5285/Birds of Day

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Birds of Day
Date of Scene: 02 September 2018
Location: Barbara Gordon's apartment, The Clocktower, Gotham
Synopsis: Three of the Birds of Prey introduce themselves and talk shop.
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, Faith Lehane, Shadow

Batwoman has posed:
Kate is... Kate. Which means the athletic socialite is leaning back ensconced firmly in one of Barbara's couches, presumably while Oracle is either asleep or otherwise engaged. Senior Advisor to Hamilton Arms, she's wearing a simple blouse, and a pair of tight jeans - Legs are crossed, to support a tablet that is resting in her lap. It's mid-afternoon, which means that it's entirely the wrong time to be a Batwoman. A steaming mug of coffee waits on the table for her.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"So do I just, like, leave my stuff by the door?" Fait his calling out to no one in particular. She drops her duffel bag not too far from the entrance and then starts toward the couches with long, purposeful strides. Blue eyes cast over Kate as the smaller woman passes her. In contrast, Faith is wearing a blue denim jacket, a pair of tight black leather pants, and a black t-shirt that is emblazoned with the slogan 'Gone, baby, gone" with a white silhouette of a woman laying face down in the rain drawn across it. She strolls over to a couch and drops into it with a soft thump.

Batwoman has posed:
"Oh, hello. Another friend of Babs." Kate looks up from her tablet to nod at Faith, who is similarly not in costume. Although she doesn't out herself just like that, she is nice enough to turn her tablet off with a smile. "Kate Kane, Hamilton Arms Senior Advisor, old friend of Barbara. She's catching up on some sleep right now." The tablet is folded into three pieces, and put aside. "How do you know her?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Faith. I was helping her with some work she needed done. It's nice to meet you." She glances around the room again and then takes a deep breath, fingers shifting lightly against her leg. "We got in touch not that long ago, to be honest." She looks around the room briefly before turning her gaze back to Kate. "I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the part where all of this was hidden behind the Clocktower the whole time, to be honest." She gives a brief shrug. "It's nice."

Shadow has posed:
    "Miss Lehane is an external contractor I encountered on a recent investigation," comes a familiar voice as the Shadow seems to materialize out of a dimly lit corner, the only one still 'in uniform' so to speak. "Miss Gordon and I were discussing the possibility to offer her a retainer fee, at the very least."

    That sapphire gaze moves from Faith to Kate, studying the woman. "... Miss Kane. This is a surprise, I admit..."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate reaches out for her coffee, taking it and enjoying a long, slow sip, and then a somewhat familiar snicker. "You'd be suprised what gets done behind closed doors, and Barbara is BEYOND resourceful." Her hands wrap around her ceramic mug, and she turns her head slowly towards the voice of the Shadow.

"Faith Lehane. A lovely name. And yet 'you' haven't given me a name yet." Kate mock-sighs dramatically, and rests her mug on the arm of the couch.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"I don't think that he does names," Faith replies to Kate with a wry smile. She gently shrugs her slender shoulders as azure eyes snap to the newly entering Shadow, studying this person from head to toe. "Kate Kane... That's a name I recognize too. The society magazines don't really do you justice." Faith twists in her seat to better face the Shadow then, raising a knee to the level of the couch as she half leans over one arm. "You look... Mysterious as always. How have you been since I ran into you last?"

Shadow has posed:
    Kate can make out a raised eyebrow underneath that hood as the Shadow visibly processes her remark, then a very slight widening of the eyes as two and two are put together, followed by a chuckle. "... I stand corrected. /Two/ surprises."

    That hat's brim conceals the Shadow's features as they bow their head, shoulders shaking with a lengthy chuckle before looking facing both women and raising a hand to their face. "Although I suppose..." They begin, taking hold of the front of their hat and scarf and lifting their head back as both are pulled away...

    "... That I really shoud have guessed, Natasha finishes with an amused smile on her features.

Batwoman has posed:
"'He' is a She. Call it a gift." Kate smirks a little bit in return, although she offers a slight seated-bow at Faith, "Miss Kane in the flesh, in fact - And don't believe anything you read about me. I paid for a lot of it." The woman keeps an eye on Shadow though, the amusement written plainly on her face as the Shadow at least partially removes her costume.

"Called it, gorgeous."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Even the Society columns about the drunken benders? Because I thought I knew how to party at one point." Faith returns Kate's smile with a beatific grin, completely ignoring the Shadow's movements until the mask is being removed. Then she has the grace to stare openly at Natasha as she's revealing herself.

"Hello, nurse," the young woman adds helpfully. She takes a deep breath. "This is already starting to look up. ...Thank you for trusting me with that." The last is added with far more quiet, audible sincerity than anything else Kate has said thus far.

"Should we go around the circle and talk a bit about what we actually do around here?" Faith asks as she removes her jacket. "You know. Bonding moment or whatever."

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha laughs - a much warmer and much less creepy sound without the voice scrambler in her scarf. "As to your first question - I've been investigating, of course." Her eyes sparkle with amusement. "I'm afraid the 'Watcher Council' isn't nearly as good at keeping its trail hidden as I suspect they like to imagine, and Professor Hughes was willing to answer a surprisingly large number of questions in exchange for the antidote."

    There's just a hint of vicious satisfaction in the last sentence, but it vanishes into warmth as she continues. "You, on the other hand, kept their secrets even if you obviously care little for the organization. I suspect they don't understand you nearly as well as they think..."

    She shrugs out of her coat, revealing a leather strap pistol harness with four holsters over an incongruously modern looking low-profile armoured vest underneath and hangs both up as well. "As to what I do... I guess you could say I went into the family business in more ways than one."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate can't help but chuckle when she's called on the less glamorous parts of her life, "Any of the recent ones? Yes." The heiress gestures faintly. "I make a few appearances in the flesh, and whenever I do I have to make sure some photos are taken. That, and I get to get trashed." Of course, the Shadow gets most of her attention right now.

"Well then. Let's play introductions. Kate Kane, Senior Advisor of Hamilton Arms R&D and InOps, Heiress and Socialite. And of course," A rich, full, sultry twist to her voice, "Batwoman, vigilante at large." She offers her own introduction first, before her voice returns to normal. "I bring financial support, InOps support, and I'm quite the capable force for justice on my own."

"I also bring the implied support of the Bats for any operations in Gotham, and our impressive database of ne'er-do-wells."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"...Wait. You're Batwoman?" Faith is actually staring at Kate. The impression might be that she had already expected The Shadow to be a surprise of some sort. There's an entirely different cast to how she latches her gaze onto Kate as if seeing the woman for the very first time. Faith actually twists a little in her seat before giving a slow, stiff nod.

"I think I'm underachieving," the young woman begins wryly. "I just hunt demonic entities, cause a little trouble, beat up street thugs and try to actually get paid afterward. They call me the Slayer." Wait. Isn't that Buffy? The blonde-haired college girl famed for fighting the forces of evil.

A smirk follows that pronouncement with Faith settling back into her seat. "I'm all for getting trashed, though. Somehow, I think we're going to get along just fine." Natasha's explanation, at least, gets a slow nod. "You can trust me to keep your secrets and an open mind, at least."

Shadow has posed:
    "Don't be too harsh on yourself; both of us were born into our wealth," Natasha replies as she finds a seat of her own and sits down gracefully. "Certainly, we've earned the places we've claimed through hard work and much effort, but we both had a significantly better start than you did, and that wasn't your fault any more than it was ours."

    She smiles again. "What you do with what you're given counts a great deal, and someone who was willing to take on an elder vampire with nothing but a sharp piece of wood and no backup has nothing to be ashamed of..."

    She grins at Kate. "I admit, it was something of a surprise to discover someone had managed to sneak up on me with a crossbow of all things. Quite impressive, honestly..."

Batwoman has posed:
"The One and Only." Kate looks over at Faith, before she decides to finish her coffee off and place it back upon the table. "Demonic entities, huh? I wouldn't worry about yourself, 'Slayer', you're doing what you can how you can. That's all anyone can ask. Although I've made a promise to Babs to behave in her house and around her people... At least at first, so try to ignore my reputation." A chuckle follows.

"I'm still a little shocked by Miss Shadow, though. Or should I say Miss Cranston. Although boy," A chuckle, "Do we have more surprises in store for you. Quite a bizarre group. I'll be expecting that Spoiler girl to turn up any minute now."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"...Wait. Cranston. Natasha Cranston?" If Faith's very blue eyes could actually bug out of her skull she would look like a cartoon character. As it is she's twisting to stare at Natasha with a renewed interest. It's similar to how she looked at Kate. Open, honest, appraising... Appreciative without outright leering, and utterly insouciant." She nods slowly then.

"Doing what I can, one apocalypse at a time," Faith mutters then before half-flopping back onto the couch. "Okay. We can behave for now. Maybe after work, though?" Faith manages another of those smiles as she half-sprawls across her seat. "It would be good to get out a little. Get to know each other better. Get a few drinks, dance. ...Save the city. You know, the usual."

Shadow has posed:
    "In her defense, it would be far from the first time someone assumed that the Shadow is some sort of supernatural entity," Natasha replies to Kate, grinning. "I find it far too entertaining to actually discourage them."

    She can't help but smile at Faith's surprise. "The one and only," she replies, deliberately quoting Kate's earlier response as she leans back in her seat and crosses her legs. "And I like that idea, although we may need to take some precautions to avoid the tabloids wondering why precisely two of the wealthiest women in the Tri-State Area were slumming it out in a club, or who that third girl was."

    She gives Faith an apologetic glance. "Not that I'd be ashamed of being seen with you anywhere, but I vastly prefer it when the tabloid press investigates stories about me that /aren't/ accurate leads..."

Batwoman has posed:
Two multi-billionaire businesswomen - One open lesbian socialite, and one as of yet unknown. "I know, but Babs is one of the few people I can't say no to, and that means I need to avoid anything that might make a scandal, or cause any kind of friction - To get me out for a drink, you'd need to get a permission slip. But saving the city, I'm sure we can manage. Although if I knew you were helping bankroll this venture, I wouldn't have felt the need to volunteer." Kate smiles.

"I don't know, there's always more interesting stories than us available. Besides, I've been photographed with dozens of people who were never identified." Amused, she shakes her head, "But it's probably smarter to do that kind of thing outside of Gotham."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith nods slowly as those points are made. She settles back into her seat again and stretches out a bit, apparently making herself comfortable. "So... Each of you separately, then. Kate's right. We can go out and no one's going to look twice. Maybe zip over to NYC and hang out for a bit around your stomping grounds as The Shadow, Natasha?" The young, blue-eyed slayer purses her lips briefly while she considers.

"But we can all go out and kick some ass, at least. How do you feel about undead monsters who have a fetish for the blood of college cheerleaders?"

Shadow has posed:
    "Speak for yourself; the last person I was photographed with was /entirely/ intentional," Natasha grimaces. "The most entertaining part of that 'date' was acting surprised and shocked three days later when the tabloid journalist who'd discovered James McMaster's involvement with a drug ring asked me if I knew about it beforehand..."

    "Fortunately, I make a habit of not lamenting a problem unless I already have at least one solution." She smirks as she takes off her gloves, then raises one hand to her face. "Try not to blink, now..." she murmurs as she runs her fingers through her hair -- and where they pass, her hair lightens, shifting in color from raven black to dark blue. She tosses her head back as she finishes, twisting it into a loose pony tail and smiles at both women. "Hi! I'm Janine Winters, but my friends call me Jen. I'm into capoeira, parkour and partying. How do you do?"

Batwoman has posed:
"I'm always up for a challenge." Kate notes, "But I do normally work solo." And then, Natasha offers a magic trick, and Kate's eyes widen just a touch, big blue. "I don't get to have a second identity, unfortunately, or any other special powers. I'm quite human. I'm mostly fitness and gadgets, despite the legends."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Well, it's more about going to a kegger where we happen to get to save a bunch of cute girls from being eaten non-consensually, but-" Then Natasha is shifting her appearance and the woman trails off to blink profusely as the change happens.

"Hello, Jen. We should go -partying. And you can teach me capoeira. Sweet." A blink. "Hey, do we have any snacks in here?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Permission. Slip." Kate draws a line in the air with a delicate finger, and pushes up from the couch. "For now, I'd better get moving. Ciao, everybody."

Shadow has posed:
"It's always good to stretch your boundaries from time to time," Natasha - Jen - replies to Kate. "And I'm quite human as well; I just... Well, like I said earlier. I inherited the family business. It came with a few perks."

    She smiles at Faith. "I'd love to. The troupe I dance with practices regularly in Central Park; I'm sure you'll love it... That said, saving lives is a bit more important than partying -- or at the very least, it tends to be on a much stricter schedule. Why don't you fill us in on the details and we'll get to planning..."