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Latest revision as of 23:02, 19 May 2019

Upstate Downtime
Date of Scene: 19 May 2019
Location: A forested area between Long Island and Salem Center
Synopsis: Kían needed to get away from the city for a while. He gets some unexpected company.
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Wolfsbane

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    When Kían first came to Earth, he thought the inability to hear the minds around him would drive him mad.  He has since realized it's the precise opposite: as close together as humans live, all those millions of minds in close proximity would've much more rapidly driven him insane.  Thank the Gods for miracles in unexpected places.
    Even without the mental noise, that many people in one place is more than a little unnerving to the birdman.  His people don't have cities, not like humans do.  Even the capital on the homeworld has no more than maybe twenty thousand, and that spread over an area perhaps the size of all of Long Island.
    And the local population around Titans Tower in a much smaller area is ten times that, or more.  It's overwhelming, even without 'hearing' their minds.  So Kían has slipped out for an easy flight, heading north, looking for some green space in this overwhelmed area.  No destination in mind, he just wants to be somewhere that doesn't look all glass and concrete and asphalt.
    It isn't long before he's spiraling down over what could be a large park, or a nature reserve, or a protected forest, or… well, he doesn't care.  Aside from a few rustic amenities, it's largely natural space, and when he alights in a clearing, it's with a sigh of relief.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    The further one gets away from the cities of stone, glass, and metal, the more peaceful it becomes, the more nature has a chance to make a return.  Oh, the big cities have their trees, their greenery, even large parks like the one in the middle of New York City, but getting away from it all rewards one with the chance to escape the more densely-populated areas.
    Wolfsbane grew up away from much of that, being from the Scottish Highlands.  Even now, the village she's from might not have even reached 2,000 people.  Any large city is bound to be something for her to have to deal with, which is why she tends to avoid them most of the time.
    The park area, while not exactly the forests near the place she lives in now, caught her attention when she was looking up places to go in the area, so this is where the wolfen mutant chose to spend a late afternoon.  After, of course, getting a couple hot dogs while looking normal.  Moving away from some of the paths and groupings of people out for weekend relaxation, she lets the fur back out… but she tries to keep the trees in mind for cover.  She didn't see anything threatening overhead, but one never knows.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Were he party to Wolfsbane's thoughts, Kían would completely agree  His nearest neighbors back home—his siblings and parents—are at least a ten or fifteen minute flight away, and if you wanted to take in two thousand birdpeople, you would be talking many hundreds of square miles.
    But he's not party to her thoughts, so he can't.
    He explores the treeline only briefly, flitting about the edges of the clearing.  Mostly, he's just marveling at how broadly similar trees on Earth are to trees on Kyshan.  They are different, of course, but they're also very similiar.  Convergent evolution for the win.
    He circles the perimeter of the clearing… and then with a happy "Kya!" shoots skyward, then touches down lightly in the center, and sprawls out on his back, gazing up in to the sky.
    It may be the wrong planet, but it's the right shade of blue.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    What was that?  A bird of prey?  It didn't sound quite right, and Wolfsbane's heard the call of the hawk more than once especially when roaming the woods.  It gets her mind away from whatever it was on, focused more on the sound and direction it came from.  Quietly, she approaches the edge of the clearing, stopping just a couple steps into it.
    The area, otherwise deserted, provides a quiet location as she lifts a brow at the sight before her: a smallish bird-like person, looking skyward in apparent relaxation.  She remains this way for the moment, simply watching curiously.  Wolfen features show mainly in fur, fangs, claws, and ears, but the details are otherwise human.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían lacks any enhanced senses, at least with regard to his hearing and his sense of smell.  And truth be told, he's not really paying attention to anything other than letting a dark blue evening sky fill his vision.
    Oh, yes, his vision.  Now that sense is enhanced.  He quite literally does have the eyes of a hawk, and a little movement at the edge of the clearing can't help but catch his attention.  Since he's on his back, it takes a moment to get to his feet, but he does manage it.  he does not, however, immediately take to the sky to get away.  Whatever… no, whoever it is, is humanoid, regardless of the fur and claws and all.  For Goddess' sake, he knows Vorpal.  Humanoids with fur and claws should not be surprising to him.
    He doesn't approach… but neither does he retreat.  He just watches her curiously.  And after a moment, he bows, spreading his wings slightly.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    However long it takes for Kían to notice her, the wolfen woman remains at a respectably safe distance, trying not to give off any signs of aggression.  Some bird types might be easy to spook, and she's studying his reaction to see where he is in that 'fight or flight' mindset, or if neither fit at all.
    Instead, the bow and show of wings has Wolfsbane lifting a brow.  A formal sort of greeting?  Whatever it means, she takes it as a silent introduction and it leads her to offer a hand in a brief wave of fingers.  "Hullo.  Sorry if I woke ye."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I… wasn't sleeping," Kían replies in sibilant, musical English.  "I was resting.  I came up from… from the island.  I—I do not know you?"  It's genuinely phrased as a question, not a statement.  "Are you kin to Vorpal?  He is the only other furred human I know."
    He takes a step forward, then a second, then stops.  He does not offer his hand, but he stares at Wolfsbane's.  "Forgive me if I do not clasp hands.  I am a telepath on contact with Earth people."  He does, at least, take another step closer.  Still out of arm's reach.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    "Ah, resting.  Which island?" the furred one questions, her hand lowering after a couple seocnds more.  "I'm no' sure I know a Vorpal," she adds, which should answer the question as to whether or not they're related.  Knowing another similar to her is of interest, however.  It shows in a tilt of her head.
    "An' I was just waving.  Ye can call me Wolfsbane, by th' way."  Her accent suggests she is not originally from around here at all.  When he approaches, if only slightly, she adds, "Ye're saying ye can read minds if ye touch someone?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Long Island?"  It genuinely sounds like a question the way Kían answers, and he takes another step closer.  He looks… well, let's be fair, he looks like he wants to be scared, but he's taken a conscious decision not to be, at least for as long as he can manage.  "U'olf's'be'yn."  He sounds the name out awkwardly.  "Is U'ol'f more appropriate, or 'Beyn?  I would not disrespect your chosen name.  I am Kían," he says, bowing again with that little wing-spreading, and the name came out 'KEE-ahn'.  "And with Earth-people, yes, physical contact brings on mental contact.  I am told most Earth people consider their minds their own and do not welcome the intrusion, so I give… warning?  That sounds too harsh, but I think that's what it is."

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Wolfsbane's expression turns to one that indicates recognition of the island in question, a quick nod following.  "Oh, tha' one.  Aye, I know where it is, just next tae th' city.  So ye live there?  I'm… no' verra far from here, actually."  She gestures around them, without giving away any specifics.  Secrets to keep and all that.
    As she picks up whatever she does in him, she seeks to calm with both palms out, slight downward motions made.  "Easy.  I'm no' some snarling, drooling monster.  Ye dinna have tae worry about tha'."  She seems to be able to understand body language, at least, and after the way the name is pronounced a few different ways, she settles on one.  "Kían seems th' easiest, if I'm being honest."  A half-smile is offered with it, but she also nods to what he says about the mental contact.  "Most o' us do like tae be careful tae keep our thoughts private, it's true."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    If Wolfsbane has secrets, Kían shows no interest in pursuing them.  He's perfectly satisfied with "no' verra far from here".
    He smiles slightly.  "Well, I have not heard you snarl nor seen you drool.  I am trying very hard to not be frightened of you, even though I think I should be.  I want to be frightened, but I am learning.  It is a slow process.  There is much on this world that I find incomprehensible and frightening."

Wolfsbane has posed:
    "Frightened?  Whit makes ye want tae be frightened?" Wolfsbane questions.  Frightened of her or much else for that matter, and it leaves out—for now—some of her own fears over the years.  "Ye sound like ye're no' even from th' Earth, so I'm having th' feeling ye're no' exactly whit I guessed ye were a' first," she explains.  This is undoubtedly leading her to look at him in a different way.  An alien?
    She keeps at least a few feet apart, now looking at him with a small amount of uncertainty, enough that it begins to show in her expression.  "Ye look a bit like a hawk, except for all… ye know."  She gestures toward herself, then him, indicating their otherwise human appearances.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Alien?  Yes.  I am not from this world," Kían explains easily, almost as if it were obvious.  "Most of this world does things that frighten me.  I am used to very little of it.  I'm trying to learn, but it is not easy."  He takes one cautious step forward.
    He does brighten slightly at being told he looks a bit like a hawk.  He spreads his wings slightly—it's not threatening, it's really more just showing off what he's got.  "Thank you.  I am t'Káeh—clan Hawk.  That is my family.  This wing coloration is common to my kin.  My brother and sister—"  He pauses for a moment, looking up into the sky, then starts again after clearing his throat.  "My brother and sister have wings marked like mine."  His voice is just a little halting when he mentions his family, and he's aware of it.  "Forgive me.  I don't know where my world is from here, so I don't know if I'll ever see my family again."  His voice fades a little, and is barely audible as he finishes.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Suspicions confirmed, the wolfen mutant says, "It's remarkable how ye still look mostly human, except for a few things.  I know there are others who look verra different, though."  Wolfsbane then takes a couple steps closer, admitting, "I'm from this world, an' there are still a lot o' things about it tha' leave me uncomfortable."
    Her head angles in the direction of the wings as they're unfurled a bit, leading to her confessing, "Verra pretty markings ye have, an'… mm."  She allows a stretch of silence to linger before she adds, "I dinna have any real family by birth.  Whit happened tae bring ye here?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I…" Kían begins, then exhales like he was deflating.  "That is a very good question," he finally says.  "I don't know for sure how I got here.  The best guess I have is that my powers don't like our starships.  I was going to the homeworld to be studied, and when the ship transitioned to faster than light drive, it… spit me out.  To here.  For no reason the Gods have gotten around to explaining yet."
    He exhales sharply, spreads his wings, and looks upward.
    Nope, still no explanation forthcoming.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Wolfsbane's brows scrunch closer together at the story told, then her eyes grow wide when the 'payoff' comes.  "Och, tha' sounds horrible," she tells him.  "Ye're no' all alone, are ye?  Ye mentioned someone earlier, so I'm guessing ye've found some friends somewhere?"  She sounds hopeful at this, explaining with a hand out, palm up this time, just another gesture, "It can be a verra tough place tae make it on yuir own."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "It was… disconcerting," Kían says, thinking back to his appearance on this world.  "But I think I have found a place I can be.  If I can only convince them that I will not use my abilities violently.  If not… I just don't know.  This is a strange world.  I… oh.  I'm sorry, it is your home, and for the foreseeable future, it is mine.  I shouldn't speak of it that way, should I?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Wolfsbane's initial inclination is to extend a hand so she might offer a comforting touch, but she stops short of actually doing so upon remembering what he told her about the telepathic side he has.  "It must be verra hard on ye," she says, and in that moment she decides to let the fur and fangs drop, leaving her pale-skinned and looking completely human.  "Does this help make ye any more comfortable than if I had th' wolf showing up?" she asks, before rolling a now-bare shoulder in a partial shrug.  "There's good in this world, but there's also bad."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían blinks once, twice, thrice… and just stares for a moment, open mouthed.  He starts to circle Wolfsbane, then stops a third of the way around, apparently deciding it might be rude, or at least impolite.  "But… you changed!  How?  Is this view an illusion, or was the other one?"  He closes his eyes, and takes a couple deep breaths.  "Good or bad, this world is weird," he says with feeling.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Wolfsbane almost looks amused, surely curious to see what his reaction would be.  Now when he's the one who initiates having a look at her from different angles, as if he might see something to give away the trick at just the right spot.  "Ye've probably heard o' mutants, especially wi' th' news lately about th' Sentinels an' all th' anti-mutant people?" she asks, a hand resting at her side.  "Well, I'm a mutant.  I can look normal like this, become a wolf, or just about any look in between."  Time to see how he handles that.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían looks baffled.  "Uh, no.  Is mu'tan't the Earth word for rhy'thar?" he asks, as if she might automagically understand what his word means.  "I don't know what a sen-tint-el is… until recently, I've been… away.  Trying to figure things out."

Wolfsbane has posed:
    The short young woman—though still a little taller than Kían—frowns, a slow shake of the head following.  "I'm sorry.  I know some Gaelic, but I dinna think that's a word we have.  Whit does it mean?" she asks, at least seeking to understand.  Now it's her turn to take a few steps around him, a better look had at his… plumage?  "They're these big robots, some as tall as a small building, an' they're after all mutants.  It's important tae be careful when ye go oot, just in case."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían lets her study him.  He doesn't mind; he happens to think he's reasonably good looking.  "Rhy'thar?  That's our word for special abilities.  Not the abilities all my people have, the wings and the telepathy.  I have…."  He bites his lower lip, and says distastefully, "…powers that are not common to my people.  Those are a rhy'thar, a Gods'-gift."  The way he says that, it's pretty clear he's not convinced of their divine provenance.  Nor does he demonstrate them, whatever his are.
    "I haven't seen robots as tall as buildings.  I don't know that what I have is a mutation… would they bother me anyway?"  Oh, bird.  So innocent.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    A gift to some, a curse to others.  God-given, or the source of Satan.  Depending on one's side of the aisle and beliefs, it could be easy to see both sides of that question.  "Ahh… tha' sounds as good an explanation as any," Wolfsbane murmurs, running a hand through her hair, tied back in a ponytail whether in this form or the other.  "Th' number is no' verra large compared tae ordinary humans, but there are those o' us wi' special abilities, aye.  A lot o' people dinnae understand it, an' think we're all just a danger."  She leaves it on him to determine what she is.  "Ye look different enough tha' some people might try tae harm ye whether ye're a mutant or no'.  Some just dinna care whit ye really are."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían looks down at the ground.  "I have had that explained to me, but I still find it hard to believe, much less understand.  They're even rarer among my people.  Mine is the first rhy'thar in a century or so.  Most of my time was spent either being studied at the university, or trying to keep the priests from making me a religious figure."  That last is said with some distaste.  There's a vast difference between believing in his religion, and being mad an active figure in it.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    While he speaks, Wolfsbane allows the fur to return and she also lets him see her with more distinct animalistic features: paw-like feet, a short muzzle, ears more atop her head instead of where a human's belong.  The legs are slightly more bent as well.  Just another example.  "When ye look th' way we do, unless ye have th' mutant gene somehow an' th' Sentinels are scanning for tha', ye might be safe… but ye might no' be.  Is it worth taking th' chance if ye see one?  I'd avoid them if I were ye, just in case."  The appearance returns to the way he first saw her, and she offers him a knowing glance at the talk of religion.  "Och.  I came from a religious background as well, but… well, naebody was going tae make me intae a religious figure, I know tha' much.  I just hope ye can find a place here, if ye canna get home."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían watches the transformation wide eyed, having never seen the like before.  "I think I can promise to avoid any giant robots I see.  That is so unusual to see," he says, half reaching out, then drawing his hand back.  And after a moment's hesitation, his hand is outlined in a sky blue glow.  "My rhy'thar is not so visibly dramatic."  And he extinguishes the light.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    "But ye are," Wolfsbane says, gesturing at Kían's appearance when he talks of that word in relation to not standing out all that much.  Still, she looks at least somewhat interested in the sight, but she's seen much more than just a little light show.  "An' whit do ye do wi' tha'?  Is it like a flashlight, or something more?" she wonders.
    Around that time, a shout can be heard from somewhere in the distance.  Apparently she wasn't the only one to see the glow.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I have used it that way," Kían explains, "but there's quite a bit more to it than that.  I can manipulate atomic forces.  I—"
    He breaks off, and turns in the direction of the shout.  "What—who was that?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
    Atomic forces?  That sounds… potentially dangerous.  Before Wolfsbane can ask anything more about that, she frowns.  "I'm no' sure, but I think it means we should be moving along.  Is there a good way tae reach ye if we want tae talk again?"  Already, she's dropping the wolfen guise entirely, inching toward the treeline.  From there, it'd be child's play to sneak off.  Best not spook this one by going full wolf just yet.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Titan's Tower," Kían says a little breathlessly, picking up on Wolfsbane's unease about the noise.  "I'm staying there for the time being."  He glances again in the direction of the noise.  "Be safe," he offers… and kicks effortlessly and swiftly into the air.

Wolfsbane has posed:
    That brings a flash of recognition to the Scottish mutant.  "Oh…" she answers, leaving it at that, clear that she recognizes and knows where that is.  "An' ye," she finishes to the call for safety, and his departure gives her a chance to better see how he looks when fluidly flying off.  With a last glance toward the direction of the shout, which can be heard again, she disappears into the trees, not to be seen in the area again on this evening.