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Latest revision as of 01:54, 6 December 2018

Punishing the Punisher
Date of Scene: 28 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Domino goes hunting Castle. Luckily, they both survive.
Cast of Characters: Domino, Punisher

Domino has posed:
It is the night in the city as Domino sat on some poor saps roof sighing at the thought of another boring hit. They had only paid her a hundred grand, which for her was the lowest bracket, to kill some ex-navy brat that was asking too many questions. As she sat patiently in the nice folding chair with the previous occupant tied, and gaged in the corner she checked her rifle again.

She had told he tended to pop up in one of a few areas so she figured she could just stake one out. If she got a little lucky she wouldn't have to do much just wait for her prey to come to her. Glancing at the man tied up a few bullet holes around his head from earlier, he was a bit difficult to convence into silence, she returns to her stand to wait for the man named Frank Castle.

Punisher has posed:
Well, it looks like Domino just got lucky.

It isn't often that Frank Castle goes out in public. Even more rare are times when he does so without covering himself up to make it harder to recognize him. Today is no exception. The man still has to eat. Dressed all in black with a ball cap pulled low on his brow and his hood pulled up and forward. He would be hard to recognize, unless someone knew what to look for. Domino knows his training. She knows what to look for. The way he walks. How he carries himself. That slightly too rigid stance thanks to years of training and discipline drilled into him. The way he takes a quick glance down alleys as he passes, as though expecting someone to jump out at him.

At the end of the block he is currently walking along, Frank stops, glancing up at the red 'don't walk' sign. As he waits, he takes a moment to shift the bag of groceries in his right hand to his left. But there is something else that Domino, with her own training in hunting others, notices. A subtle shift in the way Frank is standing. Like his defences suddenly went up. Like an animal who suddenly smelled a predator upwind of them. Like he can't quite place where the danger is, but he feels something is off.

Domino has posed:
It doesn't take long to spot Frank as he walks down the street trying to attract as little attention as possible, only to shine out to someone who knows what they are looking for. Maybe somewhere in her head it shined something was wrong, but there is no heasitation when it comes to locking on target, and squeesing that triger.

About a half mile away, or 8 blocks away a few things happen very quickly around Frank. A man that just happened to stand up yells in surprise as the can in his hand explodes out launching flexiable though sharp edges of can, and soda everywhere. A bullet, flies by Franks face missing by a milimeter though close enough if his eyes were fast enough to read the words on the side of it before digging into the wall safely not even hitting anyone.

You can quickly put together the man that stood up his can bent the trajectory of the bullet just enough to miss. It was a one in a million chance, but in a way the guy just saved his life as there is no doubt without it Frank would be dead right now.

Punisher has posed:
The moment the can exploded, Castle was on the move. While he can't move fast enough to actually dodge the bullet, he is already on the ground before the bullet hits the far wall. The little puff of plaster, coupled with the position of the can, gives Frank enough information to know the rough direction the shot came from. He leaves the bag of food, now mostly scattered on the sidewalk next to him, as he starts to scramble to the side to place a parked car a few feet away between himself and the rough direction where the shot came from.

The slight cacophony of yelling from those in the immediate vicinity rises in volume as the gun that Frank was carrying in the holster on his back is pulled out. Safety off. Cocked and ready. All he needs is a target. That may need to come later, though. He still has no idea exactly where the shooter is and without having any other signs of where they may be, he just keeps low for now. Wait for them to make the next move.

Domino has posed:
There is no immedite shot afterwards at least not towards Frank, as the people moving around now seem to be in his favor at least as shields. Instead he gets a moment to think, about where the bullet came from, the direction of where it hit the wall. Depending on how well he knows the area is how well he knows the place, but given the information already a rough estimate could point where the shooter is.

Time passes still no shot, the people that were around Frank had some time now to consider there is now a man with a gun, and something odd going on around them. It will not take long before the people all empty. One might even feel the cold patience of a trained killer watching them... Perhaps right now.. waiting...

Punisher has posed:
There is a crash of glass as Frank reaches up and hits the window of the car with the butt of his gun. As the glass shatters inward, the car alarm starts blaring, drawing even more attention to the scene. The door is unlocked a moment later as he reaches up and through the broken window. It's much harder to keep low as he is climbing into the passenger-side seat of the vehicle, but he manages to keep himself more or less hidden. Perhaps just enough for a skilled marksman to think they can take a shot. But probably not enough to really get a hit.

Lying on his back, Castle reaches up and under the dashboard and yanks at some of the wires there. He rests the handgun on his chest as he fiddles with the electronics and, after a few seconds, the engine revs up.

In one, smooth movement, Frank sits up and pulls himself into the driver's seat. He gets his foot on the brake, shifts into drive, and guns the car. Rather than look toward the road in front of him, though, his head is turned in the general direction he believes the first shot came from.

"Come on, you sonnuva bitch. Take the shot. Take the shot."

The tires of the car squeal as the car lurches forward, barely missing another car that was moving through the intersection.

Domino has posed:
As you break into the car, and remain hidden it should be easy to find where the shot is but as you peak up there is no sign of the gunner in that direction. The good news is because you were looking the glint from the moon hits your eye, the bad news is whoever took the shot must of been straight running.. fast.

Now five blocks away you can see a woman she is dressed in black, but her pale skin against the silhouette of the moon makes it a bit easier. The glint was the scope on a large rife with a large surpressor. She had been moving to get another shot, and she already had the draw on him, though she had not taken the shot yet it looked like she was in position to at anytime.

As this all passes by another thought might hit you as well... Isn't she getting closer... a lot closer. Though times like this many things may go through ones head.

Punisher has posed:
"Come on... Come on. COME ON!"

Frank shifts the car into a higher gear as he spots the approaching woman. Both of his hands grip the wheel tightly as he bears down in the woman's direction. A high powered rifle generally wins against the handgun that Frank is currently wielding, though. The only advantage he has is the rate of fire. He'll need to be a lot closer, though, for that advantage to be of any use.

Narrowing his eyes, Frank keeps his eyes locked on Domino. Waiting for her to make the move. As soon as she raises the rifle, Frank jerks on the wheel, sharply turning it toward the sidewalk. The car careens to the side, hitting a parked car and bouncing it to the side. Frank's vehicle is knocked onto two wheels as it enters a side alleyway. The sound of metal tearing comes from the alley as the car falls onto its side, the roof striking one of the buildings as it becomes half-lodged inside, sitting on the driver's side door.

Domino has posed:
The woman doesn't seem to pull the tigger lifting the rifle last minute as the cars moves towards her instead. There still were some people around so perhaps that is why, or that there was no shot... either way as the cars smash themselves into the alley Domino runs again. This time without the large rifle to slow her down, she jumps from a building to another moving closer though she was in an area with lots of overhangs to cut the distance so it doesn't seem a superhuman feat.

It doesn't take long before she is jumping down to the street, catching one of the new large posters they put up for some random festival, and slidding down it as it rips from the weight. Thankfully they didn't skimp out on the paper, as she is nicely deposted on street level.

There is an obvious sound of two pistols being checked for ammo, as she walks down the middle of the street towards your position. "Come out Mr. Castle.. We have played this game long enough. You have done well, but... well your luck has ran out." As she speaks she does move a bit cautiously looking for Castle to move, but it would seem to you at least she is out in no cover in the middle of the road.

Punisher has posed:
It took Castle some time to crawl out of the wrecked car, along the passenger-side door, and down to the front of the vehicle. The adrenaline is coursing through his body and he closes his eyes for a moment, takes a few breaths, and then slowly opens his eyes again. His face is calm. A stone mask as he waits, crouched beside the front bumper. He doesn't need to wait long as Domino steps out into the middle of the street.

He listens to her words, using them to get an idea on her position. Amateur. Or overconfidence. Probably the latter. She knows far more about him than he knows about her. Not hard, since he knows nothing.

Keeping low, Castle squeezes past the sideways car and the wall of the building and out to the edge of the alley. "Never been that lucky," he calls back as he leans out, handgun first. It only takes him a second to spot Domino, aim, and double-tap the trigger.

Click. Click. Looks like the weapon was jammed in the accident.


Domino has posed:
The lady keeps slowly walking, though she was quiet now, and hears the click. "Ah there you are..." and she waves a pistol your general direction. The pistol spits out bullets in a rapid succession of snaps, and you see why she was waving down as the bullets stream out.

Normally this would be a very inacurate weapon, but Domino was done playing around. She had already used way too much money to kill him in bullets alone. So while the bullets may not be aimed at the car they were aimed slightly above it, to ricochet down towards anyone hiding behind it. In just a second there are about ten bullets heading to go their own way back out again though she didn't look too worried about it.

She had also moved behind cover now, using the shooting motion to dip behind something. Most did not live past this point, as the walking was to get the target.. Once she had that it was just filling that space with bullets, and a little clean up.

Punisher has posed:
As soon as he saw the gun moving, Frank was moving, too. He can react quickly, but he can't dodge bullets. Two of them strike him in the side, driving him down to the ground. The rest spray and pray hit the wall behind him. There is a clattering of the weapon in Castle's hand as it falls and skitters across the ground back up the alley.

With a soft groan, Frank hits the ground as well, hand clutches to his side. He takes a few ragged breathes and then goes silent, lying limp on the ground. Although he lays still, his hand moves slightly, fingers searching for the holes in his jacket to check the kevlar vest underneath. Once he does, he lays perfectly still, breathing shallow enough to keep his chest from rising. Playing dead.

Domino has posed:
You can hear her coming after a moment.. "Clack, Clack... Clack, Clack..." like she wants you to hear her coming. But you got your plan, play dead be ready. "Clack, Clack" closer now, though closer then it should be.. Taunting him as she takes her time to approach him.

As she gets closer there is a sound of a gun reloading, as she seems real close now.. "Well time is up..." She is approaching, but just not in the right spot just a few more inches, and she will be right in your arc. Then she stops...

"Oh shit..." she actually turns around swearing.. "Damn it... I killed the punisher.... for a hundred grand... Damn IT!" she yells into the night. She still thinks he was dead going for the kill confirm before she stopped.

Punisher has posed:
Closer. A little more. A little... more...

Then she stops. Just out of reach. But he's got a plan for that, too.

Twisting on the ground, throwing open the torn jacket and showing the full white skull that Domino had only partially viewed on his chest, Frank pulls out a combat knife he had just inside the jacket. With the movement, he's on his left knee, his right foot planted beside it.

"Not yet, dumbass."

The knife is thrown toward Domino, aimed at her arm. Get her to drop the gun. Even it up a bit. Or just get her off-balance long enough to close the distance between them. He's not aiming to kill her. Not yet, anyway. No, he'll need her alive.

"Hundred grand? Well, you get what you pay for. Crap pay for crap work."

With a shove, he is on his feet, moving toward Domino.

Domino has posed:
Instinct of a killer mixed with a surviver kick into overdrive as Frank gets his grove back. She doesn't duck as much as spread out swinging in an almost pirouette move. He does get what he wants she drops the gun imedietly, though bending around the thrown knife she grabs it to whip it right back at him.

She doesn't seem to even realize the blad was thrown back at his head in a killing attack as she just threw. Though it doesn't look like she is unballanced he is able to cross up the ground between them.

"Now listen buddy... I don't want to have to kill you now, but you lose this fight." reaching behind her she pulls out a thin blade though she keeps her other hand infront of her for balance. She takes a different stance though from her aggressive one earlier. Now she is choosing to slide back away other ten push forward. "Hell I lose a hundred if you die before the new year." She doesn't move forward, but slowly to the side keeping an eye on you the whole time.. "

Punisher has posed:
Frank gets his arm up in front of his face to prevent the knife from finding his forehead. Instead, it embeds itself into his forearm. To his credit, he doesn't cry out. Doesn't even make a sound. He just takes it and keeps moving forward.

"Heard that line before."

Frank yanks the knife out of his arm and holds it out in front of him, blade up and ready. He keeps it slightly ahead of his left hand, which is up and open-palmed, ready to ward off any attacks from Domino's on blade.

"You know who I am. You know what I do. You hear those?" In the distance, sirens can be heard wailing. "You going to still be here when they arrive? You know what they'll bring? Don't think you do. So let's make this quick. You failed. Tell me who hired you. Give me a name, and I'll make sure they don't kill your family."

Domino has posed:
She sighs when he takes the knife to the forearm.. Damn it, he was not helping she really kind of wants to kill him now. But no, not for some measly cheating on your wife fee, no it would take much more money to kill him as she did know of him. She glares at him as she continues to aproach sweeping left, and right not striking though in a position to keep one in guard or else she strikes.

"You will what... okay now that is just insulting." she sighs, and stands... It might give Frank a great oprituity to strike she is just standing again. What Frank might not see is the car with the broken headlights speading right towards them. Lights been out for a while now, and he was in a hurry to escape.

"I will give you a hint, because I think what you do isn't all bad.." she turns and walks away to taunt him that bit more, as once that car passes she will be gone. "It wasn't your lucky night.. It was mine"

Punisher has posed:
Frank stays on his guard as Domino she moves, but he doesn't move in for the kill. In his eyes, she's a small fish. A skilled one, he'll give her that, but a small fish, and he's out for tuna.

The blade in Frank's hand flicks as he keeps it moving; keeps himself loose. Even when she stands still, he doesn't strike. Then, just like that, it's too late and she's gone.

Giving a grunt, Frank wipes the blood off his blade and replaces it. The gun is then retrieved and put back, but not before Frank tests it.

"Huh," he mutters as he notices it wasn't jammed at all.

"Damn. Gotta go shopping again..."