2846/Shadowy cats and shadowy elves rock out

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Shadowy cats and shadowy elves rock out
Date of Scene: 14 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Shadowcat

Nightcrawler has posed:
    There is the usual crowd in, sans Logan. Logan is otherwise back at the mansion, nursing the fact Kurt would not bet him on a couple of college games.
    The waitress looks disappointed, as Kurt is drinking way less than normal. There is only one half a beer on the table in front of him. While he is periodically looking at the tv screens, Kurt is looking at want ads on the computer, rubbing at his forehead now and then.
    Kurt is looking at part-time jobs?

Shadowcat has posed:
When Kitty arrives, it has more to do with seeking out a particular blue elf than it does any craving for beer. She waves at Harry as she enters. "A soda!" she tells him in answer to the single brow raised in query. And then makes her way straight to Kurt's table, plopping down easily. "Hey, Elf... whatcha doing?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Katzchen!" Kurt says, happy to see her. he leans over to kiss her cheek. The one good thing about being gone is everyone is glad to see you when you are back?
    Kurt shrugs. "I was thinking about maybe making a little extra money on the side. Just for a little while. have some extra money laying about is a gut thing, ja?" He quirks a smile at her.
    That was evasive. "How are you?" His gaze settles on her and his tail stops its moving. "You look suspiciously... happy." His eyes narrow. He might have to kill someone.

Shadowcat has posed:
She grins at his enthusiasm, Kitty can't help it. Kurt's happiness has always been contagious. The kiss to her cheek is accepted with equanimity and she makes herself comfortable with her elbows on the table. "A little extra money is always good," she agrees. Although... it does seem a little strange to her. It's never occurred to her to wonder if the team gets paid -- there's just always been money for whatever was needed. Being away brings into much clearer focus just how much she doesn't really know about how the school runs and how her teammates function as adults outside of the team.
    "I'm doing great. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Kitty asks. "I'm finally home. No one got hurt in the invasion before I could get here -- which was seriously a big deal to me! I've got my fist real job, and it's working from home. How much luckier could a girl get?" The blush that colors her cheeks? Oh, that's nothing. Pshaw!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He's going to kill him. He will then have him brought back so Logan can kill him. Twice. Kurt stares at her. "Katzchen." His chest rises and falls. He lifts a finger on one hand. His tail waves at Harry, then points down. Kurt downs his half a beer. "Do we need to have another of those talks?" He is still traumatized from the first one. "About boys, und what they want, and how to be careful?" He pulls in another breath.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty *blinks* at him. "What?" she chokes out. "No, of course not!" He is not the only one traumatized by that memory!! Good Lord! "I'm an adult, Kurt -- maybe a young one, but totally legal. You... you need to mind your business," she informs him. It's in the tone one might expect a younger sister to use to her older brother, somewhat blustering and a little bit embarrassed. Apparently there *is* fire. "Geez... I forgot, being away for three years, that NOTHING is private."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I love you Katzchen. You are blushing. Do not let yourself get too wrapped up in things." Kurt thinks of something as the waitress delivers the soda and the beer. He rubs his chin. "Actually, nein. I have no room to talk." he is still going to have a chat with Piotr, but ja...
    "You are right. I am sorry, Katzchen. It is non of mein business. Just remember, Kurt is the best name ever for kinder!" That should keep her safe.

Shadowcat has posed:
Rolling her eyes expressively, Kitty mutters, "No, from what I hear, you absolutely *don't*." Her blush hasn't faded away, but she blows out a breath. "Talk about derailing someone." That wasn't what she'd come here looking for him for. "I was wondering how come you're teleporting parts of boulders off the far side of the lake." There's no graceful segue, she simply drops the question on the table.

Nightcrawler has posed:
5r    "Because I saw a bamf teleport a whiskey bottle in half on accident." The stress in the word is accident. "How many times have I teleport you? Or Storm? Or Lorna?" That last one. Is there fear in his voice? "Accidents are not acceptable. Not with mein family." That word has a certain gravity to it now in his tone. things might be serious.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks... puzzled. Her soda arrives and she puts a straw in it before responding. "You didn't know that you had a radius of teleport?" she asks carefully. It's kind of an assumption on her part that a radius is what he means by 'accident' -- that the bottle was too big for the bamf.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt explains the cisrcumstances. "Not a radius so much as a mass limit." Kurt explains. "But by -meaning- to do it." Kurt says carefully. "I can bisect an item with some precision." That bothers Kurt. "Or a person. I tried in the danger room. It was." Kurt blanches. "Gruesome." He never needs to see that again.
    After a swallow from his beer, Kurt taps his bottom lip. "Practice breeds control."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's lips tighten a bit. And then she nods slowly. "It does, yes. I'm not sure whether to say I'm sorry or that I'm glad you saw it happen with a bamf instead of doing it yourself. You'd have never forgiven yourself." She sighs softly. "I.... Kurt, I know what you're going through with it. Finding out that your power is a lot more lethal than you realized is really hard." There's genuine sympathy in her voice. "What can I do to help you?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Do not tell dad." Kurt says, teasing. He means Xavier. His smile is warm. "I have it under control. Mostly. It is just a manner of meaning to do it. it is hard to do on accident. A greater hazards with teleporting are the laws of Newtonian motion. I think I have this. I really need to know how to do it, to nicht do it."

Shadowcat has posed:
"It's not my place to tell anyone anything, Kurt." Kitty studies him quietly. "Yeah.... knowing I can put my hand into someone's chest and come back out with their still-beating heart? I didn't take that with quite this much calm." She's not sure he's as okay as he seems to be trying to portray. "It kind of made me freak out and not want to phase another person for a long time."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I have been teleporting since i was a child. I am -nicht- currently teleporting anyone. Especially nicht you or Lorna." Oh, he does love her. As if she needed verification. "But Lorna set me straight about it, und how rather than letting meinself get upset over it, I should just do something about it." Yeah. 'Lorna set him straight'. Maybe it is not as casual as they are playing it off?

Shadowcat has posed:
Tilting her head, it brings a smile to Kitty's face. "Really?" She sips her soda. "So.... what else does Lorna say?" she queries, teasing but nicely.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "If your life is off limits..." Kurt responds gamely, so is mein." Hmph? He takes a long swallow from his beer. "Lorna is a lady." That is usually what he says about women he sleeps with once and escapes from. "I see her with new eyes, und I admire the grace that she has while dealing with her many heavy burdens."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is entranced with Kurt's reaction. She has never seen him quite so enamored of anyone, she doesn't think. She laughs out in surprise. "Oh my goodness, Kurt... that's wonderful," she tells him sincerely. "You don't have to kiss and tell. Do you... are you getting serious?" She's only been home a short while, and she hadn't really heard he'd been dating her for a long time or anything. She's missed a lot!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    His smile remains firmly in place. Kurt is quiet as he considers it. "Ja. It is serious." He reaches into his wallet and he pulls out some money to pay for his beers and her soda. His left hand rubs at his jaw as he considers things. "Very serious,: He agrees.

Shadowcat has posed:
Both her eyebrows shoot up. "Kurt.... really?" Kitty's both elated and astounded. She doesn't quite know how to react. "Wow." As she sits there and considers that the man in front of her, her brother in all but blood, looks like he's just won the lottery with regard to dating. "Congratulations!" It's the only word that seems to make sense, although she's not exactly sure what she's congratulating him on. "So.... if you're that serious about a teammate, how come you're all up in arms about whatever I might be up to?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I was the adopted baby." Kurt answers. "Jimaine und Stephan were a few years older than I." Kurt has a long swallow of beer. He hates talking about it. "I know what it is like to be the baby und to haff to prove yourself all the time. I know what it is like to be treated as the tagalong. But I know this much. You would be dead if not for me." He sighs, "Und I would be dead if nicht for you. That means we are responsible for each other, ja? Especially as you re adult now. Is hard, you see, when the little girl who used to be scared of you, then learned to love you for who you are is old enough to have a drink with you."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well... almost, anyway," Kitty replies. And she grins at him. "I love you for exactly who you are. And I'm really glad that you have found someone to love who looks at you and sees all the things that I see now when I look at you, Kurt. You have one of the purest hearts I think I've ever known."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Nicht so much." Kurt admits. "I have never been this serious before." He rubs at his face. 'I should nicht have spent all mein money on a car." he says, regretting it immensely. He loves his car. But still. "I was thinking I would be single for awhile longer, you see."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty blinks. That is REALLY serious. "Well, just so you know, I'm not anywhere NEAR that serious about anything -- so uhm.... let us find our way in our own time?" she asks. "I mean, it's... kinda brand new that we even talk to one another without trying to pretend we're not looking at each other."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "That was stupid." A little harsh coming from Kurt, but said gently. "I love you both. I would die for you." Why is that so ominous? "But pretending you did nicht care was stupid. I know you were both young, and there for awhile you both needed to grow up, but to refuse to acknowledge it. A kiss is nicht going to get you pregnant." He would roll his eyes if he could.

Shadowcat has posed:
"It better not," Kitty retorts with a blush. She shrugs. "I think you and Logan must have made your opinions of things very clear before I went to college. And you'd have been right to. 16 is far too young." She smiles shyly. "We never pretended we didn't care... we just... kept it at arm's length for a while."