3473/Turtles And Mutants

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Turtles And Mutants
Date of Scene: 23 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Michelangelo, Rogue

Michelangelo has posed:
    With the setting sun disappearing over the horizon westward on this Saturday night, the city kicks up a gear. Tourists get out and about, families walk the park, friends hang about. It's a buzz and hive of activity, relentless and unstopping.
    Wayyyy up in the north-east of Manhattan, right in the middle of Central Harlem, a few street basketball courts have been constructed. They line each other back-to-back, side-to-side, and are often filled with local ballers either playing or queueing up for the next game. The skill on display varies, but most people playing seem to be at least well drilled. It wasn't the place to come for the faint of heart!
    One player in particular, looking to be pretty large at over six feet tall and at least three hundred pounds, completely covered from head to toe in various pieces of clothing (so much so that not one ounce of his skin can be seen!), goes quite well. He's flashy, creative and possesses a good grasp of the fundamentals. As he takes dribbles and slam-dunks on another player, the play resets continues.
    Squeaky shoes slide across the tarmac that is the court of these local stadiums. The cheap lights that surround the courts turn on as the evening progresses. The collective weren't stopping just 'cause it was night! Music plays in the background - modern hiphop and rap booming out of a constructed sound system.

Michelangelo has posed:
    With the setting sun disappearing over the horizon westward on this Saturday night, the city kicks up a gear. Tourists get out and about, families walk the park, friends hang about. It's a buzz and hive of activity, relentless and unstopping.
    Wayyyy up in the north-east of Manhattan, right in the middle of Central Harlem, a few street basketball courts have been constructed. They line each other back-to-back, side-to-side, and are often filled with local ballers either playing or queueing up for the next game. The skill on display varies, but most people playing seem to be at least well drilled. It wasn't the place to come for the faint of heart!
    One player in particular, looking to be pretty large at over six feet tall and at least three hundred pounds, completely covered from head to toe in various pieces of clothing (so much so that not one ounce of his skin can be seen!), goes quite well. He's flashy, creative and possesses a good grasp of the fundamentals. As he takes dribbles and slam-dunks on another player, the play resets continues.
    Squeaky shoes slide across the tarmac that is the court of these local stadiums. The cheap lights that surround the courts turn on as the evening progresses. The collective weren't stopping just 'cause it was night! Music plays in the background - modern hiphop and rap booming out of a constructed sound system.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue liked to wander on her free time to wherever people her age might be located, she liked to interact with... well, really any age demographic actually, but sporting courts like this often brought about fun interactions all around. She used to hang out at the skatepark in Salem Center up in Westchester, but since she wasn't going to Xavier's School anymore she was looking for new hangouts.

Rogue rolled up to the basketball courts on her skateboard, her black wool coat on her upper body, her black wool cap ontop of her head and some dark grey pants with black leather boots completing her attire, aside from the dark green gloves on her hands of course!

Rogue stopped her rolling and stood on her board while she reached out to hook her gloved fingers through the chainlink fence... Pale green eyes watched the court, she watched those playing and just stared... black eyeliner circled around her green eyes and made them stand out sharper.

When she saw the one player who was schooling the others, Rogue did a loud wolf whistle through the chainlink fence, just to play around some, and she added a smile to show it. She knew that the guys on the courts loved it when a girl watched them do their stupid sports-stuff, it was fun to play along for her part.

Michelangelo has posed:
    The wolf-whistle causes the player (and a few others!) to turn to Rogue in a bit of surprise. They smirk in appreciation -- no doubt enjoying the attention. With his body covered from head-to-toe, with even his face hidden behind a hockey mask, Mikey's physical features remain a mystery.
    For nearly ten minutes the players go at it, sweating and hustling to attack and defend. Then, right near the end of the quarter break, something happens. The player that was schooling the others loses one of the long gloves that was covering his hands and forearm in a flashy dunk. And upon doing so? Exposes the three fingered green hand and matching slimy skin! It takes only a moment for most to stare. And react.
    While mutants have certainly come a long way in human-race relations, those that have the physical conditions of someone like Michelangelo are still judged harshly by many. ESPECIALLY if said person is using those abilities to get an unfair advantage on the basketball court! The group swarm on Michelangelo, grasping him by the clothes and shoving him around roughly. The game ends near immediately as people swear fierce profanities at him when it's eventually exposed (as his mask and beanie are ripped off) that he's a turtle. "NOT EVEN A MUTANT!" One calls out loudly. "AN ACTUAL ANIMAL!" Laughter erupts among the players, before Michelangelo is shoved out of the court - ejected from the game for now and likely forever.
    The turtle himself rubs his forearm -- a place where someone had slogged him. "Yeah? Well, you guys SUCK anyway!" He calls back, his baby blue eyes squinting at those on the court.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had picked her skateboard up off the ground and hooked its wheels inside of her coat where she sewed a little loop for the board to hang from. She was walking along the fence outside the court while watching the players do their sports-thing, but by the time that the shoving started, Rogue had looked away and down at her jacket to look at her cell phone...

... but the fighting noises made her look up again, her darklined eyes narrowed and she watched the guys ganging up on the big one i the costume...

Rogue was at the doorway to the court when they shoved MIkey out of it and then she glared at them all. "What the hell is ya'lls problem?" She said at the players who'd done the shoving, suspecting some kind of anti-mutant chicanary here. "Ya'll get your asses beat 'nd now you're pissed off about it, is that it?" She teased them all, her southern accented voice showing no fear toward a similar treatment that they just afforded the Hockey Masked One.

Michelangelo has posed:
    A few of the players turn to look at Rogue when she calls out to tease them, but they sort of don't even bother with her bait - just blowing her off with a few waves of the hand. "Get back to Broadway, bitch." One of them calls out, pointing out the black eyeliner, big boots and other dramatic fashion she seems to be wearing. At the comment a few of them snicker -- before they start playing again.
    "Don't listen to 'em. S'ok." Mikey calls, now behind Rogue at this point since she was in the doorway to the fenced off courts. "I'm sorta used to it at this point. I was just hoping to get a good quarter in before anyone realised." Reaching into the pockets of his sweatpants, he pulls out a pair of trendy sunglasses and puts them on. Even though it's night, he's gotta look cool!
    "You new to town?" He asks curiously, sidling up to the mutant. "The accent sorta gives it away. Heh."

Rogue has posed:
Being called 'bitch' but a bunch of posers was pretty hard for Rogue to let go of and she even took a step toward the court before she heard Mikey's words and she just... somehow stopped herself... almost as though she could hear Charles' voice inside her head telling her to calm herself and think clearly about her actions... he'd been a positive influence on her, in her time at that School.

Rogue did a double-take over at Mikey and she looked him over while he put on his shades. "You're a mutant, doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed t'play basketball." She quietly said back at him, anger/annoyance still on her voice.

She glanced back at the court and then back to him, her head shook. "I've been outta the south since I was fourteen. Moved here about a year ago now..." She huffed out a sigh. "Sorry they were a-holes t'you, that ain't right."

Rogue looked back at them on the court, she reached a hand up to adjust that black wool-knit-cap ontop of her head. "I'll gladly pop their ball and toss all their precious shoes inta the east rive'ah though, if ya want me to." She grinned back at him a little then.

Michelangelo has posed:
    Michelangelo shrugs in earnest. "Eh - whatcha gonna do? You know, my brother Raph tells me that some dumb dogs just can't learn new tricks." The turtle snickers, before glancing back to the basketball court. Obviously he'd like to still be playing, that much is clear.
    At the question that Rogue poses, Mikey turns attention back to Rogue. His mouth widens so much so that his teeth within show against the lights that light the basketball court.
    "...you can do that?" He asks, maybe not entirely sure HOW this pretty hot chick could manage such a feat. "I think these guys have been pretty naughty around Christmas." He observes cheekily. "Maybe you can just play Santa's helper and give them a bit of just desserts. Heh." He rubs his hands together in glee - though it doubles to help keep them warm in the chill of the night.
    "Do you need my help? I can totally help somehow! I'm a certified A1 ninja, y'know. Don't let the shell fool you. I can totally be all shadow-y and ninja-y if I want."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had seen plenty of mutants effected physically by their mutation. When she was 14 and first joined up with the Brotherhood she'd set out on a path that had lead her to seeing / meeting all manner of physically mutated people, so it wasn't really that big of a deal for her to see a giant turtle-man, not like it was for a lot of other people anyway.

Rogue sized Mikey up again and then shook her head and smirked at him. "Nah." She told him. "I got this... I'll be right back."
    he southern belle stepped onto the court then and walked toward those playing, she waited for her moment and then walked right in front of a pass... Her hand shot up and she caught the ball, then slapped it between her other hand.

"I ain't your 'bitch'." She said to the guys on the court. "And I'd be thrilled t'be on Broadway."

And with that, Rogue smooshed the ball between her gloved hands, it went immediately flat and she tossed the lifeless corpse of the basektball onto the ground... displaying a pretty wild amount of strength, or a pretty neat magick trick?

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Y'sure?" Mikey offers, though Rogue is already on her way and into the courts. "Oh man... if this chick gets roughed up I'm gonna have to step in here!" He mutters to himself, squinting from behind his glasses. "...can I take that many dudes though? Uh..." While he starts to count, his attention is immediately drawn to Rogue when she so brazenly catches the ball. And then? Crushes it. o______o "...duuuuuuude."
    The ball pops like a balloon. So effortless is the gesture made that the ballers, who were about to cry foul and ask what the hell was happening, are stunned! They aren't exactly sure what to think or to expect. "You another mutie?" One has the gall to eventually ask. "No-one asked you to come here, man. This is humans only. You better be up for payin' for another ball, yo. Or this is gonna get ugly." Slowly yet surely Rogue becomes surrounded, as people on all the courts make their way to ring around the female mutant.
    Mikey remains on the outside, clinging to the fence and staring in. He chews on his lip nervously, hoping he hasn't just sent this cutie to be in a world of pain!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue let the group surround her, she didn't care if they wanted to intimidate her because she knew full well what she was capable of. Her green eyes looked around at them and then she regarded the tallest one, the one with the ugliest glare and she looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm a mutant... and I got tons'a money. So much money, I don't even know what t'do with it all." That was mostly a lie.

Rogue lifted her right hand up then and she grabbed hold of the tip of her middle finger, she slowly pulled the long glove up, up, up.... and off, exposing her bare hand to the group. She looked at it, then at them.

"Ya know what happens if ya touch this?" She asked the Tall One again. "Or, any part'a me for that matter?" She was speaking low and sultry, her smokey voice was seductive.

"My mutation comes alive, 'nd my skin?" She slowly shook her head right to left. "It starts t'suck the life right outta ya... My body drains ya dry, until yours ain't left with nothin' inside, not a single shred'a who you were. You're just a lifeless, -husk-, that used t'be."

Rogue let that threat sink in before she suddenly shot up into the air!

She hovered a good eight feet off the ground and stared down at them.

"Yeah, I'm a mutant." She said down at them. "I'm the deadliest mutant any'a you punk bitches are eve'ah gonna meet. So, why don't ya'll clear the hell outta here, huh?"

Michelangelo has posed:
    The sultry words of Rogue work like magic on the basketball players. They are positively scared and frightened like crazy! And when she shoots up (?!) to tower above them all, they all freak. "LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!" While a few remain and just look at her, the mass amount of numbers that were here at one point rapidly decline as the sea of street ballers spill out of the fences and into the surrounding neighbourhood. Michelangelo just watches, dumbfounded. The huge throng of people disappear so quickly, leaving only himself and the floating mutant.
    "THAT WAS AWESOMMEEEE!" Mikey cries in delight, waving a hand from outside the fence in glee. He hops from one foot to the other, clapping hands together above his head. "Dude, you can FLY? That's so cool! Why do you even skate if you can fly like that?" Yep - he had noticed the board. "Hey, is everything what you just said true? Or did you just make it all up?" It certainly sounded real! But given it's winter, anyone could be wearing gloves just like those that Rogue had on.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue floated over the heads of the runaways and she taunted them with more little insults while they took off...

...her hovering brought her back down toward Mikey while he spoke and when he finished she touched back down onto the sidewalk area beside the court where the Turtle was, she gave him a grin. "Cause, its cold out... flyin' in the cold really sucks. And, well, people get weird if they knowe you can fly."

She glanced back over her shoulder at the ones running off. "Those guys are gonna call the cops now and tell them that a mutant here at the courts just assaulted them." She told Mikey, putting her eyes back on him.

"We better make like fleas and jump on outta here." She'd start to head south, the way she'd come from originally. "And yeah, everything I said was true. I'm basically like, the Grim Reaper... Its not all its chalked up to be though." She said with a sarcastic little huff of a laugh then.

Michelangelo has posed:
    As Rogue comes down to share her wisdom of what the ballers are going to do, the turtle erupts into a bit of nervousness. "What?! The cops?! What are we going to do?! I'm too cute to go to jail! And Leo will KILL me if I'm thrown into a cell!" While he panics for a little bit, her suggestion of making like fleas causes him to nod several times in quick succession. "Dude, you don't have to tell me twice." Dashing over to the corner to get his own board, the turtle quickly returns to venture south with the southern belle.
    "That's gnarly. And I guess flying high would be pretty cool. People don't like touching me either. Turtle skin and all that. Some people think it's slimy - I dunno. I do moisturise sometimes to try and help with that, but sometimes there's not a lot I can do." As he hops on his board and begins to trundle along, he gestures to himself. "I'm Michelangelo, by the way. Friends and fam call me Mikey. Are you... uh, what's the group called again... An X-Man?" Pause. "X-Woman?"
    Sirens can be heard in the distance already. The squad cars are several blocks away though, and unlikely to get here until at least a few minutes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue heard all that Mikey said and it just made a grin appear on her pale pink hued lips. She shook her head side to side. "I like that name." She told him quietly before reaching up to adjust the hat ontop of her head. "And nah, I used t'be with them, but I'm not now..." Rogue started to look around at the sounds of the sirens.

"I'm in the process'a joinin' the Avengers, actually. They need a girl with my kinda flare for... makin' people run away in terror."

Rogue smirked back at Mikey and then dropped her ALF-stylized skateboard down, then glanced at his. "Come on, we gotta roll."

Rogue jumped on her board, and started to move without the use of her feet... flight powers + skateboard = self powered momentum!

"I fly more'n the summer, but this time'a year its like a hundred colder up in the sky than it is down here... ints unbearable, Mikey."

She was on her way down the street and taking a left away from the sirens!

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Get outta here. You're joining the AVENGERS? THAT'S SO COOOOOOL! Aw man, I'm so jelly. Can you get me an invite? They're my favourite team going around at the moment. So bad-ass! I guess it's only natural you're in that team. Hell yeah - you could fit right in with those flying skills and... other things you do. They're not looking for turtles, are they?"
    Mikey follows Rogue with expert finesse, skill and control. When it came to 'street skills', Mikey rates usually an eight out of ten at the very least! Skating being no exception. "Yo, you can seriously move." Given he is restricted by turtle power (IE: legs), he does lag a bit behind the Avenger. But he keeps up semi-well given the circumstances. Soon, the sound of sirens fade away.
    "So what's your name, anyway?" He asks, breathing a little more harder now given the effort he's had to pull out. "Can I try and guess your Avengers superhero name?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue wouldn't stop skating fast until the cop sirens were in their wake and no longer very loud... She'd come to a halt outside of a cellphone store near the alleyway with a chinese food place on the other side of the alley. She kicked her board back up into her hands and she grinned at the turtle.

"Nice keepin' up there, Mikey." She said at him, holding her board in her left gloved hand. "My name is my super her name, one'n the same. So if you wanna guess, you better start throwin' ideas out right now." More grinning from the girl in her late teens.

"Once I get settled in a bit with'em, I can start askin' around about their need-level on havin' a giant skateboardin' turtle in the roster. Neve'ah know, they might leap at the chance."

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Don't forget badass ninja! That can act, DJ, sing and eat pizza with the best of them. I'm a six-star threat, really." Mikey chuffs and snickers, kicking up his own board as he breathes heavily. "Alright, let's see here. Uhhh - hm." The turtle taps his chin in thought, clearly more relaxed now that the sirens are all but gone in the distance. AND! The smell of chinese food is no doubt helping him relax and think. "What about ... Ms. Spring-roll?" Oy vey. Clearly the smells and idea thoughts have mixed up. "No! Wait, uh, that's not what I meant. How about - the Vengeful Duchess? The Mouth From The South? The Etheral Doctor? The Quirky Sparrow?" The skin above his eyes furrow. "Any of those?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to what he said and she smirked at him. "I think those sound like Avengers level skills if ya asked me." She teased the big Turtle man back before shaking her head. "I'll do everything in my pwoer t'get you an interview with'em though, trust me!"

At his name suggestion, Rogue couldn't help but just start to laugh and shake her head in total and complete denial. "Nope..." She told him.

"Lets see... uh..." She thought about things, glanced around across the street and then back to the turtle. "Did ya see that Star Wars movie? The one with the Death Star?" She sighed and shook her head. "They all have death stars..." That was muttered.

"Uh, the one where they fought on the beaches and Darth Vader cut all those rebels up in their space ship? Where all the good guys died at the end?" She wasn't the best Star Wars expert.

"My name is the name'a that movie, well... half of it anyhow."

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Right?! That's what I think! I even tried to get into this fancy party that Tony Stark had the other day, but they wouldn't let me in." Mikey grumps, putting hands on his hips. "Just cause it was super fancy and I'm a turtle that hasn't got a suit." He pauses when Rogue explains and gives hints about her name. "Girl, tell me you did NOT just say they all have Death Stars! Come on now, that's not true at all." Regardless, he smirks. "Well - unless your hero name is One, then it's gotta be Rogue. Cool! I like it." Mikey rolls back and forth on his feet, no doubt keen. "Well, Rogue? Good to meet ya. Officially." He holds out a fist, willing to bump it with Rogue's own if she feels so inclined. "That power of yours - does it work on animals too? If it doesn't, you can totally not worry about touching me with your magic skin." Smooth.
    On his opposite hand, an alarm on his wristwatch beeps. "Oh man," He starts, "I forgot about dinner! We had this Christmas Eve pizza party planned and I was meant to come back with Coke Zero and... ugh," He just shakes his head, stepping over to the sewer entrance in this alleyway. Kicking it off, he descends a bit down the ladder. "Hey, Merry Christmas, huh? I'll probably see you around the 'hood? And don't go flying around Harlem any time soon! Don't want those losers shooting you outta the sky."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grinned at the part about Death Stars. "Its 'kinda' true. Almost anyway." She said softly back at the taller Turtle man. "I ain't met Tony Stark yet, but when I do I'll make sure he knows that he's got a fan who wants t'meet him who deserves to without needin' t'wear some stuffy ol' suit suit."

Rogue hadn't put her right glove back on yet since she freaked out the kids on the basketball court. She lifted her hand up. "Only works on homosapiens and homosuperiors." She said to the Turtle, showed him a smile then and went to bump fists with him. "So I think you're safe, Mikey-man."

Rogue saluted at him as he started to leave though, a casual gesture. "Bullets bounce off'a me too, like nerf weapons." She grinned at him after revealing another one of her powers to the fleeing Turtle. "Enjoy your Christmas!" She shouted after him.

Michelangelo has posed:
    "For real? Man I should have guessed that your name was Supergirl or something!" He calls back with a laugh, before waving. "Peace." And just like that? He's gone underneath the manhole -- though he does lift a hand to slide it back to where it belongs.