1824/Shadows of the Father

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Shadows of the Father
Date of Scene: 05 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Daken

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The middle of night in Gotham. It was prime time for crime in the city, and Robin had been on patrol. From the rooftops he watched the ground, gloved hands reach to his mask, zooming in and watching for any activity that he could help with.

  He'd been thinking on what Barbara told him the previous night, he needed some kind of outlet. Of course the question was what he was going to use as an outlet.

Daken has posed:
It's summer, so it's not anything new to see a man running around without a shirt on. When one such man dashes out of an alleyway below, it doesn't seem altogether too odd. Maybe he's exercising, though he choose a really poor route for jogging. But it becomes a little more distinctive as he's pursued by a throng of much more covered men, some brandishing weapons and obviously after the first one -- the one wearing so little -- and further develops when the shirtless man engages in seemingly effortlessly-performed martial arts, all mixtures of different styles, and starts working his way through his opponents.

Maybe Damian will know who they are and who they work for. Whoever it is, they're angry at Daken and evidently intent to kill...but even though a few get in some lucky shots, he doesn't seem to bleed for them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The Boy Wonder watches the chase occur, not knowing just what he is paying witness to, but he indeed does know that the odds were not on the shirtless man's favor.

  Robin activates his grapnel, once he achieves enough height before disengaging the gun, and starting a dive. His gloves give off a small current as he holds out his arms, the cape on his back becoming rigid enough to glide with. A near silent approach before his green boots collide with one of the thugs. "Guess who?" He says once he's lost the element of surprise. Damian continues to strike and block as needed against these thugs, most likely from the Penguin gang. "Who did /you/ piss off? Did you literally lose your shirt at the Iceberg?" He asks Daken as the two continue to fight.

Daken has posed:
As Daken twists another of the men to the side, bending the thug's arm in ways arms aren't supposed to bend, he finds himself joined by the Boy Wonder. With an appreciative whistle, he watches Damian work, before engaging the next pair to come at him. Knives are smacked from clumsy hands, guns are anticipated with savage and decisive KOs, and he works his way closer to the new arrival.

"These idiots," Daken answers, simply. "I'm out taking a stroll, minding my own business, when this group of morons decided they owned an alleyway." He blocks and parries with his forearm. "With a docking bay for a truck filled with enough blow to make half the city into comedians, but that's not *my* business. Obviously."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin does what he does best, kicking ass and taking names, he uses the fins on his gauntlets decisively to disarm folks, using palm strikes to give knockout blows when needed. "When this shit's over, I'm gonna need you to show me where that truck was." The boy was decisively using non lethal methods, something that would have made his skin crawl a month ago.

Daken has posed:
Daken is, notably, using non-lethal methods as well, and he's very good at what he does, moving smoothly every time he moves. He's obviously practiced and trained, either gifted in his learning or older than he looks; the training his moves would require would probably take longer than his appearance seems to indicate he's been alive, if he wasn't a natural genius for the methods.

"Oh, uh, about that." Daken grins halfway. "They're kind of idiots. It caught on fire." Not that he set it on fire or anything. Certainly not that he was responsible in any way for that happening. "I mean, boo hoo, such a pity, millions up in smoke, but hey...at least it wasn't something where the smoke'd give off a contact high, right?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Shit, there goes the crime scene, and the evidence." He offers, jumping up to deliver a flurry of punches to one of these men. Robin keeps up his attack, kicking in a knee or two to keep people down. Damian had the training of a master assassin, and it showed, his katana on his back isn't needed here, but he wore it for a purpose.

  "We need to get back there, it's not going to be good to have cocaine burning." Robin kept the fight, activating his gauntlet computer, requesting GCPD at this scene and to have GCFD at the ready for a fire. A multi-tasker, but failing to prepare if preparing to fail, as Batman once told him.

Daken has posed:
"Nice sword," Daken notes, once he notices it. Damian probably has noticed the man watching his moves, assessing him, even if he tries to make it seem casual and incidental. There's more to Daken than meets the eye, and he certainly can't be ignorant to the fact that burning cocaine...will still end up a really bad time for anyone unfortunate enough to be hit by concentrated amounts in the air.

"You're kind of a potty mouth." Daken delivers a brutal spin kick to the last one of the men, then whips that leg up for a drop kick to follow it. The thug groans from the ground, but he doesn't get up. Wisely. "I like it."

Once they're all dealt with, Daken stretches, arching his back, flexing his sculpted muscles, looking more like a cat than his canine namesake. "Ahh, you shouldn't get too close. Unless you have like a full-body hazard suit or something. I mean, if you like that numb all over feeling that lasts for hours and might kill you..." It seems like he might casually dismiss it, in a permissive sort of way, but Daken grins again, tilting his head to the side as he looks to Damian's face. "...well, it'd be a shame."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin keeps his cool, taking down his last opponent with a swift chop to the jaw, making the thug's inner ear go haywire. "I know." He quips in regard to his sword. Obviously this Robin was not such a goody two shoes.

  Damian completed his restraining of any gang members still conscious, before he let out a disappointed tsk. "I've got Fire hazmat ready to go." He reaches into his utility belt, removing two rebreathers, placing one on his face covering both mouth and nose and offering the other to Daken. "We just have to get close enough to tag it on GPS." The Robin mask on his face prevented those tissues from being exposed to the harmful vapors.

Daken has posed:
Daken's grinning just becomes even more pronounced, every time Damian responds. He waves off the rebreather, glancing in the direction he presumably came from. The fire must have just started before the fight, and it's not too bad yet, but...it just got more noticeable. Leaving a chemical fire in a truck is not a recipe for that fire failing to spread.

"I'll be fine. It's not like I have anything to cover the rest of me up. You sure you'll be okay?" Daken comes closer, within arm's length, and looks Robin up and down again. "You're so...bossy," he comments, though it's not a negative judgement. With his tone and expression, apparently it's another thing he likes. "So you're Robin? I'm Daken. Not that you asked...but because it's easier than just saying 'hey you'."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The teen quickly stows away the extra rebreather. "Oh, I thought the red green and yellow would have given me away." Ooh a sarcastic little guy. "Yes, I'm Robin, Daken." He offers, starting to run over to the chemical fire. A GPS tag is removed from a pouch, held in his fingers. "I'll be fine." He offers, looking to the smoke that was now in the air. Quick in, quick out, that's all that we need.

Daken has posed:
Daken waits a little distance away, watching just in case he has to pull Robin out. He doesn't expect to have to, especially with such a rapier wit...and a tongue to match. There won't be any other minions around, which will make things much simpler. But the truck also lacks any real markings, and it's unlikely that they'll be able to trace it back to Penguin. No, the villain is far too circumspect for that. It might give them a lead or two though, especially with Damian's excellence at investigation.

Daken, meanwhile, is in it for the amusement factor. And at the moment, Robin is definitely more amusing than anyone else.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin covers himself with his cape, running into the smoke, the short teen quickly throws the GPS tag to the truck, a red light glowing confirming it is making contact. He touches his mask again, switching viewing modes from normal HUD to night vision, to FLIR. He observes where the fire is strongest, removing a freeze grenade. The seal cracked open, a swift three shakes and he throws the device into the fire. When the liquid helium bursts, it will hopefully quell the fire. Damian hurries back out of harms way while he awaits the device to go off.

Daken has posed:
Daken stands by, watching like most people watch sports games. It's a relief, though he wouldn't be obvious about being relieved, when Damian returns safely. When the freeze grenade goes off, Daken raises his eyebrows and slowly nods, folding his arms on his chest and just...watching it all unfold. "Nice gadgets," he comments. "So, are you dedicated to waiting around until the emergency boys get here, or do you have anything better to do? Because I know this diner...or, I don't know, we could climb buildings and scowl on top of gargoyles."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Comes with the territory, along with the belt." Damian offers, in relation to his gadgets. Then he's asked about if he needed to stay while the teams arrived. "Not necessarily." Robin retorts, looking to the older gentleman. He hadn't really felt too interested in eating, plus he needed to keep an eye out for more problems. The teen raises an eyebrow before he answers. "Buildings are better, scowling optional."

Daken has posed:
"Well...I don't have the equipment you do," Daken comments, and if he's aware of the way it could be taken, he doesn't make any special note of it. "So I can't exactly zip up to the rooftops like the family of night mammals do. Maybe you could pick a building with a fire escape?" His grin returns, gleaming with his eyes in the light. "Or there's always just taking the stairs to roof access and sitting around trying to make out the stars around the light pollution."

But despite all the light, shadows stretch a little longer in Gotham than they do in most places. There might be a place to see the stars and make out some of the night sky.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian removes his grapnel gun, offering it to Daken. "Point and shoot, it jerks at first, not too bad." He offers, pointing across the street, where there was another alley, high enough to get away, low enough to maintain a vantage point. Damian had already started to jump from one side to another, making his way up to the roof.

Daken has posed:
"You could just hop onto my back...but sure!" Daken's so casual with his commentary, but he takes the grapnel gun easily and hefts it in his hand, weighing it there before letting loose with one shot. He zips up into the air and seems to know what he's doing enough to pull the hook out of whatever it lodged into, doing a series of flips and turns in midair before landing semi-gracefully on the target rooftop. He's only a little before Damian getting there, and he holds out the gun to the Boy Wonder by the time he arrives.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Rest assured, you will -never- find me being carried around on someone's shoulders." Damian quips, seriously, before reaching to take the grapnel back. "I'm short, not infantile." He was a spitfire for sure, but something about this Daken fellow was not so bad, hence why he was still around.

Daken has posed:
Daken seems to take it all in stride. He definitely isn't bad to be around, for Damian anyway -- but then Damian would probably notice anything unsubtle about him, so the pheromones that constantly orbit Daken aren't so overt tonight. "Wanna carry me around on your shoulders?" He rests his hands on his hips, once the grapnel gun is reclaimed. "I haven't had a piggyback ride in a *long* time. I'll bet you could just about manage it."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "You...have got to be shitting me." Robin retorts, not really believing he just got asked to give someone a piggyback ride. As if the Boy Wonder had time at night to do something so frivolous. Damian gives a huff of sorts, almost not knowing what else to say,

Daken has posed:
Daken laughs a sharp, loud laugh, throwing his hands up and shaking his head. "I'm not! I'm serious!" He settles back with his hands on his hips, swaying his posture from one side to the other. "*I* don't think it's infantile. What, do you not think you can do it? I guess I am pretty heavy."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian grits his teeth a bit. He's torn, on one side, the assassin is insulted by the thought of such frivolity. The other is just a matter of pride and knowing he could easily heft up Daken. "-Fine-." He says, looking to get this over with.

Daken has posed:
Daken keeps looking for a few seconds, and then it either dawns on him, or it appears to dawn on him, that Damian has agreed to this. So he claps his hands and hurries over. "Okay! How do you want me to do this? Like...climb up on you, or did you want to squat down and do it that way?" It is totally frivolous. Daken's no stranger to frivolity, but there's something about this that tempts him to want to do it, if only to say he's done it. "You're seriously awesome."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I don't really f&#$ing care, just..." He does squat down, giving enough room for Daken to climb up and so Damian can lift. "Lets just get this thing over with."

Daken has posed:
Daken contentedly climbs on Damian's back, hugging arms around him from behind. "I think," he continues, once he's positioned himself in a place he's sure Damian will be able to apply leverage to successfully, "you are my new favorite person." It sounds like he means it, though it's also given the kind of tone he gives everything, so who knows how much that has in the way of gravitas.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hefts up Daken, even though he's almost double Damian's own weight. The boy stands completely, and huffs. "There, happy?" Robin soon lets the man down, having had enough of whimsy.

Daken has posed:
Even just that instant is enough for Daken. When he's placed down again, he leaps over Damian's head and lands in a handvault, flipping to his feet and lifting his hands in a gesture that is absolutely, unmistakably celebratory. "My day has been made! So what now? Or do I get to be your unofficial sidekick tonight, looking sexy and distracting the bad guys, while you clean up?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The Boy Wonder shakes his head. "I'm glad I made your day." He offers, more sarcasm from a teenager, who would have thought? "I've got to get back on the beat." Robin offers, moving to the ledge and shooting off his grapnel, the wire flying out and hooking into the building. Robin nods, before clicking the gun a second time, zipping off into the night.

Daken has posed:
Daken watches, smiling all the while, and lifts a hand in a wave as Robin decides to go on his way. "See you soon!" Which he hopes will be true. Tonight's been more interesting than a lot of evenings lately. And getting to mix it up with an amazing fighter has really added to that enjoyment. He sees a few things in common with Damian. Maybe some of it's supposition and assumption, but nobody gets that good at such an early stage in life without either a healing factor to make them look younger...or being forced into intense training almost immediately.

Either way, he figures they'll have something to talk about next time. He'll do some scratching around. Maybe Daken can dig up some interesting information. If not, no big deal. He'll just have to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Do they have a Bathorse? Daken rubs a fingertip along his chin idly, then shrugs and wanders into the shadows again.