16246/Supernatural and the Clown

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Supernatural and the Clown
Date of Scene: 07 May 2024
Location: Spooky Place!
Synopsis: bad guys killed with water yay!
Cast of Characters: Dean Winchester, Harley Quinn

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean has a lead on curb stomping the Red Court. It was a trap, and a pretty obvious one as he finds himself in a Mystery Cave in upstate New York, with scurrying and weird noises in the shadows as he unslings a shot gun. He doesnt know what his foe is, but whatever it may be, it doesnt worry him.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn She is well Blinking and looking around; she got kidnaped. I jumped.. maybe a good deal has gone bad.. she can't remember, but she's tied up.. amateurs, they used an old-style crazy vest. A simple jerk from her dislocating her own shoulders and a quick Shimmy, and boom.. she's out in like 2 minutes flat..

     She grabs her shoulder and pops it back in, grinning from the pain. " Well now .. let's go say hello to Daddy," She says, grabbing a leg bone of something from the ground.. giving it a test, and accepting it as her new bat.
Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester moves farther inside, shooting two wolf like creatures as they pop up. They have human eyes but regular bullets hurt them. They bleed just like anything else. He keeps moving farther in, trying to see if the magic item he heard about is here.

He hears Harley's voice and calls out, "Anyone else who isnt a monster here?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
You hear .. but it's more like run into .. There is Harley surrounded by at least 6 or 8 of those wolves.. all dead, mostly with crushed skulls.. she's covered in blood and looks over before she beams a smile. " Oh hiya.. did you get kidnaped too? "
Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester says, "No, I wish. It would give me an excuse to visit this dump. We're in upper state New York and I got a tip on how to mess up some Vampires but it looks like its a trap.""
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Frowns " Wait you mean those guys " She points to two clear vampires.. Pinned to the wall Via bones.. hissing and trying to get out .. but they are very much stuck.. " They don't die even when I crushed thier heads..do you know how to kill em? "
Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester says, "They all have different ways, depends on the Vamp. These dorks are Red Court, so cut their stomache, fire or decapication. Holy water hurts and burns em." He walks over to one and squirts it in the face with a holy water squirt gun, "So why'd you kidnap the girl here?" He waves, "Dean Winchester by the way."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Gives that very knowning Cackle " ohh that works good gimme " she grabs the squirt gun.. and starts spraying the crotch and hearding them shriek.. before she looks over " Harley Quinn pleased to meetcha "She holds out her hand that has a bit of blood and brains on it
Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester doesnt hesistate even if its inwardly Squick. There are weirder hunters out there and her curves dont hurt either. "I think I saw you on the news. Try to avoid that in my line of work," he smiles and doesnt bat an eye on the monster being treated like a monster.