

"There's no such thing," she shoots back - firmly! "Do you think Rosalind Franklin over thought when she discovered the model for modern day genetics?!"

She may or may not be pulling out random bullshit trivia to justify her overworking.

"Oh, dark lady of genetics, forgive my friend!"

But at least she can still have a sense of humor about it(?).

Eventually, though, Kitty slumps against Tabitha, flinging arms around her shoulders and sagging her weight against her friend as they walk. "I'm gonna need to see your sources on that one, Boomie," she grumbles into Tabitha's shoulder, before she sighs out.

"I -do- need to be -super chill- though. That sounds so good. Like a miracle. I feel like I can make a stress ball explode just by staring at it right now."


"Which would be kinda awesome."
Boom-Boom has posed:
There's been arguments that Tabitha doesn't think enough. Or at all. Whether that is true or not may require telepathic examination. But Tabby knows that you can go too far the opposite direction.

Which she points out. "You totally can, that brain goes a mile a minute, you start sweating too many little details you skip something important. Like carrying a three. That's how you get Doctor Doom. Do you want to be Doctor Doom?" she says and slips an arm around the brunette to help comfort. Hugs, even one armed are always a help to restore zen.

The walk, only a couple blocks isn't too far, but they aren't in much a rush now. "I actually can make a stress ball 'splode by staring at it." she also points out. "We'll get a few later on." comes thge suggestion with a giggle.
Shadowcat has posed:
"Ughhh. Noooo, I don't wanna be Doctor Dooooooooom."

This is Kitty Pryde's long-suffering groan as Tabby offers her consolation, restorative hugs. Curly hair spills forward in little bouncing ringlets as her head sags solemnly.

"I couldn't live with myself if I spoke in the third person that much. Also, y'know, the despotism."

Her zen is (fractionally) restored. But the weed. The weed is the thing.

"I can't sit by and let Doom blame his villainy on math, though. Math did nothing wrong!"

Some may disagree, but math's strongest soldier Kitty Pryde knows it is a blameless victim of endless slander. Math is our friend!

She's at least getting towards a better mood, now; she even lets out a little snort as Tabby suggests getting some stress balls to inflict stress upon. "Deal," she declares.

"Those poor stress balls. They'll never stand a chance..."
Boom-Boom has posed:
"Pretty certain he blames Reed Richards. Doom's math is perfectly calculated! RIIIIIICHARDS!" Tabby shakes her free fist in the air as her voice deepens a couple octaves and sounds waaaaaay too snooty.

It doesn't last though as she bursts into a giggle fit.

"I can't hate on Math. I suck at it, and it's kicks my ass harder than a lot of my ex-boyfriends but unlike them, we need math. Even when I duns grew ups in the trailer parks! We just have people like you to cajole it into something understandable." she reassures.

"You'd make a really hot supervillain. Trust me. I used to be one!" the blonde further points out as they get to the weed store, Tabby's free hand pushing the door open so the pair can get in out of the cold!

Smells like baking and the baked in there.