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Latest revision as of 22:46, 30 April 2019

Post Winter Break Pizza
Date of Scene: 13 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Sabretooth

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Winter break for the college kids was over and done with which meant that the university was in full swing again. That didn't matter too much at night, except that it meant the nearby hangouts were full with kids looking to get away from studying, or catch a break and a bite. Carrie herself was using it for the latter as she leans against the side wall of the local pizza joint glancing occasionally at her cellphone. Finally she looks up with a frustrated sigh, the smell of the pizza getting to her, as she mutters to herself, "If he doesn't text in the next thirty seconds..." She'd already pushed away from the wall intending to make good on her promise to herself of food.

Sabretooth has posed:
    It isn't often that VIctor finds himself in the college section of towns he visits, but this is where he was told to go. He looks around at the various college age kids and runs a large hand through his hair as he shakes his head. "College kids can be the dumbest smart people," he mutters under his breath. He was looking for a good place to grab a beer at least. College kids still drank beer, he hoped, but the scent of the pizza caught his attention. He had been mostly out in the wilds as of late and hadn't had melted cheese in months.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
There was beer aplenty. Several kids who had already drunk too much (which wasn't much at all) stood on a corner leaning on one another hollering at a mutual friend to 'swipe right' on the phone they were all currently huddled around. Kids these days.

Carrie cuts past them, her own phone in hand but twirling in her grasp as if she were spinning a pen or pencil. Somehow she manages to hold onto it while approaching the front door to the pizza joint. She's almost through the door when she catches sight of the rather TALL guy in her peripherial vision on the sidewalk not far away and turns to glance at Victor. The flash of recognition that flits over her face is obvious; it was hard to miss a nearly seven foot tall blonde with a beard. Of course he wasn't Thor but he still stood out. Her hand lingers on the door, an eyebrow raising as she smirks his way. "Haunting Gotham tonight, huh?"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor doesn't carry a phone and just had his hands at his side as he makes his way towards the pizza place. He hears the voice addressing him, and he looks about. With a blink his eyes come to rest on Carrie. He gives her a half smile and nod of recognition. "Pool shark. Or rather Pool Minnow." He chuckles lightly under his breath. "Yeah, never been here before. City has a reputation. Thought I would see if it is real. Of course, I somehow ended up down here which is probably pretty far from it all."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't help but laugh just a little bit at the jibe to her pool playing skills. It was rather pathetic compared to someone who'd been playing a good long time; that was the reason she was practicing. That and killing time when tailing a potential lead. "Not too far to be honest. This is like the lull in the middle of a storm," she admits with a shrug, and a lift of her chin off down the street. "Keep following that you'll end up somewhere you'd best not walk alone at night without some mace or a good set of running shoes." Huh. She was wearing running shoes. Go figure. Slipping her phone into her pocket she gives up on hearing from whoever she was waiting for in favor of taking a deep breath to get a better smell of the pizza. "Milo's doing his special 'Bat Pie' tonight so he's got a crowd. It's so worth it though," she explains with a sigh.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor glances off down the street in the direction she indicated. He stares down that way for a few beats before turning to look back at Carrie. He glances down to see the running shoes. "You planning a jaunt?" he says with a chuckle that is not entirely mirthful. He then looks towards the interior of the pizza shop. "Bat Pie?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Bat really isn't terribly tasty," he says in a tone that is hard to tell if he is serious or joking.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I live in Gotham, I'm used to it," Carrie shrugs. "Got to go that way to get to my apartment. Never hurts to be prepared. Besides, I know these streets." It was her turf. It was sometimes a piece of shit, but it was familiar. It was home. Her grin widens at mention of bat though. "Just a term after the local hero around here. B.A.T. Bacon, avacado, tomato. And about a pound of cheese melted ontop of it all."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor nods at her reasonings. "Home turf. I get that. I usually also find it helps walking like a predator. Keeps the smaller weasels at bay if they think a wolf is walking by." He looks skeptical at the sound of the pizza. "I spent a little time in Italy back in the day, but don't think I ever heard them put bacon, avacado, and tomato on a pizza before."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her free hand to sweep it down over herself indicating ... well, her. "I'm 5'7", weigh about a buck thirty wet, and to top it off I wear glasses. I don't exactly scream 'predator' in my case. Speed works for me." This was an odd conversation but before she has time to really dwell on it she grins again. "Then you'll have to try a slice. Come on, my treat. I get a student discount anyway."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Mongoose doesn't look like a predator either," Victor says, but he follows Carrie without more protests. The smells of the place him him like a ton of bricks. Oregeno. Burning wood. All the vegetables. The strong cheeses. "Place doesn't go for the cheap knock off ingredients he says as they approach the counter."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tilts her head at that remark considering it. "Guess you're right." That was a fair assessment after all. When they step inside her smile returns again, that happy, satisfied look if anticipation already fixed on her. "Mm. Nope, they're legit. Sometimes you'll even catch one of the hoity toity types pulling up in their limos to grab takeout. Usually they stay uptown, but this place is just great." Which was obvious by the sheer number of customers already crammed in here. Most had ordered and just walked to the two feet to a row of stools lining the wall to eat quickly and get out. Others exited at the rear at another door to keep the flow of entering customers flowing smoothly. When they catch the sight of the guy behind the glass shielded counter she holds up her hand, "Two slices of Bat to go," she requests. Only to pause, glance back at Victor and look him over. "Make that three. You look like you could eat a horse."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Well, horse is better than bat," Victor says as he watches the man behind the glass before looking at the glass himself. "Guess there is a roughness to the neighborhood. Probably not now with all these kids running about." He watches the pizzas end up on paper plates before they are going towards Carrie. He snorts lightly at the tale of the rich coming in here quickly. "Probably send their butlers in I'd wager. Can't have them rubbing elbows with us Morlocks."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a faint snort at that. She didn't know what the term morlock was, but she certainly shared the sentiment. The money is offered over for the slices, and she offers the plate of two to Victor. They were large New York styled slices but the amount of toppings made it necessary to support the weight. "They wouldn't dirty their hands. The rich stay where it's rich. The rest of the city can burn so far as they care. The only time we see or hear of them is if they do some stupid gala or event to 'Help us poor unfortunates out' which is probably just a giant tax cut for them." Her free hand even lifts to make air quotes at mention of 'poor unfortunates.' There's an obvious disdain in her voice, and she adds, "Ignore us the rest of the time. Doesn't matter. We get the best pizza and they can suck it."