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Latest revision as of 03:58, 17 October 2018

Changeling/Leviathan: Alone Against Hydra
Date of Scene: 16 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye attempts to escape Hydra, she fails but not before she sends a message.
Cast of Characters: Arnim Zola, Quake
Tinyplot: Changeling
Tinyplot2: Leviathan

Arnim Zola has posed:
After passing out on the table Skye wakes up in a cell. It's a much nicer one than the one in her mind. It's well lit for one thing, and while there's a faint dampness in the air, it isn't musty or cold, simply bland. A simple bed is built into the wall, there's a sink and toilet unit beside it, and a simple door leading out to the world beyond.

Unlike last time she wakes up with nothing in her hands and soreness all over her body from the kicking she took when she got picked up. It hasn't faded much so it couldn't be that long since she was picked up. Though given what Karl seemed to have in store there was only so much time before he made an experiment of her.

Quake has posed:
Waking up this time was much less pleasant than last time. Things hurt. Okay, it was easier to say where she didn't hurt than to list all the hurting places. She was pretty sure one of her teeth didn't hurt. Her earlobes seemed okay. One of her ankles didn't hurt..

Breathing most definitely hurt.

Still, she works her way up to sitting, needing to assess her situation.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The room is still painfully still at first. With no ready distractions to take away from the pain. It's reasonably small too. About half the size of a regular jail cell. Small, cramped, spartan.

Then there's the faint from the corridor, someone's footsteps clicking on tile. These ones have none of the regular pacing as the ones in the dream scape. They are definitely heading towards the cell.

Quake has posed:
Skye has two choices: Pretend to be asleep still (whhich would require lying back down), or remain sitting and contront whatever came through the door.

All things considered, she'd worked too hard to get upright to throw herself back down, and frankly, her own personal moxy worked best through confrontation than it would pretending to be asleep.

Skye remains upright, hands gripping the bedframe on either side of her thighs, willing her head to stop hurting so much.

Sadly, short of ripping bedsheet (and she wasn't sure she had time or the strength to do that right this second), her wit was her only weapon at the moment.

Arnim Zola has posed:
A short time later, the door opens and a woman enters, she's wearing one of those black labcoats with a Hydra emblem in white on the left breast. There is a single guard outside, and the woman enters with a small medical bag.

"Subject 249, I am here to check on your wounds, are you willing to comply?" she asks, hand on the can of spray at her side. Some sort of irritant gas or something like it.

The guard for his part glances into the cell, but is still standing in the hallway, weapon hanging from it's strap by his side.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives the woman a bland look, hoping it comes across as too out of it to have any fight in her. "Sure. Not like I can throw myself off this bed and crawl down the hallway before you can stop me."

But she'd pay good money to get her hands on something like that can. Or the woman's keys. Or anything she could formulate a plan off of.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The woman moves cautiously. "Good, escape would be a very bad idea," she says as she comes to stand over Skye. "To say nothing of being impossible even after I patch up your wounds."

She nods back towards the wall, "Sit back and we'll get this done as quickly as possible," she says waiting on Skye before making any further moves. The guard satisfied with Skye's answer lets his attention drift to checking out the woman's ass before, turning his eyes back out into the hall, bored.

Quake has posed:
"You make it sound like I have a choice," Skye grumbles. Though she's noticed the guard's reaction. And while she hasn't got any reason to have this feeling, she has a suspicion that maybe.. just maybe..

Only that would be insane, right? There is no way this woman is actually going to help her escape.

Skye was beginning to wonder just how hard she'd been kicked in the head.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Whatever Skye's feelings might be telling her, they seem to be confirmed as the woman checks her over, while she lifts Skye's shirt to have a look at her side, she turns her hips putting the can within reach.

"They're watching but can't hear, take it," she hisses quietly applying the bandage. "Your life is in danger."

She carries on affixing the bandage to Skye's side.

"I can give you a shot for your pain," she says in a regular speaking voice after that. "The doctor wants you in the best possible condition for the experiment."

Quake has posed:
"How are they not hearing?" Skye asks, then shakes her head. Either they could or they couldn't, and either the woman was for real, or a test. Whichever, Skye only really had one option, which was to believe her. To do otherwise would be to submit to the tests and potentially become yet another Hydra victim, if not their lastest reluctant recruit.

Experiments rarely went well.

She pulls the can in close and tucks it underneath her pillow. "How much time do I have?" It seemed the most useful question.

Arnim Zola has posed:
With no answer about the shot the woman proceeds anyways. "Give me your arm," she says as she waits for it, she answers. "Best guess, three days."

Then if Skye provides her arm, she pricks her with the needle. Sending a warm feeling rushing through her veins as the pain subsides.

"This should help you rest," she promises, loud enough for the guard at the door to hear. "The Doctor wants you rested."

Quake has posed:
Skye holds out her arm, nodding at the timeline. "Anything you know about guard schedules, like is there a set schedule for replacements or anything?" Brain trying to work furiously on the problem, but having more trouble than she'd like to admit.

She doesn't flinch at the shot. She's had worse. Hell, training had been worse. When the warmth spread through her, though, there's releief at the release of pain, and the young woman can feel her thoughts starting to realign more easily. Without that buffer of pain interferring, she could think.

She was careful, though, not to flex her body or make any shows that the hurt was gone. "Yeah. I think I'll rest when you're done. I'm not feeling so good," Skye mumbles, letting her words take on that distracted by pain cast, and what she hoped were the sounds of someone who has just been neatly drugged back into sleep. "Don't want to disappoint the doctor." Then she laughs a bubble, finding herself funny laugh that she hopes doesn't carry all the sarcasm she feels.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The woman makes sure not to be looking at Skye's face when Skye's talking. She just busies herself with her work, keeping her eyes fixed on her hands.

"No guards in the corridors unless there's check ups, there's three other prisoners on this hallway, and a guard at the end of the hall. Staff is spread thin."

She pulls out a bit of cotton and looks to Skye. "Hold this at the site of the injection."

She looks away again, "They said you were SHIELD. If you can get out, make sure SHIELD comes back and takes this place out, the things they do here..."

Then louder she says, "Don't worry, we'll make sure that you won't."

Quake has posed:
"Who else is here?" Brain scrambling to consider her obligations to save them, or if coming back is the better alternative. "And yes I was.. Am. Can you get any messages out?"

Skye tries to make her whispers to the woman look like mumbles to herself, and licking her lips. "So thirsty. I'm so thirsty. Is this stuff supposed to make you thirsty? Can I have a drink?" All the while dutifully holding the cottonball to the injection site.

Arnim Zola has posed:
"I don't know their names, people the doctor wanted for experiments," she says. "One of them is a mutant I think."

Then she glance back at the guard, "Robert, I need to go get water, can you watch the patient for me."

Robert glances back, "It's Bob, and sure."

The woman patts Skye's arm. "No, she answers, too risky," she says. "There is a comms room, one floor up, room 502."

Then back to her louder voice, she says, "I'll be back with the water, don't move."

Quake has posed:
Skye nods, and takes a steadying breath. "Wish me luck," she whispers to the woman. "I'll give you a count of five."

Because, really, that's about all she trusted she had to let the woman get far enough away to not be implicated in Skye's escape.

She memorizes the room number.

"Can't move," Skye gives a funny giggle. "Have to hold my arm down. That's what you said." Then, "I can't feel my toes. Maybe they're thirsty too."

Arnim Zola has posed:
The woman nods. Then quickly moves towards the door.

The guard steps aside to let her pass, with a quick, "Hurry up. Want to get back to the break room."

Then at Skye's comments, Bob looks back. "You okay?" he asks.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives the woman a small nod, but by the time Bob is in the room alone with her, she's back to her facade of unfocused and drug riddled.

"I can't feel my toes," she repeats. "And I'm thirsty. I think. I think I'm thirsty. I don't feel so good."

And gambling that the man will come forward to check her out before sounding an alarm or heading out and locking the cell, Skye allows herself to topple over on her cot, being sure to roll her eyes up into the back of her head as she does so, and while landing, carefully slips her hand up under her pillow to grab the canister there.

Arnim Zola has posed:
"Jesus," Bob grumbles as she topples over.

This was so going to slow his chance to get to the break room.

He swings his sub-machine gun, back on its strap and comes towards Skye. "C'mon, don't puke all over the the place, probably want me to clean it up," he says. "So you better damn well not."

He bends down to grab her shoulders and sit her up.

Quake has posed:
Skye lets him set her aright, careful to keep her hand on the canister, and lets her head loll around until he's got her sitting and is leaning in. Then she smacks her forehead into his nose. Less then ten pounds of pressure are needed to break a nose, and she's not skimping on the pounds of pressure.

Once she's got him bent over, dealing with that, it's canister to the face. Which should render him unconscious and net her a passcard and a sub-machine gun.

"Wouldn't think of puking all over the place, but you still might." She mutters as she takes the time to pull off his shirt and don it, and put him into her cot and cover him up with the sheeting, back to the door, to look like she's still in her bed sleeping it off.

Then it's off to the hallway and hoping to avoid the worst of trouble while pretendin to look like she belongs there.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Bob wasn't expecting a headbutt. His nose crunches under the blow and Skye can feel hot blood on her forehead as she pulls away leaving Bob screaming.

The gas in the cannister hits him full in the face, his screams making him suck in the gas all the faster, he reels back, reaches for his weapon then collapses into a pile on the floor.

The rest is easy, Skye steals his shirt, stuff him into the cot, then is off out of the door.

The hall ways is long and bland, with cell doors on each side then a door at one end presumably leading to the rest of wherever this is. So far there's no guards and only one camera slowly panning left and right in the middle of the hall.

Quake has posed:
Skye might not be a break and enter expert, but she's learned a lot about making yourself look like you belong where you are. It's the furtive, nervous gestures that are your death warrant at times like this. Besides, she's got a gun, a key card, a cannister of gas, and most of a uniform. If she carries on like she is just doing her thing, she's got a chance - even with the cameras.

She knows which way the guard and woman came by virture of the footsteps in the hallway and chooses to go in that direction, even though there are risks with it. However, Bob was about to go on break, which meant Bob wouldn't be wandering off down the opposite hallway for a jaunt. With luck, she'd find a solution around the next bend.

That was her current plan.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The way the steps came from was the door at the end of the hall. There's a swipe card lock in that door and a small window, outside, there's one more guard and another hallway, this one looking a good deal less prison like, more than that at the end of it, a door marked stairs.

She'd just need to get past the guard and down the hall.

Quake has posed:
Walking like she has brass ones, and owns the place, coupled with the indolence of one headed to break and past actually giving any true fucks about these last five minutes of his current shift, Skye swips Bob's card through the pass, and waits for the light to blip green and let her open the door and pass through.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The light blips green and the door clicks open. "Done already? told you the new one is cute, way better than the mutie we brought in last week."

The remarks are made as he turns around and seeing Skye, his eyes widen and he says, "Hey!" reaching for his sidearm.

Quake has posed:
He might reach for his sidearm, but Skye has a cannister. Much less noisy than a gun, even if no matter what she uses, this is all going down on video. All she'll really buy is not alerting anyone nearby with gunshot. She doesn't wait for him to make the usual threats, she sprays him full on in the face.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The cannister is a quicker draw and the guard takes the second spay from the can full in the face. He weaves, then sags against the wall, still struggling with his gun, before sinking bonelessly to the floor.

There are cameras in the hall. Time is likely limited.

Quake has posed:
There is no more walking. There's a hallway between Skye and the stairs. She knows it's only a matter of time. And with some brief concerns about what this is doing to her body - because the damage wasn't healed, she's just not feeling any pain, Skye sprints for that stairwell.

She's got a gun, a keycard, a uniform, and two sprays of cannister left. And there are unknown numbers of floors above her.

502, she remembers. Comms. If she can't get out, she has to at least make it there and get a message out.

Reluctantly, she starts to modify her thoughts on this for the best chance of success: Message first; Escape second.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Skye reaches the stairs and the keycard gets her in. Stenciled on the wall is Level 4, only one more to the 5th level, though are the floors numbered decending or ascending? Either way, it sounds like the alarm has been raised.

A voice comes over the intercom. "The specimen containement area has been breached, one subject is loose in the facility. Be alert."

Thankfully no description is being put out yet.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives a small prayer of thanks to the ether - without a description, Skye looks just like another guard rushing about to contain the breach. And one with a cover story. She takes the stairs two by two as long as she can, aiming to reach that fifth floor. Hoping she not only makes it, but if she runs into anyone, her story holds up.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The door to the fifth floor opens as Skye arrives. A squad of guards step in, weapons in hand.

"Make a hole!" one shouts heading down the stairs, in short, get out of the way. The others follow. One stops though to look at Skye. "Get to your floor assignment."

Then the group is heading down the stairs, the door to the hallway is still slightly open, showing a handful of security men moving room to room on the level.

Quake has posed:
Skye swipes a hand across her forehead, in part to obscure her face, and in part to make the smear of blood there less apparent. A muttered grunt of assent accompanies that, Skye moving aside to let them pass even as she continues on to that fifth floor door, intent on finding that room.

Arnim Zola has posed:
On the fifth floor the search is in full swing. Guards rush around looking here and there for anyone who doesn't belong.

One of them approaches, "Where are you headed?" he asks, holding out his hand for her ID.

Just behind him is room 502.

Quake has posed:
Skye squares her shoulders, "Was told to come sit on comms. Prisoner was heard to be heading this way. Trying to get a message out. Was the girl from SHIELD."

She flips Bob's badge out, fingers partially obscuring it, but not so much to make it obvious she's hiding the information on it.

Arnim Zola has posed:
"SHIELD. It's always SHIELD," the guy says scanning the badge with a little handheld unit. "Okay, get to comms, we'll keep an eye out."

Then the guy moves on.

Door 502 is right in front of her.

One of the other groups of men, stop their leader taps their comms. "Uh-huh, one of the lab staff... uh-huh, yes sir, I can send Kowalski, it's not his first time liqidating someone. Yes sir, Hail Hydra."

"Kowalski," the man says to one of his soldiers. "I've got a job for you."

Quake has posed:
Skye flinches inwardly. She knows exactly what it is she's hearing. Only, if she steps in and interferes, then she wastes the woman's sacrifice, and her own chance to get a single message out, because it's become clear to her that she's not escapting. It's a message or nothing.

In the end, that's what clinches Skye's decision. The woman knew full well what her help would cost. And if she fails to get that message out, then it isn't just Skye's life in danger, but the lives of those other prisoners in that cellblock - three of them the woman had said, pleading with Skye to help them get out too.

Skye owed it to all of them. First to honour the lab tech's sacrifice, and then to get them all help and out of here.

What she needs to do is get into that room and jam the door to buy herself enough time to scramble a message out.

Skye enters room 502.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Kowalski heads off to his grim task as Skye pushes into the comms room. It's pretty close to the coms set up for SHIELD bases, thank goodness for small mercies, and there's only two men manning the controls..

They turn. "About time," one of them says, "Wait they only sent one? Never get any respect. Always R&D that gets all the perks."

Quake has posed:
"You know how it is," Skye shrugs, and approaches the men. It's shoot them or use the remains of the canister. She'd rather use the cannister. It's a bit of a risk, but she still believes she can get them and jam the door faster enough to still get message out. Hell, the weight of two bodies would do well to help with that door jamming.

"R&D is where the pretty boys go to play. I say put them in the line of real fire and see what they do. Cry and pee their pants."

She laughs as she says that, and directs the spray into their faces.

Arnim Zola has posed:
"See, she knows what I'm talking about," one of the techs says to the other. "What's your name, you're way too smart to be one of the goons they've got around he-"

The spray takes him full in the face and he topples over the equipment. The second guy, is stunned. "Dave?" he asks as the spay hits him too, he staggers towards the door and falls on his face.

The room is hers, for now.

Quake has posed:
Skye makes short work of shoving them up against the door. It's not a perfect solution, but it's what she's got, careful to take their ID badges and weapons from them.

Then she sits at comms and starts figuring out how to scramble a message out. A secure channel might be possible, or.. if she recalls the line that Karl had used to contact her.. maybe she could use that. He wouldn't be looking for her to piggyback anything over his own scrambled channels, especially ones set up specifically to look for her. And she still had a couple of lines that were available to burn. Messages that could be bounced back to her home devices, or possibly Babs. Something. Anything. She just needed a message to get out.

Arnim Zola has posed:
There was limited radio traffic coming off of the base but there looked to be a killer internet connection. Two separate feeds both high end hardwires. One buzzing with traffic the other completely inactive. Which was beyond weird. Though she can see some of Karl's usual codes and being sent along the active link to the net any one of them usesable if she can put something together on the fly and pick a target for her message.

Quake has posed:
Skye knows exactly who and where to send the message, and it't the one least likely to be hacked or intercepted out of all the places she can send. With some careful code executions, Skye sets up a small series of jumps - three to be exact: to a point scrambler she's had on the downlow since her past; from there to a personal line; and from there, through a preset, to Oracle and the Birds.

It's a simple SOS ping with co-ordinates set on the comms here.

Once she's sure it's set and sent, piggybacking on Karl's codes, Skye makes another decision. It will take a bit of effort, but if she moves the men into their seats, leaving them carefully propped up, and leaves the room to cause a diversion elsewhere, the signal might get to run long enough to be received. It might if she stays in the room, but if she's there, it will be obvious what she's done. This, she thinks, might buy more time.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The message goes out on the base's main trunk boucing here and there across the net.

Now it just needs time to be heard.

So far nobody has come banging on the doors, the men then can be dragged to their seats and propped up, while Skye slips away for her diversion.

Quake has posed:
"This is it," she tells herself, and Skye, still with the other men's weapons, and the sub-machine gun, steps out into the hallway, heading back towards the stairwell, not yet certain if she'll head back down or try up. She thinks up, but that will depend upon what she finds in the stairs.

Arnim Zola has posed:
There are a few people milling about outside the comms room but they pay her no mind as she makes her way towards the door the stairs.

She pushes it open and the stairs are clear, both up and down for the moment.

Quake has posed:
She wasn't getting out of here. All she had to do now was make the fight last long enough. Long enough for the message to get out and through and hopefully be picked up, and picked up long enough that it could be traced back.

Down.. she would be taking the fight to them. But also likely broadcasting she'd done something to be found.

Up? Up might be more unknowns, but it afforded a more plausible tale if she was spinning trying to escape, and not trying to hide a transmission at this point.

Up it was.

Just Skye, 3 ID cards, a sub-machine gun, two hand pistols, and a uniform shirt.

She actually kind of liked those odds.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Skye races up the steps, past Hydra guards and techs, before too long though they begin to notice, her, that's when the guns come in handy.

The floors keep building, 6, 7, 8, 9, the pressure seems to shift. 11, 12 and then finally 13. The top of the stairwell and the place the odds shift.

A familiar voice, Karl's voice calls from floors below. "Why bother running? You will only go to your cell tired, Skye."

Quake has posed:
Skye shoots anything that moves towards her. And given she's turning out to be not a bad shot with all the practice she's been putting in between bow and gun, she's not wasting ammo either. Single shots. Most hit their targets. Debilitating, but not devastating. No deaths if she can help it. Anything downed she can reach, she takes another weapon, discarding the empty ones as she goes. They're just dead weight.

"Fuck you," she hisses at Karl's voice. "You can take me back to that cell, but you are going to have to take me down first. I'd rather die trying than give up and give in." Of course she would rather not die, but she has no plans of giving up or in either. It's one of those figures of speech she hopes doesn't come to fruition, but she's pretty sure Karl wants her alive at all costs, which means she can drag this out longer.

Hopefully, long enough.

Arnim Zola has posed:
She makes her way up the stairs cutting through the enemies who come and challenge her, reaching level 13 with a healthy stock of weapons.

Karl's reply to her words are to laugh. Then he moves, running quickly up the stairs bounding two at a time and moving faster than any human has a right to.

"Whether you wish to or not, you are going back to your cell."'

Quake has posed:
"You can try," Skye challenges, wondering just how many levels there are to this damned place, and just how far down was she. Also knowing that she was going to be in a world of hurt once that drug wore off, even if she didn't get the crap beat out of her again for this little escapade.

That Karl moves as quickly as he does causes some concerns, but she's got weapons. She can make a standoff.

"You're going to have to catch me first, though. And I don't plan on making that easy. By the way, your men suck. One beat up girl making it this far along solo? You should be ashamed."

Arnim Zola has posed:
The floors stop at 13 so there's only one way forward, out onto that level as Karl pounds up the stairs behind her. There is no comment, but how little he seems to care if he steps on any of the men Skye shot on her climb tells her he shares that opinion.

He does say however, "Last chance to give up."

He is only three floors below her.

Quake has posed:
"I don't give up, Karl. You know that." And he should. Whatever that was he'd tried to do to her while she was drugged up and damaged, hadn't worked. Right here it was just her and him, and whatever lay on the 13th floor.

Idly she remembers a factoid that some buildings skipped that floor for being unlucky. She'd always liked the number, though.

"And you still have to catch me first." Skye pushes her way into the 13th floor - or does if the door is unlocked. And if not, she settles down for a shootout. She wasn't joking about making him work for it.

Arnim Zola has posed:
The door opens but this level isn't like the others. It opens up to sunlight that is blazingly bright after so long in the base below. There's no wind though, the upper level fof the base seems to be enclosed in glass, as part of some fancy living area. All around it, past the lounges, and beyond the windows is ocean, ocean all around.

Karl reaches the door to the floor.

"There's no where to go, so if you want to shoot, shoo, I won't hold it against you."

Quake has posed:
Skye wants to slump in defeat. For a brief second when she sees the sunlight, she's hopeful she's come out onto the roof, only to discover that while it might technically be a roof, the place is otherwise under water, and there truly is no escape. Not without whatever code is needed. Or whatever exit portal is used. Or any other number of things that Skye hasnt' the time to find or finangle, not with Karl walking onto the level.

She could shoot him. And she thinks about it really, really hard. In the end though, it's not Karl she shoots. It's the glass. Even if she expects it's tempered beyond belief, or some sort of transparent aluminim or something. Her frustrations demand it.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Shooting the glass earns a response. Karl's eyes widen with sudden emotion and he jolts forward to grab Skye as the glass breaks and the water begins to pour in.

"No!" he shouts trying to secure Skye before the water washes them both away.

Quake has posed:
The glass breaking was... unexpected. But it doesn't stop Skye from unloading the clip of the sub-machine gun into it until she's tackled by Karl. Angry and frustrated, and furious. So close to escape and not actually managing it. Fighting back to escape his grasp, even if she can't imagine how the hell she's going to stay alive floating in the sea or wherever this wasn. And once those drugs wore off, even if she had made it that long, she wouldn't last long after that.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Karl is hellishly strong, and despite Skye's fighting and the water surging around them. He manages to drag Skye back into the stairwell. A door slams shut behind him, blocking out the water.

"What did you think you'd accomplish doing that?" he demands.

He seems to be in a genuine rage.

"Do you think this changes anything, all you've done is caused a woman to be killed. You will still be transformed and I will still learn all I can about these crystals and the changes they make in your kind."

Quake has posed:
"I didn't get anyone killed," Skye says quietly, through gritted teeth, sopping wet and her anger the only thing keeping her from collapsing into sobs at this point. "She made her own choices. She wanted me to get out of your clutches."

Wisely, Skye doesn't mention the other prisoners.

"And it won't work. They won't work. Your crystals are duds." At least the ones she had were, and the originals were in SHIELD custody. If Karl built his off of the notes and models of her mother's, then they shouldn't work either... of course Skye isn't taking into account the fact that her crystals didn't work because they'd degraded to much to. She didn't actually know if they'd have worked or not if that werne't the case.

Arnim Zola has posed:
"If that will let you sleep at night," Karl says flatly of Skye's justifications. "But we know better don't we?"

"And we shall see, my first batch of crystals are almost ready. If they don't work, then we'll simply try again, and again until we get them right. As an old colleague of mine liked to say discovery requires experimentation."

There is a tight dead smile on Karl's face at that. "Anyhow, will you return to your cell now or do I need to knock you out and drag your unconcious body there myself?"

Quake has posed:
There isn't a point to fighting anymore, not even on principle.

It's with grim features that Skye says quietly, "I'll return. No need to knock me out. I tried. I failed."

She tries not to think about the rest of what he's saying. Her only hope now is that her message got out. She's counting on it.

Arnim Zola has posed:
Karl nods. "Good, I would hate to damage you before the experiment," he says giving her a shove towards the stairs.

There's no mention of the comms room at least not yet, they'd find the men, or they'd wake up, but by then it would be too late, the signal was out in the wild and even someone without Karl's skills couldn't snatch it back again.

She might have failed to escape. but the message had been sent.